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DAY 30(Sunday, 18 May 2014)LIVE ON LOVE ALONEIt has now been a whole month since I began my hunger strike at the Vatican’s doorsteps andPope Francis has yet to say a single word or acknowledge my presence. If anyone had a doubtabout the Holy See’s involvement in the depopulation genocide prior to my arrival here, I believeit is fair to say that all doubts have been dispelled by the Vatican’s self-indicting silence.People are asking me why do I starve for the Vatican when Pope Francis and the cardinals arenot capable or willing to show compassion for our children and justice for our world? It is notthe Vatican I starve for, but for the love of my children and of my fellow man; for the sake ofpeace and out of respect for the efforts of countless generations who have toiled and bled andstruggled to leave us a better world then they inherited. I starve in a desperate attempt to preventhistory’s greatest purge, which those who govern us seem bent on causing. Fall not for theirdeception and manipulations and prepare to bring to justice the very people who are in control ofour society at all levels unless they change course. If they indeed want a war we will give them awar, but this time it is their heads that will roll in the gutters not ours.Some of you also wonder how I can go without food for so long and still function let alone work18 hours a day. Although I have given an explanation for this peculiar ability in my book“Killing Us Softly: The Global Depopulation Policy” it is worthwhile to repeat here for thosewho lack the time or the inclination to read a book. The epiphany that gave me the strength toendure the unendurable took place in the Palau Islands in 2003 on a deserted island on theseventh and last night of a solitary kayaking adventure in that paradise in the middle of thePacific Ocean. To this day it remains too powerful and moving an event for me to butcher itwith a simple summary or even revisit so I will instead quote my original description.Sunset finds me gathering beach wood, of which there is plenty lying around, bone-dry and fire-ready.Before long the orange glow of a crackling bonfire sends forth its unpartisan warmth and jubilant flames jumpmerrily into the night sky. The beach is caressed by the fugacious tatters of flames and the ocean is touchedby the stealthy projections of stars.The water around me no longer gurgles and splashes as it did by the alcove where it got caught underthe cavity of rock below. Now it ripples and murmurs from three sides ever so gently on its encounter withthe soft and smooth sand where it washes ashore in shy wavelets.In the tent, as I lie on my back stretching, giving my poor spine a break from bending over the journaland writing, I can smell the musty, distinct odor of overused and underwashed sheets. In search of better air Islide half my body outside the tent and look skyward. Until now I, like everyone else living under the rules ofhuman civilization, have been defrauded of plenitude, of the multispectral inheritance of life, for only whenwe become single faceted are we any good for society and can conform and submit to its intelligence. Here,in the lap of nature, here, at the end of the world, I no longer long for plenitude. Here, I am whole.There is a panoply of stars up there, magnificent to behold, but still no moon to be seen. It hangs solow on the horizon in the northern sky that I can discern its hallow over the eclipsed ridges of distant islands,126

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