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DAY 29(Saturday, 17 May 2014)A DELICATE BALANCEIt is DAY 29 of my hunger strike and I have reached that precious state of being that straddlesthe material and the spiritual worlds. I describe it as being physically weakened, mentallystrengthened and spiritually in a state of grace. It is a delicate balance that is as beautiful andfragile as a blooming orchid.My health is great today and I have no pains and aches to report whatsoever. I am light on myfeet and as limber as a cat due to my diminishing weight. And speaking of my weight, I havelost another 100 grams since yesterday, which puts me at 76.7 Kg or 169 pounds and 1 ounce.This brings my total weight loss to date to 15.8 Kg or 34 pounds and 13 ounces. My body hastherefore shrunk by 17.1 % and has done so by losing an average of 564 grams or 19.9 ounces aday.I walked the 8 Km to St. Peter’s and back for my daily prayer in record time and had the deepestmeditation yet during my prayer. The square was relatively quiet and bathed in sunlight.Afterwards I spent a few minutes sun gazing and recharging my batteries, so to say.The Vatican and the UN are working at a frenetic pace behind the scenes to change course. PopeFrancis met with the heads of UN agencies here in Rome on May 9, which is no coincidence anda direct result of my hunger strike. The Vatican announced a few days ago that it will change itspolicy on the family and the UN announced around the same time that it will rewrite itsMillennium Development Goals. This is diplomatic speak for ‘we have hit a wall and arechanging course’. Guess what people, that wall is us!What dismays me, however, is that I see more action on the part of the system then on the part ofthe people. To change this I will now make concrete suggestions to those of you who are payingattention and want to help and be effective. It has become painfully obvious to me that we arejust threading water and getting nowhere.Let us channel our efforts towards constructive ends as follows:- Share my daily updates to five of your connections directly on their timeline rather than ingroups and ask them to do the same. This is the only way to get this viral. If you just postonce on your own timeline it will stay in our small circle of supporters and the circle will notexpand.- Send my daily updates to the Vatican press. Here they are again:119

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