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DAY 26(Wednesday, 14 May 2014)THE PROTESTANT CEMETERY OF ROMEIt is DAY 26 of my hunger strike and I am absolutely exhausted from nearly 30 Km or 18 milesof walking and several hours of filming. Hunger is still absent and I am in perfect health butcertainly not as resilient as I was at the beginning of this journey.My body feels like it is feeding on itself to keep up with the energy required to maintain a pacethat would be taxing even under normal circumstances. My shoulders and arms and even mylegs have thinned substantially and I am swimming in my clothes. Soon I will not have anythingto wear that fits properly. And when I look at myself in the mirror I find it hard to believe I amlooking at my own body and not at some skinny teenager.I have lost 200 grams since yesterday and that means I now weigh 77 Kg or 169 pounds and 12ounces. The total weight loss to date is 15.5 Kg or 33 pounds and 2 ounces. My body hastherefore shrunk by 16.7% and has done so by losing an average of 620 grams or 21.9 ounces aday.The Vatican continues to remain silent and thus indict itself more clearly than if it had called apress conference to confess to the world that its irrational position against the use ofcontraceptives is partially responsible for forcing secular authorities to resort to covert chemicaland biological sterilization that condemn our children to a life of illness, diminish theirintelligence, enfeeble our species, pervert our institutions, defile our rights and liberties, andhave created a hypocritical and utterly dishonest and ugly society that encourages vice and stiflesvirtue.Nick and I have started segment four of our documentary, which deals with the price humankindhas paid due to the Global Depopulation Policy and with the tragedy to come, as well asdiscussing what has been averted. Our setting was the Protestant Cemetery of Rome, which usedto be called the English Cemetery and is a beautiful and serene place that houses the remains ofmany past celebrities, including John Keats, the great Romantic poet who died in Rome at thetender age of 25.We did not complete all the shots we had intended because we were politely asked by the Britishand Kiwi volunteers who act as caretakers to stop filming and apply for a permit since revenue ismuch needed for the upkeep of the cemetery, which is indeed very well maintained and lovinglycared for. In return for our compliance we were treated to a short history lesson, since bothgentlemen we talked to were able historians who had each written a book about the cemetery.106

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