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DAY 25(Tuesday, 13 May 2014)A GIANT RIFTIt is DAY 25 of my hunger strike and I am beginning to feel feather light due to the rapid weightloss. On the walk to St. Peter’s today for my daily prayer I felt a little dizzy but otherwise I amnoticing no weakness and seeing no decrease in my physical abilities and, if anything, anincrease in my mental abilities.The weighing scales show that I have lost 300 grams since yesterday and that means I nowweigh 77.2 Kg, or 170 pounds and 3 ounces. The total weight loss to date is 15.3 Kg or 33pounds and eleven ounces. This means that my body has shrunk by 16.5% and that is has doneso by losing an average of 637 grams a day or 22.5 ounces.Last night, I was interviewed by Vinny Eastwood of New Zealand, who I consider a dear friendand enlightened soul, and did not go to bed until well past 3 AM. Today, I had to catch up onmy sleep and it was a good day for it as the sky here in Rome is overcast and somewhat gloomy.I had a three hour nap in the afternoon and feel refreshed but a little burned out after 25 days of18-hours a day of frenetic activity.It’s been a quiet day here in Rome during and after my daily prayer on St. Peter’s square and agood day to reflect on the magnitude of the task I have undertaken. To be successful we mustunderstand not only what is at stake, namely the lives of our children and the continuation of ourgenetic lines, but also how and why our own elected governments have turned against us andalong with the United Nations have become in effect the enemies of mankind, at least for theshort-term.The root cause of all our problems is this giant rift between the religious and secular factions ofsociety, between those who have put their faith in God and those who have put their faith inscience. We, the people, are caught in the middle of this turf war and it is over our dead anddying bodies that this despicable war rages on as it has over the past six centuries, but with anunprecedented level of indecency since the early 1950s. Both sides are equally guilty of thedamage done to humanity and equally blind in failing to see that if they simply put their faith inman all would be well.I have planted myself firmly in the middle and will not cease ground until both sides give us therespect we deserve and the consideration we have earned. Both the religious and scientificcamps ought to remember that it is from the fruits of our labor that they live. And that the onlyreason they can entertain their abstractions is because we, the people, create the surplus wealththat supports their endeavors and that the reason we do this is to benefit not harm humanity.102

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