Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 12/01/2012, 14.00 - East Lindsey ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 12/01/2012, 14.00 - East Lindsey ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 12/01/2012, 14.00 - East Lindsey ...


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<strong>Agenda</strong> AnnexSCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED AT THEPLANNING COMMITTEEMEETING DATE –<strong>12</strong> JANUARY 20<strong>12</strong>SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONNo. 4N/105/<strong>01</strong>183/11Page No. 28-39Additional letters have been received in relation to thisapplication.Anvil Cottage, Cinder Lane - the condition and proximity of thewarehouse continues to cause us concern so we hope that asatisfactory conclusion can be reached.63 Aswell Street - assume plans for new build submitted becauseapplication back at Committee. Previous comments sent onbehalf of him and his neighbours on new build still stand. (Needto be safe during demolition and afterwards by high fence. Anynew buildings should be on the same footprint and no larger thanexisting dimensions).No. 5N/110/<strong>01</strong>803/11Page No. 40-49 A letter of objection has been received from the occupant of 11Rossington Close on the grounds that a play area is desperatelyneeded in this area as the children currently play on the streetand the nearest playground is over a mile away across busyroads. Why has the play area not been completed all these yearslater?No.6S/087/00591/11Page No. 50-73At paragraph 4.3 of the officer report the word ‘not’ has beenomitted. It should read:4.3 What is more, the information submitted to enable thefinancial test to be applied to the agricultural enterprisedemonstrates that the agricultural enterprise is notfinancially viable and that it would not be able to sustainthe cost of a permanent dwelling based on currentreturns. The development is therefore considered to becontrary to Paragraph 3 (iii).No. 7S/<strong>12</strong>6/02021/11Page No. 74-83I would like to object strongly to the increase in opening hours forthe above site.I am concerned that the site is now becoming too 'residential' innature and this is unfair to local residents in this very rural area.I am concerned that this is a thin end of the wedge, taken in1Page 1

conjunction with applications for new facilities, including a newclub house, and that the site is in fact now, in reality used bysome as their main residence.Victoria Ayling. Ward Councillor.Paragraph 3.2 should be deleted as it repeats elements of theparagraph above.No. 10S/215/<strong>01</strong>857/11Page No. 98-105 Delete conditions 2 and 4Additional condition:-Before the development is commenced, full details of theproposed soakaway system for the disposal of surface water fromthe development hereby permitted, including percolation testresults, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by theLocal Planning Authority. Should the percolation test results beconsidered unacceptable by the Local Planning Authority detailsof an alternative means of providing for surface water drainageshall be submitted for consideration. The approved means ofsurface water drainage shall be implemented in full before thedevelopment hereby permitted is first brought into use.Reason: To ensure that the site is adequately drained, to avoidpollution, and to prevent increased risk of flooding. This conditionis imposed in accordance with Policy ENV3 of the <strong>East</strong> <strong>Lindsey</strong>Local Plan Alteration 1999.2Page 2

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