Requirement Document for Consignor - Regulated Agent Regime

Requirement Document for Consignor - Regulated Agent Regime Requirement Document for Consignor - Regulated Agent Regime


Part A - Section 1PurposePart A of this document is drafted with reference to the Hong Kong Aviation Security Programme(HKASP) under Aviation Security Ordinance (Cap. 494), Law of Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion (Hong Kong SAR). Part A of this document sets out the requirements for recognition of knownconsignor tendering cargo secure for both passenger aircraft and all-cargo aircraft (SPX cargo)departing Hong Kong SAR.Consignments received from a known consignor can be accepted for carriage onboard both passengeraircraft and all-cargo aircraft while consignments received from an account consignor can be acceptedfor carriage onboard all-cargo aircraft only.It is not compulsory for a consignor to be recognized as a known consignor. Consignments received froman unknown consignor cannot be accepted for carriage onboard passenger aircraft or all-cargo aircraftunless such consignment has been subject to appropriate security controls acceptable to CAD.Section 2Air Cargo Supply ChainThe three main entities along the air cargo supply chain are known consignor (KC) / account consignor(AC), regulated agent (RA) and aircraft operator (Airline).KCRAAirlinePassenger AircraftAll-cargo AircraftAir Cargo Supply ChainACRAAirlineAll-cargo AircraftAir Cargo Supply ChainThe security of air cargo supply chain consists of a set of interconnected security procedures applied tocargo consignments for maintaining their security integrity from the source or the point where screeningor other security controls are applied, until departure of the aircraft. As such, a known consignor and anaccount consignor shall implement security procedures in accordance with this document to establishthe security of cargo consignment at source and preserve such security prior to acceptance by aregulated agent or an airline for carriage by air.HKCAD RDKC-E (March 2013) Page 4 of 13

Part A - Section 22.1 Security ControlSecurity control is a means by which the introduction of weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices,articles or substances which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference can be prevented.The security controls acceptable to CAD for detecting the presence of concealed explosive or incendiarydevice (i.e. turning unknown cargo into known cargo) refer to searching by hand or physical check atpiece level, or screening by x-ray.2.2 Known Cargo (SPX or SCO Cargo) and Unknown Cargo (UNK Cargo)Known cargo is a consignment of cargo from a known consignor, an account consignor or a regulatedagent to which the appropriate security controls have been applied; or a consignment of unknown cargowhich has subsequently been subjected to the security controls acceptable to CAD. There are two typesof known cargo, namely:-(1) Cargo secure for passenger and all-cargo aircraft (SPX cargo):-SPX cargo is cargo which is accepted by a regulated agent (RA) or an aircraft operator (airline)as known cargo from a known consignor (KC), or any cargo which has been subjected to theappropriate security controls. SPX cargo is secure for carriage onboard both passenger andall-cargo aircraft.(2) Cargo secure for all-cargo aircraft (SCO cargo):-SCO cargo is cargo which is accepted by a regulated agent (RA) or an aircraft operator (airline)as known cargo from an account consignor (AC). SCO cargo is secure for carriage onboardall-cargo aircraft only.whereasUnknown cargo (UNK cargo) is either:-(a) any cargo other than known cargo as defined above; or(b) any known cargo which passes out of the custody of an airline, a regulated agent, a known consignor,an account consignor or their appropriate warehouse contractors or transportation contractors.HKCAD RDKC-E (March 2013) Page 5 of 13

Part A - Section 1PurposePart A of this document is drafted with reference to the Hong Kong Aviation Security Programme(HKASP) under Aviation Security Ordinance (Cap. 494), Law of Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion (Hong Kong SAR). Part A of this document sets out the requirements <strong>for</strong> recognition of knownconsignor tendering cargo secure <strong>for</strong> both passenger aircraft and all-cargo aircraft (SPX cargo)departing Hong Kong SAR.Consignments received from a known consignor can be accepted <strong>for</strong> carriage onboard both passengeraircraft and all-cargo aircraft while consignments received from an account consignor can be accepted<strong>for</strong> carriage onboard all-cargo aircraft only.It is not compulsory <strong>for</strong> a consignor to be recognized as a known consignor. Consignments received froman unknown consignor cannot be accepted <strong>for</strong> carriage onboard passenger aircraft or all-cargo aircraftunless such consignment has been subject to appropriate security controls acceptable to CAD.Section 2Air Cargo Supply ChainThe three main entities along the air cargo supply chain are known consignor (KC) / account consignor(AC), regulated agent (RA) and aircraft operator (Airline).KCRAAirlinePassenger AircraftAll-cargo AircraftAir Cargo Supply ChainACRAAirlineAll-cargo AircraftAir Cargo Supply ChainThe security of air cargo supply chain consists of a set of interconnected security procedures applied tocargo consignments <strong>for</strong> maintaining their security integrity from the source or the point where screeningor other security controls are applied, until departure of the aircraft. As such, a known consignor and anaccount consignor shall implement security procedures in accordance with this document to establishthe security of cargo consignment at source and preserve such security prior to acceptance by aregulated agent or an airline <strong>for</strong> carriage by air.HKCAD RDKC-E (March 2013) Page 4 of 13

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