2012-10-23 Summary BM.pdf - RTD

2012-10-23 Summary BM.pdf - RTD

2012-10-23 Summary BM.pdf - RTD


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Regional Transportation DistrictBoard of Directors1600 Blake StreetDenver, CO 80202-1399303-299-<strong>23</strong>03Chair – Lee Kemp, District IFirst Vice Chair – John Tayer, District OSecond Vice Chair – Matt Cohen, District MSecretary – Angie Malpiede, District CTreasurer – Kent Bagley, District HJeff Walker, Director, District DLarry Hoy, District JBarry Gore, District KBruce Daly, District NBill James, District ABarbara Deadwyler, District BWilliam “Bill” McMullen, District EJack O’Boyle, District GLorraine Anderson, District LTom Tobiassen, District FBOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGOctober <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> at 5:30 PMI. CALL TO ORDERChair Kemp called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.II.ROLL CALL-DETERMINATION OF QUORUMTen (<strong>10</strong>) Board Members were present at roll call. Directors Bagley, McMullen, O’Boyle andWalker were absent. Director Cohen arrived after the meeting began.III.RETIREE AWARDSRichard Brady, body mechanic with over 35 years with <strong>RTD</strong>, was the only retiree present.Dean Shaklee introduced Richard stating he started in 1977 as a service and cleaningperson. Richard has two sons and one of his hobbies is converting vintage cars into hotrods. Richard has worked on a number of projects including the major rehabilitation projectin the body shop. He will be missed.Richard stated <strong>RTD</strong> is a great company to work for. He has participated in over 15 roadeosincluding international at Disney, and NYC. He is looking forward to retirement and what itwill bring.Chair Kemp acknowledged all of the retirees for the wonderful service to <strong>RTD</strong> and wishedthem the best in their retirement.Special RecognitionsThe Board recognized participants of the bus roadeo and the light rail roadeo who finished inthe top three positions. The top bus roadeo winners will represent <strong>RTD</strong> at the Internationalroadeo in Indianapolis, Indiana.Bruce Abel, Assistant General Manager of Bus Operations introduced the following teams:OperatorsJohn JohnsonJohn DeschnerDan French1 st Place2 nd Place3 rd Place

MaintenanceCharlie ChavezJon Paul MitchellErnesto Perez1 st Place, Platte DivisionPrivate Contractor Bus OperatorsJose Ek Chan, First Transit Denver, 1 st PlaceAbniger Ek Chan, First Transit Denver, 2 nd PlaceSteven Hull, First Transit Commerce City, 3 rd PlacePrivate Contractor Bus Maintenance Team-1 st Place, First Transit Commerce City. Bruceintroduced Ike Miller, Supervisor with First Transit.Mike SacchettaSead BeharicDencho ParapunovSmall buses (Paratransit) Roadeo Winner: Global Transportation. Bruce asked LarryButer, Manager of Access-r-ride services, and Don Seese, Global Transportation to joinhim in presenting this award.Leonard SantistevanService and Cleaning:1 st Robert Duran2 nd Ralph Gonzales3 rd Mark BuyalsaiDave Genova, Assistant General Manager for Facilities, Safety and Security, presentedthe following award. He stated these are the people who rise early to make sure ourpark-n-rides, platforms, etc. are cleared during snowstorms and he has greatappreciation for what they do.Single Axle:David Williams and David Waite, 1 st placeTandem Axle:Guy Pierce and Tyra Jones, 1 st Place. Tyra was the first female place winner in thiscompetition.Light Rail Roadeo WinnersPhil Eberl, Manager, presented the awards to the light rail winners on behalf of AustinJenkins who was not in the office.Light Rail OperatorsBryan Coy, 1 st Place (This was Bryan’s first competition which he won)Diane Chavez, 2 nd PlaceJim Petty, 3 rd placeLight Rail MaintenanceRandall Lovegrove, 1 st PlaceKevin Steele, 2 nd PlaceGeorge Sweeney, 3 rd Place (has competed in over 13 local competitions and <strong>10</strong>internationals)

Chair Kemp commented these winners are committed to their trade and represents wellhow to make rubber hit the road and steel hit the track. The teams received a standingovation.IV.PUBLIC PARTICIPATIONJoel Noble representing the Curtis Park Neighborhood commented on the closing of thelight rail stop at 29 th and Welton. He indicated the neighborhood has been concernedaround the delays created by this stop that sometimes could be up to seven minutes.This would cause commuters needing to make connections at 30 th & Downing to misstheir connection. <strong>RTD</strong> has been studying this issue and looking for a resolution. TheCurtis Park Neighborhood and the Whittier neighborhood are in favor of the bypass ofthis stop which will save time getting through the single track. The City of Denver isalso looking at the light synchronization around that area.Joel indicated that there is a concern for safety at the 30 th & Welton location andrequested <strong>RTD</strong> to look at providing additional security for that station.Helen Bushnell, Lakewood Colorado, spoke about the call-n-ride service changes andstated she thinks this was lost opportunity. There had been a public hearing but theydid not receive any communications back since that hearing. <strong>RTD</strong> appears to selectivelyfavor certain groups input and this is unfortunate. The call-n-ride website needs to bedramatically improved. She would hope for follow-up from <strong>RTD</strong>.Chair Kemp instructed the General Manager to have a member of the staff to follow-upwith Ms. Bushnell.Darrell Watson, Whittier Neighborhood, echoed the support for the stop change at 29 thand Welton. He stated the community hopes this will solve the delay in makingconnections at the 30 th & Welton Station. He concurred on the safety concernsexpressed.V. COMMITTEE REPORTS-(See Minutes)Planning & Development Committee - Chaired by Director BagleyGovernment Relations Committee – Chaired by Director DalyFasTracks Monitoring Committee – Chaired by Director O/BoyleDBE Committee – Chaired by Director MalpiedeOperations/Customer Services Committee – Chaired by Director DalyFinancial/Administration Committee – Chaired by Director JamesGM Oversight and Performance Management – Chaired by Director BagleyFiscal Sustainability Task Force Committee – Chaired by Director TayerCDOT – Director CohenE-470 – Director O’BoyleACED – Director Hoy/WilliamsNorthwest Parkway-Director Anderson & Chair KempPension Committee – Director O’Boyle/TobiassenDirector Daly noted a couple of corrections to the Operations and Customer ServicesCommittee minutes which have been made.

VI.GENERAL MANAGER OVERSIGHT & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT UPDATEChair Kemp announced that there was no update from the General Manager Oversightand Performance Management Committee but there is an action item for approval of theGeneral Manager’s new contract for 2013.VII. APPROVAL OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18 <strong>2012</strong>MOTION:Director Deadwyler moved for theadoption of the September 18, <strong>2012</strong>Regular Board Meeting Minutes aswritten and circulated.Director Malpiede seconded the motion.VOTE ONMOTION:An electronic vote was taken with11votes in favor and 0 against.Directors Bagley, McMullen, O’Boyleand Walker were absent.Chair Kemp declared the motionPASSED Unanimously.VII.CHAIR’S REPORT September 19 th , the Board members and CDOT Commissioners had a dinner meetingwhere they had a collaborative discussion on transportation issues. They willcontinue to work collaboratively in addressing issues related to transportationinfrastructure and planning. September 30 th , Many of the Board members participated in APTA Annual wherethey had another opportunity to meet with transit representatives from agencies andbusinesses across the country to collaborate around issues such as MAP-21. ChairKemp was a recipient at this conference for the Transit Board Member of the Year. October 9 th , <strong>RTD</strong> joined with Downtown Denver Partnership in celebrating the 30 thAnniversary of the16 St. Mall. Board member James spoke at this event along withHonorable Mayor Hancock and State Representative Udall. Director Jamescommented it was good to see the collaboration between organizations on this mall. October 14-17 members of the Board attended the Rail-Volution Conference.Director Malpiede moderated a conference on Affordable Housing which had anoutstanding panel and was well attended. Director Cohen also moderated a panel onhow transit plans around station and funding which included component onaffordable housing. This session was also well attended including some big hitterdevelopers in LA) Chair Kemp recognized General Manager Washington for receiving an award at theDenver Business Journal PowerBook luncheon in the category of Construction andEngineering. The Executive Committee and members of Senior Leadership Teamattended this luncheon in support of the General Manager. General Manager

Washington commented this was truly a team and agency award.IX.GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Washington spoke about the FasTracks Risk Allocation (RAM)Process which staff had introduced to the Board in last Tuesday’s committeemeeting. Their initial plans were over a period of several months to bring to theBoard 1-2 options for cost savings/revenue enhancements. They would roll upabout 8 of these high impact items into one Board report for Board action.However, after some discussion with Board members and staff, they havedecided to introduce all of these options at one time in the next month or so forpossible consideration and voting by the Board in <strong>2012</strong>. The goal from thisactivity is to generate about $300M that can be used for FasTracks capitalspending.Chair Kemp indicated that he liked the idea especially since it allows the Boardmembers to do a side-by-side analysis of options and tradeoffs. Director Tayerfurther elaborated that this was discussed in the Executive Committee and hesees the benefits of bringing all the ideas together, especially since this Board hasbeen together for 2+ years and understand the challenges and compromisesneeded to complete FasTracks. They have the experience and depth and thisprovides opportunities to pursue additional options. Director Deadwylercommented that she likes the idea of getting everything at once but wasconcerned if the Board would be given adequate time to process and absorb theinformation. Director Hoy mentioned that he had been addressing some of hisconstituents in the north and they preferred to see the options being consideredall at one time. Director Anderson agreed this was a good approach. She alsoshared that she had attended the local government meeting where one of theissues was the need to be informed about these types of considerations so thatthey could attend the meeting. Chair Kemp requested staff to reach out to thelocal communities about this opportunity. The Board thanked Director Cohen forraising the issue in the Executive Committee. General Manager Washington shared that the Western High Speed Rail AllianceSymposium was held in Denver on October 22-<strong>23</strong>. He had been asked to presentto this group. The group size was about 50-75 and they are studying high speedespecially throughout the southwest. General Manager Washington indicated that as part of his investment in humancapital, the <strong>RTD</strong> Leadership Academy Graduation Ceremony is tomorrow, October24 at the Oxford Hotel. This represents significant achievement from a programthat spanned over twelve months. There are 25 graduates and they will have aguest speaker. Board members are invited. General Manager Washington indicated they were in the preparation for <strong>RTD</strong>/ATUCollective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations. He will be briefing the Board ontimelines and objectives in an Executive Session. Other Matters-General Manager Washington indicated that another one of hisleadership programs, MAX, which consisted of three agencies in participation lastyear, <strong>RTD</strong>, Los Angeles and Dallas, will expand to include a fourth agency-MBTAin Boston. MBTA is a more established, seasoned agency who can share somegreat knowledge around state of good repair processes.X. UNANIMOUS CONSENTChair Kemp asked for a motion to approve items A through J on the unanimous consent.

MOTION:DISCUSSION:VOTE ONMOTION:Director Anderson made the motion toapprove item A through J on theunanimous consent agenda.Director Cohen seconded the motion.Director Deadwyler asked to have itemB, Approval of the January 2013 ServiceChanges moved to recommended actionfor further discussion.The motion was revised to approveItems A through J excluding item B fromunanimous consent..An electronic vote was taken with 11 infavor and 0 against. Directors Bagley,McMullen, O’Boyle and Walker wereabsentChair Kemp declared the motionPASSED Unanimously.A. Approval of General Manager ContractIt is recommended by the General Manager Oversight and Performance ManagementCommittee that the Board of Directors approve the new General Manager’s contractwith an effective date beginning January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015 and withan option for two additional successive years.C. Approval of the West Corridor Service Plan-April 2013It is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board ofDirectors approve the West Corridor Service Plan package as revised and summarized inAttachment A and, further, to authorize the General Manager or his designee to executecontract amendments as necessary for private operators whose service is impacted bythese changes.D. Budget transfer from Technical Services Contracts to the SmartCard projectIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> Boardof Directors authorizes a budget transfer of $450,000 from Technical Services Contractsto the Retail Point of Sale (RPOS) portion of the SmartCard (SMT) project.E. Approval of Free Rides for the MilitaryIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board ofDirectors authorize the extension of the free rides on <strong>RTD</strong> for active duty members of theUnited States Military from the presently approved date of December 31, <strong>2012</strong> toDecember 31, 2013. Utilization has been minimal to date and this extension will haveminimal impact on <strong>RTD</strong>.

F. Approval of Corporate Sponsorship Program Contract AwardIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board ofDirectors authorize the General Manager or his designee be authorized to enter into acontract with IMG Consulting for the development and implementation of a corporatesponsorship program, to include naming rights and other sponsorship opportunities for <strong>RTD</strong>assets.G. 2013 Salaried Benefit Plans (Howerter/Sprague)It is recommended by the Financial Administration and Audit Committee that the Boardapprove the 2013 plan year salaried employee insured benefits budget and authorize theGeneral Manager to enter into an agreement with the Insurance Carriers.H. Proposed 2013 Fiscal Policy Statement (Howerter)It is recommended by the Financial Administration and Audit Committee that theBoard of Directors accept the modifications to the 2013 Fiscal Policy Statement.I. Authorization to Award the Construction Contract for the Pine Junction park-n-Ride(pnR) Relocation ProjectIt is recommended by the Planning and Development Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> Board ofDirectors authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute all documents necessaryto enter into a construction contract with Symmetry Builders Inc. in the amount of$1,279,875.68 for the construction of the Pine Junction park-n-Ride Relocation Project.The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will provide $960,000 of FundingAdvancement for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery (FASTER) funds for thisproject. <strong>RTD</strong> will provide the remainder of the funding for this project.J. Resolution No. ___, Series of <strong>2012</strong> related to the issuance of <strong>RTD</strong> Sales TaxRevenue Bonds, Series <strong>2012</strong>AIt is recommended by the FasTracks Monitoring Committee that the Board of Directorsapprove the attached Resolution Number __ (the “Resolution”), authorizing the issuanceof Regional Transportation District Tax-Exempt Sales Tax Revenue Bonds (FasTracksProjects), Series <strong>2012</strong>A.XI.RECOMMENDED ACTIONB. Approval of the January 2013 Service ChangesIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board ofDirectors approve the January 2013 Service Change package as revised and summarized inAttachment A resulting in an annualized cost increase of approximately $802,500 and,further, to authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute contract amendmentsas necessary for private operators whose service is impacted by these changes.MOTION:Director Anderson made the motion toapprove item A, approval of the January2013 Service Changes.Director Hoy seconded the motion.DISCUSSION:Director Deadwyler expressed appreciation to the Curtis ParkNeighborhood Association and the Whittier Community for their

support of the action to remove the stop at 29 th and Welton which isin her District. She had also done due diligence with the Five PointsCommunity and wanted to read into record a letter from the FivePoints Business Association. The letter raised questions on if theclosure will affect developers from investing in <strong>RTD</strong> TOD project ordeter other property owners from investing in the neighborhood.Director Deadwyler indicated she would support this closing with anunderstanding that this is an evaluation period in which <strong>RTD</strong> willreview if this provided positive changes to the delays in connectionsand come back with data in 6 months regarding the impact. A copy ofthat letter and letters of support from the Curtis Park and WhittierNeighborhoods are available in the Board office with the minute’snotebook.Re: The Closing of the Light Rail Station at 29 th and Welton St.Dear Board of Directors:The Five Points Business District represents property owners, business owners, andcommunity stakeholders in the heart of Historic Five Points. As you know, the abovereferenced station is located on the main street of our culturally historic Welton StreetCorridor.We felt it was important to announce this proposed closing to our mailing list of over800 community stakeholders and on our Face Book page. We included this subjectmatter on the agenda of our monthly community meeting held Saturday, October 6,where Mr. Jesse Carter from <strong>RTD</strong> spoke about the benefits of closing this station. Whilewe did not receive a multitude of complaints, I am concerned that the protests will notreally take place until the station is actually closed in January, one of the coldestmonths of the year.We recognize that the proposed closing may significantly increase the on-timeperformance and service reliability of this train. However, our property owners who arere -developing their sites to enhance the commercial prosperity of this area are notinclined to agree that increasing the on-time performance rate will outweigh the benefitsof spurring development activities on this corridor.Case in point: The Five Points community is included in <strong>RTD</strong>”s TOD Pilot Program tostudy the possibilities of developing land that <strong>RTD</strong> owns to revitalize our neighborhood.The <strong>RTD</strong>/TOD Pilot Program case study is on the parcel of land that is directly acrossthe street from the 29 th and Welton St. station.Will this closure affect developers from investing in <strong>RTD</strong>/TOD’s project if <strong>RTD</strong> shoulddecide to pursue development? Will closing the station deter other property owners frominvesting in the neighborhood?These questions are difficult to answer right now but should be asked and answeredprior to making the decision to permanently close this station. We hope that the <strong>RTD</strong>Board evaluates not only the on-time performance and reliability issue but also the effectthis closure has had on the commuters, the residents, and the property owners that arebeing encouraged to redevelop our historic district.

Sincerely,Tracy J. WinchesterExecutive DirectorVOTE ONTHEMOTION:An electronic vote was takenwith 11 votes in favor and 0against. Directors Bagley,McMullen, O’Boyle and Walkerwere absent.K. Approval of On-Vehicle Advertising Contract Amendment and Exercising ofOption YearsIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board of Directorauthorize the General Manager or his designee to amend the current contract for the sale andinstallation of on-vehicle advertising with Lamar Transit Advertising and to exercise the two yearoption component of the contract, consistent with the terms and amendments outlined in thisaction item.MOTION:Director Cohen made the motionto approve the on-vehicleadvertising contract amendmentand exercising of option years.DISCUSSION:VOTE ONTHEMOTION:Director Anderson seconded themotion.Chair Kemp shared that DirectorO’Boyle was opposed to thisaction and had expressedconcern over the branding image.However, Director O’Boyle wasabsent and would not be votingon this item tonight.An electronic vote was takenwith 11 votes in favor and 0against. Directors Bagley,McMullen, O’Boyle and Walkerwere absent.Chair Kemp declared the motionPASSED.

XII.XIII.EXECUTIVE SESSIONThere was no executive session.OLD BUSINESSThere was no old business.XIV.NEW BUSINESSGeneral Manager Washington asked to address the Board. He expressed thanks to theBoard of Directors for their vote of confidence in him and renewing his contract. Hereviewed some of the accomplishments that have been achieved over the last 21/2 years asGeneral Manager: Completion of lessons learned regarding FasTracks Focused on bus safety and sustainability showing a 41% improvement Created a learning environment that supports leadership development Became model for “WIN” program success story-is the farm team for this industryand continue to set bars Completed complex and difficult railroad agreement from East and Gold lines Delivered the first PPP-completed and executed $305 below budget Secured $1.03B full funding grant agreement (FFGA) for Eagle P3 Strategic Business Plan outlined ways to be sustainable TOD strategic plan ranked #1 above more mature cities Developed partnership with union which resulted in 93% of represented employeesvoting to extend the collective bargaining agreement Successfully Completed a Triennial review with outstanding results Secured $260M TIFIA loan Approved historic renovation of the DUS building Executed last $15M on capital program for US 36. Will finish capital in 2015 forBRT. Secured Unsolicited proposal to complete full I-225 corridor Introduced the RAM matrix which is a plan to reduce costs for FasTracks and help tofinance the completion of the FasTracks program General Manager Washington declined the level of salary that was offered to himand his salary is more in line with the rest of the agency. Built an outstanding team, one of the best in the country who are committed andpoised to continue to make <strong>RTD</strong> the envy of all transit properties. Failure is not anoption. They will stay the course as they focus on the Northwest quadrant, openingup the West, Gold and DIA Lines on target and focusing on obtaining additionalfunding for the full completion of all the corridors.Comments from Board members: Director Tayer stated that General Manager Washington has served this agency withhonor and he is a model leader. Director James stated that Phil is the best and he has enjoyed working with him. Director Anderson congratulated General Manager Washington on his award andagreed that he is an outstanding leader. Director Malpiede offered her congratulations and stated what a privilege it is to siton the GM Oversight and Performance Management Committee and to see the typeof visionary and capable leader that General Manager Washington is. She thanked

him on behalf of the communities of diversity and for his inclusivity. Chair Kemp stated that on behalf of Director Bagley, Chair of the GM Oversight andPerformance Management Committee, he thanked the team for the transparency andaccessibility of information. General Manager Washington is all about the agency.Other New Business: Director James reminded the Board and Senior Leadership of the memo they hadreceived on organizational membership. This is just another way of maintainingrelationships that we can partner with in this community to further the <strong>RTD</strong> agenda.He asked the members to look over the organizations to help us identify thebeneficial organizations and our level of involvement with them. He thanked ScottReed and Paula Perdue for their assistance and Chair Kemp and General ManagerWashington for their approvals. This is all about managing expectations. Chair Kemp reminded the Board of paperless packet training at the Study Session onOctober 30 th as well as the full week of training, October 29-Nov 2, for the agency.XV.ADJOURNThe meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.Prepared and Transcribed by:___________________________________________________________Paula Perdue, Executive Director to the Board of DirectorsThe following communication assistance is available for public meetings: Language Interpreters Sign-language Interpreters Assisted listening devicesPlease notify <strong>RTD</strong> of the communication assistance you require at least 48 hours in advance of a <strong>RTD</strong> meetingyou wish to attend by calling 303.299.<strong>23</strong>07THE CHAIR REQUESTS THAT ALL PAGERS AND CELL PHONES BE SILENCED DURING THE BOARD OFDIRECTORS MEETING FOR THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT.

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