showroom - Tile of Spain

showroom - Tile of Spain showroom - Tile of Spain
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RECORD VISITOR NUMBERS, INNOVATION, DESIGNAND THE CUTTING EDGE AT CEVISAMA 2006The spectacular Feria Valencia complex opened its doors from 7 th to 11 thFebruary to the 24 th CEVISAMA. Figures supplied by the venue’s managementindicate that this was the most successful year yet in the whole history of theexhibition with a record of 96,349 visitors registered. This was 7% up on thenumber for 2005 and included 11,920 visitors and buyers from abroad.TRANS/HITOS 2006, SYMBIOSIS OF CERAMIC TILES AND ARCHITECTUREThe second Trans/hitos, staged in CEVISAMA’s Central Mall, showed visitors howceramic tiles, surroundings and the people who inhabit them, in both public andprivate contexts, are linked and interact.On its very opening day the 2006 show promised to be special with theirExcellencies the Prince and Princess of Asturias travelling to Valencia to performthe opening. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia spent nearly two hours looking aroundthe exhibition’s various stands and the Trans/Hitos display.As well as visitor numbers, the other measure of the outstanding success ofCEVISAMA 2006 was the high quality of the products displayed by Spain’s ceramictile industry and the design and cutting edge look of the exhibition spacesthemselves, which have made the event a global reference point for design.Under the generic title of Symbiosis, the exhibit was divided into six spacesdesigned by a team from the Design and Architecture Department of theCeramic Tile Technology Institute and leading architects Benedetta Tagliabueand Francesc Rifé. It illustrated the potential for ceramic tiles and creative abilityfrom a perspective focused on new uses. In other words, it sought to createlinks between ceramic tiles and architecture, design and technology, the productand the built environment, manufacturing and experimentation with a commonthread running through them all: creativity at the service of an improvedenvironment.20CERASPAÑA

NEWS AND EVENTSTILE OF SPAIN AROUND THE WORLDThe early part of the year saw the Spanish tile industry involved in a number ofinternational events. More than 50 companies represented Tile of Spain atCOVERINGS in Orlando, USA.The official Spanish Paviliononce again included a hospitalityarea where visitors wereoffered a full programme ofactivities. Of particular notewas the extensive series ofseminars given by tile trainingexpert Patti FasanThe tile industry was representedat another leading event inNorth America, the KITCHENAND BATHROOM INDUSTRYSHOW (Chicago, 21-23 April).Tile of Spain promoted thecountry’s ceramic tile coverings product offer from its information stand by distributingpublications about the industry and providing visitors with contactdetails for Spanish manufacturers established in the US marketplace.The Russian Federation’s leading construction industry exhibition MOSBUILD,which is held in Moscow, also took place in April. 45 Spanish ceramic tile manufacturersexhibited within the official Spanish pavilion and, as in previous years,information on the exhibitors and the industry in general was provided to visitorsin Russian.SPANISH TILE WEEK IN GERMANYIn March Tile of Spain staged the second Spanish Tile Week at the celebratedProfessional Construction Training Centre of Germany in Krefeld (BZB).Part of the industry’s promotional plan for Germany, the event was attendedby eminent German expertsform the constructionindustry.For four days the BZB headquartershosted an extensivetraining programme that,as well as technical sessionsand practical tile installationand cutting demonstrations also featured a display of finished products,tools and machinery that showed visitors the diversity and versatilityof Spain’s product offer.SEMINAR ON THE TILE MARKET IN INDIAOne of the elements of ASCER’s Overseas Promotion Plan is a series of trainingdays that examine the different prospective markets for ceramic tilesaround the world. The latest seminar focused on the market for ceramic floorand wall coverings in India and was supported by the Spanish CommercialOffice in New Delhi and the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX).India is currently one of the markets with the greatest potential and prospectsfor growth and, with a population of more than a thousand million inhabitants,is a country that offers huge business opportunities.V TILE OF SPAIN ARCHITECTURE ANDINTERIOR DESIGN AWARDSWith a prize fund of 45,000 euros, thecompetition seeks to reward architecturaland interior design projects that havemade the best use of ceramic tiles producedin Spain.The jury includes prominent architectsand interior designers and representativesof relevant associations and the trade press. This year the jury is being ledby distinguished Chilean architect Mathias Klotz.The ever higher quality of the projects entered has meant that the standing ofthe Awards has grown significantly since their inception. This is amply demonstratedby the recent winners: the Spanish pavilion at the Aichi Expo in Japan(Foreign Office Architects), the refurbishment of Santa Caterina market inBarcelona (EMBT Arquitectes) or the Peñíscola Conference Centre (GarcíaParedes y García Pedrosa).The objectives of the seminars are, amongst others, to provide practical marketinformation, look at the opportunities for Spanish and foreign companies to worktogether and examine the role of the opinion leaders in the market in question.TV ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN LAUNCHESASCER has been running an aggressive tile promotion campaign across thenation since 2005. The campaign includes an advertisement broadcast onthe main Spanish television stations that aims to promote ceramic tiles as ageneric brand. Devised by top advertising agency Young and Rubicam, theadvertisement uses thestrapline “It’s ceramic.Feel it.” and aims to communicatethe versatility ofthe material to thevarious target audiencesby linking it to spacesthat project a sense ofmodern design and thecutting edge.CERASPAÑA21

RECORD VISITOR NUMBERS, INNOVATION, DESIGNAND THE CUTTING EDGE AT CEVISAMA 2006The spectacular Feria Valencia complex opened its doors from 7 th to 11 thFebruary to the 24 th CEVISAMA. Figures supplied by the venue’s managementindicate that this was the most successful year yet in the whole history <strong>of</strong> theexhibition with a record <strong>of</strong> 96,349 visitors registered. This was 7% up on thenumber for 2005 and included 11,920 visitors and buyers from abroad.TRANS/HITOS 2006, SYMBIOSIS OF CERAMIC TILES AND ARCHITECTUREThe second Trans/hitos, staged in CEVISAMA’s Central Mall, showed visitors howceramic tiles, surroundings and the people who inhabit them, in both public andprivate contexts, are linked and interact.On its very opening day the 2006 show promised to be special with theirExcellencies the Prince and Princess <strong>of</strong> Asturias travelling to Valencia to performthe opening. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia spent nearly two hours looking aroundthe exhibition’s various stands and the Trans/Hitos display.As well as visitor numbers, the other measure <strong>of</strong> the outstanding success <strong>of</strong>CEVISAMA 2006 was the high quality <strong>of</strong> the products displayed by <strong>Spain</strong>’s ceramictile industry and the design and cutting edge look <strong>of</strong> the exhibition spacesthemselves, which have made the event a global reference point for design.Under the generic title <strong>of</strong> Symbiosis, the exhibit was divided into six spacesdesigned by a team from the Design and Architecture Department <strong>of</strong> theCeramic <strong>Tile</strong> Technology Institute and leading architects Benedetta Tagliabueand Francesc Rifé. It illustrated the potential for ceramic tiles and creative abilityfrom a perspective focused on new uses. In other words, it sought to createlinks between ceramic tiles and architecture, design and technology, the productand the built environment, manufacturing and experimentation with a commonthread running through them all: creativity at the service <strong>of</strong> an improvedenvironment.20CERASPAÑA

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