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– 1:50,000 (for environs of large cities and for some nationalparks)– 1:100,000 (1993 – 2001, a topographic and tourist map)– 1 : 200,000 (1990–1992).The ‘Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Atlas of the Republic ofPoland) vol. I–IV, Warszawa 1993–1998, Główny Geodeta Kraju canalso serve as a useful source.2. GazetteersThe only Polish gazetteer containing geographic coordinatespublished so far is the ‘Nazwy geograficzne RzeczypospolitejPolskiej’ (Geographical Names of the Republic of Poland),Warszawa 1991. It contains approximately 28 000 geographic andplace names. Amendments are listed in ‘Zarządzenie ministra-szefaUrzędu Rady Ministrów z dnia 11 grudnia 1996 r. w sprawie ustaleniai zmiany nazw niektórych miejscowości’ (‘Monitor Polski’ Nr 79, 14grudnia 1996, poz. 713). The list of counties with their names andseats is to be found in the ‘Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’(Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland), no. 103, August 10,1998. The changes to the division into counties have been introducedon May 21, 2001 by the Council of the Ministers; published in the‘Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Official Gazette of theRepublic of Poland), no. 62, acts no. 630, 631.The ‘Katalog jezior polskich’ (Catalog of Polish Lakes) byA. Choiński, vol. I–III, Poznań 1991–1992 is a similar publication. Itis a list of 7000 lakes larger than 1 ha (with their location on 1:50,000-scale topographic map sheets).The ‘Wykaz urzędowych nazw miejscowości w Polsce’ (Indexof Official Names of Localities in Poland), vol. I–III, Warszawa 1982is an earlier publication of this kind. It locates places by formeradministrative units (new administrative division was introduced onJanuary 1, 1999).The names of newly established natural reservations can befound in ‘Rozporządzenie Ministra Ochrony Środowiska, ZasobówNaturalnych i Leśnictwa’ of December 23, 1998. Acts no. 1219–1234.30

The names of national parks, landscape parks and the areas ofprotected landscape can be found in the yearly publication ‘OchronaŚrodowiska – Environment’ put out by the Główny UrządStatystyczny.31

– 1:50,000 (for environs of large cities and for some nationalparks)– 1:100,000 (1993 – 2001, a topographic and tourist map)– 1 : 200,000 (1990–1992).The ‘Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Atlas of the Republic ofPoland) vol. I–IV, Warszawa 1993–1998, Główny Geodeta Kraju canalso serve as a useful source.2. GazetteersThe only Polish gazetteer containing geographic coordinatespublished so far is the ‘<strong>Nazwy</strong> <strong>geograficzne</strong> RzeczypospolitejPolskiej’ (Geographical Names of the Republic of Poland),Warszawa 1991. It contains approximately 28 000 geographic andplace names. Amendments are listed in ‘Zarządzenie ministra-szefaUrzędu Rady Ministrów z dnia 11 grudnia 1996 r. w sprawie ustaleniai zmiany nazw niektórych miejscowości’ (‘Monitor Polski’ Nr 79, 14grudnia 1996, poz. 713). The list of counties with their names andseats is to be found in the ‘Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’(Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland), no. 103, August 10,1998. The changes to the division into counties have been introducedon May 21, 2001 by the Council of the Ministers; published in the‘Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Official Gazette of theRepublic of Poland), no. 62, acts no. 630, 631.The ‘Katalog jezior polskich’ (Catalog of Polish Lakes) byA. Choiński, vol. I–III, Poznań 1991–1992 is a similar publication. Itis a list of 7000 lakes larger than 1 ha (with their location on 1:50,000-scale topographic map sheets).The ‘Wykaz urzędowych nazw miejscowości w Polsce’ (Indexof Official Names of Localities in Poland), vol. I–III, Warszawa 1982is an earlier publication of this kind. It locates places by formeradministrative units (new administrative division was introduced onJanuary 1, 1999).The names of newly established natural reservations can befound in ‘Rozporządzenie Ministra Ochrony Środowiska, ZasobówNaturalnych i Leśnictwa’ of December 23, 1998. Acts no. 1219–1234.30

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