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– publishing the official gazetteer of names of localities at leastevery ten years and the official index of names ofphysiographic objects at least every twenty years.3. Geographical Names AuthoritiesThere is no separate agency with legal responsibility forstandardizing geographic names in Poland. However, there areadvisory boards responsible for preparation of projects onstandardization issues. These are Commission for Establishing Namesof Localities and Physiographic Objects and Commission forStandardization of Geographical Names outside Poland.The legal responsibility for approving geographic and placenames is vested in appropriate state authority.Komisja Ustalania Nazw Miejscowości i ObiektówFizjograficznych (Commission for Establishing Names of Localitiesand Physiographic Objects) at the Ministry of the Interior andAdministration advises on standardizing of geographic and placenames as well as on changes of their spelling and pronunciation. Listsof standardized names are published in ‘Monitor Polski’.Address:Commission for Establishing Names of Localities andPhysiographic ObjectsMinistry of the Interior and Administrationul. Wspólna 400-926 WarszawaKomisja Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych poza GranicamiPolski (Commission for Standardization of Geographical NamesOutside Poland) at the Surveyor General of Poland advises onstandardizing of foreign geographic names, particularly of Polishexonyms as well as on changes of their spelling and pronunciation.Address:Commission for Standardization of Geographical Names outsidePolandHead Office of Geodesy and Cartographyul. Wspólna 200-926 Warszawa28

III. SOURCES1. Maps and AtlasesMedium- and large-scale topographic and administrative mapsavailable currently in Poland have been edited and published by bothnational surveying and mapping authorities and the Polish ArmyTopographic Service.The following official map series are available:– 1:10,000 (prepared for the whole country, printed sheetscover large cities and their metropolitan areas)– 1:25,000 (excluding the northwestern part of the country)– 1:50,000 (1977–1982, a new series published currently –approx. 50% of the country covered so far)– 1:100,000 (1979–1984)– 1:500,000 (1992); also as Tables 12.1 – 12.6 in the ‘AtlasRzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Atlas of the Republic of Poland),published by Główny Geodeta Kraju (Surveyor General ofPoland), Warszawa 1993–1998,– 1:750,000 Rzeczpospolita Polska. Mapa administracyjna(Republic of Poland. Administrative Map), published byGłówny Geodeta Kraju (Surveyor General of Poland),Warszawa 1999.Geographic names on 1:500,000 and 1: 750,000-scale maps areconsistent with the list of names in ‘Nazwy geograficzneRzeczypospolitej Polskiej’ (Geographical Names of the Republic ofPoland). The names contained therein are standardized.The following map series have been published by the PolishArmy Topographic Service:– 1:10,000 (1984, for Tatra Mountains)29

– publishing the official gazetteer of names of localities at leastevery ten years and the official index of names ofphysiographic objects at least every twenty years.3. Geographical Names AuthoritiesThere is no separate agency with legal responsibility forstandardizing geographic names in Poland. However, there areadvisory boards responsible for preparation of projects onstandardization issues. These are Commission for Establishing Namesof Localities and Physiographic Objects and Commission forStandardization of Geographical Names outside Poland.The legal responsibility for approving geographic and placenames is vested in appropriate state authority.Komisja Ustalania Nazw Miejscowości i ObiektówFizjograficznych (Commission for Establishing Names of Localitiesand Physiographic Objects) at the Ministry of the Interior andAdministration advises on standardizing of geographic and placenames as well as on changes of their spelling and pronunciation. Listsof standardized names are published in ‘Monitor Polski’.Address:Commission for Establishing Names of Localities andPhysiographic ObjectsMinistry of the Interior and Administrationul. Wspólna 400-926 WarszawaKomisja Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych poza GranicamiPolski (Commission for Standardization of Geographical NamesOutside Poland) at the Surveyor General of Poland advises onstandardizing of foreign geographic names, particularly of Polishexonyms as well as on changes of their spelling and pronunciation.Address:Commission for Standardization of Geographical Names outsidePolandHead Office of Geodesy and Cartographyul. Wspólna 200-926 Warszawa28

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