agenda general purpose & administration committee monday ...

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GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE6. RECREATION PROGRAMS, CULTURE & TOURISM COMMITTEEREPORTS TO COMMITTEEa) Report 13-24 of Nancy Marr, Museum Manager/Curator and Amanda Ferraro,Manager of Recreation, Culture and Tourism re Museum Policiespg. 9b) Report 13-25 of Amanda Ferraro, Manager of Recreation, Culture andTourism re Vending and healthier options at Uxpoolpg. 21UNFINISHED BUSINESSOTHER BUSINESS7. PUBLIC WORKS AND OPERATIONSCORRESPONDENCE149 Chris Cann, Goodwood Hall Board re Request for Improvements to theGoodwood Hall and Playgroundspg. 22150 Kim Baker and Brian Henshaw re Proposed Use of Elgin Park for the ClassicCar Cruise Inpg. 23REPORTS TO COMMITTEEa) Report PW 61/13 of Ben Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations re2013 Tree Assessmentpg. 25b) Report PR 16/13 of Bob Ferguson, Facilities Manager re Ball DiamondAllocation Policypg. 29

GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEEUNFINISHED BUSINESSOTHER BUSINESSa) Ministry of Transportation Truck Inspection Resultsb) Electrical Safety Authority re Proposed Fee Changespg. 36pg. 378. SUSTAINABILITY, WATERSHED AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEECORRESPONDENCE151 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority re Living City Policies forPlanning and Development in the Watersheds of the Toronto and RegionConservation Authoritypg. 38152 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the Living City re The LivingCity Environmental Dinner, November 7 th , 2013pg. 39153 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re LSRCA Annual ConservationAwards Ceremony, November 7 th , 2013pg. 40154 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority re Uxbridge Watershed AdvisoryCommittee Education Awardpg. 42155 Region of Durham re Watershed Management Futures for Ontario –Conservation Ontario Whitepaperpg. 43156 City of Pickering to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority re DraftLiving City Policies, TRCA, Watershed Management Futures for Ontario,Conservation Whitepaperpg. 49

GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE157 Melissa Clark, Solar Power Network re Request for Renewal of Blanket FeedIn Tariff Resolutionpg. 87UNFINISHED BUSINESSOTHER BUSINESS9. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEECORRESPONDENCE158 Ministry of the Environment re Land Application of Septagepg. 89159 Honourable John O’Toole, MPP re Land Application of Septagepg. 91160 Region of Durham re Monitoring of Growth Trendspg. 93161 Region of Durham re National Household Survey (2011) – Income, Housingand Shelter Costspg. 101162 Region of Durham re Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC), 2013Farm Tourpg. 125163 Region of Durham re Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee (DTCC) NewWebsite Projectpg. 128

GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE164 ECA Canada Company re Request to amend Landscape Plan for the facilityat 34 Anderson Boulevard in the Uxbridge Industrial Parkpg. 137165 Foxbridge Golf Club re Foxbridge Golf Club Proposed Uxbridge Walking Pathpg. 141166 Brookfield Homes re Proposed Trail Linkage and Proposed Parkette – FoxTrail Condominium Development, Brookfield Homes, 228 Brock Street Eastpg. 144REPORTS TO COMMITTEEa) Report DS 58/13 of Brian Pigozzo, Chief Building Official re September 2013Month End Reportpg. 155UNFINISHED BUSINESSOTHER BUSINESSa) Region of Durham, Notice of Adoption of Amendment No. 146 to the DurhamRegional Official Planpg. 15710. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMITTEECORRESPONDENCE167 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs re Small, Rural and NorthernMunicipal Infrastructure Fund (please refer to Report TR 44/13 of Al Shultz,Treasurer re To Obtain Approval to Submit an Expression of Interest for Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund – Capital Program Funding)pg. 161168 Anne Kewley, Chair, North House Transitional Housing re Request forSupport of “Coldest Night of the Year” a Fundraising Walk for North HouseTransitional Housingpg. 163

GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE169 Marie Persaud, Coldwell Banker Real Estate Brokerage re Vacant Townshipowned property at 56 Wagner’s Roadpg. 165170 Linda Boyd, Project Manager and Marian Bellamy, Chairperson, UxbridgeGenealogy Group re Letter of Thanks to Uxbridge Library IT Support Staffpg. 168REPORTS TO COMMITTEEa) Report TR 42/13 of Donna Condon, Deputy Treasurer re Proposed 2014Budget Timetable (Tabled during the regular meeting of the General Purposeand Administration Committee of October 7 th , 2013)pg. 169b) Report TR 43/13 of Al Shultz, Treasurer re Reduction of Securities Related toCurb Lane Site Planpg. 171c) Report TR 44/13 of Al Shultz, Treasurer re To Obtain Approval to Submit anExpression of Interest for Small, Rural and Northern Municipal InfrastructureFund – Capital Program Fundingpg. 172d) Report PW 62/13 of Ben Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations reTender U13-33 – Cemetery Road Streetlightspg. 175e) Report CL 55/13 of Debbie Leroux, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk rePotential Sale of the Goodwood Lions Hall (Uxbridge Municipal Hall) – 4289Front Street, Part Lot 17, Concession 3pg. 176f) Report CL 56/13 of Debbie Leroux, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk rePotential Sale of the Siloam Hall – Siloam School SS#8 – 7040 Concession 2 –Part Lot 31, Concession 1pg. 180

GENERAL PURPOSE & OCTOBER 21 st , 2013ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEEg) Report FR 13-10 of Fire Chief Scott Richardson re Being a by-law to providethe Township of Uxbridge Fire Department information on premises utilizingan alternate energy sourcepg. 183UNFINISHED BUSINESSOTHER BUSINESSa) Accounts for October, 2013pg. 18911. ADJOURNMENT

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