iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983

iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983

iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983


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EXTENDED PROTECTIONSEND PRIVILEGE LEVELMoving or deleting the descriptor for a segment or the name of an object may have even more drasticeffects on other tasks than using the code or structures in the segment or object. Consider the effect ofdeleting or mailing away a descriptor for a global data segment (for example, a translation table)shared by all tasks in the system. A task that assumes the existence of the global segment will causean exception when it references the deleted descriptor slot. This points out the need for control overthe right to send or delete a descriptor.One way of implementing such control is to associate with each descriptor (including alias descriptors)a send privilege level (SPL). Procedures that move or delete descriptors (such as SEND_MESSAGEand DELETE-ALIAS) interpret the SPL and ensure that the calling procedure cannot delete (send)a descriptor from the GDT or its LDT unless CPL

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