iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983

iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983

iAPX 286 Operating System Writers Guide 1983


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<strong>iAPX</strong><strong>286</strong>MAeRJ~ASSE~BlfKLoeOBJ~nter Protec'hCl Mod.'60-516 dateLINESJUnEPAG" 3l....0I0>~ob:1I0002 00000004 000005 000006 00000008 0000OOOA 0000oooe 000000 00OOOE 00000010 00000012 00000014 000015 000016 00000018 0000OOlA 0000ODIC 000010 00~Ole. 00000020 3FOO0022 00000024 000025 9Z0026 00000028 3FOOOOZA 0000ooze 000020 81002E 00000030 (86697988990H92939495 +196979899100101102103104105GJT_DESe DESC ·C"scriptor for EPRO>l .. OTlOT_DEse DESC Descriptor for EPROM lOTr:"P_OESC OESt Temporary descript~rDefine a descriptor which points the GDT"at location O.This descriPtor ii also loaded into S5 to define th~ initialprotected-mod~stack se~ment.TE"P_ST4CK CESC SEJECTDefina tho TS5 descriptor us.d to allow the task switch to thefirst task to overwrite this region of memory. The TSS overl~ysthe initial GOT and stack at 10cation,0.SAVE_ TSS oesc Define the initial stack space and filler for the end of the TSS.OW 8 OUP (0)Figure 10·1. Initialization Module ENTP (Cont'd.)en--t(5Z

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