Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library


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II. <strong>Counseling</strong> in Sexual Misconduct Situations.Sins listed are not petty irritations drawn up for the sake of a jealous God. They are,rather, a description of the impediments to spiritual growth. We are the ones who sufferwhen we sin. We forfeit the development of character and Christlikeness that would haveresulted if we had not sinned. God, the Father, has something better, far better that what sinbrings in all it's enticements.Divorced from love, giving, personalities and God's regulations, sexuality becomes anugly, demanding, destroying master. The obsessions may bear resemblances topornographic additions. These also are displacements of the sexual energy meant to fire thelove between a husband and wife.Lust is the lion that can destroy. Tame him as we will by day, he rages all the wilder indreams by night. Just when we think we are safe from him, he raises up his ugly head andsmirks, strikes, and destroys. Bogus sex damages both the user and the used.A. Immediate Concerns You May Need to Address.1. Deep pain, anger, and hurt are in play.2. The emotional stability of victims and victimizers demands first attention.3. You will need to try to forestall any rash decisions on their part.Usually they feel they must act--now.4. Rash solutions they want to implement are usually born in the throes of anger, rageor despair, (such as quick divorce, violence, rash acts.)B. Things to Keep in Mind.1. Truthfulness may hurt like an incision, but it begins the healing process. Lies fostermarriage dissolution.2. Lust has its attractions. It must be replaced with <strong>Biblical</strong> actions. Truly knowingGod and deeply experiencing marital love offers hope. They must be helped with<strong>Biblical</strong> counseling. This will take much time.3. Sexual deviations usually require more than volition to be healed. Many factorshave brought the person to this place; there must be thorough ministering tobring the person to wholeness.4. Prayer, spiritual healing, and competent <strong>Biblical</strong> counseling will have their goodaffect.note: Crisis counseling involves a number of steps:* First, help the person bring to light what has been hidden.* Develop a preliminary plan to break the habit.* Work toward a fundamental change of attitude. (The behavioral roots of obsessioncan be laid bare--such as childhood factors, dubious self-perception,misunderstandings, past failures, etc.)©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 67

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