Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library
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CONCLUSIONS:Hopefully, you are now gaining a better understanding of how to use your emotions toidentify your sinful self-talk, and sinful misbeliefs or wrong beliefs. You will need to work atrejecting Satan's lies and your own self perpetuated lies, and replace them with truth. Truthwill set you FREE.You have built your belief system (lies we say to ourselves and hence beliefs weaccept) over the period of many years. Change will not take place in a day! You will need towork at it, using the above suggested method and materials.You may have experienced the deep pain of a dysfunctional family background, neglect,abuse, chronic condemnation, and many sinful habits and patterns of life you have formed.These must be considered and dealt with as you work toward change.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 60

Appendix CWORKING WITH CRISIS PROBLEMSTo be called into crisis is not unusual for the busy pastor, it might take place in the middleof the night or in the middle of an important meeting. And it can take many differentdirections, and for many different reasons. It may come from active church members orsomeone with whom the church has some contact. Often the cry of distress will come.Inevitably and repeatedly people will desire an answer in their need, or at least some comfortand hope. It can be from a drug overdose, or a sudden heart attack, or a rage in the homethat turns violent, sudden illness, teenage pregnancy, and a multitude of other things.But do pastors feel prepared? Capable? Fit for the task? After all, who is really fit topiece together a shattered marriage? Who's prepared to call on the father whose .44magnum in a daughter's hand snuffed out her life? Who is sufficient for the questions anagonizing adolescent seeks about his homosexuality or the devastation the parents feel. Yetpastors must respond and care for the hurting of our world--despite their own frailties,inabilities, their own needs or misgivings. Yes we are called into crisis.I. A General Understanding of The Crisis Involvement.Pastors will find themselves called into a number of crises: Problems with children, loss ofjobs, arrest, rape--you name it, many a pastor has faced it. People do get into binds andpastors do get involved, and often they are expected to have all the answers.The editors of LEADERSHIP JOURNAL, in conjunction with Christianity Today, Inc.,surveyed clergy subscribers and found that there are nine crisis situations that pastors foundto be the most difficult and the most frequent. We will endeavor to deal with these briefly inthis material.These nine include: domestic violence/family abuse, suicide, homosexuality, death of achild, drug-alcohol abuse, divorce, adultery/sexual misconduct, death of a spouse, andcatastrophic or terminal illness. A tenth, congregational personality conflicts, scored high indifficulty and highest in time spent on it.We will endeavor to give an overview of each one of these, (not stories or illustrations)including insights, principles and possibly some books or materials that could be studied inpreparation for the time spent with the people in the crisis.II. The General Components of a Crisis.A. Is the Crisis Caused by Real or Imagined Factors?1. The person may perceive that he is in a crisis, (and in his mind he is) butactually it may not have a basis of reality.2. Our perceptions of events affect our behavior more than the events themselves. Infact, our feelings aren't products of the event; they are produced by what we TELLourselves about the event.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 61

CONCLUSIONS:Hopefully, you are now gaining a better understanding of how to use your emotions toidentify your sinful self-talk, and sinful misbeliefs or wrong beliefs. You will need to work atrejecting Satan's lies and your own self perpetuated lies, and replace them with truth. Truthwill set you FREE.You have built your belief system (lies we say to ourselves and hence beliefs weaccept) over the period of many years. Change will not take place in a day! You will need towork at it, using the above suggested method and materials.You may have experienced the deep pain of a dysfunctional family background, neglect,abuse, chronic condemnation, and many sinful habits and patterns of life you have formed.These must be considered and dealt with as you work toward change.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 60

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