Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library
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F. Failures Can be Turned into Opportunities.1. He must see where he failed, why, and how to correct it. (This could includeslothfulness, physical sickness, pride, sleep loss, etc.)2. The counselee can see his basic problems in a new light and possibly recoup byconfession and reconciliation concerning this area of failure.IV. Some Samples of Possible Homework Assignments.A. Write out a list of your sins. (See Eph. 4 as a guideline.)B. Seek reconciliation with that offended brother.C. Write out a praise list. (Ps. 142, 145) or a think list, (Phil. 4:8) or a thank list. (See Eph.5:19,20.)D. Use the D. P. P. form and make a notation of your anger outbursts.E. And make up a schedule for your life, and also a list of priorities. List those priorities inorder of importance to you, and/or to God.F. As a counselor you need to prepare a number of studies on various problems thatpeople face and have them ready for homework assignments. These studies will get theclients into the Word of God for themselves.G. Write out questions you may have this week.H. Attend Church and Sunday School and begin a devotional life. (Help the counseleeto begin a devotional notebook.)I. Memorize and outline certain portions of Scripture such as, (Rom.13:14; II Cor. 3:18;I Cor. 6:11; 6:19-20)©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 46

Appendix ATHE NATURE OF COUNSELING PHILOSOPHIESI. DefinitionsA. Psychology can be defined as a science, and an art, which studies the directlyobservable behavior of men and animals, and the less directly observable feelings,thoughts, motives and self-concepts that cause or accompany such behavior.B. A clinical psychologist attends 4 years of college, followed by 4 or 5 years of graduateschool and completes at least a year of internship. At the end of this training hereceives a PH. D. in clinical psychology. After an exam he is certified as a psychologist.He can conduct interviews and treat people or groups of people.C. A psychiatric social worker takes four years with a pre-social work major. This isfollowed by a two year graduate study which leads to a master of social work degree.He or she is involved in group and individual counseling, especially between the patientand his family.D. The psychoanalyst is a psychiatrist with several years of additional training in thespecific treatment and techniques and theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers.Only a few have taken this long and specialized training which qualifies them to bepsychoanalysts.II. Four Secular Models of Psychology and Religion.A. Psychology Against Religion-- it's position is-1. Science or the scientific method is the only valid means of truth. Truth claims otherthan science are destructive.2. Religion is a myth rather than truth, and is destructive.3. Religion's destructiveness is its prohibitive or inhibitive effect on its members and onsociety.4. "Scientific" (valid) psychology is the solution to individual problems.Examples: Ellis and FreudB. Psychology of Religion -- or that--1. Man is a spiritual-moral being, at least from a humanistic sense.2. Religion, technology, science or society which denies man's spirit, and thus hisnature, creates pathology ( or suffering).3. Most all religions have recognized the spiritual-human quality of man and thus havethe right approach.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 47

Appendix ATHE NATURE OF COUNSELING PHILOSOPHIESI. DefinitionsA. Psychology can be defined as a science, and an art, which studies the directlyobservable behavior of men and animals, and the less directly observable feelings,thoughts, motives and self-concepts that cause or accompany such behavior.B. A clinical psychologist attends 4 years of college, followed by 4 or 5 years of graduateschool and completes at least a year of internship. At the end of this training hereceives a PH. D. in clinical psychology. After an exam he is certified as a psychologist.He can conduct interviews and treat people or groups of people.C. A psychiatric social worker takes four years with a pre-social work major. This isfollowed by a two year graduate study which leads to a master of social work degree.He or she is involved in group and individual counseling, especially between the patientand his family.D. The psychoanalyst is a psychiatrist with several years of additional training in thespecific treatment and techniques and theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers.Only a few have taken this long and specialized training which qualifies them to bepsychoanalysts.II. Four Secular Models of Psychology and Religion.A. Psychology Against Religion-- it's position is-1. Science or the scientific method is the only valid means of truth. Truth claims otherthan science are destructive.2. Religion is a myth rather than truth, and is destructive.3. Religion's destructiveness is its prohibitive or inhibitive effect on its members and onsociety.4. "Scientific" (valid) psychology is the solution to individual problems.Examples: Ellis and FreudB. Psychology of Religion -- or that--1. Man is a spiritual-moral being, at least from a humanistic sense.2. Religion, technology, science or society which denies man's spirit, and thus hisnature, creates pathology ( or suffering).3. Most all religions have recognized the spiritual-human quality of man and thus havethe right approach.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 47

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