Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library


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Year's resolutions--they are ineffective. It is not enough to confess the sin. Counselees mustreceive help to begin the change, or discouragement and continued failure will bringhopelessness.D. Dehabituation and Rehabituation Will Effect Change (Ephesians 4:17-29).1. God calls for change in the manner of life. "Put off and Put on"(Ephesians 4: 22-24; Colossians 3: 5-14).2. God does not call for a cessation but for a change. Change is a two-faceted processand both must be present for results. (This two-part process is found often in theWord of God.)3. Change is directed toward a way of life, not just some activities that are involved insuch living. The counselee is renewed unto a change of his whole life style.E. There must be a Breaking and a Making of Habits.1. A manner of life is a habitual way of living, for we are creatures of habit. Manyhabits, so to speak, have become second nature.2. Discipline is the key-- (Note I Timothy 4:7 -- "exercise"). This is the word-- gymnazoorgymnastics--or to work out. This is the "key" to victory for the <strong>Christian</strong>.(See II Peter 2:14; Hebrews 5:14.)note: We become godly or ungodly by the exercise or the practice of right or wrong.Counselors must help the counselee to break lose from the web of sin, the habit of sin, andhelp him replace the wrong habits with Christlike habits and Christlike ways.• Habits work for us or against us. The counselor must continually reckon with habitsproblems.• The <strong>Biblical</strong> way to godliness is not easy or simple, but it is the solid and true way.• Negative attitudes can be changed, tempers can be controlled, but it takes discipline andproper motivation.• The <strong>Christian</strong> life is a life of continual change. The life of the saved is called a "walk" andnot a rest (Ephesians 4, 5; II Corinthians 3:18).• Counselors must recognize that too many <strong>Christian</strong>s (counselees) give up too soon.• Change is a grace-motivated effort, not the work of the flesh. Liberty comes through thediscipline of the Word of God, not apart from it.• It is prayerful obedience to the Scriptures that produces godly patterns.• <strong>Christian</strong>s are happiest when they are living within the framework of God's Word.• One's "feelings" are perhaps the biggest problem of all. We must live according to theWord of God regardless of how we may feel.• It is not enough to put off one way of life; new habits of the new way of life must be putin place of the old.• It is not enough to just go to church, pray, and read the Bible. There must be more thanthat to draw from in the counselees repertoire. It takes effort--literally "being exercised"unto godliness, unto change.©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 34

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