Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library

Biblical Counseling.pdf - Online Christian Library


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PREPARATION TOWARD CARING AND COUNSELING(At this point I would also encourage you to study the materials in the book, "Caringand <strong>Counseling</strong>"... Introduction and pages 1- 3) It would be good to bring up the book andcopy all of it. )Part FiveSOME GENERAL PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES INCOUNSELINGI. The Ministry of <strong>Counseling</strong> in the Local Church:(note materials on Pg 3-5 of the book -- Caring and <strong>Counseling</strong>. --study these pages).A. Calling people to remembrance-B. A ministry of exhortation-C. A ministry of modeling-D. A ministry of encouragement-II. The Qualities and Characteristics We Must Have:It is as the shepherd, and not the psychiatrist, that God has assigned the task. The Holy Spiritwith the Word of God will bring change in personality and character. The Bible is the textbookfor counseling (II Peter 1:3) for it tells the believer how to relate to God and man.(Notes in Caring and <strong>Counseling</strong> Study these pages -- Pgs. 5, 6)A. We must possess knowledge-B. We must have adaptability-C. We must have genuine concern-D. We need insight-E. We must have "goodness, knowledge, wisdom" (Romans 15:14).Since all <strong>Christian</strong>s need counseling at some time or the other and since all saints need togrow so they can counsel others, all of us must work at having the <strong>Biblical</strong> qualificationsfulfilled in our daily lives.1. Goodness embraces both the involvement and the empathetic loving concern about whichsomething already has been said or shared by the counselee. We love people because weare concerned for them. This should be a kind of spontaneous response to others inneed. We are also to provoke others to love and to stimulate them to good works.(See Hebrews 10:24.)2. We need knowledge, the understanding of the truths of the Word of God. We must sosaturate our lives with the principles of the Word of God that we can meet needs. Itinvolves adapting the Word of God to human situations without compromising it.We need the spiritual gift of discernment.The counselor will "exegete" the Word of God and thus apply the Scriptures in apractical fashion. He will labor to exalt Christ and meet human needs, and not justgive verses like "pills."©2000, Revival in the Home Ministries 22

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