Letter Shipments - Posten

Letter Shipments - Posten

Letter Shipments - Posten


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A cheaper way to send many letters abroad.You are now able to lower your postage costs by as much as 25% when you sendlarge numbers of letters abroad!When you send more than 300 First Class letters or 500 Economy letters at thesame time you can use the postage for <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International. You pay atotal price for the entire mailing based on the number of letters and the shipment'stotal weight, instead of paying postage per letter. Thus you always pay postage forthe exact weight of the letters. The conditions of <strong>Letter</strong> shipments International are,besides a minimum number of letters, that the letters have the same weight, formatand sender. The only sorting you have to do is dividing the mailings per receivingcountry in separate transport boxes, box carts or pallets. With the postage for <strong>Letter</strong><strong>Shipments</strong> International you and your company have a better opportunity to coverthe international market.<strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International information.Delivery timeMinimum amountThe delivery time is the same as for First Class Mail and Economy Mail respectively.See www.posten.se, leveranstider for information. Information in Swedish only.A shipment must contain at least 300 First Class letters or 500 Economy letters.Dimensions<strong>Letter</strong>Maximum dimensions:Minimum dimensions:Length 381 mm, width 305 mm, thickness 20 mm90 x 140 mm (flat surface).WeightContentWrappingAddressingMaximum weight 500 grams. All mailings in a shipment should have the same sender and formatbut the weight may vary up to 30 grams between the heaviest and the lightest letter.The mailing must not contain dangerous goods or valuable contents. Goods that are considereddangerous are outlined in the Swedish law governing the transportation of dangerous goods andthe World Postal Convention. The mailing must not contain valuable contents, i.e. gold, silver,jewels, coins, banknotes and redeemable stocks and bonds. The market value of the mailingmust not exceed 2,000 SEK.The mailings should be sent in wrappers that protect the content properly. The wrapper must beadapted to the content and stand normal mail handling. If plastic is used it must be of goodquality and be such that it is able to write or make clear stamps upon.The recipient's address must be correctly indicated in such a way that it can be understood inthe receiving country. The name of the receiving country is indicated in Swedish in capitals.Write ”Sweden” in the language of the receiving country, in French (SUÈDE) or English (SWEDEN)in the sender's address.

LabellingCustoms declarationDrop-offsBookingAdditional servicesPaymentLiabilityGeneral conditionsCustomer ServiceFirst Class Mail should be labelled with the blue label ”Prioritaire 1:a klassbrev” or the word”Prioritaire” to the left of the stamp. Economy Mail should be labelled with the green label ”BEkonomibrev” or the letter ”B” to the left of the stamp. Each letter is labelled with the internationalpostage prepaid label (Port Payé) and Swedish sender. The labels are available fordownloading at www.posten.se.Shipping documents MailMail pieces to countries within the EU do not need customs declarations.Mail pieces to countries outside the EU that contain documents do not need customs declarations.The following applies to postal items sent to countries outside the EU that containsomething other than documents.Customs declarationValue of goods 1 - 2,000 SEK• Green customs label (bl. 2013.11)Commercial trade• Commercial/pro forma invoice in 2 copies are added to customs documents.• Certificate of origin may be submitted in the form of an invoice declaration (up to certainvalues)• EUR 1 (irrespective of value of goods) that must be stamped by the Swedish customs.You will find more information at www.tullverket.se and www.swedishtrade.se.<strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International are dropped off at <strong>Posten</strong> Business Mail Centre or mail terminal.The shipment is handed in together with a packing slip. You sort the mailings of the shipmentaccording to country and pack them in transportation boxes, letter containers or on pallets.No more than one country per cargo holder. Should the sorting of the shipment beincomplete a surcharge of 25 öre (excl VAT) per mailing will be added or the part of the shipmentthat is unsorted.Should the shipment contain more than 10,000 mailings, it has to be prenotified before 5 p.m.the weekday before the day of drop-off to <strong>Posten</strong> Customer Service at +46(0)771 21 00 21 or atwww.posten.se. For unbooked shipments or shipments that are booked to late a surcharge of25 öre (exkl VAT) per mailing will be added. A surcharge of 25 öre will also be added if thevolume of the drop-offs differs from the booked volume. However, the surcharge is onlyapplied to the dicrepancy and when there is at least 5,000 mailings. Example: Booked20,000 mailings. Drop-offed 50,000 mailings. The difference, 30,000 mailings, will accumulatea charge of 0.25 X 30,000 = 7,500 SEK (excl VAT).<strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International may not be combined with additional services.Invoicing 10 days net. To apply for invoicing agreement – please contact <strong>Posten</strong> CustomerService +46 (0) 771 21 00 21. In case of non-payment, penalty interest must be paid by law.Lost, damaged or delayed <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International will not be compensated.Conditions for <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong> International and <strong>Posten</strong>'s General Customer Terms andConditions for Traders and other Organisations (PAKN) apply to <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Shipments</strong>International. You may obtain the conditions at <strong>Posten</strong> Customer Service or atwww.posten.se.Do you have any complaints or inquiries? Please contact <strong>Posten</strong> Customer Service,+46 (0) 771 21 00 21.

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