Business Modelling: - tud.ttu.ee

Business Modelling: - tud.ttu.ee

Business Modelling: - tud.ttu.ee


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Level1L:evBeulsi2nLevel: e 3:sBusineBsssuProcessAsirn<strong>ee</strong>assGroupLevel 3:<strong>Business</strong>ProcessStepLevel 4:<strong>Business</strong>Process Activitye.g. 3. Order to Cashe.g. 3.1 Order managemente.g. 3.1.1 Order Processinge.g. Standard Sales Ordere.g. Order ProcessingModuleOr der dataSal es Order Confir mationRM@FS( R/3)Pri ci ng agr <strong>ee</strong>m entCons ult ingagr<strong>ee</strong>mentRM@FS( R/3)RM@FS( R/3)i s input forhas output ofRes our c eConfir mati onRes s orc eConfir medO bt ain approvalon handbook ingHard Book ingac c ept edOrderProc es i ngOrder has b<strong>ee</strong>nent eris input f orTr igger c r eat ion c ar ri es outof a Cons ult inghas output of agr<strong>ee</strong>mentConsul tingagr<strong>ee</strong>mentex ecut e.Proc es s Bil ingDoc um entBil ling doc umenthas b<strong>ee</strong>n proc es sInvoi ci ng ofc us tomerc ar ri es outc ar ri es outc ar ies outc ar ri es outc ar ri es outRes s our c eManagerRes sour ceManagerRes s our ceManagerPr oj ec tM anagerProgram ManagerCus t om erEngagem. .Hard Book ing notac eptedSorc e S ear chTr igger c r eat ionof s tafi ngli stStaf ing Lis t s endto 3r dpartyAc count Pay ableExample:Laying processes on top of the <strong>Business</strong> Model helps toidentify resource and technology redundancies and gapsProcess Model<strong>Business</strong> ModelBoth processes use the Procurement competency:Are the activities redundant?Are the resources redundant?Are the applications redundant?What effect will a change of any of these process have on the other?© SAP 2011 / Page 46

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