Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust
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that the face and feet are covered and that alllimbs are held securely in position,Secure the sheet with tape.Place the body in a sheet and then a body bagif leakage of body fluids is a problem or isanticipated, or if the patient has certaininfectious diseases. (See Section 8 - greensection)Tape the second notification of death card tothe outside of the sheet (or body bag)Request the portering staff remove the bodyfrom the ward and transport to the mortuary.Screen off area where removal of the body willoccur.Remove gloves and apron. Dispose ofequipment according to local policy, and washhands.Record all details and actions within thenursing documentation.Transfer property, patient records etc. to theappropriate administrative department. (SeeSection 4 - lilac section)transfer and to prevent distress to colleaguese.g. portering staff.Pins must not be used, as they are a health andsafety hazard to staff.Actual or potential leakage of fluid, whetherinfection is present or not, poses a health hazardto all those who come into contact with thedeceased patient. The sheet will absorb excessfluid.For the ease of identification of the body in themortuary.Decomposition occurs rapidly, particularly in hotweather and in overheated rooms. Manypathogenic organisms survive for some timeafter death and so decomposition of the bodymay pose a health and safety hazard for thosehandling the body. Autolysis and growth ofbacteria are delayed if the body is cooled.Avoid causing unnecessary distress to otherpatients, relatives and staff.To minimise risk of cross infection andcontamination.To record the time of death, names of thosepresent, and names of those informed.The administrative department cannot begin toprocess the formalities such as the deathcertificate or the collection of the property by thenext of kin until the required documents are in itspossession.7/34

SECTION FOUR - PROCEDURES FOR MANAGEMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVEPROCESSES BY NURSING STAFF FOLLOWING PATIENT DEATHINTRODUCTIONThis policy applies to all wards and departments in the Macclesfield District GeneralHospital. Different procedures apply in Congleton War Memorial Hospital and Knutsford &District Community Hospital (please see section 8).In order to ensure good communication between the wards and General Office, theseprocedures seek to address the issues ensuing from the paperwork needed when a patientdies. This policy does not cover procedures relating to the actual nursing management ofdeath.1 FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF A PATIENTThe nurse caring for the patient post death should inform general office on ext. 1107as soon as possible that a death has occurred (if necessary, leaving a message onthe answer phone).2 IDENTITY BAND / NOTIFICATION OF DEATH FORMS / SHEET TICKETS2.1 Wrist and ankle identity bands must be checked that they contain the correct patientidentifiers. (see Policy and Procedure for Hospital In-Patients 2007) The notificationof death form is completed in duplicate. The top copy is fastened to the front of thecasenotes. The second copy remains in the book and not sent to Mortuary via porterwith the deceased.2.2 Three sheet tickets are completed, one is specifically designated for the front of theshroud, one is designated for the front of the sheet covering the body and a copyremains in the booklet. Any jewellery must be noted on the sheet/shroud ticket. E.g 1ring/ 1 chain/ 1pr earrings. It is essential to ensure that the list is accurate andcomplete as missing items lead to allegations of theft. To avoid items being removedby the family the list should be checked and attached as the body is wrapped.2.3 In order to prevent errors in the identification of deceased patients, her Majesty’sCoroner for Cheshire requires a Confirmation of Personal Details form (availablefrom the print room CPY 639) to be completed by the nurse performing last offices. Itis an addition to the above procedures.3 PROPERTY OF DECEASEDThis is listed in the patient's personal effects record, signatures are required. (SeeValuables and Property Policy). One witness must be a trained nurse. Carefulrecords of any items removed from the deceased by the family should be recordedas it is not unknown for there to be disputes over the possession of family heirlooms.o The property must be placed in patient’s property bags. Each bag must be clearlymarked with deceased patient’s name and ward number.o The top copy of the personal effects record must be stuck with sellotape in aprominent position either on one of the bags or fastened to the front of the notes withthe notification of death form.8/34

that the face and feet are covered and that alllimbs are held securely in position,Secure the sheet with tape.Place the body in a sheet and then a body bagif leakage of body fluids is a problem or isanticipated, or if the patient has certaininfectious diseases. (See Section 8 - greensection)Tape the second notification of <strong>death</strong> card tothe outside of the sheet (or body bag)Request the portering staff remove the bodyfrom the ward and transport to the mortuary.Screen off area where removal of the body willoccur.Remove gloves and apron. Dispose ofequipment according to local policy, and washhands.Record all details and actions within thenursing documentation.Transfer property, patient records etc. to theappropriate administrative department. (SeeSection 4 - lilac section)transfer and to prevent distress to colleaguese.g. portering staff.Pins must not be used, as they are a health andsafety hazard to staff.Actual or potential leakage of fluid, whetherinfection is present or not, poses a health hazardto all those who come into contact with thedeceased patient. The sheet will absorb excessfluid.For the ease of identification of the body in themortuary.Decomposition occurs rapidly, particularly in hotweather and in overheated rooms. Manypathogenic organisms survive for some timeafter <strong>death</strong> and so decomposition of the bodymay pose a health and safety hazard for thosehandling the body. Autolysis and growth ofbacteria are delayed if the body is cooled.Avoid causing unnecessary distress to otherpatients, relatives and staff.To minimise risk of cross infection andcontamination.To record the time of <strong>death</strong>, names of thosepresent, and names of those informed.The administrative department cannot begin toprocess the formalities such as the <strong>death</strong>certificate or the collection of the property by thenext of kin until the required documents are in itspossession.7/34

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