Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust
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Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment FormPart 1 – AIMS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THEPOLICY/PROCEDURE/STRATEGY/SERVICE SPECIFICATION1.1 What is being assessed? Name of the policy, procedure, strategy or service specification (hereafterreferred to as ‘DOCUMENT’):Adult post death procedure1.2 Details of person responsible for completing the assessment: Name: Helen Kershaw Job title: Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality Team: Nursing1.3 What is the main purpose or aims of the document?To support staff to ensure patients receive appropriate care post death in accordance to the law and thereligion/cultural belief of the patient.1.4 Who is this document intended for?Who will need to do something differently because of this document? Who will be affected by what thisdocument covers? All staff or just a team? All patients or just those who use a particular service? Any othergroup?All staff1.5 How will the document be put into practice and who will be responsible for it?This is an updated document so already put into practice. Amendments will be highlighted throughBusiness Unit Structure.Part 2 – CONSIDERATION OF DATA AND RESEARCH2.1 Give details of RELEVANT quantitative and qualitative data or information available that givesyou an understanding of who will be affected by this documentThe 2001 census data shows a very low percentage of ethnic minority groups in this area. The localauthority Cohesia report shows that this number, although small is growing. The local demographyshows a much older population than other areas of the country.2.2 Profile of users or beneficiariesWhat have you found out using this information? Are there any key groups of people who will be affected, orwho have been over/under represented?Local BME groups as their needs post death may be different from what we are used to dealing with.2.2 Relevant consultationHaving identified key groups, how have you made sure that the document will affect them in the way thatyou intend? Have you spoken to staff groups, charities, national organisations etc?Matrons, chaplains, and end of life specialists have been consulted and there is already a bookletavailable in the trust titled, ‘Privacy, dignity, religious and cultural beliefs.’2.3 Evidence of complaints relating to this document on grounds of discrimination. (Is there anyevidence of complaints either from patients or staff (grievance) relating to the document or its effects ondifferent groups?)No, although its intention is to treat different groups differently to ensure religious views arerespected.2.4 Does the information gathered from 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 indicate any negative impact as a result ofthis document?

NoPart 3 – ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTRACE – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are racial groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The 2001 census data shows a very low percentage of ethnic minority groups in this area. The localauthority Cohesia report shows that this number, although small is growing.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, racial groupsdifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentNo, it is designed to be a positive impact so that there is no negative or unlawful discrimination. Documentdoes not differentiate racial groups unless for religious purposes.GENDER (INC TRANSGENDER) – testing of disproportional/ adverse impacta. How are different gender groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?May be an impact on transgender patients, but staff should already be aware of the patient’s wishes regardingdress. Similarly, the wishes of female Muslim patients should be respected regarding clothing and keepingbody parts covered as is their wish pre death.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, different gendergroups differently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentDISABILITY – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are disabled people reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The trust does not currently collect statistics on the number of disabled patients it treats, however, these issuesare recorded in a patient’s notes.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, disabled peopledifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentAGE – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are different age groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The local demography shows a much older population than other areas of the country.There is a separate policy for still birth.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, age groupsdifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?

NoPart 3 – ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTRACE – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are racial groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The 2001 census data shows a very low percentage of ethnic minority groups in this area. The localauthority Cohesia report shows that this number, although small is growing.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, racial groupsdifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentNo, it is designed to be a positive impact so that there is no negative or unlawful discrimination. Documentdoes not differentiate racial groups unless for religious purposes.GENDER (INC TRANSGENDER) – testing of disproportional/ adverse impacta. How are different gender groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?May be an impact on transgender patients, but staff should already be aware of the patient’s wishes regardingdress. Similarly, the wishes of female Muslim patients should be respected regarding clothing and keepingbody parts covered as is their wish pre <strong>death</strong>.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, different gendergroups differently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentDISABILITY – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are disabled people reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The trust does not currently collect statistics on the number of disabled patients it treats, however, these issuesare recorded in a patient’s notes.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, disabled peopledifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?Reason/evidence/commentAGE – testing of disproportional and adverse impacta. How are different age groups reflected in the numbers of people affected by this document?The local demography shows a much older population than other areas of the country.There is a separate policy for still birth.b. From the evidence available does the document affect, or have the potential to affect, age groupsdifferently?Yes No c. If yes, do any of the differences amount to barriers, negative impact or unlawful discrimination?

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