Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust

Post death procedure - East Cheshire NHS Trust


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APPENDIX IGUIDELINES FOR HANDLING CADAVERS WITH INFECTIONSInfectionNotifiable inEngland &WalesBodyBagCategoryof riskACDPMortuary/LaboratoryViewing Embalming HygienicPreparationAnthrax Yes HR 3 No No NoChickenpox/shingles No L 2 Yes Yes YesCholera Yes M 2 Yes Yes YesCrytosporidiosis No L 2 Yes Yes YesDermatophytosis No L 2 Yes Yes YesDiphtheria Yes M 2 Yes Yes YesDysentery Yes M 2 Yes Yes YesAcute encephalitis No L 2 Yes Yes YesFood poisoning No M 2 Yes Yes YesHaemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome No M 2 Yes Yes YesHepatitis A No M 2 Yes Yes YesHepatitis B, C, and non-A, non-B Yes H 3 Yes No NoHIV/AIDS Yes M 3 Yes No NoInfluenza types A, B and C No H 2 Yes Yes YesLegionellosis No L 2 Yes Yes YesLeprosy No L 3 Yes Yes YesLeptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) No M 2 Yes Yes YesLyme Disease No L 2 Yes Yes YesMalaria No M 3 Yes Yes YesMeasles No L 2 Yes Yes YesMeningitis (except meningococcal) No L 3 Yes Yes YesMeningococcal septicaemia (with or without meningitis) Yes M 2 Yes Yes YesAdv = advisable and may be required by local health regulations * = Requires particular care during embalmingL = Low Risk M = Medium Risk H = High Risk HR = High (Rare)DefinitionsBagging: Placing the body in a plastic body bag.Viewing: Allowing the bereaved to see, touch and spend time with the body before disposalEmbalming: Injecting chemical preservatives into the body to slow the process of decay. Cosmetic work may be included.Hygienic Preparation: Cleaning and tidying the body so it presents a suitable appearance for viewing (an alternative to embalming).NB. The advice given in specific cases may be varied if the Clinician in charge/Consultant Microbiologist/ Consultant in Communicable Disease Controldecide it is appropriate after assessing the risks.

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