egss/stn london, uk egss/stn london, uk - German Flight-Center

egss/stn london, uk egss/stn london, uk - German Flight-Center

egss/stn london, uk egss/stn london, uk - German Flight-Center


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Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2.Eff.12.Mar.JEPPESENJeppView Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'Radar vectoring may be used. Acft may be instructed'direct to' (wpt) following radar vectoring.LONDON, UKABBOT 1B [ABOT1B] , ABBOT 1C [ABOT1C]RNAV ARRIVALS.RNAV.STAR.360^180^LAMD49R055^055^ D49BPKD54R068^068^D54R088^D20BARKWAYDBKY116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7DBROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4ABBOTN52 01.0E000 36.0SLPLAPRAN52 07.1E001 12.610 NMbefore DITOBDITOBN52 17.0 E001 49.5IDESIN51 53.9 E001 53.1BARMIN52 28.7E002 34.21019.8ABBOT 1B249^ABBOT 1C300^257^LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.11FL140FL80FL210FL150HOLDINGS OVER LAPRAFL210FL1502000'2100'MSAARP1800'TO BE USED BY ACFT APPROVEDFOR BRNAV OPERATIONS IN UK AIRSPACENON-APPROVED ACFT USE STAR ABBOT 1D ON CHART 30-2BWHEN BKY VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USERNAV STARS CASEY 1B & 1C ON CHART 30-2A090^28.324.7SPEED RESTRICTIONCross 3 Min before holdingfacility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointWARNINGDo not proceed beyondABBOTwithout ATC clearance.23.4D20/26268^DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possible descentclearance as follows:ABBOT 1B:ABBOT 1C:BARMIDITOBLAPRAABBOTIDESIIDESILAPRA(FL260)(FL220; +10 NM)(FL120: K250-)(FL80+; FL140-;(FL220;(FL180)(FL120:+15 NM)K250-)K220-)ABBOT (FL80+; FL140-; K220-)ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILLBE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.NOT TO SCALE235^248^1 Aircraft will beinstructed byATC to fly at theappropriate FL.To be usedwhen BPKVOR or DMEu/sCHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2002, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2A.Eff.12.Mar.JEPPESENJeppView Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'Radar vectoring may be used. Acft may be instructed'direct to' (wpt) following radar vectoring.LONDON, UKCASEY 1B [CASE1B], CASEY 1C [CASE1C]RNAV ARRIVALSTO BE USED BY ACFT APPROVEDFOR BRNAV OPERATIONS IN UK AIRSPACENON-APPROVED ACFT USE STAR CASEY 1D ON CHART 30-2CTO BE USED WHEN BKY VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE.RNAV.STAR.360^180^LAMD49R055^055^ D49256^BPKD54R068^068^D54R061^D30DBROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPK1N51 45.0 W000 06.4FL140FL80CASEYN52 00.5E000 35.0SLPLAPRAN52 07.1E001 12.610 NMbefore DITOBDITOBN52 17.0 E001 49.5IDESIN51 53.9 E001 53.1BARMIN52 28.7E002 34.21019.8CASEY 1B249^CASEY 1C300^LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1FL210FL150HOLDINGS OVER LAPRAFL210FL1502000'2100'MSAARP1800'090^28.324.7SPEED RESTRICTIONCross 3 Min before holdingfacility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointWARNINGDo not proceed beyondCASEYwithout ATC clearance.24.1DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possible descentclearance as follows:CASEY 1B: BARMIDITOBLAPRACASEYCASEY 1C: IDESIIDESILAPRA(FL260)(FL220; +10 NM)(FL120: K250-)(FL80+; FL140-;(FL220;(FL180)(FL120:+15 NM)K250-)K220-)CASEY (FL80+; FL140-; K220-)ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCE WILLBE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.NOT TO SCALE235^248^1 Aircraft will beinstructed byATC to fly at theappropriate FL.To be usedwhen BPKVOR or DMEu/sD30/36 241^CHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2002, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

D42.310.332001^Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED127.17ATIS114.55JEPPESEN6 MAR 09 30-2B.Eff.12.Mar.Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa348' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ABBOT 1A [ABOT1A] 1 , ABBOT 1DABBOT 1E [ABOT1E]ARRIVALSWHEN BKY VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USEJEPPESENJeppView, UK.STAR.360^180^MAA FL100MAA FL100L 980R111^ABBOT1D18.3DL 608D22.7298^D42.810.832ABBOT 1E002^DR088^D20077^26ABBOT 1A 1DBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.71 STAR is to facilitate the transferof traffic between terminal holdingfacilities and for use only as directedby ATC. Not to be used forflight planning purposes.2 Positioning flights from EGKK.3 Aircraft will be instructed by ATCto fly at the appropriate FL.DET2DETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.8CLN114.55 CLNDCLACTONN51 50.9 E001 08.9SLPL 613N 57MAA FL170FL140FL80 3SLPD32 DETFL1702000'2100'MSAARP1800'090^STARS CASEY 1A, 1D & 1E ON CHART 30-2C[ABOT1D]DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:ABBOT 1A, 1E: by ATC.ABBOT 1D: 250 KT by CLN.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.ABBOTN52 01.0E000 36.0NOT TO SCALEWARNINGDo not proceed beyondABBOTwithout ATC clearance.LOGANN51 44.9E001 36.7291^D18.3/25291^D20/26268^SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointADNAMN52 06.3 E000 44.3(117.5 BPK R-058/D38)CHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN 2002, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED127.17ATIS114.55JEPPESEN6 MAR 09 30-2CApt Elev Alt Set: hPa348' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'CASEY 1A.Eff.12.Mar.1 , CASEY 1DCASEY 1E [CASE1E]ARRIVALS[CASE1A]JEPPESENJeppView, UK[CASE1D].STAR.360^180^MAA FL100MAA FL100L 980R111^CASEY1D18.3DL 608D23.1298^DR061^D30BROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.41 STAR is to facilitate the transferof traffic between terminal holdingfacilities and for use only as directedby ATC. Not to be used forflight planning purposes.2 Positioning flights from EGKK.3 Aircraft will be instructed by ATCto fly at the appropriate FL.DET2DETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.8KEMPYN52 07.7 E000 38.8CLN114.55 CLNDCLACTONN51 50.9 E001 08.9SLPL 613N 57MAA FL170SLPD32 DETFL170FL140FL80 32000'2100'MSAARP1800'TO BE USED WHEN BKY VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE090^NOT TO SCALEWARNINGDo not proceed beyondCASEYwithout ATC clearance.D30/36241^CASEY 1E36CASEY 1A 1053^SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLPSpeed Limit PointDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:CASEY 1A, 1E: by ATC.CASEY 1D: 250 KT by CLN.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.CASEYN52 00.5 E000 35.0LOGANN51 44.9E001 36.7291^D18.3/25291^CHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2002, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STN6 MAR 09 30-2FSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55JEPPESEN.Eff.12.Mar.Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa348' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'LOREL 1B [LORE1B], LOREL 2N [LORE2N]LOREL 2P [LORE2P]ARRIVALSWHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USESTARS ASKEY 1B, 2N & 2P ON CHART 30-2GJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STN6 MAR 09 30-2GSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55ASKEY 1BJEPPESEN.Eff.12.Mar.Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa348' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'[ASKE1B], ASKEY 2N [ASKE2N]ASKEY 2P [ASKE2P]ARRIVALSTO BE USED WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLEJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'1 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateWESTCOTT335 WCON51 51.2 W000 57.8071^23FL.MAX 220KTBy ATCFL140094^ D17/22SLPBOMBON51 59.7W000 23.8094^D(IAF)LORELN52 00.8W000 03.217190^D16R010^6.2R274^BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DDBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.71 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateWESTCOTT335 WCON51 51.2 W000 57.8071^23FL.MAX 220KTBy ATCFL140094^ D17/22SLPBOMBON51 59.7W000 23.8D(IAF)ASKEYN52 00.8W000 03.2094^17163^R274^6.2D23.4 R343^BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DDBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.723232424R 41MAA FL90NORRYN51 28.8W001 07.4FL90L 980017^027^MAA FL170DLOREL 2P32.6MAAFL170R 8432MAAFL170R 8LOREL 1B356^27011^KATHYLOREL1B, 2NSAM113.35 SAMD SOUTHAMPTONWOODLEY352 WODN50 57.3 W001 20.7N50 31.2 W001 20.0FL170N51 27.2 W000 52.7HAZELWARNINGDo not proceed beyondLORELwithout ATC clearance.N51 00.3 W000 59.1FL170BROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4NOT TO SCALELAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1HOLDINGOVER LORELD16190^D16/20R010^BPKSPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:LOREL 1B, 2N: by ATC.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.17000'R 41MAA FL90NORRYN51 28.8W001 07.4FL90L 980017^027^MAA FL170DASKEY 2P32.6MAAFL170R 8432MAAFL170R 8ASKEY 1B356^27011^KATHYASKEY1B, 2NSAM113.35 SAMD SOUTHAMPTONWOODLEY352 WODN50 57.3 W001 20.7N50 31.2 W001 20.0FL170N51 27.2 W000 52.7HAZELWARNINGDo not proceed beyondASKEYwithout ATC clearance.N51 00.3 W000 59.1FL170NOT TO SCALELAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1HOLDINGOVER ASKEY163^D23.4/27D23.4SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:ASKEY 1B, 2N: by ATC.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.R343^17000'LAM

CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2H.Eff.12.Mar.Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'LOREL 3C [LORE3C], LOREL 2S [LORE2S]ARRIVALSWHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USESTARS ASKEY 3C & 2S ON CHART 30-2JJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2J.Eff.12.Mar.Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ASKEY 3C [ASKE3C], ASKEY 2S [ASKE2S]ARRIVALSTO BE USED WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLEJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'1 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateFL.1 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateFL.HOLDINGOVER LOREL190^D16/2017000'(IAF)LORELN52 00.8 W000 03.2190^D16R010^R206^166.2BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DDBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.7HOLDINGOVER ASKEY163^D23.4/2717000'(IAF)ASKEYN52 00.8 W000 03.2163^D23.4166.2R208^R343^BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DDBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.7D16R010^BPKBROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4SLPR208^026^D23.4R343^LAMSLPD16 BKYFL180UP 2Y 3FL180BEDEKN51 22.3W001 33.5FL180106^ 15LOREL2SDNIGITN51 18.8W001 10.3MIDHURSTD093^114.0 MIDN51 03.2 W000 37.527.2L 980FL180FL200FL180R273^16027^R207^LOREL 3CDD028^By ATC8.621VATONN51 26.1 W000 20.9OCKHAMD115.3 OCKN51 18.3 W000 26.8LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointFL180UP 2Y 3FL180BEDEKN51 22.3W001 33.5FL180106^ 15ASKEY2SDNIGITN51 18.8W001 10.3MIDHURSTD093^114.0 MIDN51 03.2 W000 37.527.2L 980FL180FL200R273^16027^R207^D36.7VATONFL180 N51 26.1 W000 20.9ASKEY 3C028^By ATC920.7OCKHAMD115.3 OCKN51 18.3 W000 26.8LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointNOT TO SCALEWARNINGDo not proceed beyondLORELwithout ATC clearance.DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:LOREL 3C: FL190 by 20NMwest of MID,FL190 by AVANT.LOREL 2S: FL180 by BEDEK.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.NOT TO SCALEWARNINGDo not proceed beyondASKEYwithout ATC clearance.DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:ASKEY 3C: FL190 by 20NMwest of MID,FL190 by AVANT.ASKEY 2S: FL180 by BEDEK.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.

CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2KAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'LOREL 1DARRIVAL[LORE1D].Eff.12.Mar.WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USESTAR ASKEY 1D ON CHART 30-2LJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESENAlt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ASKEY 1DARRIVAL30-2L[ASKE1D].Eff.12.Mar.TO BE USED WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLEJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'1 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateFL.SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit Point1 Aircraft will be instructed byATC to fly at the appropriateFL.SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit PointHOLDINGOVER LORELD16190^D16/20R010^BPK17000'(IAF)LORELN52 00.8 W000 03.2DBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.7BROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4SLPR208^190^R010^D16R206^6.2026^ 16BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DHOLDINGOVER ASKEY163^D23.4/27D23.4R343^17000'LAM(IAF)ASKEYN52 00.8 W000 03.2DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7SLPD16 BKY163^166.2D23.4 R343^R208^BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^D20.7UM 17FL175R 8FL175WARNINGDo not proceed beyondLORELwithout ATC clearance.D46.3 258^092^GIBSON50 45.0 W002 31.1FL27049SAM113.35 SAMD SOUTHAMPTONN50 57.3 W001 20.712076^DBEGTON50 45.8 W001 14.1FL210043^18.4R223^FL200FL18016027^ R207^AVANTN50 49.2W000 56.3FL190DD028^By ATC8.6D21VATONN51 26.1 W000 20.9MIDHURST114.0 MIDN51 03.2 W000 37.5OCKHAMD115.3 OCKN51 18.3 W000 26.8LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1NOT TO SCALEDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:FL270 by GIBSO,FL210 by BEGTO,FL190 by AVANT.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.UM 17FL175R 8WARNINGDo not proceed beyondASKEYwithout ATC clearance.FL175D46.3 258^092^GIBSON50 45.0 W002 31.1FL27049SAM113.35 SAMD SOUTHAMPTONN50 57.3 W001 20.712076^DBEGTON50 45.8 W001 14.1FL210043^18.4R223^FL20016027^ R207^AVANTN50 49.2W000 56.3FL190D36.7VATONFL180 N51 26.1 W000 20.9028^By ATC9DMIDHURST114.0 MIDN51 03.2 W000 37.5OCKHAMD115.3 OCKN51 18.3 W000 26.8LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNEN51 38.8 E000 09.1NOT TO SCALEDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:FL270 by GIBSO,FL210 by BEGTO,FL190 by AVANT.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009JEPPESENJeppView LONDON, UKSTANSTED 6 MAR 09 30-2M .Eff.12.Mar.ATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1 12ARRIVALSWHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USESTARS ASKEY 4F, 3G, 1H, 1J & 1KON CHART 30-2N.STAR.DR010^D16DBROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4(IAF)DDDD72.1D92.1PEDIGN52 44.8 W001 43.2(WAL R-130/D64.2)CLIPYN52 00.1 W001 05.2(BKY R-274/D42.6)FINMAN51 59.8W001 03.2DD16R010^BPKWALLASEYD114.1 WALN53 23.5 W003 08.1HON113.65 HONDHONILEYN52 21.4 W001 39.8MANCHESTERD113.55 MCT MCTN53 21.4 W002 15.7116.4 DTYD DAVENTRYN52 10.8 W001 06.8171^094^LISTON53 08.6W002 12.0ROGBIN52 17.8 W001 20.1(HON R-109/D12.6)1In the event of congestion in the London TMAaircraft may be directed to hold over HON.<strong>Flight</strong>s from EGNX. Normally only availableto aircraft flying at FL70.Aircraft will be instructed by ATC to fly atthe appropriate FL.1.630.5149^329^FL200329^FL20023FL140DBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.7LOREL 4F [LORE4F] , LOREL 3G [LORE3G]LOREL 1H [LORE1H], LOREL 1J [LORE1J]LOREL 1K [LORE1K]005^R274^6.2190^24MAX 220KTBy ATCD17/2217LOREL 1K211.3R323^ 138^30.2154^41.620At FL70A 47147^30163^64LOREL 1JR343^LOREL 3G 1UN 615N 615143^827000'3LOREL 1H117^36.9LOREL 4F1LOREL 3G:MEA FL150LOREL 1J:MAA FL140190^LOREL 4F: MEA FL200LOREL 1H: MAA FL190HOLDINGS OVERHON LOREL360^180^4UL 10L 1042000'2100'MSAARP1800'NOT TO SCALEDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:LOREL 4F, 3G: FL200 by ROGBI.FL150 by CLIPY.LOREL 1H: FL150 by CLIPY.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.WARNINGDo not proceed beyond LORELwithout ATC clearance.SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLPSpeed Limit PointSLPBOMBON51 59.7 W000 23.8LORELN52 00.8W000 03.2BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(115.6 LAM R-355/D27)D16/20UL 975L 975090^4CHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009JEPPESENJeppView LONDON, UKSTANSTED 6 MAR 09 30-2N .Eff.12.Mar.ATIS127.17 114.55Apt Elev348'Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'.STAR.DD23.4 R343^LAM115.6 LAMD LAMBOURNE(IAF)N51 38.8 E000 09.1DDDDD72.1D92.1PEDIGN52 44.8 W001 43.2(WAL R-130/D64.2)CLIPYN52 00.1 W001 05.2(BKY R-274/D42.6)FINMAN51 59.8W001 03.2DLAMR343^D23.4WALLASEYD114.1 WALN53 23.5 W003 08.1HON113.65 HONDHONILEYN52 21.4 W001 39.8MANCHESTERD113.55 MCT MCTN53 21.4 W002 15.7116.4 DTYD DAVENTRYN52 10.8 W001 06.8171^1.6094^30.5LISTON53 08.6W002 12.0ROGBIN52 17.8 W001 20.1(HON R-109/D12.6)149^329^FL200329^FL200FL140DBARKWAYBKY 116.25 N51 59.4 E000 03.7ASKEY 4F [ASKE4F] , ASKEY 3G [ASKE3G]ASKEY 1H [ASKE1H], ASKEY 1JASKEY 1K [ASKE1K] 2ARRIVALS1 1[ASKE1J]6.2005^163^24MAX 220KTBy ATCD17/2217R274^ASKEY 1K211.3R323^ 138^30.2154^41.620At FL70A 47147^30163^64ASKEY 1JR343^ASKEY 3G1143^82ASKEY 1H117^36.9ASKEY 4F1ASKEY 3G:MEA FL150ASKEY 1J:MAA FL140HOLDINGS OVERASKEY HON7000'34UL 10L 10163^4ASKEY 4F: MEA FL200ASKEY 1H: MAA FL190123In the event of congestion in the London TMAaircraft may be directed to hold over HON.<strong>Flight</strong>s from EGNX. Normally only availableto aircraft flying at FL70.Aircraft will be instructed by ATC to fly atthe appropriate FL.UN 615N 615360^180^2000'2100'MSAARP1800'NOT TO SCALEDESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:ASKEY 4F, 3G: FL200by ROGBI.FL150 by CLIPY.ASKEY 1H: FL150by CLIPY.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.WARNINGDo not proceed beyond ASKEYwithout ATC clearance.SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLPSpeed Limit PointSLPBOMBON51 59.7 W000 23.8BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)TO BE USED WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLEASKEYN52 00.8W000 03.2D23.4/27UL 975L 975090^4CHANGES:MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED127.17ATIS114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2P.Eff.12.Mar.Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'LOREL 2Q [LORE2Q]ARRIVALWHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLE USESTAR ASKEY 2Q ON CHART 30-2QJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED127.17ATIS114.55Apt Elev348'6 MAR 09JEPPESEN30-2Q.Eff.12.Mar.Alt Set: hPaTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ASKEY 2Q [ASKE2Q]ARRIVALTO BE USED WHEN BPK VOR OR DME UNSERVICEABLEJEPPESENJeppView, UK2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.STAR.1800'2BROOKMANSBPKPARKD 117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4SLP21R208^(IAF)LORELN52 00.8 W000 03.2190^D16R010^026^R206^166.2BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)005^DDBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7DLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1WARNINGDo not proceed beyondLORELwithout ATC clearance.HOLDINGOVER LORELD16190^D16/20R010^BPK17000'(IAF)ASKEYN52 00.8 W000 03.2SLPD16 BKY20.72163^D23.416R343^005^6.2DR208^BUSTAN52 05.6 E000 04.1(LAM R-355/D27)DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7DLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1WARNINGDo not proceed beyondASKEYwithout ATC clearance.HOLDINGOVER ASKEY163^D23.4/27D23.4R343^17000'LAMD36.7DFL200FL180028^By ATC028^DVATONN51 26.1 W000 20.9(113.75 BNN R-159/D19.1)30.61 Aircraft will be instructedby ATC to flyat the appropriate FL.2 Positioning flightsfrom EGLC and EGKB.FL200FL180028^By ATC028^DVATONN51 26.1 W000 20.9(113.75 BNN R-159/D19.1)30.61 Aircraft will be instructedby ATC to flyat the appropriate FL.2 Positioning flightsfrom EGLC and EGKB.MAYFIELDD117.9 MAYN51 01.0 E000 07.0327^NOT TO SCALEMAYFIELDD117.9 MAYN51 01.0 E000 07.0327^NOT TO SCALER137^R137^SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit Point45.9GURLUN50 28.7E000 58.1FL180SPEED RESTRICTIONCross SLPs or 3 Min beforeholding facility at 250 KT or less.SLP Speed Limit Point45.9GURLUN50 28.7E000 58.1FL180DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:FL200 by MAY.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.D317^FL180UM 733T 27FL180DESCENT PLANNINGPilots should plan for possibledescent clearance as follows:FL200 by MAY.ACTUAL DESCENT CLEARANCEWILL BE AS DIRECTED BY ATC.D317^FL180UM 733T 27FL180CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: MSA center.| JEPPESEN, 2007, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKJEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-2S .Eff.2.Jul.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. WARNING: Procedure contains stepped descent for ATC and airspacerequirements. Departure routes cross beneath these procedures.Strict compliance with altitude requirements is essential.RWY 04 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDUREWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM ABBOTWHEN BKY IS U/S ROUTES COMMENCE AT CASEY (REFER TO CHART 30-2U)FOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTS.INITIAL.APPROACH.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'26 JUN 09JEPPESENJEPPESENJeppView, UK30-2T .Eff.2.Jul. .INITIAL.APPROACH.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. Continuous descent approach should be used whenever practicableunless otherwise instructed by ATC. Procedure design is compatiblewith 3^ descent path from the outbound end of the holding pattern.RWY 22 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDUREWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM ABBOTWHEN BKY IS U/S ROUTES COMMENCE AT CASEY (REFER TO CHART 30-2V)2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'D9 BPK3000'D5 BPKN51 48.7W000 00.9R045^073^DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7136^4 9045^R087^2500'225^(FAF)D6.6 ISEDILS DME*110.5 ISED ISEDD15 BKY6000'ABBOTN52 01.0E000 36.05D20267^D18 BPK(IAF)6000'D22.5 BKYN52 01.3 E000 40.0MAX200 KTN52 00.1E000 15.8282.5WARNINGDo not proceed beyondABBOTwithout ATC clearance.FL80FL80267^D20/26WARNINGDo not proceed beyondABBOTwithout ATC clearance.DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7ILS DME*110.5 ISX(FAF)D6.6 ISX2500'R087^225^FOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTSD16.5 BKY4000'ABBOTN52 01.0E000 36.03.5D202.5267^D26 BKYFL80(IAF)D22.5 BKYN52 01.3 E000 40.06000FL80267^D20/26BROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPKDN51 45.0 W000 06.4NOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALEROUTING/ALTITUDEEstablish holding inbound at FL80, at D22.5 BKY descend on BKY R-087 inbound, crossD15 BKY at 6000', intercept BPK R-045 inbound maintaining 6000' to D18 BPK, descend to2500', cross D9 BPK at or below 3000', at D5 BPK turn LEFT, 136^ track, when passing BPKR-073 turn LEFT, intercept LOC at 2500' and continue ILSDME or LOCDME approach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.ROUTING/ALTITUDEFrom the outbound end of the holding at FL80 descend to 6000', intercept BKY R-087 inbound,at D22.5 BKY descend not below 4000', cross D16.5 BKY at 4000', descend to 2500', turn LEFT,intercept LOC and continue ILSDME or LOCDME approach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKJEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-2U .Eff.2.Jul.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. WARNING: Procedure contains stepped descent for ATC and airspacerequirements. Departure routes cross beneath these procedures.Strict compliance with altitude requirements is essential.RWY 04 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDUREWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM CASEY TO ILSFOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTS.INITIAL.APPROACH.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKJEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-2V .Eff.2.Jul.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. Continuous descent approach should be used whenever practicableunless otherwise instructed by ATC.RWY 22 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDUREWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM CASEY TO ILSFOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTS.INITIAL.APPROACH.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'D9 BPK3000'D5 BPKN51 48.7W000 00.9R045^073^136^D18 BPK6000'4 9045^2500'D30 CLNN52 01.0 E000 23.26000'(FAF)D6.6 ISED225^ILS DME*110.5 ISED ISED(IAF)D33 BPKN52 02.0 E000 39.2CASEYN52 00.5E000 35.0R061^D30292^3WARNINGDo not proceed beyondCASEYwithout ATC clearance.241^ D30/36114.55FL80241^CLND23.1 296^CLNWARNINGDo not proceed beyondCASEYwithout ATC clearance.ILS DME*110.5 ISX(FAF)D6.6 ISX2500'4000'225^(IAF)D33 BPKN52 02.0 E000 39.26000'ISX 12 DME285^R061^ D30D36 BPKFL803CASEYN52 00.5E000 35.0(114.55 CLNR-296/D23.1)FL80241^241^ D30/36BROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPKDMAX200 KTN51 45.0 W000 06.4NOT TO SCALEBROOKMANSPARKD117.5 BPKN51 45.0 W000 06.4NOT TO SCALEROUTING/ALTITUDEEstablish holding inbound at FL80, at D33 BPK descend to 6000', continue on BPK R-061inbound, intercept CLN R-292, cross D30 CLN at 6000', intercept BPK R-045 inbound maintaining6000' to D18 BPK, descend to 2500', cross D9 BPK at or below 3000', at D5 BPK turnLEFT, 136^ track, when passing BPK R-073 turn LEFT, intercept LOC at 2500' and continueILSDME or LOCDME approach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.ROUTING/ALTITUDEFrom the outbound end of the holding at FL80 descend to 6000', intercept BPK R-061 inbound,at D33 BPK descend not below 4000', at D30 BPK turn RIGHT, 285^ track, cross ISX 12 DMEat 4000', descend to 2500', turn LEFT, intercept LOC and continue ILSDME or LOCDMEapproach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKJEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-2W .Eff.2.Jul.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. WARNING: Procedure contains stepped descent for ATC and airspacerequirements. Departure routes cross beneath these procedures.Strict compliance with altitude requirements is essential.3. Lowest holding level at LOREL/ASKEY is 7000' (FL equivalent).However, when radar is out of service 6000' may be used by ATC.RWY 04 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDURESWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM LOREL/ASKEY (WHEN BPK U/S) TO ILSFOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTS.INITIAL.APPROACH.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17114.55Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKJEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-2X .Eff.2.Jul.Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Initial approach procedures are designed for manoeuvring speeds upto 220 KT and assume aircraft can maintain a descent gradient ofapproximately 300' per NM.2. Continuous descent approach should be used whenever practicableunless otherwise instructed by ATC.3. Lowest holding level at LOREL/ASKEY is 7000' (FL equivalent).However, when radar is out of service 6000' may be used by ATC.RWY 22 INITIAL APPROACH PROCEDURESWITHOUT RADAR CONTROLFROM LOREL/ASKEY (WHEN BPK U/S) TO ILSFOR FINAL APPROACHSEE APPROACH CHARTS.INITIAL.APPROACH.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'(IAF)LOREL/ASKEYN52 00.8 W000 03.26000'D8 BKY3000'D23.4/27 LAM163^D16R009^189^D23.4D16/20 BPKD12 BKYN51 47.7W000 00.9146^R343^46000'196^045^WARNINGDo not proceed beyondLOREL/ASKEYwithout ATC clearance.DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7(FAF)D6.6 ISED2500'ILS DME*110.5 ISED ISED(IAF)LORELASKEYN52 00.8 W000 03.26000'D23.4/27 LAM163^D16R009^D23.4WARNINGDo not proceed beyondLOREL/ASKEYwithout ATC clearance.D16/20 BPK189^R343^4112^6000'R292^069^DBKY116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7D10 BKY3000'101D11 BKYN52 03.7E000 20.1077^136^225^(FAF)D6.6 ISX2500'ILS DME*110.5 ISXNOT TO SCALEBROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPKDN51 45.0 W000 06.4MAX200 KTDLAMLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1BROOKMANSPARK117.5 BPKDN51 45.0 W000 06.4NOT TO SCALEDLAMLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1ROUTING/ALTITUDE146^ track, commence descent not below 3000', intercept BKY R-196, cross D8 BKY at 3000',descend to 2500', at D12 BKY turn LEFT, intercept LOC at 2500' and continue ILSDME orLOCDME approach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.ROUTING/ALTITUDECross LOREL/ASKEY at 6000', to BKY, commence descent not below 3000', BKY R-069descending to 3000', cross D10 BKY at 3000', descend to 2500', at D11 BKY turn RIGHT, 136^track, when passing BKY R-077 turn RIGHT, intercept LOC and continue ILSDME or LOCDMEapproach procedure.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

34Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3 .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTEDDirector or LONDON Control.BKY 4RRWY 22 DEPARTUREFOR AIRCRAFT LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE VIA BKYSPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATCWARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above3000' until instructed by ATC.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.SID.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3A .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.Apt Elev 2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).348' 3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTEDDirector or LONDON Control.BKY 2S2000'RWY 04 DEPARTURE2100'SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATCMSAARPFOR AIRCRAFT LEAVING CONTROLLED AIRSPACE VIA BKYWARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above5000' until instructed by ATC.090^180^360^.SID.1800'AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE12 NM to BKY.AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE12 NM to BKY.D7 BKYN52 06.4 E000 03.2D7 BKYN52 06.4 E000 03.2BARKWAYD116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7D3 BKY3000'3000'360^D5 BKY4 3R172^5CTASTANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1NOT TO SCALEBARKWAYD116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7CTA360^R102^D3 BKY5000'D2 BKYN51 59.0E000 06.9D5 BKY5000'3000'3 2282^119^D7 BKYN51 58.2 E000 14.9D2 ISEDN51 55.3 E000 17.4352^D8 BKYN51 51.5 E000 06.0159^D3.1 ISXN51 50.4 E000 10.0NOT TO SCALEILS DMESTANSTEDD* (110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof273' per NM (4.5%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300273' per NM 342 456 684 911 1139 1367ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D3.1 ISX (BKY R-159) turn RIGHT, intercept BKY R-172 inbound byD8 BKY, cross D5 BKY at 3000', then to BKY, turn RIGHT, BKY R-360, cross D3 BKY at 3000',then to D7 BKY to leave controlled airspace.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof352' per NM (5.8%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D2 ISED (BKY R-119) turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-102 inbound byD7 BKY, cross D5 BKY at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), then to D2 BKY, turn RIGHT, interceptBKY R-360, cross D3 BKY at 5000', then to D7 BKY to leave controlled airspace.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

3Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3B .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTED.SID.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3C .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTED.SID.4.Director or LONDON Control.MSABUZAD SIX ROMEO (BUZAD 6R)RWY 22 DEPARTURE[BUZA6R]SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATC2000'090^2100'180^360^ARP1800'4.Director or LONDON Control.ARPBUZAD TWO SIERRA (BUZAD 2S)RWY 04 DEPARTURE[BUZA2S]SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATC2000'090^2100'360^MSA1800'180^WARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above3000' until instructed by ATC.WARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above5000' until instructed by ATC.AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE35 NM to BUZAD.DBKY 116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.7AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE35 NM to BUZAD.5000'D5 BKY5000'3000'D23BUZADN51 56.5W000 33.118D5 BKY3000'3000'265^D2 BKYN51 57.4E000 04.3D5 BKYR172^3STANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1DBUZADN51 56.5W000 33.123265^BARKWAYD116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7R102^5 2282^119^D7 BKYN51 58.2E000 14.9D2 ISEDN51 55.3E000 17.4352^D8 BKYN51 51.5 E000 06.0159^D3.1 ISXN51 50.4E000 10.0ILS DMESTANSTEDD* (110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1NOT TO SCALEThis SID requires a minimum climb gradientof273' per NM (4.5%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300273' per NM 342 456 684 911 1139 1367ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D3.1 ISX (BKY R-159) turn RIGHT, intercept BKY R-172 inbound byD8 BKY, cross D5 BKY at 3000', then to D2 BKY, turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-265, crossD5 BKY at 3000', then to BUZAD.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof352' per NM (5.8%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D2 ISED (BKY R-119) turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-102 inbound byD7 BKY, cross D5 BKY at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), then to BKY at 5000', turn LEFT, BKYR-265 to BUZAD.CHANGES: Rwy designation.NOT TO SCALE| JEPPESEN, 2004, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDLONDONControl118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3D .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. When instructed contactLONDON Control or STANSTED Director. 2. SIDs include noise preferentialroutes (refer to 30-4). 3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID levels until instructed by ATC..SID.CLACTON EIGHT ROMEO (CLN 8R)RWY 22 DEPARTURE4000'3000'4000' 5000'This SID requires minimum climb gradients Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300of334' per NM (5.5%) up to 3000', then 334' per NM 418 557 835 1114 1392 1671304' per NM (5%) up to 4000', then 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519292' per NM (4.8%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 14581 Aircraft below 195 KT: first turn no further east than 140^ track to intercept CLN R-268 inbound by D33 CLN.ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D1.2 ISX turn LEFT, intercept CLN R-268 inbound by XIGAR, cross D28 CLN at or above3000' (MAX 4000'), D21 CLN at 4000', D16 CLN at 5000', D13 CLN at 6000', then to CLN.6000'DMSAARPSPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZEDR268^CLACTONCLN114.55 CLNN51 50.9 E001 08.9D33088^5 75 3 13XIGARN51 48.8 E000 15.8D28 CLND21 CLND16 CLND13 CLN2000'2100'1800'180^360^090^NOT TO SCALE1147^DD1.2 ISXN51 51.7 E000 12.0BARKWAY116.25 BKYSTANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 59.4 E000 03.7N51 53.2 E000 14.1AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE37 NM to CLN.WARNING - STEPPED CLIMB:Due to interaction with other routespilots must ensure strict compliancewith the specified climb profile unlesscleared by ATC.CHANGES:Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDLONDONControl118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3E .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. When instructed contactLONDON Control or STANSTED Director. 2. SIDs include noise preferentialroutes (refer to 30-4). 3.Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID levels until instructed by ATC..SID.CLACTON FOUR SIERRA (CLN 4S)RWY 04 DEPARTURE4000'2500'4000'3000'N51 49.6 E000 35.14000' 5000'6000'DMSAARPSPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZEDR268^CLACTONCLN114.55 CLNN51 50.9 E001 08.9088^5 3 13D21 CLND16 CLND13 CLN2000'2100'1800'180^360^090^NOT TO SCALE117^125^DBARKWAY116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7WARNING - STEPPED CLIMB:Due to interaction with other routespilots must ensure strict compliancewith the specified climb profile unlesscleared by ATC.This SID requires a minimum climb gradient Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300of419' per NM (6.9%) up to 2500', then419' per NM 524 699 1048 1398 1747 2096334' per NM (5.5%) up to 3000', then 334' per NM 418 557 835 1114 1392 1671267' per NM (4.4%) up to 4000', then 267' per NM 334 446 668 891 1114 1337255' per NM (4.2%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.255' per NM 319 425 638 851 1063 1276ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D1 ISED (BKY R-125) turn RIGHT, intercept BKY R-117, cross D14 BKY ator above 2500' (MAX 4000'), D17 BKY at or above 3000' (MAX 4000'), intercept CLN R-268 inbound,cross D21 CLN at 4000', D16 CLN at 5000', D13 CLN at 6000', then to CLN.36D*ILS DMESTANSTED(110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1D1 ISEDN51 54.4E000 16.1D14 BKYD17 BKYAVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE35 NM to CLN.CHANGES:Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2Apt Elev348'26 JUN 09JEPPESEN30-3F.Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTED.SID.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTED*STANSTEDDirector (R)136.2Apt Elev348'JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 30-3G .Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact STANSTED Director or LONDON Control.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. Initial climb straight ahead to 850'.Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by STANSTED.SID.4. Director or LONDON Control.MSACPT 3RRWY 22 DEPARTURESPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATC2000'090^2100'180^360^1800'4.Director or LONDON Control.MSACPT 2SRWY 04 DEPARTURESPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY ATC2000'090^2100'180^360^1800'335 WESTCOTTWCON51 51.2 W000 57.824R026^206^DWARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above3000' until instructed by ATC.COMPTONCPT114.35 CPT34N51 29.5 W001 13.2AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE76 NM to CPT.D5 BKY3000'3000'BARKWAYD116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7260^D2 BKYN51 57.4E000 04.3D5 BKYR172^3352^D8 BKYN51 51.5 E000 06.03159^D3.1 ISXN51 50.4E000 10.0ARPSTANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1R026^24206^DWARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above5000' until instructed by ATC.39335 WESTCOTTWCON51 51.2 W000 57.8COMPTONCPT114.35 CPTN51 29.5 W001 13.2AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE76 NM to CPT.260^DBKY 116.25 BARKWAYN51 59.4 E000 03.75000'R102^D5 BKY5000'3000'5 2282^119^ARPD7 BKYN51 58.2E000 14.9ILS DMESTANSTEDD* (110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1D2 ISEDN51 55.3E000 17.4This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof273' per NM (4.5%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300273' per NM 342 456 684 911 1139 1367CHANGES: Rwy designation.NOT TO SCALEROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D3.1 ISX (BKY R-159) turn RIGHT, intercept BKY R-172 inbound byD8 BKY, cross D5 BKY at 3000', then to D2 BKY, turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-260, crossD5 BKY at 3000', then to WCO, turn LEFT, intercept CPT R-026 inbound to CPT.| JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof352' per NM (5.8%) up to 3000' for airspacepurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D2 ISED (BKY R-119) turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-102 inbound byD7 BKY, cross D5 BKY at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), then to BKY at 5000', turn LEFT, BKYR-260 to WCO, turn LEFT, intercept CPT R-026 inbound to CPT.CHANGES: Rwy designation.NOT TO SCALE| JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNApt Elev348'JEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3HLONDON Control118.82.Eff.2.Jul.JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID level until instructed by ATC.DOVER SEVEN ROMEO (DVR 7R)RWY 22 DEPARTURESPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED2000'090^2100'180^.SID.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3J .Eff.2.Jul.LONDON Control118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID level until instructed by ATC.DOVER FIVE SIERRA (DVR 5S)RWY 04 DEPARTURESPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED2000'090^2100'180^.SID.1800'360^360^WARNING: Due to interaction with other routesdo not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC.Ensure strict compliance with specified altitudes.MSAARPWARNING: Due to interaction with other routesdo not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC.Ensure strict compliance with specified altitudes.MSAARPBARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7147^156^D1.2 ISXN51 51.7E000 12.0AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE38 NM to DET.STANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1BARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7ILS DMESTANSTEDD* (110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1126^AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE42 NM to DET.D0.8 ISEDN51 54.3 E000 15.9207^D9 LAMN51 46.9 E000 15.25000'3000'NOT TO SCALE5 25R336^D30 DET5000'3000'D25 DET5000'DETDETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.830This SID requires minimum climb gradientsof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 3000', then456' per NM (7.5%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.Gnd speed-KT401' per NM456' per NMCHANGES: Rwy designation.75 100 150 200 250 300501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279108^ R288^DLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1R027^156^25R336^D25 DET5000'DETDETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.8108^ R288^30D DOVER114.95 DVRN51 09.8 E001 21.6ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D1.2 ISX turn LEFT, intercept DET R-336 inbound, cross D30 DETat or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), D25 DET at 5000', then to DET, turn LEFT, intercept DVRR-288 inbound to DVR.| JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof334' per NM (5.5%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300334' per NM 418 557 835 1114 1392 1671CHANGES: Rwy designation.NOT TO SCALED DOVER114.95 DVRN51 09.8 E001 21.6ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D0.8 ISED (BKY R-126) turn RIGHT, intercept LAM R-027 inbound toD9 LAM at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), turn LEFT, intercept DET R-336 inbound, crossD25 DET at 5000', then to DET, turn LEFT, intercept DVR R-288 inbound to DVR.| JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3K .Eff.2.Jul.LONDON Control118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'..SID.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3L .Eff.2.Jul.LONDON Control118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'..SID.LAMBOURNE THREE ROMEO (LAM 3R)RWY 22 DEPARTUREFOR LANDING AT EGLL ONLYSPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'LAMBOURNE TWO SIERRA (LAM 2S)RWY 04 DEPARTUREFOR LANDING AT EGLL ONLYSPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP1800'WARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above5000' until instructed by ATC.WARNING: Due to interaction withother routes do not climb above5000' until instructed by ATC.BARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7156^147^D1.2 ISXN51 51.7E000 12.0STANSTED ILS DMEISXD*(110.5) ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1BARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE20 NM to LAM.ILS DMESTANSTEDD*(110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1126^D0.8 ISEDN51 54.3E000 15.9207^NOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALEAVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE16 NM to LAM.D7.4D15.9ROWANN51 45.2 E000 15.05000'3000'D9 LAM5000'3000'031^9LAMLAMBOURNED115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1R036^8216^5000'LAMLAMBOURNED115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1R027^5000'This SID requires minimum climb gradientsofGnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300401' per NM (6.6%) up to 3000', then 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005358' per NM (5.9%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.358' per NM 448 597 896 1195 1494 1792ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D1.2 ISX turn LEFT, intercept BKY R-156 to ROWAN, cross at orabove 3000' (MAX 5000'), turn RIGHT, intercept LAM R-036 inbound to LAM, cross at 5000'.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires minimum climb gradientsofGnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300334' per NM (5.5%) up to 3000', then 334' per NM 418 557 835 1114 1392 1671280' per NM (4.6%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D0.8 ISED (BKY R-126) turn RIGHT, intercept LAM R-027 inbound,cross D9 LAM at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), then to LAM, cross at 5000'.CHANGES: Rwy designation.| JEPPESEN, 2006, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNApt Elev348'JEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3MLONDON Control118.82.Eff.2.Jul.ALSO FOR POSITIONING FLIGHTS TO EGKK 1SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZEDJEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID level until instructed by ATC.LYDD FIVE ROMEO (LYD 5R)RWY 22 DEPARTUREWARNING: Due to interaction with other routesdo not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC.Ensure strict compliance with specified altitudes.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.SID.1800'Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENSTANSTED 26 JUN 09 30-3N .Eff.2.Jul.LONDON Control118.82Apt Elev348'JEPPESENJeppView, UKTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. When instructed contact LONDON Control or STANSTED Director.2. SIDs include noise preferential routes (refer to 30-4).3. No turns below 850'.4. Cruising levels will be issued after take-off by LONDON Control.5. Do not climb above SID level until instructed by ATC.LYDD FOUR SIERRA (LYD 4S)RWY 04 DEPARTUREALSO FOR POSITIONING FLIGHTS TO EGKK 1SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZEDWARNING: Due to interaction with other routesdo not climb above 5000' until instructed by ATC.Ensure strict compliance with specified altitudes.2000'090^2100'180^360^MSAARP.SID.1800'BARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7147^156^D1.2 ISXN51 51.7E000 12.0AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE38 NM to DET.STANSTED ILS DMED*(110.5) ISX ISXN51 53.2 E000 14.1ILS DMESTANSTEDD* (110.5) ISED ISEDN51 53.2 E000 14.1BARKWAYD 116.25 BKYN51 59.4 E000 03.7126^D0.8 ISEDN51 54.3 E000 15.9207^D9 LAMN51 46.9 E000 15.25000'3000'1 Follow SID to DET, thenjoin TIMBA 2E STAR,maintaining 5000'.1 Follow SID to DET, thenjoin TIMBA 2E STAR,maintaining 5000'.NOT TO SCALE5 25R336^D30 DET5000'3000'D25 DET5000'DETDETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.8This SID requires minimum climb gradientsof401' per NM (6.6%) up to 3000', then456' per NM (7.5%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.Gnd speed-KT401' per NM456' per NMCHANGES: Rwy designation.75 100 150 200 250 300501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279151^ R331^NOT TO SCALEDLAMBOURNE115.6 LAMN51 38.8 E000 09.1AVERAGE TRACK MILEAGE42 NM to DET.R027^156^25R336^D25 DET5000'151^DET21DETLINGD117.3 DETN51 18.2 E000 35.821DLYDD114.05 LYDN51 00.0 E000 52.7ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D1.2 ISX turn LEFT, intercept DET R-336 inbound, cross D30 DETat or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), D25 DET at 5000', then to DET, intercept LYD R-331 inboundto LYD.| JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This SID requires a minimum climb gradientof334' per NM (5.5%) up to 5000' for ATCpurposes.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300334' per NM 418 557 835 1114 1392 1671ROUTING/ALTITUDEClimb straight ahead, at D0.8 ISED (BKY R-126) turn RIGHT, intercept LAM R-027 inbound toD9 LAM at or above 3000' (MAX 5000'), turn LEFT, intercept DET R-336 inbound, crossD25 DET at 5000', then to DET, intercept LYD R-331 inbound to LYD.CHANGES: Rwy designation.R331^DLYDD114.05 LYDN51 00.0 E000 52.7| JEPPESEN, 2008, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENJeppView Elev 348' 26 JUN 09 30-9 .Eff.2.Jul.N51 53.1 E000 14.1STANSTED127.17 114.5500-13151-54 Clearance is avbl for dep acft aprx 25 min before departure51-54and must be obtained at least 10 min before start-up. ContactGROUND for clearance if delivery frequency not available.FOR PARKINGPOSITIONS SEE30-9CF302^WF2ATISHGF1ARPBUSINESSAVIATIONNR YAPRONControlTMLV NZTower51-53 NR51-53WESTERNAPRONW3374'GG4G3L1L3*STANSTED DeliveryFL121.95 1V3V1LR HMJLLR00-14For AIRPORT BRIEFINGrefer to 30-1P pagesN1N3UNGJ*STANSTED GroundPRPRP10,000' 3048mQQR QRP3P22225^Elev348'S1S3JDR S CR1R3B APRONCH JAPRONABAPRONA525'Q1Q300-15LONDON, UKTower121.72 123.8FOR PARKINGPOSITIONS SEE30-9AAPRONEAPRONDTMLLicensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STN00-14.651-53.851-53.751-53.651-53.5PR51-53.3HPPR00-14.700-14.8RWY 04/22P3JQRP214QQRJEPPESENJEPPESENJeppView 00-15.1 00-15.2 00-15.3 00-15.4 00-15.6 00-15.7 00-15.800-1500-15.551-53.8Q1Q3A626 JUN 09 30-9A .Eff.2.Jul.4HSRR1R3CARGO CENTER44B45L45R 4334423341J 32 4025L243125R 23153014L 14R 2213 212032S1A eastA middleA west1S312B B middleeastB west11C10APRONAHJD7665L6465R6353C eastC middleC west52APRONB5174736250APRONCLONDON, UK85L85R84R84L83R83L72717061TERMINALSTANSTED51-53.7APRONE51-53.6APROND51-53.551-53.451-53.351-53.204045^G1Elev323'H1H3K1K3COMPASSBASEMAINTENANCEAREAFeetMeters0 1000 2000 3000 40000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200Z centre20520451-53 204F213APRONZControlTower51-53.151-5300-1300-1400-15ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATIONUSABLE LENGTHSLANDING BEYONDRWYThreshold Glide Slope TAKE-OFF04 HIRL(60m)CL(15m)HIALS-II TDZ PAPI-L (3.0^) 3 RVR 9016' 2748m 7983' 2433m222HIRL(60m)CL(15m)HIALS-II TDZ PAPI-L (3.0^) 4 RVR8967' 2733m52Runway grooved. 3HSTIL-PR & QR 4HSTIL-NR & LR5 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLERWY 04:From rwy head10,000'(3048m)RWY 22:From rwy headint hold posn K1int hold posn L19245'(2818m)7844'(2391m)int hold posn Q1/Q3int hold posn P3int hold posn U.JAR-OPS.LVP must be in Force1All RwysTAKE-OFF10,000'(3048m)8816'(2687m)7664'(2336m)6017'(1834m)ApprovedOperatorsHIRL, CLRL, CLRCLM (DAY only) RCLM (DAY only)NIL& mult. RVR req & mult. RVR reqRL & CLor RLor RL(DAY only)AB 125m150m200mC250m400m500mD 150m200m250m300m1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system requiredbelow150m.WIDTH151'46m00-14.600-14.700-14.800-14.900-1500-15.1 00-15.200-15.3 00-15.4 00-15.5 00-15.6 00-15.7 00-15.8CHANGES: Rwy designations. Holding positions. Apron.| JEPPESEN, 2003, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: Rwy designations.| JEPPESEN, 2003, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

CHANGES: None.| JEPPESEN, 2003, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CHANGES: Rwy designations. Parking stands.| JEPPESEN, 2003, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESEN30-9BINS COORDINATESJEPPESENJeppView, UKSTANSTEDSTAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES1 thru 234, 4L4R thru 6R1011, 11L11R12, 12L, 12R13, 13L13R14L14R152021 thru 23L23R2424L24R25L25R30 thru 3232L32R33, 33L33R3434L34R40 thru 42R43, 43L, 43R44, 44L, 44R45L45R50, 50L, 50R51, 51L51R52, 52L, 52R53, 53L, 53R61, 61L61R thru 62L62R thru 63L63R thru 64L64R, 65L65R26 JUN 09 .Eff.2.Jul.N51 53.2 E000 15.2N51 53.2 E000 15.1N51 53.3 E000 15.1N51 53.3 E000 15.0N51 53.2 E000 15.3N51 53.3 E000 15.2N51 53.3 E000 15.3N51 53.3 E000 15.2N51 53.3 E000 15.1N51 53.3 E000 15.2N51 53.4 E000 15.1N51 53.3 E000 15.1N51 53.4 E000 15.1N51 53.4 E000 15.4N51 53.4 E000 15.3N51 53.4 E000 15.2N51 53.5 E000 15.2N51 53.4 E000 15.2N51 53.5 E000 15.2N51 53.5 E000 15.1N51 53.4 E000 15.1N51 53.4 E000 15.4N51 53.4 E000 15.3N51 53.4 E000 15.4N51 53.5 E000 15.3N51 53.4 E000 15.3N51 53.5 E000 15.3N51 53.5 E000 15.2N51 53.5 E000 15.3N51 53.5 E000 15.5N51 53.5 E000 15.4N51 53.6 E000 15.4N51 53.6 E000 15.3N51 53.5 E000 15.3N51 53.5 E000 15.6N51 53.5 E000 15.5N51 53.5 E000 15.6N51 53.6 E000 15.5N51 53.6 E000 15.4N51 53.5 E000 15.7N51 53.6 E000 15.7N51 53.6 E000 15.6N51 53.7 E000 15.6N51 53.7 E000 15.5N51 53.6 E000 15.473, 73L, 73R747683L thru 84R85L, 85R204, 204F, 204L204R205205L205R213213L213R214, 214L, 214RN51 53.7 E000 15.6N51 53.7 E000 15.5N51 53.8 E000 15.5N51 53.7 E000 15.7N51 53.8 E000 15.6N51 53.0 E000 14.7N51 53.1 E000 14.7N51 53.1 E000 14.6N51 53.1 E000 14.7N51 53.1 E000 14.6N51 53.1 E000 14.8N51 53.1 E000 14.7N51 53.1 E000 14.8N51 53.1 E000 14.7Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STN00-12.751-53.351-53.251-53.151-5351-52.951-52.800-12.700-12.800-12.800-12.900-12.900-13519F3WESTERNAPRON00-13F226 JUN 0900-13.1517518HANGAR 300-13.1JEPPESEN00-13.2515HANGAR 7HANGAR200-13.3BUSINESSAVIATIONTERMINALHANGAR 1501502INS COORDINATES00-13.400-13.400-13.5METROHANGAR500-13.6JEPPESENJeppView 4FRWY 04/22STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES501N51 52.9 E000 13.3502N51 52.8 E000 13.3503, 504505 thru 507508509, 510N51 52.9 E000 13.5N51 53.0 E000 13.6N51 53.0 E000 13.7N51 53.1 E000 13.7511N51 53.2 E000 13.6512N51 53.2 E000 13.5513 N51 53.2 E000 13.4514N51 53.3 E000 13.330-9C516W3514.Eff.2.Jul.513G3512LONDON, UK511510LL1L3STANSTED00-13.7 00-13.851-53.351-53.251-53.1LRF151-52.8515N51 53.3 E000 13.2516N51 53.2 E000 13.2517518N51 53.3 E000 13.1N51 53.2 E000 13.1519 N51 53.1 E000 13.0LR00-13.870, 70L70R71, 71L, 71R72, 72L72RN51 53.6 E000 15.7N51 53.6 E000 15.8N51 53.6 E000 15.7N51 53.7 E000 15.6N51 53.7 E000 15.7

180^360^Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STN1. INTRODUCTIONCHANGES: Chart reindexed.B7579 JUN 06STAND ENTRY GUIDANCE SYSTEM2. EMERGENCY STOP PROCEDURESRED GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN REDSLOTB737JEPPESENB74730-9D3. AZIMUTH GUIDANCE FOR NOSE-IN STANDS (AGNIS)The light bars display one of the following signals:Steer away from the redtowards the green barCorrect alignment4. PARALLAX AIRCRAFT PARKING AID (PAPA)5. STOP ARROWSWhite LineSteer away from the redtowards the green barFluorescent TubeThe stop line is located at right angles to the centre line of stand, abeam theleft pilot's position at the intended point of stop.JEPPESENJeppView of the aircraft parking stands are equipped with Stand Entry Guidance (SEG).When a stand is not equipped, the SEG is unserviceable or not calibrated for aparticular type of aircraft, a marshalling service will be provided.LONDON, UKThe SEG comprises of AGNIS (Azimuth Guidance Nose-In System), PAPA (ParallaxAircraft Parking Aid) and Stop Arrows. These systems provide both directional andstopping guidance. The displays are aligned for interpretation from the left handflight deck seat. If SEG is not illuminated aircraft should remain off stand.Stand centerline alignment is provided by a painted centerline, which may besupplemented by AGNIS. This is normally used in conjunction, with PAPA or StopArrows. The unit displays two closely spaced vertical light bars mounted in a box.This aid is positioned to the left side of the stand centerline and provides stoppingguidance by employing a black board marked with white vertical lines bearingaeroplane type identification labels and a horizontal slot. Behind the slot is avertically mounted white fluorescent light tube which, when aligned with therequired aeroplane type line, indicates the stop-point.STANSTEDEmergency Stop facility is provided to enable an instant warning to be given topilots that there is an immediate safety threat to their aircraft and that the aircraftshould be stopped immediately to avert the danger. The need to make an emergencystop is indicated to the pilots by the illumination of a flashing red electronic STOPsign that is positioned at the head of the stand. The pilot should advise ATC that anEmergency Stop has been made on stand.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TMLicensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESENSTANSTED 31-1LOCISEDATIS127.17 114.55*110.5FinalApch Crs045^26 JUN 09 .Eff.2.Jul.119^JEPPESENJeppView, UKILS DME Rwy 04ESSEX Radar (APP) STANSTED Tower *Ground120.62 123.8 121.72GSILSApt Elev 348'D4.0 ISED DA(H)1650'(1318') 532'(200') RWY2000'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. AtD2.0 ISED turn LEFT onto R-104 inbound. Cross D5.0 BKY at3000', then continue to VOR at 3000', or as directed.Missed apch climb gradient of 4.9% may be required to ensure CAS containment.Acft unable to receive VOR, inform ATC.ISEDGS 700'332'Alt Set: hPaRwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ILS DME reads zero at rwy 04 displ threshold.52-0051-50LOC(GS out)BARKWAYDB 116.25 K YBKYD6.6 ISEDD4.0 ISED045^D0.5 ISEDD1.0 ISEDILS DMEI * S E D045^ 110.5 ISEDGnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-II Not aboveILS GS 3.00^ or377 4853000' D2.0539 647 755 862 PAPILOC Desc Grad 5.2%ISEDMAP at D0.5 ISED.JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 04 CIRCLE-TO-LANDILSLOC (GS out)DA(H)532'(200')MDA(H)640'(308')MaxFULL ALS out ALS out KtsMDA(H)VISARVR 900m100 830'(482') 1500mRVR 1500mB135850' (502') 1600mRVR 1000mRVR RVRC 550m1000mRVR 1800m 1801020' (672') 2400mDRVR 1400m RVR 2000m 205 1050' (702') 3600m284^090^MSAARP00-00 00-10 00-20 00-30ISED DME 2290' 1970' 1650' 1330' 1020'700'2500'853'D6.6ISED045^2.6CHANGES: Layout. Rwy designations.D4.0GS1650'ISED3.0D5.0BKYD1.0045^D0.5ISED1D2.0 ISEDTCH displthresh 53'2100'1800'1 ILS: Acft unable to receive DMEadvise ATC. Radar range willbe given at 4 NM inbound.0.5 RWY 04 332'0.5| JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

180^180^360^360^Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TMEGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55JEPPESEN26 JUN 09119^JEPPESENJeppView, UK31-1A 1CAT II ILS DME Rwy 04ESSEX Radar (APP) STANSTED Tower *Ground120.62 123.8 121.72GSCAT II ILSApt Elev 348'D4.0 ISEDRA/DA(H)1650'(1318')RWY2000'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. AtD2.0 ISED turn LEFT onto R-104 inbound. Cross D5.0 BKY at3000', then continue to VOR at 3000', or as directed.Missed apch climb gradient of 4.9% may be required to ensure CAS containment.Acft unable to receive VOR, inform ATC.Alt Set: hPaRwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Special Aircrew and Acft Certification Required. 2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 04 displ threshold.52-0051-50LOCISED*110.5.JAR-OPS.853'FinalApch Crs045^BARKWAYDB 116.25 K YBKY2500'D6.6 ISED.Eff.2.Jul.D4.0 ISED045^D1.0 ISEDRefer toMinimums045^ILS DMEI * S E D332'045^ 110.5 ISED090^Not above3000'MSAARP00-00 00-10 00-20 00-30D6.6ISED045^Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160GS3.00^ 377 485 539 647 755 862ABC2.6RA 108'DA(H)432'(100')D4.0GS1650'ISEDD5.0BKYD1.0STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 04CAT II ILSRVR 300m 1DRA 109'DA(H)433'(101')D2.0ISED1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m.CHANGES: Layout. Rwy designations.| JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.284^ISEDGS 700'D2.0 ISEDPAPIHIALS-II2100'1800'1 Acft unable to receive DMEadvise ATC. Radar range willbe given at 4 NM inbound.TCH displthresh 53'3.0 1.0RWY 04 332'PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TMLicensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNJEPPESEN26 JUN 09STANSTED 31-2ABCATIS160^.JAR-OPS.ILSLOC (GS out)DA(H)548'(200')MDA(H)730'(382')FULL ALS out ALS outRVR 900mRVR 1500mRVR 550mRVR 1000mD1 Rwy 04: See 30-4 noise abatement.RVR 1000mRVR 1400m.Eff.2.Jul.RVR 1800mRVR 2000mMaxKts100135180205JEPPESENJeppView, UKILS DME Rwy 22127.17 114.55 120.62 123.8 121.72LOCFinalGSILSApt Elev 348'ISXApch Crs D4.0 ISX DA(H)*110.5 225^ 1670'(1322') 548'(200') RWY 348' 2000'1800'MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. At2100'D3.1 ISX turn RIGHT onto R-174 inbound at D8.0 BKY, continueclimb as necessary to VOR at 3000', or as directed.MSAAcft unable to receive VOR, inform ATC.ARPAlt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'ILS DME reads zero at rwy 22 threshold.52-0051-50354^BARKWAYDB 116.25 K YBKY225^ESSEX Radar (APP) STANSTED Tower *Ground225^Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160HIALS-II Not aboveILS GS 3.00^ or377 485 539 6473000'755 862 PAPILOC Desc Grad 5.2%MAP at D0.5 ISXSTRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 22 CIRCLE-TO-LAND1090^ILS DME225^ I *110.5 S X ISX00-00 00-10 00-20 00-30LOCISX DME out) ALTITUDE 1040'1350'1670'1990'2310'RWY 22853'D8.0 BKY348'TCH 51'0.5CHANGES: Layout. Rwy designations.D3.1 ISXD1.0D0.5ISXISXGS 720'0.5D1.0ISXD0.5ISX3.0D4.0 ISXGS 1670'11 ILS: Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC.Radar range will be given at 4 NM inbound.D4.0 ISXD6.6ISX225^2.6MDA(H)830'(482')850'(502')D6.6ISX2500'D3.1ISXVIS1500m1600m1020' (672') 2400m1050' (702') 3600m| JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

180^180^360^360^PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TMLicensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATIS127.17 114.55160^JEPPESEN26 JUN 0931-2AMISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. AtD3.1 ISX turn RIGHT onto R-174 inbound at D8.0 BKY, continueclimb as necessary to VOR at 3000', or as directed.Acft unable to receive VOR, inform ATC.JEPPESENJeppView, UK1CAT II ILS DME Rwy 22Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. Special Aircrew and Acft Certification Required. 2. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 22 threshold.52-0051-50LOCISX*110.5 225^853'354^D8.0 BKYBARKWAYDB 116.25 K YBKY225^.Eff.2.Jul.ESSEX Radar (APP) STANSTED Tower *Ground120.62 123.8 121.72GSCAT II ILSApt Elev 348'D4.0 ISX RA/DA(H)1670'(1322')RWY2000'225^090^Not above3000'MSAARPILS DME225^ I *110.5 S X ISX00-00 00-10 00-20 00-30RWY 22Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160GS3.00^ 377 485 539 647 755 862.JAR-OPS.348'FinalApch CrsTCH 51'ABCRA 101'DA(H)448'(100')D3.1 ISXD1.0ISXGS 720'0.5D1.0ISXSTRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 22CAT II ILSRefer toMinimumsRVR 300m 1D4.0 ISXD6.6ISX348'HIALS-IIDRA 103'DA(H)450'(102')D3.1ISX1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m.CHANGES: Layout. Rwy designations.| JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED3.0PAPI2100'1800'1 Acft unable to receive DME advise ATC.Radar range will be given at 4 NM inbound.D4.0 ISXGS 1670'225^2.6D6.6ISX2500'BRIEFING STRIP TMPANS OPS 4Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009EGSS/STNSTANSTEDATISESSEX Radar (APP)127.17 114.55 120.62FinalRADAR Apch CrsBy ATC52-0051-50853'I S E D045^ *110.5 ISED045^JEPPESEN26 JUN 09 38-1*STANSTED Director136.2 (By ATC) 123.8 121.72Minimum Alt MDA(H) Apt Elev 348'SeeRefer to RWY 04 332'table below Minimums RWY 22Missed Approach - See belowBD116.25 BARKWAYK YBKY.Eff.2.Jul.STANSTED TowerAlt Set: hPa Apt Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATCILS DME reads zero at both rwy thresholds.ILS DME RWY 04*GroundJEPPESENJeppView, UKSRA All Rwys348'00-00 00-10 00-20 00-30RADAR FIX5. 04 ALTITUDE 1900' 1580' 1270' 950'RWY 22 ALTITUDE1900' 1590'1280'970'Minimum Alt/NM5.0 FAFSRA 04 TMN 2.0 NM 1900'SRA 22 TMN 2.0 NM 1900'MISSED APPROACH:Rwy 04: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. At D2.0 ISED/R-119 BKY turnLEFT to establish on R-104 BKY inbound. Cross D5.0 BKY at 3000', then continue toBKY VOR at 3000', or as directed. Missed apch climb gradient of 4.9% may be required to ensureCAS containment. Acft unable to receive BKY VOR, inform ATC.Rwy 22: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to not above 3000'. At D3.1 ISX/R-160 BKY turnRIGHT to establish on R-174 BKY inbound at D8.0 BKY, continue climb as necessaryto BKY VOR at 3000', or as directed. Acft unable to receive BKY VOR, inform ATC.Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160Lighting - Refer toRwy 04: Descent Gradient 5.2% 369 474 527 632 737 843Refer to Missed ApchRwy 22: Descent Gradient 5.1% 362 465 516 620 723 826Airport Chart aboveMAP 2 NM from touchdown.JAR-OPS.STRAIGHT-IN LANDINGCIRCLE-TO-LAND1SRA 04SRA 22MDA(H) 950' (618')MDA(H) 970' (622')MaxALS outALS out KtsMDA(H)VISA RVR 1000mRVR 1000m 100 2950'(602') 1500mRVR 1500mRVR 1500mB135 2950'(602') 1600mRVR 1200mRVR1200mC180 1020' (672') 2400mRVR 2000mRVR 2000mD RVR 1600mRVR 1600m205 1050' (702') 3600m1 Rwy 04: See 30-4 noise abatement. 2 After SRA 22: MDA(H) 970'(622').CHANGES: Rwy designations.| JEPPESEN, 1999, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.225^090^I S XILS DME RWY 222000'2100'225^ *110.5 ISX1800'MSA ARPTrans alt: 6000'

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