Download The Kuwait Integrated Digital Field Bulletin Nº14 - KwIDF

Download The Kuwait Integrated Digital Field Bulletin Nº14 - KwIDF

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CORPORATECollaboration“Our expectations aim very high”Mr. Hussain Al-Ajmi, North <strong>Kuwait</strong> Collaboration Center LeadMr. Hussain Al-Ajmi, Team Leader <strong>Field</strong>sDevelopment (SA/BA) has been appointedas the North <strong>Kuwait</strong> Collaboration CenterLeader. Even though this is a greatchallenge, Mr. Al-Ajmi recognizes theenormous opportunity that the projectrepresents, and is very eager to take <strong>KwIDF</strong>Sabriyah to a successful operational phase.What do you expect from <strong>KwIDF</strong>?Our dreams and expectations aim veryhigh. <strong>KwIDF</strong> is, without any doubt, thefuture of KOC, and we expect it to allow usthe optimization that our 2030 Strategysets as a goal, but also managing ourreservoirs in a sustainable way.Please mention specific objectives ortargets you want to achieve in yourCollaboration Center.We want to achieve a new way of working(Collaboration) that will bring the resultswe need and want. We are clear about thefact that <strong>KwIDF</strong> is not only aboutoptimization, but about bringing a changeto KOC that will allow us to stay competitive,increase our recovery factor, optimize ourproduction, and extend the life of ourreservoirs.What is the biggest challenge you arefacing and how do you plan to addressit?We think our greatest challenge at thismoment is to get everybody’s buy in,because in order to deliver results, everydecision taken in the Collaboration Centershould be respected and followed through.We also have full support from ourManagement and from Halliburton, but inorder to make this work, everybody has tobe in the same page and collaborating.What is your vision of a fully functionalCollaboration Center?Our vision is that of all the teams (FD, WSPO, IT) working together, taking decisionsin a collaborative manner. But let us notforget that this is still a pilot, in which weare all finding new solutions together. If wesucceed in optimizing production in acollaborative manner, there will be nodoubt that Collaboration will become ournew way of working.“HSE, including security, has been a big winner”Mr. Qasem Dashti - <strong>KwIDF</strong> Jurassic Collaboration Center LeadWhat was your vision for a CollaborationEnvironment?I believed the implementation of theenvironment would encourage broaderways of working. <strong>The</strong> accessibility of data,processes and tools would enhance ourteamwork.What contributions did you expect from<strong>KwIDF</strong> towards your vision?I wanted to achieve all the four layers ofthe pyramid of transformation (see below)i.e. instrumentation to data to interventions,real time, towards the goal of fieldoptimisation.What objectives did you want to achievewith a Collaboration Center?Production targets, a safety culture anda more integrated environment toprovide opportunities forsurface and sub surfacecommunities to contribute.In this way we would beable to betterintegrateelements of ourStrategic plan.Optimize/Improve the way we operateImprove Collaboration (<strong>Field</strong>s Development& Operations & Drilling)Achieve Efficient Reservoir Management& <strong>Field</strong> Development PlanningAdd automatic event detection (and define responsesystems)Integrate between monitoring, analysis, and actionReal time field awareness (safety and production)Data acquisition, validation, and analysis (i.e. Well Performance Analysis)Production Loss Reporting and AllocationInstall software tools to manage, visualize and analyze the data tomove from “data collection” to “Information Management”Achieve HSE objectivesInstall the right infrastructure and well instrumentation to collect sufficient datain real time or near real time.Obtain real time data to improve day to day well managementSurveillance Visualization and Alarming.How far have those expectations beenmet?Many expectations have been met, andmany items, including the developmentof 22 workflows have been achieved. <strong>The</strong>operations dashboard is utilized at alltimes. HSE, including Security, has beena big winner.What are the next steps towards yourvision?To build on our past successes, sustainingthe current technical solution, developingadvanced workflows, building inmaintenance of equipment and planningfor systems enhancement, and gettingour people and behaviors fully alignedwith the solution.PAGE 4<strong>Kuwait</strong> Oil Company

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