JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

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2 11. LYLE, Robert. - M i s t r a l. - Cambrige : Bowes and Bowes ; New Haven : Ya l eUniversity Press, 1953. - 68 p. (Studies in Modern European Literature and Thought).212. —————, Mistral. - Paris ; London : Karl Orend & Constance Morrillpublishers, 1994. - 68 p. (Alyscamps Provençal Library).[A new edition of the above. Includes in appendix extracts from Mistral’s poemsin the original Provençal. Translation of many passages from Mistral’s C a l e n d a u,Discours e Dicho, Lis Isclo d’Or, Mirèio, Nerto, Lis Oulivado, Lou Pouèmo dóu Rose,La Reino Jano. BNB : B95-03199. British Library Catalogue : YK. 1995. a. 5865].213. MARBLE, Annie Russell. - The Nobel Prize Winners in Literature. - New York,1925.[Includes the translation of passages from Mistral’s Mirèio : first two stanzas andCant IV, stanza 30, p. 36].214. MARSHALL, Archibald. - A Spring Walk in Provence. - New York : 1920.[A chapter on Mistral].215. MAUD, Constance Elizabeth. - Sparks among the Stubble. - London : [1924].[Includes a chapter on Mistral].216. MEREDITH, George. - The Poems of George Meredith. Edited by Phyllis B.Bartlett. 2 Vols. - New Haven and London : Yale University Press, 1978. - V-XLIX,707 p. ; V-XIV, pp. 711-1253.[Includes, pp. 705-707, George Meredith’s translation from Mistral’s Mirèio (CantIV, stanzas 30-34), “The Mares of the Camargue” , in Part I : Poems Collected byMeredith. The same translation also appears in : George Meredith. Poetical Works. -New York, 1897, 1898. - pp. 560 et sq., and in A Reading of Life (1901). SeeRepertory for details. This translation had previously appeared in an unsigned reviewby George Meredith in the Pall Mall Gazette, March 27, 1869 (See 328). In hisintroduction to the poem, Phyllis Bartlett mentions, pp. 705-706 : “George Meredithwrote [May 31, 1861] to his friend, Bonaparte-Wyse : ‘When you see M. Mistral, praytell him that it is my earnest wish to be introduced to him. Mirèio, the more I look atit, strikes me as a consummate work in an age of very small singing. It has in someparts the pastoral richness of Theocritus and the rough vigour of Homer’ [... See 169].On May 20, 1876, [Meredith] wrote Wyse of his desire ‘to have drunk Chateauneufdu Pape with you, and to the health of Mistral. By the way, I am going to write a fullreview of him’. There is no evidence that this review was written”. See also 219, 219A, and 287].217. MISTRAL, Frédéric. - Mirèio. Translated by Melle Suzanne Asselin, 1859.[Mentioned by Lefèvre (Catalogue Félibréen, p. 30, and F. Mistral.B i b l i o g r a p h i e . . . , p. 2) and in Armana Prouvençau, pèr lou bèl an de Diéu e dóuB i s s è s t. - Avignon, Roumanille, 1860. - p. 29 : “Enfin, d’entousiasme e tout d’unvanc, uno jouino damo angleso, madamo Suzanna Asselin, reviravo M i r è i o dins salengo, e la rèino d’Angloterro, la graciouso Victoria, que davalo tout dre di vièi princedi Baus, pèr la generacioun di prince d’Aurenjo, poudié legi à plesi e voulounta licansoun e li nouvello dóu terraire di Baus, nis pairoulau de sa famiho”. Finally, out ofenthusiasm and straight off the reel, a young English lady, Mrs. Suzanne Asselin,translated Mirèio into her own language. And the Queen of England, Her GraciousMajesty Victoria, who is a direct descendant of the Princes of Li Baus through theHouse of Orange, could, at her convenience, read the songs and the news from theland which was the cradle of her paternal ancestry (our translation). There is no traceof Ms. S. Asselin’s translation in the British Museum or British Library catalogues].218. —————, Mirèio. An English Ve r s i o n (The Original Crowned by the FrenchAcademy) of Mr. Frédéric Mistral’s “Mirèio” , from the Original Provençal under theAuthor’s Sanction. Translated by C. H. Grant. - Avignon : J. Roumanille ; Paris : A. etW. Galignani ; Marseille : Camoin ; Nice : Visconti, 1867. - VI, 261 p. ; 19 cm.[Catalogue Bibliothèque Nationale (Tome CXV) : Ye. 27925. British Library

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