JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

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[P-C 70, 39] “Quan l’erba fresc’ e·l foilla par” :68-69. The Translations of Ezra Pound (Micellaneous Poems), 1953, p. 426.[original publication : Hesternae Rosae, 1913].[P-C 70, 43] “Quan vei la lauzeta mover” :64 A-67 A. [verse-and-prose translation] : Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance,Chapter III, Proença, 1910, pp. 41-42 in 1970 edition.68-69. The Translations of Ezra Pound (Micellaneous Poems), 1953 : “The Lark” ,p. 427.04. Alla Francesca, Richard Cœur de Lion / Richard the Lionheart, 1996 : “When Isee the lark joyfully” , R. Rosenstein, Song 13, pp. 30-31.[76] BERTRAN D’ALAMANON[P-C 76, 23] “Us cavaliers si jazia” :116. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1836, p. 251,150. Tenso, 5, 2, p. 141 [5 l.] ; p. 144 [5l.]. G. Sigal, 1990.[80] BERTRAN DE BORN[P-C 80, 8a] “Be·m platz lo gais temps de pascor” :67 A. [verse-and-prose translation] : Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance, ChapterIII, Proença, pp. 47-48 in 1970 edition.75-75 A. Provençal Poems, Sally Purcell, 1969, pp. 19-20.[P-C 80, 35] “Quan vei pels vergiers desplegar” :64 A-67 A. [verse-and-prose translation] : Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance,Chapter III, Proença, pp. 45-46 in 1970 edition.68-69. The Translations of Ezra Pound (Micellaneous Poems), 1 9 5 3 : “A Wa rSong” , p. 426.3. Proensa, Paul Blackburn, 1953, 1978, 1986.57. The Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born, W. D. Paden, T. Sankovitch, andP. H. Stäblein, 1986.21 B. “My Heart Swells up with Happiness Every Time I See” : Terry Deary, 1996,pp. 81-82.

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