JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

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64 A-67 A. [verse-and-prose translation] : Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance,1910, pp. 21-23 ; Chapter II, Il Miglior Fabbro, pp. 28-30 in 1970 edition. [Alsopublished in Translations, 1953, and in Literary Essays, 1954, pp. 127-133. Seealso 94 : C. Ward, pp. 33-34, 45-47, 70-72].[P-C 29, 14] “Lo ferm voler qu’el cor m’intra” :68-69. The Translations of Ezra Pound, 1953, p. 425. [First published HesternaeRosae, 1913. See also 94 : C. Ward, p. 60 and p. 86].[P-C 29, 16] “Quan cai la foilla” :69 A-B. Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, 1954, pp. 116-119. [Also in Translations,1953. First published New Age, 1911. See also 94 : C. Ward, pp. 63-64].[P-C 29, 17] “Si·m fos amors de joi donar tant larga” :64 A-67 A. [prose translation] : Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance, 1910, pp. 24-26 ; Chapter II, Il Miglior Fabbro, p. 32 in 1970 edition. [Also published as“Rica Conquesta” , New Age, 1912, Translations, 1953, p. 418, and in LiteraryEssays, 1954, pp. 145-148. See also 94 : C. Ward, p. 38, pp. 58-59, and pp. 84-85].[P-C 29, 18] “Sols sui qui sai lo sobrafan que·m sortz” :64 A-67 A. [verse-and-prose translations of the first four stanzas and the envoi] :Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance, 1910 pp. 18-20 ; Chapter II, Il MigliorF a b b ro, pp. 26-27 in the 1970 edition. [Also published in Tr a n s l a t i o n s, 1953,and in Literary Essays, 1954, pp.139-142. See also 94 : C. Ward, p. 37, pp. 55-56, and p. 82].101. The Poetry of Arnaut Daniel, James J. Wilhelm, 1981.93. Forked Branches, Charlotte Ward, 1985.94. Pound’s Translations of Arnaut Daniel, Charlotte Ward, 1991.[30] ARNAUT DE MAROILL[P-C 30, 10] “Bel m’es quan lo vens m’alena” :64 A-67 A. [three stanzas in praise of the Countess of Béziers] : Ezra Pound, TheSpirit of Romance, Chapter III, Proença, 1910, p. 53 ; p. 57 in 1970 edition.75-75 A. Provençal Poems, Sally Purcell, 1969, pp. 26-27.

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