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JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

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Peguillan, Guillem Figueira, Na Gormanda de Monpeslier].125. GROSS, Charlotte. - “Studies in Lyric Ti m e - S t ru c t u re : Dreams, Visions andReveries” . - Tenso. - Vol. 2, N° 1, Autumn 1986. - pp. 31-32.[Translation of P-C 262, 1 ; 262, 3 ; 262, 4 ; 262, 6, in Appendix : “Dream Sequencesin Four Cansos by Jaufre Rudel”].126. HOLMES, Olivia. - “Unriddling the ‘Devinalh’ “ . - Tenso. - Vol. 9, N° 1, Autumn1993. - pp. 24-62.[Translation in the Appendix of extracts from : Anonyma (Appel, pp. 82-83), Guilhemde Peitieu, Guiraut de Bornelh, Jaufre Rudel, Raimbaut d’Aurenga, Raimbaut deVaqueiras. See Repertory for details].127. —————, “The Representation of Time in the ‘Libre’ of Guiraut Riquier” . -Tenso. - Vol. 9, N° 2, Spring 1994. - pp. 126-148.[Translation of extracts from P-C 248 : 17, 21, 47, 55, 66, 88, 89. See Repertory fordetails].128. JEWERS, Caroline. - “The Poetics of (S)Cat-Ology in Guilhem VII, Count ofPoitiers, IX Duke of Aquitaine’s Canso V” . - Tenso. - Vol. 11, N° 1, Fall 1995. - pp.38-63.[Translation of extracts from [P-C 52, 3 ; va. 165, 2] and from Guilhem de Peitieu’sCanso V. See Repertory for details].129. JONES, Lowanne E. - “Guiraut de Calanso’s Lyric Allegory of Lady Love” i nMélanges offerts à Charles Camproux. - Montpellier, 1978. - Vol. 1, pp. 105-120.[Translation of P-C 243, 2].130. KASTNER, L. E. - “On Some Verses of William de Poitiers” . - Modern LanguageReview. - Vol. 26, 1931. - pp. 346-347.131. —————, “Concerning Two Sirventes of Bertran de Born” . - M o d e r nPhilology. - Vol. 29, 1931-1932. - pp. 1-9.132. —————, “Concerning a Certain Allusion in a Provençal canso” . - MediumAevum. - Vol. 2, 1933. - pp. 140-142.133. —————, “Notes on the Poems of Bertran de Born” . - Modern LanguageReview. - Vol. 27, 1932 ; pp. 398-419. - Vol. 28, 1933 ; pp. 37-49. - Vol. 29, 1934 ;pp. 142-149. - Vol. 31, 1936 ; pp. 20-33. - Vol. 32, 1937 ; pp. 169-221.134. KENDRICK, Laura. - Masculine Submission in Troubadour Lyric. - [Reviewed bySandra Resnick ALFONSI. - Tenso. - Vol. 4, N° 1, Autumn 1988. - p. 29].[Translation of one strophe from Guilhem de Peitieu : P-C 183, 8].135. LINSKILL, Joseph. - “An Enigmatic Poem of Raimbaut de Vaqueiras” . - ModernLanguage Review. - Vol. 53, 1958. - pp. 355-363.[On P-C 392, 22 : “Leus sonetz si cum suoill” ].136. MACDONALD, Aileen. - “ Warbled Wo rds : The ‘Starling’ and ‘Nightingale’Poems” . - Tenso. - Vol. 10, N° 1, Fall 1994. - pp. 18-36.[Translation of extracts from Marcabru : P-C 293 : 1, 25, 30, and Peire d’Alvergne :P-C 323 : 23, 24. See Repertory for details].137. MARSHALL, John H. - “Observations on the Sources of the Treatment of Rhetoricin the ‘Leys d’amors’ “ . - Modern Language Review. - Vol. 64, 1969. - pp. 39-52.138. MERMIER, Guy. - “ ‘Boèci’ : An English Translation of the Old Pro v e n ç a lFragment with a Preface and Notes” . - Contemporary Readings of MedievalLiterature. Ed. Guy Mermier. - Ann Arbor : Department of Romance Languages,University of Michigan (1989). - pp. 21-35.

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