JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

JC Rixte QXP - Ciel d'Oc

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111. —————, “The Troubadour and the Concept of Style” i n Stil undFormprobleme in der Literatur (Actes du VIII° Congrès international de la F. I. L. L.M., 1957). - Heidelberg, 1959. - pp. 142-147.112. —————, “The Name of the Troubadour Dalfin d’Alvernhe” i n F rench andProvençal Lexicography. Essays presented to honour A. H. Schutz. - Columbus, Ohio,1964. - pp. 140-163.113. —————, “The Provençal planh : II, The Lament for a Lady” in Mélanges RitaLejeune. - Gembloux, 1969. - pp. 57-65.114. —————, “The Provençal p l a n h : I, The Lament for a Prince” i n M é l a n g e sBoutière. - Liège, 1971. - Vol. I, pp. 23-30.115. BAGLEY, C. P. - “ Paratge in the anonymous ‘Chanson de la Croisade’ “ . - FrenchStudies. - Vol. 21, 1967. - pp. 195-204.116. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. - Edinburgh, February 1836. - Vol. 39, N° 244.- pp. 240-261.[ Translation of many passages, prose and verse, from the troubadours : Anonyma(A l b a 461, 113), Vida of Guillem de Cabestaing, Beatritz de Dia (46, 2), Bernartd’Auriac (57, 3), Bertran d’Alamanon (76, 23), Blacatz (97, 4), Guillem deCabestaing (213, 1 ; 213, 3 ; 213, 6), Guillem de Mur (226, 4, va. Guiraut Riquier248, 37), Marcabru (293, 1), Richard “Cœur de Lion” (420, 2), and extracts fromGuiraut Riquier and Sordel. . See Repertory for details].117. BOSSY, Michel-André. - “ Twin Flocks : Guiraut Riquier’s ‘Pastorelas’ and hisBook of Songs” . - Tenso. - Vol. 9, N° 2, Spring 1994. - pp. 149-176.[Translation of extracts from Guiraut Riquier’s Pastorelas I, II, IV, V, VI, P-C 248,66, and “Voluntiers faria” . See Repertory for details].118. BOWRA, Cecil M. - “Dante and Arnaud Daniel” . - Speculum. - Vol. 27, 1952. -pp. 459-474.119. CHAMBERS, Frank. - “Las Trobairitz Soiseubudas” . i n The Voice of theTro b a i r i t z. Ed. William Paden. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press,1989. - pp. 45-60.[ Translation of Bertran del Pojet : P-C 87, 1, l. 36-42. Quoted by Carol Nappholz,Tenso, 7, 2. See under NAPPHOLZ].120. CHAMBERS, William. - “Troubadours and Trouvères” . [32 p. in his “Papers forthe People” . - Edinburgh, 1851. - Vol. 11, N° 84. - 12°].121. CHOLAKIAN, Rouben. - “Riquier’s ‘Letras’ : An Epistemology of Self” . - Tenso.- Vol. 11, N° 2, Spring 1996. - pp. 129-147.[Translation of many short extracts from Guiraut Riquier’s “Letras” . See Repertoryfor details].122. DRONKE, Peter. - “Guillaume IX and courtoisie” . - Romanische Forschungen. -Vol 73, 1961. - pp. 327-338.123. ECONOMOU, George D. - “Marcabru, Love’s Star Witness : For and Against” . -Tenso. - Vol. 7, N° 1, Autumn 1991. - pp. 23-39.[Translation of P-C 5, P-C 19, P-C 33].123 A. GAUDET, Minnette. - “The Rhetoric of Desire in the Cansos of Bernart deVentadorn” . - Romance Languages Annual. - Vol. 6, 1994. - pp. 67-74.124. GHIL, Eliza Miruna. - “ C rozada : Avatars of a Religious Term in Thirt e e n t h -Century Occitan Poetry” . - Tenso, Vol. 10, N° 2, Spring 1995. - pp. 99-109.[ Translation of extracts from La Canso de la Cro z a d a (anonymous), Aimeric de

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