Minutes - Coventry Partnership

Minutes - Coventry Partnership

Minutes - Coventry Partnership


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Notes of the ELSE Group Meeting held on 22 nd August 2012Diamond Room 2, Council House, Earl Street, <strong>Coventry</strong>PresentJane Beaver (Chair)JCPStephen BanburyVoluntary Action <strong>Coventry</strong>Sue Bent<strong>Coventry</strong> Law CentreKaren Booret<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilPauline BurnettDWPMandeep Chouhan<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilPaula DeasCWLEPDawn Ford<strong>Coventry</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong> and CommunitiesJo Gowers<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilRay GoyHenley CollegeDave Green<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilDave HillWCCDave HughesBusiness in the CommunityHelen HuntWarwickshire County CouncilEmma JonesWhitefriarsSi Chun Lam<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilSam MorrisCSWP LtdLiam Nagle<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilAngela Tellyn<strong>Coventry</strong> and Warwickshire Chamber of CommerceDan West<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilTina Wukics<strong>Coventry</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong>Apologies:Helen HardingFaye Nicholls<strong>Coventry</strong> City Council<strong>Coventry</strong> City CouncilNo Agenda Item Action1 Welcome, Introduction and Apologies:The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.Apologies were noted.2 <strong>Minutes</strong> of the last ELSE meeting held on 25 th April 2012These were accepted as a true record of the meeting.33.1CWLEP UpdateCWLEP has been relatively quiet since the departure of the outgoing Chair but is

going through the process of securing a replacement. The LEP has undergone astrategic review and is focussing resources on sectors within <strong>Coventry</strong> andWarwickshire for maximum future growth. These sectors have been identified as:Advanced EngineeringLow Carbon VehiclesIntelligent Transport SystemsDigital Technology3. proposition is that CWLEP focus strategy on these sectors- currently providing13% jobs but expected to grow to 45% over the next 30 years. There are also aseries of 'enablers' that will not only support just those priority sectors but also toall businesses in all sectors. CWLEP will commit to work on major enabler ofStrategic Infrastructure (Transport schemes, Employment Sites); HE & Skills;Funding for Businesses and Infrastructure Investment; Inward Investment togetherwith 'The Low Carbon Challenge'- to provide a high efficiency, low impact 'wrapper'around activity that would help to cement <strong>Coventry</strong> and Warwickshire's leadposition nationally.'The 100 in 100 challenge' was a success. 134 apprenticeships with 110 firms in100 days. A really positive outcome for both apprentices and businesses.The <strong>Coventry</strong> and Warwickshire Local Enterprise <strong>Partnership</strong> (LEP) has beenawarded an allocation of £12.8 million from the Government’s Growing PlacesFund – designed to kick-start developments and other infrastructure projectsallowing them to deliver quicker economic benefits.CWLEP has been selected by Government as one of just five new Rural GrowthNetwork Pilot areas. These pilots supported by £15 million of new governmentfunding, will test different mechanisms by which LEPs and local authorities cansupport sustainable economic growth in rural areas. In addition to the £15m, pilotRGN areas also have preferential access to the micro-enterprise strand of theRural Economy Grant (REG) which provides support to dynamic, growing ruralenterprises which employ 10 people or less.Warwickshire County Council and other RGN partners are currently working withDEFRA to identify what support should be available in Warwickshire under thescheme and the best way for local businesses to apply.The LEP has submitted a £35m bid to the 3 rd round of the Regional Growth Fund.Successful bidders will be announced in the autumn.Performance MonitoringSi Chum Lam gave a presentation on performance for Jobs, Growth andEnterprise in <strong>Coventry</strong> & Warwickshire.The Government’s main economic priority is to reduce the national debt.Economy - National – A vicious circle of cutsCuts in government spending, Higher levels of government borrowingJob cuts, higher levels of welfare paymentBusinesses suffer, Lower demand for goods and servicesHigher level of public debt4.2

Economy – <strong>Coventry</strong>381600 people, of whom 13600 are in employment and 1004 are on Job SeekersAllowance (JSA). More men than women are on JSA.Economy – <strong>Coventry</strong> & WarwickshireJSA claimants are higher in <strong>Coventry</strong> (4.7%) than Warwickshire (2.4%). This isdown from 4.9% and 2.6%. The gap between <strong>Coventry</strong> and the West Midlands hasnarrowed.It is not yet clear whether this is due to a strong movement into further educationor the Government giving incentives into Businesses to take on Apprentices.Key Message• UK economy back in recession – local impact:• <strong>Coventry</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong> working to boost confidence in the local economy bypromoting inward investment & supporting the development of localenterprises- £7m public realm works & City Centre South• <strong>Coventry</strong> Jobs Strategy 2011-2014 secure job opportunities throughinvestment- help people get jobs- help people improve their skills• 100 apprenticeships in 100 days challenge4.255.1The presentation to be circulated to the group.Employers 4 Employment Project – Jo GowerThe programme will be delivered in partnership across the West Midlands andtransnationally. The main partners are <strong>Coventry</strong> City Council, WarwickshireCounty Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, Stoke on Trent CityCouncil and Accord Housing. The target group is very specific and there havebeen a number of achievements to date:Sandwell Council – Finditin Sandwell; The Hub works with ex-offenders; ThinkLocal ConstructionAccord Housing - provided blended learning facilities; Revised ProcurementPolicies and The Adventures Programme<strong>Coventry</strong> City Council- Business Support; Employers of Choice Awards andPlacement Programme66.1Family Poverty – FeedbackDave Green gave a presentation on Tackling Family Poverty, which is one of thefour key priorities of the Children & Young People’s Strategic <strong>Partnership</strong>.The priority outcomes are:• Workless parents are supported into work6.2

• Working parents are supported into secure higher paid jobs• Families live in safe and affordable housing• Families are not financially excludedIn order to get an understanding of the current offer to those out of work, orseeking better paid work and to get the latest available data, meetings werearranged with representatives from <strong>Coventry</strong> City Council (Job Strategy group),Job Centre Plus and <strong>Coventry</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong>. A mapping exercise was carried out tohighlight the challenges that workless parent's encounter. The next step is toidentify what we can do to address the gaps.6.2Following discussion it was agreed that a working group will meet to move thisforward and report back at the next ELSE meeting.7 Barriers to Education & Training for Young People in Rural Areas.'The Barriers to Education & Training for Young People in Rural Areas' Reportlooks at whether there is a rural dimension to the number of young people not ineducation, employment or training (NEET).Young people living in rural areas face a number of uniquely rural barriers,particularly concerning access to transport, careers advice, employment andtraining support and youth services.TransportYoung people in rural areas are more dependent than their urban counterparts onpublic transport, particularly for accessing education and training. The high costand low availability of public transport is a significant challenge, and act as abarrier to their post-16 choices and overall progress to employment. Having adriving licence and being able to afford a car is essential. However, insurancecosts are often prohibitive.The Government is raising the compulsory participation age in education andtraining to 18, it is not extending the pre-16 duty to provide free school transport.The removal of Education Maintenance Allowance further disadvantages those inrural areas more reliant on higher-cost public transport. The impact of the removalof EMA has resulted in young people losing the means of being independent.ApprenticeshipThe limited capacity and flexibility of small, rural businesses and enterprises canoften reduce their capacity to take on full-time apprentices.Careers AdviseGood careers advice is crucial to enabling young people to make sound choicesabout their future. From September 2012 there is a duty on schools to secureaccess to independent careers guidance. A single, all age National CareersService was launched in April 2012. This raises challenges for young people livingin rural areas, where access to broadband is limited.

8 Job Shop UpdateThe Job Shop moved into new premises in March 2012 and a formal opening willtake place in October. <strong>Coventry</strong> City Council will be working in partnership withJobcentre Plus, CSWP, Further Education Colleges and training providers.The Job Shop offers support to all unemployed people living in <strong>Coventry</strong> but willnot support anyone already on a work programme. People on a work programmeshould access support from their training provider.It will operate an open door policy and people can register at The Job Shop oronline. Membership is required to access the facilities and a team of advisors willbe on hand to offer support, advice, help with job searches and careers advice.There are a number of workshops to help with interview skills, confidence building,customer services skills and effective communication.People to whom they cannot offer a service will be signposted to elsewhere i.e.people from oversees may be signposted to the Refugee Centre.Feedback has been positive.99.11010.11111.1Willenhall Project – Impower SurveyThe Willenhall Project was deferred to the Tackling Family Poverty WorkingGroup.Flexible Fund ProjectsThe Flexible Support Fund gave Jobcentre Plus Districts greater freedom to tailorwork to support individual and local need. A number of projects in <strong>Coventry</strong>benefitted by the funding which included: The Boot Camp Belgrade Theatre Foleshill ProjectAny Other Business'Business in the Community' are hosting a ‘Your Choice, Your Future’ event at theRicoh Arena on 27 th November 2012. The event is aimed at Year 9 pupils from 7local secondary schools. A wide range of local businesses will be taking part andwill create a dynamic showcase for local industry. The event will give the youngpeople: An insight into the world of work An opportunity to perform industry related tasks at interactive displays An opportunity to speak to real people about real careers and theirjourneys into the world of work An insight into the job opportunities available, and show them how they canfit into the local economyThe Skills Show takes place 15-17 November 2012 at the NEC, on offer will be

careers and training advice, opportunities in further education and apprenticeships.12 Dates of Future Meetings:5 th December 2012, 10.00 - 12.00

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