Boeing Media Guide - PGA TOUR Media

Boeing Media Guide - PGA TOUR Media

Boeing Media Guide - PGA TOUR Media

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2009 MONEY LIST*Rank Rank Player Events Money Rank Rank Player Events MoneyThis Last This LastWeek Week Week Week1 1 Bernhard Langer 14 $1,619,690 51 51 David Edwards 11 $196,1762 2 Fred Funk 12 $1,190,641 52 52 Bobby Wadkins 15 $185,7853 3 Loren Roberts 14 $1,129,486 53 53 R.W. Eaks 13 $183,5904 4 Joey Sindelar 15 $996,589 54 54 Bob Gilder 15 $179,5425 5 Mark McNulty 15 $840,426 55 55 Fuzzy Zoeller 13 $159,7776 6 Andy Bean 15 $808,051 56 56 Mike McCullough 11 $157,3217 7 Mark O'Meara 12 $757,627 57 57 Robert L. Thompson 13 $150,0668 8 Jay Haas 15 $728,750 58 58 Sandy Lyle 11 $145,0369 9 Dan Forsman 14 $717,398 59 59 Hale Irwin 14 $144,56810 10 Keith Fergus 15 $710,870 60 60 Steve Thomas 13 $132,83411 11 Larry Mize 14 $696,883 61 61 Gary Hallberg 12 $132,69612 12 Nick Price 12 $688,807 62 62 Phil Blackmar 11 $131,53313 13 Gene Jones 14 $687,355 63 63 Jay Don Blake 7 $131,29814 14 Jeff Sluman 16 $622,314 64 64 Mike Reid 12 $130,46815 15 John Cook 14 $548,292 65 65 Scott Simpson 4 $129,94816 16 Lonnie Neilsen 16 $523,118 66 66 Tom McKnight 13 $128,84917 17 Tom Kite 16 $508,989 67 67 Ken Green 11 $123,90618 18 Eduardo Romero 11 $485,637 68 68 Ian Woosnam 8 $123,32219 19 Mike Goodes 15 $482,547 69 69 D.A. Weibring 10 $118,55020 20 Brad Bryant 14 $473,028 70 70 Olin Browne 5 $108,17621 21 Gil Morgan 12 $444,184 71 71 John Harris 12 $107,61122 22 Tom Jenkins 14 $437,158 72 72 Chip Beck 11 $102,10223 23 Don Pooley 14 $418,236 73 73 Des Smyth 4 $101,38424 24 Scott Hoch 12 $409,377 74 74 Bruce Lietzke 9 $87,56925 25 Mark Wiebe 16 $398,629 75 75 Vicente Fernandez 12 $85,68526 26 Michael Allen 2 $388,460 76 76 Tom Wargo 11 $85,66927 27 Fulton Allem 13 $353,351 77 77 Sam Torrance 2 $84,51528 28 Bruce Fleisher 13 $351,391 78 78 Allen Doyle 13 $83,21629 29 David Eger 15 $343,756 79 79 Wayne Levi 8 $83,05430 30 Mark James 10 $329,485 80 80 Chris Starkjohann 5 $79,77431 31 Tom Lehman 4 $316,420 81 81 Robin Freeman 1 $69,76232 32 Tim Simpson 15 $309,943 82 82 Leonard Thompson 8 $68,09533 33 Ben Crenshaw 13 $290,582 83 83 John Jacobs 5 $67,28034 34 Jim Thorpe 15 $290,012 84 84 Mike Hulbert 9 $66,21935 35 Bruce Vaughan 15 $286,802 85 85 Andy North 3 $61,72536 36 Russ Cochran 7 $280,745 86 86 Bruce Summerhays 5 $61,41637 37 Joe Ozaki 12 $266,556 87 87 Blaine McCallister 12 $58,92438 38 Craig Stadler 13 $260,017 88 88 Dave Stockton 12 $49,55539 39 Ronnie Black 10 $246,603 89 89 Wayne Grady 10 $47,58140 40 Larry Nelson 10 $243,186 90 90 Gary Koch 4 $45,89641 41 Morris Hatalsky 14 $243,066 91 91 Jim Colbert 8 $40,83242 42 Tom Watson 7 $234,322 92 92 Denis O'Sullivan 3 $40,18643 43 Tom Purtzer 16 $229,446 93 93 Bob Tway 3 $35,47744 44 Denis Watson 16 $227,618 94 94 Kirk Hanefeld 4 $34,51445 45 Dana Quigley 11 $225,192 95 95 Graham Marsh 9 $33,36346 46 Jerry Pate 12 $222,672 96 96 Curtis Strange 5 $31,90547 47 James Mason 13 $220,497 97 97 Lanny Wadkins 8 $31,31048 48 Hal Sutton 12 $211,153 98 98 Mark W. Johnson 7 $30,87449 49 Greg Norman 5 $206,746 99 99 Jay Sigel 7 $30,64650 50 John Morse 13 $205,165 100 100 Steve Haskins 1 $29,604*Through August 21, 200958

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