Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM

Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM

Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM


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<strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong>As of February 2005, two recording paths were runparallel – from the paper document to the imageand electronically – on one and the same Xtract forDocuments platform. This was no problem due to theuniversal applicability of X4D. This way, many thousandsof paper invoices are still being processed in Copenhagenwith the proven WMD workflow solution and DocutecXtract. The electronic OIO XML invoices are sent to thecentral e-mail address of the DSB. A central validationoffice within the DSB, the “trust center”, takes careof the initial validation of the data transmitted in thee-mail’s XML attachment and thus qualifies the data forautomatic processing with X4D. For example, they checkwhether the sender is really a supplier, whether he isentitled to use the OIOXML standard and whether theattachment corresponds to the OIOXML specifications.can be read by SAP. Then the subsequent workflow upto SAP booking takes place as usual”, is how Dr. RainerCzech of Docutec explains the intelligent solution.The DSB solution is a completely new applicationfor interpreting electronic invoice data beyond EDIunderstanding. It was possible to realize the applicationat an economic price on the basis of the available DMSsolution. Especially the short time available for theimplementation, starting with the definition of theOIO standard at the end of 2004 until the “go live” inFebruary 2005, is record-breaking. And: these days,invoice data via OIO can be processed with the samequality as paper-based documents.Short time for implementationIn the next step, the OIOXML data is recognized inX4D and entered in a known virtual document. In thisprocess, the data is combined in relevant zones in theXML document to form an invoice document that canbe read by SAP. Afterwards, the header and item data iscounterchecked against the SAP data and transferred asa “verified document” with image parts for visualizationfor SAP and Archive. This restores the accustomedaccuracy, the quality of the previously supplied invoicedata as well as the degree of automation of theapplication for the user. We convert the OIOXML data inXtract for Documents to a virtual invoice document that

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