Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM

Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM

Danish State Railway - IRIS ECM


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<strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong>Double Tracking: Paper Invoices and XML Data in One Go...The <strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong> (DSB) is an independentcompany governed by public law with seat inCopenhagen, which transports approx. 157 milliontravellers in Denmark with its 8,900 employees. In 2004,the company made a turnover of 9.9 billion <strong>Danish</strong>Crowns (DKK). DSB operates all tracked vehicles inDenmark and provides services along track-bound cargoand passenger transport.Over 130,000 Invoices Processed AutomaticallyA solution for the automatic processing of incominginvoices and travelcoupons, special travel documentsof the <strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong>, was realized in 2004 withlink-up to SAP. The project was implemented by WMDScandinavia, the <strong>Danish</strong> subsidiary of the German systemhouse WMD Vertrieb GmbH, in cooperation with theextraction specialists Docutec AG, Aachen.An integrated invoice processing solution wasimplemented, ranging from document entry viaautomatic data extraction based on the solution“Docutec Xtract for Documents (X4D)” with “Context forinvoices” up to the SAP-based business workflow withthe correspondingly certified archiving solution EASYARCHIVE. With this solution, over 130,000 incominginvoices per year are supposed to be entered andprocessed automatically.Due to the universal applicability of the X4D platform, itwas possible to extend the solution to the processing oftravelcoupon forms.Standardization of Electronic Invoice Data“We were very happy about the introduction of theautomatic recording solution”, explains Anette Krygerof the <strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong>. “We were not only able toprocess the many invoices faster and more efficientlybut also use the same solution for the travelcoupons.This was a real advantage for us. Then the governmentintroduced the new state guidelines for electronicdata transfers at the end of 2004, and we were facedwith new problems”. The <strong>Danish</strong> government hadtriggered many campaigns in an extensive project,which were supposed to lead to the standardization ofelectronic data exchange in the public sector (key word:egovernment).SAPThis also includes the OIOXML specification, whichdefines a complete standardization of electronic invoicedata. According to this guideline, suppliers of goodsand services to state institutions, whose turnover is lessthan 10 million DKK, have to initially send their outgoinginvoices to a service agency in Denmark as of February01, 2005. This office converts the paper-based invoicesto OIOXML format and transmits them to the statecompanies like DSB. For the DSB, this guideline signifiedthe loss of its very high quality standard, which it hadachieved with the newly introduced invoice processingsystem in document recording and processing. Whilethe former solution enabled the direct validation andchecking (counter-checking) of the invoice data with theSAP system, this no longer seemed possible with theelectronically supplied invoice data.Here as well, WMD Scandinavia and Docutec were ableto offer the DSB a functional and economic solution.

<strong>Danish</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Railway</strong>As of February 2005, two recording paths were runparallel – from the paper document to the imageand electronically – on one and the same Xtract forDocuments platform. This was no problem due to theuniversal applicability of X4D. This way, many thousandsof paper invoices are still being processed in Copenhagenwith the proven WMD workflow solution and DocutecXtract. The electronic OIO XML invoices are sent to thecentral e-mail address of the DSB. A central validationoffice within the DSB, the “trust center”, takes careof the initial validation of the data transmitted in thee-mail’s XML attachment and thus qualifies the data forautomatic processing with X4D. For example, they checkwhether the sender is really a supplier, whether he isentitled to use the OIOXML standard and whether theattachment corresponds to the OIOXML specifications.can be read by SAP. Then the subsequent workflow upto SAP booking takes place as usual”, is how Dr. RainerCzech of Docutec explains the intelligent solution.The DSB solution is a completely new applicationfor interpreting electronic invoice data beyond EDIunderstanding. It was possible to realize the applicationat an economic price on the basis of the available DMSsolution. Especially the short time available for theimplementation, starting with the definition of theOIO standard at the end of 2004 until the “go live” inFebruary 2005, is record-breaking. And: these days,invoice data via OIO can be processed with the samequality as paper-based documents.Short time for implementationIn the next step, the OIOXML data is recognized inX4D and entered in a known virtual document. In thisprocess, the data is combined in relevant zones in theXML document to form an invoice document that canbe read by SAP. Afterwards, the header and item data iscounterchecked against the SAP data and transferred asa “verified document” with image parts for visualizationfor SAP and Archive. This restores the accustomedaccuracy, the quality of the previously supplied invoicedata as well as the degree of automation of theapplication for the user. We convert the OIOXML data inXtract for Documents to a virtual invoice document that

About I.R.I.S. and DocutecHistory and missionOver the past 20 years, I.R.I.S. has developed to becomea leading player in technology for the identification,entering, management and storage of documents. Byalso developing its international field of operation as theexclusive and preferred supplier of technologies for thebiggest manufacturers of scanners, I.R.I.S. has raised itsprofile and built a solid brand name for itself across theindustry.The professional know-how and expertise of I.R.I.S.Solutions & Experts involves strategic advice onthe management of information, the digitisation ofdocuments, the management of document contentand information service life, etc. All of the solutionsand services provided by I.R.I.S. are squarely aimed atenhancing the productivity of people and processesand at improving the circulation of data flows aroundthe organisation. Producing a palpable and measurableReturn on Investment as a result. To attain theseresults, we rely on the focused know-how and radicalspecialisation of our staff.The fact that the customer assumes centre stage issomething we consider to be no more than a matter ofcourse. We occupy ourselves on a day-to-day basis withthe needs and requirements of decision-makers andend users alike, both before as well as following projectimplementation.ServicesI.R.I.S. Solutions & Experts is a developer and integratorof specialist solutions for <strong>ECM</strong> (Enterprise ContentManagement). Amongst other things, our offering ofconsultancy services includes feasibility and strategicstudies, in addition to change management, thesecondment of staff, etc. We supply our professionalapplications to major corporations, SMEs, governmentinstitutions and international organisations. Theseapplications include specialist softwares and services(technical architecture, functional analysis, development,installation, training courses, support and maintenance).We work with products from both I.R.I.S. and ourpartners. This neutral position allows us to be able toalways present each customer with the best solution fortheir individual needs.The sheer wealth of experience of our consultants,developers, documentalists, project managers andsystem engineers combine to make I.R.I.S. a preferredpartner in each of the markets where we operate.DocutecDocutec was founded in Aachen in December 1997. Thename “Docutec” stands for Document UnderstandingTechnologies: already during the founding phase of theenterprise, the automatic recognition and processingof documents – in other words, the Digital Mailroom –was the central point of focus. Since November 2007,Docutec is a member of the I.R.I.S. Group.Instead of concentrating on a widely diversified productportfolio, Docutec AG focussed on one extremely flexibleproduct platform – Docutec Xtract for Documents (X4D).With this “all-in-one” platform, all documents arrivingin the Digital Mailroom can be classified and furtherprocessed. Since the beginning of its business activity,the company has been successfully implementingcomplex applications and system solutions for highlyreputed partners and final customers.Docutec has been able to establish itself as market andtechnology leader in Germany, particularly in the field ofthe automatic registration and processing of incominginvoices. Today, Docutec solutions optimise all criticalcorporate business processes.Docutec AGHeusstrasse 2352078 AachenGermanywww.ecm.irislink.comwww.docutec.de

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