Caché Transact-SQL (TSQL) Migration Guide - InterSystems ...

Caché Transact-SQL (TSQL) Migration Guide - InterSystems ...

Caché Transact-SQL (TSQL) Migration Guide - InterSystems ...

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<strong>Caché</strong> T<strong>SQL</strong> Language ElementsBOOLEANCHAR and VARCHARCHAR(n), NCHAR(n), VARCHAR(n), and NVARCHAR(n)VARCHAR(MAX), and NVARCHAR(MAX). By default, these map to %Stream.GlobalCharacter.DATETIME and SMALLDATETIMEDECIMAL, DECIMAL(p), and DECIMAL(p,s). Where p and s are integers specifying precision (total digits) and scale(decimal digits).FLOAT and FLOAT(n)INT, BIGINT, SMALLINT, and TINYINTMONEY and SMALLMONEYNATIONALNUMERIC, NUMERIC(p), and NUMERIC(p,s). Where p and s are integers specifying precision (total digits) and scale(decimal digits).REALTIMESTAMPROWVERSION<strong>SQL</strong>_VARIANTThe following <strong>SQL</strong> Server data types are supported in a specific context:CURSORNTEXT, TEXT, IMAGETABLEThe following are not implemented:• UNIQUEIDENTIFIER stored as a 16-byte binary string. Instead use VARCHAR(32) as the data type for a globallyunique ID.• <strong>SQL</strong>92 and T<strong>SQL</strong> options• UPDATE OF3.4 Operators3.4.1 Arithmetic and Equality Operators<strong>Caché</strong> T<strong>SQL</strong> supports + (addition), – (subtraction), * multiplication, / division, and % modulo arithmetic operators.<strong>Caché</strong> T<strong>SQL</strong> supports the following equality and comparison operators:• = (equal to)• (not equal to) and != (not equal to)• < (less than), !< (not less than),

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