Student Athlete Athletic Training Handbook - MSJ Lions Athletics

Student Athlete Athletic Training Handbook - MSJ Lions Athletics

Student Athlete Athletic Training Handbook - MSJ Lions Athletics

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• Any injury sustained due to body piercings. All piercings and jewelry must beremoved before participating in any College of Mount Saint Joseph athleticactivity• Any injury sustained by not wearing proper NCAA required protective equipmentfor your sport (ex: mouthpiece, head gear)Prescriptions: If you are given a prescription for an injury suffered during a sanctionedpractice or game, you must bring it to an <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Staff member forauthorization to have it filled. If authorization is not received, you will be responsible forpayment.Reporting an Injury: Report injuries immediately. This may occur during orimmediately following the completion of a practice or event. If an injury develops after<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Room hours, call your team Certified <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer. All injuries andillnesses must be reported to an <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> staff member no later than 1:00pm.This will provide the <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> staff with adequate time to inform the coachingstaff of injury or illness that may restrict participation. If for some reason you, or ateammate, require emergency medical treatment, call 911. Notify the team Certified<strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer as soon as possible.Treatment of Injuries: No treatments will be given during practice. You are expectedto be at all practices and workouts. Schedule treatments or rehabilitation with your teamCertified <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer. If you cannot make a scheduled appointment, you mustcontact your team Certified <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer. Not showing up for a scheduled treatmentor rehabilitation is the same as not showing up for a practice or game. No shows will bereported to the Head <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer and the Head Coach, and proper disciplinaryactions will be taken. Before each practice or game the Head Coach will be given a“Coaches Report” from the athletic trainer listing athletes who had treatment,rehabilitation, doctor’s appointments, etc. The status of each athlete will also be given tothe coach at this time.Physician Appointments: The Certified <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer will refer you to an appropriatedoctor if your case warrants further medical treatment or examination. <strong>Athlete</strong>s areresponsible for getting to and from all appointments. Being late or missing a Doctor’sappointment inconveniences all parties involved (coach, athlete, <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Staff,and physician) and could cost the loss of the physician’s services. This will not betolerated!!! The <strong>Athletic</strong> Department will not assume responsibility for fees you mightincur with outside physicians, dentists, or health care facilities/providers, unless athletictraining personnel have referred you to such services. You must also receive permissionfor any follow-up visits or second opinions, which are permitted and encouraged.Exit Physical Examination: You must complete a post-season physical questionnaire atthe completion of your athletic season; whether you leave by quitting, dismissal, or endof eligibility. It is your responsibility to request a post-season physical questionnairewithin 30 days of your last day of athletic involvement. Any injury reported after the 30days, will NOT be the responsibility of <strong>MSJ</strong> athletics. If it is your last competitiveseason, you must complete a post-season physical examination. Injuries reported afterthis exit physical are the responsibility of the student-athlete. The College of MountSaint Joseph secondary insurance covers any athletic injury up to two years following theinjury date if filed with our insurance company within 30 days of initial injury.Created 05/07Edited 12/9/11 LO

Release of Medical Information: Release of medical information is only done withyour written consent, obtained as part of your pre-participation examination, and will bekept on file by the athletic training staff. Specific release of medical information (MLB,NBA, NFL, etc) will require additional medical releases to be completed.Equipment and Supplies: Modalities are not to be used without the assistance of an<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Staff member. Equipment and supplies are to remain in the <strong>Athletic</strong><strong>Training</strong> room unless distributed by an <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> staff member. You are requiredto return any equipment or supplies provided to you. If you fail to do so, your studentaccount will be charged for the equipment amount.Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition: Taking care of yourself and your body can preventsome injuries and illnesses. Prevention can be achieved through a well-balanced diet,getting rest, and organizing your life to aid in decreasing stress. If you would like tospeak to someone regarding nutrition or to improve your overall well-being, please notifyan athletic training staff member and they will assist you in a proper referral.NCAA Policies: The College of Mount St. Joseph has developed the following policiesbased on requirements and recommendations of the National Collegiate <strong>Athletic</strong>Association (NCAA). A copy of each full policy is available upon request. Thefollowing is a brief summary of each policy.ADHD: The NCAA includes methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine(Adderall) on its list of banned substances. All athletes diagnosed with ADHD mustcomplete the ADHD form as part of their pre-participation physical each year.Concussion: All head injuries are very serious injuries and must be handled inthe appropriate manner. It is the athlete’s responsibility to immediately notify a memberof the sports medicine staff of any injury, including a head injury, which may be aconcussion. Concussions are contusions to the brain and are typically caused by directblows to the head. Improper management or failure to inform medical staff may lead tosecond impact syndrome which can be fatal.Sickle Cell Trait: Inheritance of one gene for a sickle hemoglobin (red bloodcell protein) and one gene of a normal hemoglobin in a person leads to sickle cell trait.<strong>Athlete</strong>s at high risk for sickle cell trait are those whose ancestors come from Africa, theCaribbean, Central America, India, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and SouthAmerica. If the student-athlete does not know their sickle cell trait status, the athlete mayelect have the test performed at pre-participation physicals. This cost of this test wouldbe the responsibility of the student-athlete. A carrier of sickle cell trait has an increasedrisk of heat related illnesses and should be educated on signs and symptoms of heatillness and how to notify medical personnel in changes in their medical condition.Created 05/07Edited 12/9/11 LO

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