Contents - IADR/AADR

Contents - IADR/AADR

Contents - IADR/AADR


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service, and which add to the knowledge of the mouth and teeth and of their relation to the body as a whole; and<br />

further, to encourage and facilitate cooperative effort and achievement by and mutual helpfulness among,<br />

investigators in all nations in every division of stomatology to the end that dentistry may render cumulatively<br />

more perfect service to humanity.<br />

ARTICLE III. Membership<br />

SECTION 1. Eligibility. Any individual who is interested in Dental Science and Dental Research shall be<br />

eligible to membership in this Association, provided such person conforms to the recognized standards of<br />

professional ethics.<br />

SECTION 2. Election. Any person who is eligible to membership under Article III, Section 1, who shall have<br />

been nominated in writing in due form by two members of the Association, and who shall have been certified<br />

by the Secretary-Treasurer or Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and approved by the Membership Committee of the<br />

appropriate division, non-divisional section or group shall become a member of the Association upon payment<br />

of dues.<br />

SECTION 3. Discontinuance.<br />

(A) Membership may be automatically terminated by a member, by delivery of a formal notice to the<br />

Secretary-Treasurer of that member's resignation.<br />

(B) Membership may be discontinued for any member by vote at an annual meeting by two-thirds of<br />

the members present and voting, followed by notice to the member from the Secretary-Treasurer<br />

that the membership has been terminated. The person whose membership is threatened with<br />

termination is entitled to appear before the Association or submit a written statement at the annual<br />

meeting to defend his rights to membership.<br />

ARTICLE IV. Divisions<br />

SECTION 1. Organization. Thirty or more members in any nation or group of nations on the same continent,<br />

with the approval of the Council, may organize a Division for the advancement of the objectives of the<br />

Association.<br />

SECTION 2. Management. The affairs of a Division shall be managed by its members in harmony with the<br />

Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.<br />

SECTION 3. Officers. Each Division shall elect a Secretary and such other officers and committees as may<br />

seem desirable.<br />

ARTICLE V. Sections and Groups<br />

SECTION 1. Sections. Each section shall consist of ten or more members of the Association. New sections<br />

may be organized only with the approval of the Division.<br />

SECTION 2. Groups. Members in any branch of dental science, or in fields related to dental science, with the<br />

approval of the Association may organize a group to further the objectives of the Association in special<br />

scientific or professional fields.<br />


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