F. Requests - Tracking Sheets

F. Requests - Tracking Sheets

F. Requests - Tracking Sheets


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An accurate energy monitoring system is also important for companies taking part in theCRC and the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Using the encompasssystem, facilities managers can set up alarms to alert them in terms of cost, carbon orconsumption. This means they can track their progress against forecasted emissions andensure they stay within the purchased emissions allowances. npower also offers ‘CRCAssist’, a service which supports organisations in managing their CRC obligations anddeveloping a longer term strategy for participation.In terms of how monitoring software can work in practice, encompass has led to significantenergy savings at npower’s TS Ferrybridge Workshop in West Yorkshire. A reduction inelectricity use of 23% was achieved during the first year of implementing npower’s m 3(measure, monitor, minimise) energy programme. Beginning with half hourly metering,Ferrybridge’s data was analysed by encompass to determine areas for improvement.Resultant energy-saving initiatives included replacing lights in the workshop with energyefficient equivalents, installing a Building Management System to optimise heating andlighting requirements, fitting occupancy sensors to turn on lighting only as required, andinstalling large windows to take advantage of natural light. ‘Energy Champions’ were alsoappointed on site to prevent equipment being left on unnecessarily.Although implementing these measures did require an initial upfront cost, the long termsavings achieved by using the software have been felt year-on-year. The TS FerrybridgeWorkshop recorded an annual first year saving of 13% in 2009 which, although dropping to9% in 2010, rose again to 20% in 2011 and the team is planning to make savings to over25% in 2012 compared to 2008. Savings are not just limited to quick wins in the first year,but instead can build exponentially over time contributing significantly to reducing operatingcosts.While TS Ferrybridge is a good example of encompass in an industrial setting where energyuse is understandably likely to be high, it produces equally impressive results whenimplemented in a modern office setting.npower’s office in Solihull is typically home to 400 – 500 employees, with more than halfusing the on-site car park. Half hourly metering was applied both to the car park and theoffice building, as well as a number of secondary meters throughout the office to enabledetailed, area-specific analysis to be obtained. Each day, the metering data was analysed by2

Date: ________________ ABLLS REQUESTS Name: ________________F21 <strong>Requests</strong> future itemsRequest after activityRequest later in dayRequest one day aheadRequest many days aheadF22 Request with adjectivesSizeColourShapeLengthF23 <strong>Requests</strong> with prepositionOnInUnderBesideF24 <strong>Requests</strong> with adverbsSpeedHeightEmotionStyleF25 Request with pronounMeYouIWeF26 Acquires novel requestsLearns without trainingLearns with five requests4

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