Zilele Feroviare 2012 - Railway Days 2013 - Club Feroviar

Zilele Feroviare 2012 - Railway Days 2013 - Club Feroviar

Zilele Feroviare 2012 - Railway Days 2013 - Club Feroviar


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Day 1 (October 9, <strong>2012</strong>)Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia08:00 – 09:00 Registration. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:00 Opening speeches – Building the Wider Black Sea Area political and financial framework to 2020Ovidiu Silaghi, Romanian Minister of Transports and InfrastructureJean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General – UICOctavian Udrişte, Honorary Chairman – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Sorin Bota, Vice-president of the Budget-Finances Commission of the Romanian SenateDaniel Birsan, President – Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association (AIF)/ General Manager – Wiebe România10:00 – 11:00 Official visit of <strong>Railway</strong> Technology Exhibition. Coffee break11:00 – 13:00 Iron Silk RoadModerator: Gabriel Stanciu, Vice President – AIF / CEO – Alstom Transport Romania & BulgariaSpekears:Joan Amoros, Secretary General - FERRMED, Full FERRMED Standards implementation in the Eurasian VectorGennady Bessonov, Secretary General - Coordinating Council on Transsiberian TransportationVictor Rebets, General Manager - South Caucasus <strong>Railway</strong>Jan Ilik, Ministerial Counselor - Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, Department of <strong>Railway</strong>s and CombinedTransport, Development of High-speed from perspective of small Central European countryYanni Papapanagiotou, Transport Sector Key Expert, Infrastructure Projects Facility - Technical Assistance to Western BalkansInvestment Framework (WBIF), <strong>Railway</strong> infrastructure development in the Western Balkans and the role of WBIF13:00 – 14:00 Lunch14:00 – 16:30 Iron DanubeModerator: Claudiu Seicean, Secretary General – AIF / KAM – ThalesSpeakers:Barry Kolodkin, Regional Programme Manager - UNDP Black Sea Trade & Investment Promotion Programme, EconomicGrowth in the Black Sea Region and the Role of <strong>Railway</strong>sSeptimiu Buzaşu, State Secretary - Romanian Ministry of Transports and InfrastructureFranc Žepič, Priority area coordinator for the Danube Strategy, Ministry of Transport of SloveniaRoberta Calcina, Project Manager - Joint Technical Secretariat “South East Europe”, The contribution of the SEE Programme2007-<strong>2013</strong> to railway transport in the regionVasile Diaconescu, Rolling Stock Manager - AIF / Head of Division Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility and Logistic Division, RailSystems Division - Siemens16:30 – 17:00 Departure for Technical Visit17:00 – 19:00 Technical visit: work site of the Underground Line 5, Piaţa Valea Ialomiţei Station, followed by AcademiaMilitara Station19:30 – 23:00 Gala Dinner at Caru’ cu bere (Address: 5 Stavropoleos St.)

Day 2 (October 10, <strong>2012</strong>)Infrastructure DevelopmentINFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT SESSION8:00 – 09:00 Registration. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Economic, political, environmental and technical challenges for the development of the WBSA railway networkModerator: Michael Robson, Managing Director – Robson’s International Rail ConsultancySpeakers:Zinoviy Broyde, Director - Centre “EcoResource” & Advisor to the Head of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration Ukraine,Bypass Carpathians connecting Baltic, Black and Mediterranean Sea BasinsNicolas Furio, Infrastructure and Electrification Manager - UNIFECristian Ghibu, General Manager - CFR SASilvia Maffii, Team Leader Transport Policy Expert - TRACECA - IDEAAndreas Schoen, Team leader - LOGMOS projectMirko Maksimovic, Regional Sales Manager - Vossloh Cogifer10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break. Plasser & Theurer video11:00 – 12:30 Fully interoperable pan European corridors – myths or reality?Moderator: Claudiu Seicean, Secretary General – AIF / KAM – ThalesSpeakers:Vitalie Struna, General Manager - Moldovan <strong>Railway</strong>sLaurenţiu Ivan, Signalling Business Development Manager - Alstom Transport RomaniaBoris Živec, Director - Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for <strong>Railway</strong> TransportEmil Nica, Industry Department Manager - ISAFHolvad Torben, Economic Adviser - European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency, Achieving an interoperable railway system in EuropeBogdănel Budeanu, Primavera Director - Totalsoft, Keeping <strong>Railway</strong> Infrastructure Projects on Track12:30 – 14:00 Lunch. Plasser & Theurer video14:00 – 15:30 Innovation & Research for railway infrastructureModerator: Corneliu Luscalov, Infrastructure Director – AIF / Senior Technical Executive – Vossloh Tehnica <strong>Feroviar</strong>ăSpeakers:Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen, Director - ERESS, Erex - Ready today for the railways of tomorrowHenri Olink, Project Manager, Network Development - ProRail, AUTOMAIN, Overview of the projectSergiu Rădulescu, Design Manager - voestalpine VAE APCAROMCristian Popa, Country Manager - ECM Spa15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break. Plasser & Theurer video16:00 – 17:30 High speed projects for the WBSA (joint panel with Mass Transportation session)Moderator: Ştefan Roşeanu, General Manager – CFR CălătoriSpeakers:Vincze Árpád, Professional Secretary - MÁV-TRAKCIÓLaurentiu Irinciuc, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Weather warning systems for infrastructureAdrian Dragomirescu, Head of High Speed Program - CFR SAPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, High Speed Trains: Backbones for an integrated railwaynetwork17:30 – 17:45 Conclusions17:45 Cocktail

Day 2 (October 10, <strong>2012</strong>)Freight & LogisticsFREIGHT & LOGISTICS PANEL SESSION8:00 – 09:00 Registration. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Europe - Asia railway links. Challenges and opportunitiesModerator: Vasile Diaconescu, Rolling Stock Manager – AIF / Head of Division Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility and LogisticDivision, Rail Systems Division – SiemensSpeakers:Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos, CEO - TRAINOSE S.A.Horaţiu Buzatu, Deputy General Secretary (in charge with CFR Marfă) - Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure RomaniaSorin Chinde, General Manager - GFRCavit Uğur, Managing Director - Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers in Turkey (UTIKAD),Turkey: Logistics bridge between Asia & EuropeKinga Mădărăşan, General Manager - Transferoviar Group10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break11:00 – 12:30 Intermodal freight logistics – opportunities for railwaysModerator: George Buruiană, Chairman – Association of Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Freight Opertors (ATFER)Speakers:Frank Jost, Single European Rail Area DG MOVE -European Commission, Creating the conditions for competitive rail freighttransportMihaela Popa, Vice-Dean of Transport Faculty, University “Politehnica” Bucharest, Information services for forwarders on thecompetitive transport market – necessity and opportunityConstantin Zaharia, General Manager - CFR MarfăMircea Marian, Country Manager - Bombardier Transportation Romania, The innovative BOMBARDIER TRAXX locomotivesplatformJean Nicolaos, Strategy Manager & International Affaires Manager - CFR SA, Implication of railway freight operators andmanagers of terminals in the implementation of Corridor 7 Orient12:30 – 14:00 Lunch14:00 – 15:30 Innovation for green railway freight transportModerator: Ioan Buciuman, Scientific Secretary - Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Auhority (AFER)Speakers:Harald Jony, Energy - Head of Sales - ÖBB-Infrastruktur, Metering on locomotives, the basement for a greener railwayCostel Iordache, Commercial Director - Romkatel, Kathrein RFID SolutionsGabriel Stanciu, Business Unit Manager - Siemens Romania, Vectron - new locomotive platform for European railwaytransportDonato Zangani, Project Coordinator - SUSTRAIL15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break16:00 – 16:30 Conclusions16:30 Cocktail

Day 2 (October 10, <strong>2012</strong>)Mass transportationMASS TRANSPORTATION PANEL SESSION08:00 – 09:00 Registration. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Challenges and opportunities for organising mass transportation – legislative, financial andoperational solutionsModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Honorary Chairman – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Speakers:Melente Horoba, Executive Director - Romanian Union of Public TransportFrank Jost, Single European Rail Area DG MOVE - European Commission, What difference could competition make forpassenger transport? Plans for legislative proposalsGyörgy Zaránd, Deputy CEO, Business Affairs - MÁV-STARTŞtefan Roşeanu, General Manager - CFR CălătoriViorel Popescu, General Manager - Bucharest Public Transport Operator (RATB)10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break11:00 – 12:30 Technical solutions for greener and efficient railway passenger transportModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Honorary Chairman – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Speakers:Georg Lewandowski, Area Sales Manager - Hoeft & WasselNicolae Dragu, Business Development Manager - Alstom Transport RomaniaLiviu Bobar, Deputy Technical Manager - CFR CălătoriAlin Goga, General Manager - Craiova Public Transport Operator (RAT Craiova)Mircea Marian, Country Manager - Bombardier Transportation Romania, ZEFIRO - a new sense of speedGabriel Stanciu, Business Unit Manager - Siemens, Vectron - the new locomotive platform for European railway transport12:30 – 14:00 Lunch14:00 – 15:30 Tramway and underground projects – an impetus in urban developmentModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Honorary Chairman – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Speakers:Gabriel Sburlan, General Director - MetrorexSébastien Ridremont, Director of Sales, Mainline & Metros Division, PRIMOVE - e-mobility solutions for transportIon Dedu, Head of Transport Department - Bucharest MunicipalityDorian Alexandrescu, Quality Manager - voestalpine VAE APCAROMLaurent Letzelter, Tramway Progam Director - Vossloh Cogifer15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break16:00 – 17:30 High speed projects for the WBSA (joint panel with the Infrastructure Development session)Moderator: Ştefan Roşeanu, General Manager – CFR CălătoriSpeakers:Árpád Vincze, Professional Secretary - MÁV-TRAKCIÓLaurenţiu Irinciuc, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Weather warning systems for infrastructureAdrian Dragomirescu, Head of High Speed Program - CFR SAPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, High Speed Trains: Backbones for an integrated railway network17:30 – 17:45 Conclusions17:45 Cocktail

Ziua 1 (9 octombrie <strong>2012</strong>)Investiţii în dezvoltarea Europei. Investiţii în dezvoltarea Asiei09:00 – 10:00 Deschiderea lucrărilor Summitului – Construirea cadrului financiar şi politic în Spaţiul Extins al Mării Negre(SEMN) către 2020Ovidiu Silaghi, Ministrul Transporturilor şi InfrastructuriiJean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General – UICOctavian Udrişte, Preşedinte Onorific – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Sorin Bota, Vicepreşedinte Comisia pentru buget, finanţe, activitate bancară şi piaţă de capital a Senatului RomânieiDaniel Birsan, Preşedinte – Asociaţia Industriei <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> din România (AIF)/General Manager – Wiebe România10:00 – 11:00 Vizita oficială la <strong>Railway</strong> Technology Expo. Pauză de cafea11:00 – 13:00 Drumul de fier al mătăsiiModerator: Gabriel Stanciu, Vicepreşedinte – AIF / CEO – Alstom Transport Romania & BulgariaVorbitori:Joan Amoros, Secretar General - FERRMED, Implementarea standardelor complete FERRMED pe axa EurasiaticăGennady Bessonov, Secretar General - Coordinating Council on Transsiberian TransportationVictor Rebets, General Manager - South Caucasus <strong>Railway</strong>, ArmeniaJan Ilik, Consilier - Ministerul Transporturilor din Republica Cehă, Departamentul pentru Transport <strong>Feroviar</strong> şi TransportCombinat, Dezvoltarea transportului de mare viteză din perspectiva ţărilor din Europa CentralăYanni Papapanagiotou, Expert Infrastructură - Cadrul de Investiţii pentru Balcanii de Vest (WBIF), Dezvoltarea infrastructuriiferoviare în Balcanii de Vest şi rolul organizaţiei WBIF13:00 – 14:00 Prânz14:00 – 16:30 Dunărea feroviarăModerator: Claudiu Seicean, Secretar General – AIF/ KAM ThalesVorbitori:Barry Kolodkin, Regional Programme Manager - UNDP Black Sea Trade & Investment Promotion Programme, Creştereaeconomică în regiunea Mării Negre şi rolul sectorului feroviarSeptimiu Buzaşu, Secretar de stat - Ministerul Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii din RomâniaFranc Žepič, Coordonator Arie Prioritară - Strategia Dunării, Ministerul Transporturilor din SloveniaRoberta Calcina, Project Manager - Joint Technical Secretariat “South East Europe”, Contribuţia Programului South EastEurope la dezvoltarea transportului feroviar în zonăVasile Diaconescu, Director Material Rulant - AIF / Head of Division Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility and Logistic Division,Rail Systems Division - Siemens România16:30 – 17:00 Deplasare Vizită tehnică17:00 – 19:00 Vizita Tehnică19:30 – 23:00 Cina Festivă la Caru’ cu bere

Ziua 2 (10 octombrie <strong>2012</strong>)Dezvoltarea Infrastructurii <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong>SESIUNEA INFRASTRUCTURĂ08:00 – 09:00 Înregistrarea participanţilor. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Provocări economice, politice şi tehnice pentru dezvoltarea reţelei feroviare în Spaţiul Extins al MăriiNegre (SEMN)Moderator: Michel Robson, Managing Director – Robson’s Rail ConsultancyVorbitori:Zinoviy Broyde, Director - Centrul Tehnico - Ştiinţific de Stat pentru Problemele Interramurale şi Regionale ale SiguranţeiEconomice şi Economisirii Resurselor „Ecoresurce” Ucraina, Ocolirea Carpaţilor prin conectarea bazinelor Mării Baltice, Negre şiMediteraneNicolas Furio, Director Infrastructură şi Electrificare - UNIFECristian Ghibu, Director General - CFR SASilvia Maffii, Expert Politici de Transport - TRACECA - IDEAAndreas Schoen, Team leader - LOGMOS ProjectMirko Maksimovic, Director Regional Vânzări - Vossloh Cogifer10:30 – 11:00 Pauză de cafea11:00 – 12:30 Coridoare paneuropene real interoperabile – mit sau realitate?Moderator: Claudiu Seicean, Secretar General – AIF/ KAM ThalesVorbitori:Vitalie Struna, Director General - Î.S. Căile Ferate din Moldova (CFM)Laurenţiu Ivan, Signalling Business Development Manager - Alstom Transport RomâniaBoris Živec, Director - Agenţia Publică Slovenă pentru Transport <strong>Feroviar</strong>Emil Nica, Director Departament Producţie - ISAFHolvad Torben, Consilier Economic - European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency (ERA), Dezvoltarea unui sistem feroviar interoperabil în EuropaBogdănel Budeanu, Director Primavera -Totalsoft, Managementul eficient al proiectelor de infrastructură feroviară12:30 – 14:00 Prânz14:00 – 15:30 Inovare & cercetare pentru infrastructura feroviarăModerator: Corneliu Luscalov, Director Infrastructură – AIF / Senior Technical Executive – Vossloh Tehnica <strong>Feroviar</strong>ăVorbitori:Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen, Director - ERESS, Pregătiţi astazi pentru căile ferate de mâineHenri Olink, Project Manager Innovation - ProRail, AUTOMAIN - prezentare proiectSergiu Rădulescu, Director Calitate - voestalpine VAE APCAROMCristian Popa, Country Manager - ECM Spa15:30 – 16:00 Pauză de cafea16:00 – 17:30 Proiecte de mare viteză în SEMN (sesiune comună cu cea de transport pasageri)Moderator: Ştefan Roşeanu, Director General – CFR CălătoriVorbitori:Árpád Vincze, Secretar Profesional - MÁV-TRAKCIÓLaurenţiu Irinciuc, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Sisteme meteo de alerta pentru infrastructurăAdrian Dragomirescu, Şef Serviciu Planificare şi Programare POS-T și TEN-T - CFR SAPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, Trenurile de mare viteză - coloana unei reţele feroviare integrate17:30 – 17:45 Concluzii17:45 – Cocktail

Ziua 2 (10 octombrie <strong>2012</strong>)Sesiunea Marfă & LogisticăSESIUNEA MARFĂ & LOGISTICĂ08:00 – 09:00 Înregistrarea participanţilor. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Conexiunile feroviare Europa – Asia – provocări şi oportunităţiModerator: Vasile Diaconescu, Head of Division Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility and Logistic Division, Rail Systems Division– Siemens RomâniaVorbitori:Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos, CEO - TRAINOSE S.A.Horaţiu Buzatu, Secretar General Adjunct, Responsabil Activitate CFR Marfă - Ministerul Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii dinRomâniaSorin Chinde, General Manager - GFRCavit Uğur, Managing Director - Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers in Turkey (UTIKAD),Turcia: platformă logistică între Asia şi EuropaKinga Mădărăşan, Director General - Transferoviar Group10:30 – 11:00 Pauză de cafea11:00 – 12:30 Servicii de logistică intermodale – oportunităţi pentru transportul feroviarModerator: George Buruiană, Preşedinte – ATFERVorbitori:Frank Jost, Director Strategie - DG MOVE, Comisia Europeană, Crearea condiţiilor pentru un transport feroviar de marfăcompetitivConstantin Zaharia, Director General - CFR MarfăProf. Dr. Mihaela Popa, Prodecan - Facultatea de Transporturi, Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Servicii de informare aexpeditorilor pe piaţa de transport concurenţială - necesitate şi oportunitateMircea Marian, Country Manager - Bombardier Transportation România, Bombardier TRAXX - platforma de locomotive deultimă generaţieJean Nicolaos, Director Strategie şi Relaţii Internaţionale - CFR SA, Implicarea operatorilor feroviari de marfă şi administratorilorde terminale în activitatea de implementare a Coridorului 7 Orient12:30 – 14:00 Prânz14:00 – 15:30 Inovare pentru un transport feroviar ecologicModerator: Ioan Buciuman, Secretar Ştiinţific - AFERVorbitori:Harald Jony, Head of Sales Energy - ÖBB Infrastruktur, Sisteme de contorizat consumul de energie la bordul locomotivelor,pentru un transport feroviar verdeCostel Iordache, Director Comercial - Romkatel, Soluţii RFID KathreinGabriel Stanciu, Business Unit Manager - Siemens România, Vectron - noua platformă de locomotive pentru transportulferoviareuropeanDonato Zangani, Project Coordinator - SUSTRAIL15:30 – 16:00 Pauză de cafea16:00 – 16:30 Concluzii16:30 Cocktail

Ziua 2 (10 octombrie <strong>2012</strong>)Sesiunea Transport de PasageriSESIUNEA TRANSPORT DE PASAGERI08:00 – 09:00 Înregistrarea participanţilor. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Provocări pentru organizarea transportului de pasageri – soluţii legislative, financiare şi operaţionaleModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Preşedinte Onorific – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Vorbitori:Melente Horoba, Director Executiv - URTPFrank Jost, Director Strategie - DG MOVE, Comisia Europeană, Ce diferenţă ar putea să facă competiţia pentru transportul depasageri? Planuri de propuneri legislativeGyörgy Zaránd, Deputy CEO, Dezvoltare Afaceri - MÁV-STARTŞtefan Roşeanu, Director General - CFR CălătoriViorel Popescu, Director General - RATB10:30 – 11:00 Pauză de cafea11:00 – 12:30 Soluţii pentru un transport feroviar de călători eficient şi verdeModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Preşedinte Onorific – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Vorbitori:Liviu Bobar, Director General Adjunct Tehnic - CFR CălătoriMircea Marian, Country Manager - Bombardier Transportation România, Zefiro - viteza capătă un nou sensNicolae Dragu, Business Development Manager - Alstom Transport RomâniaGeorg Lewandowski, Area Sales Manager - Hoeft & WesselAlin Goga, Director General - RAT CraiovaGabriel Stanciu, Business Unit Manager - Siemens România, Vectron - noua platformă de locomotive pentru transportulferoviar european12:30 – 14:00 Prânz14:00 – 15:30 Proiecte de tramvai şi metrou – un stimulent pentru dezvoltare urbanăModerator: Octavian Udrişte, Preşedinte Onorific – <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>Vorbitori:Gabriel Sburlan, Director General - MetrorexSébastien Ridremont, Director of Sales, Mainline & Metros Division - Bombardier Transportation, PRIMOVE - soluţiie-mobility pentru transportIon Dedu, Director Executiv Direcţia Transporturi - Primăria BucureştiDorian Alexandrescu, Director Calitate - voestalpine VAE APCAROMLaurent Letzelter, Tramway Progam Director - Vossloh Cogifer15:30 – 16:00 Pauză de cafea16:00 – 17:30 Proiecte de mare viteză în SEMN (sesiune comună cu cea de infrastructură)Moderator: Ştefan Roşeanu, General Manager – CFR CălătoriVorbitori:Árpád Vincze, Director Juridic - MÁV-TRAKCIÓAdrian Dragomirescu, Şef Serviciu Planificare şi Programare POS-T și TEN-T - CFR SALaurenţiu Irinciuc, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Sisteme meteo de alerta pentru infrastructurăPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, Trenurile de mare viteză - coloana unei reţele feroviare integrate17.30 – 17.45 Concluzii17:45 – Cocktail

День 1 (вторник, 9 октября <strong>2012</strong> г.)Инвестирование В Развитие Европы. Инвестирование В Развитие Азии.09:00 – 10:00 Открытие работ Саммита – Сооружение финансовых и политических рамок в Расширенномпространстве Черного Моря (РПЧМ) до 2020 годаОвидиу Силаги, Министр транспорта и инфраструктуры (tbc)Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Генеральный директор - UICОктавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубДаниел Бирсан, Президент – Ассоциация железнодорожной промышленности Румынии (AIF)/Главный менеджер -Wiebe Румыния10:00 – 11:00 Официальный визит на <strong>Railway</strong> Technology Expo. Перерыв на кофе11:00 – 13:00 Железная дорога шелкаМодератор: Габриел Станчу, Вицепрезидент - AIF/CEO - Alstom Транспорт Румыния & БолгарияВыступающие: Joan Amoros, Генеральный секретарь – FERRMEDГеннадий Бессонов, Генеральный секретарь - Coordinating Council on Transsiberian TransportationВиктор Ребец, Главный менеджер - South Caucasus <strong>Railway</strong>Jan Ilik, Советник – Министерство транспорта Чешской Республики, Департамент железнодорожного транспорта исовмещенного транспортаYanni Papapanagiotou, Эксперт по инфраструктуре - Инвестиционные рамки Западных Балкан (WBIF), Развитиежелезнодорожной инфраструктуры в Западных Балканах и роль организации WBIFBarry Kolodkin, Regional Programme Manager - UNDP Black Sea Trade & Investment Promotion Programme,Экономический рост в регионе Черного Моря и роль железнодорожного сектора13:00 – 14:00 Обед14:00 – 16:30 Железнодорожный ДунайМодератор: Клаудиу Сейчан, Генеральный секретарь - AIF/KAM ThalesВыступающие: Franc Žepič, Координатор Приоритентая площадь – Стратегия Дуная, Министерство транспортаСловенииРоберта Калчина, Менеджер по проектам - Joint Technical Secretariat “South East Europe”, Вклад Программы South EastEurope в развитие железнодорожного транспорта в регионеВасиле Диаконеску, Директор подвижного состава - AIF/Head of Division Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility and LogisticDivision, Rail Systems Division - SiemensСептимиу Бузашу, Государственный секретарь – Министерство транспорта и инфраструктуры РумынииМирча Мариан, Country Manager - Bombardier Transportation16:30 – 17:20 Выезд с техническим визитом17:20 – 19:00 Технический визит19:30 – 23:00 Праздничный стол

День 2 (среда, 10 октября <strong>2012</strong> года)СЕССИЯ ТОВАР & ЛОГИСТИКА08:00 – 09:00 Регистрация участников. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Экономический, политический и технический вызов для развития железнодорожной сети вРасширенном пространстве Черного Моря (РПЧМ)Модератор: Michel Robson, Managing Director - Robson’s Rail ConsultancyВыступающие: Zinoviy Broyde, Директор – Государственный научно-технический центр межотраслевых ирегиональных проблем экономической безопасности и экономии ресурсов «Экоресурсы», УкраинаКристиан Гибу, Генеральный директор – Румынские железнодорожные пути АО (tbc)Николас Фурио, Директор по инфраструктуре и электрификации - UNIFEСилвия Маффий, Эксперт по транспортной политике - TRACECA - IDEAAndreas Schoen, Team leader - LOGMOS ProjectMirko Maksimovic, Региональный директор по продажам - Vossloh Cogifer10:30 – 11:00 Перерыв на кофе11:00 – 12:30 Реально взаимодействующие общеевропейские коридоры – миф или реальность?Модератор: Клаудиу Сейчан, Генеральный секретарь - AIF/KAM ThalesВыступающие: Виталий Струна, Генеральный директор – Государственное предприятие Железнодорожные путиМолдовы (ЖПМ)Лауренциу Иван, Signalling Business Development Manager - AlstomTransport РумынияBoris Živec, Директор – Публичное словенское агентство железнодорожного транспортаЕмил Ника, Директор производственного департамента - ISAFHolvad Torben, Экономический советник - European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency (ERA)Богдэнел Будяну, Директор Примавера – Тоталсофт12:30 – 14:00 Обед14:00 – 15:30 Инновация и исследование для железнодорожной инфраструктурыМодератор: Корнелиу Лускалов, Директор по инфраструктуре - AIF/Senior Technical Executive - VosslohЖелезнодорожная техникаВыступающие: Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen, Директор - ERESS, Innovation and new cross border European solutionsHenri Olink, Project Manager Innovation - ProRailСерджиу Рэдулеску, Директор по качеству - voestalpine VAE APCAROMКристиан Попа, Country Manager - ECM SpaClaudio Rossi, Консультант - Italcertifer15:30 – 16:00 Перерыв на кофе16:00 – 17:30 Высокоскоростные проекты в Расширенном пространстве Черного Моря (совместная сессия с сессиейперевозки пассажиров)Модератор: Штефан Рошяну, Генеральный директор – Пассажирские румынские железнодорожные путиВыступающие: Vincze Árpád, Юридический директор - MÁV-TRAKCIÓАдриан Драгомиреску, Начальник Службы Планирования и Программирования POS-T и TEN-T – Румынскиежелезнодорожные пути АОЛауренциу Иринчук, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Метеорологические системы оповещения дляинфраструктурыPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, Высокоскоростные поезда – колонна интегрированнойжелезнодорожной системы17:30 – 17:45 Заключительная часть

День 2 (среда, 10 октября <strong>2012</strong> года)СЕССИЯ ПЕРЕВОЗКА ПАССАЖИРОВ08:00 – 09:00 Регистрация участников. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Вызовы организации пассажирских перевозок – законодательные, финансовые и операционныерешенияМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Меленте Хороба, Исполнительный директор - URTPFrank Jost, Директор по стратегии - DG MOVE, Европейская Комиссия, Какую разницу смогло бы сделатьсоревнование по перевозке пассажиров? Планы законодательных предложенийGyörgy Zaránd, Deputy CEO, Развитие бизнеса - MÁV-STARTШтефан Рошяну, Генеральный директор – Пассажирские румынские железнодорожные путиВиорел Попеску, Генеральный директор – Бухарестское автономное управление транспорта (РАТБ)10:30 – 11:00 Перерыв на кофе11:00 – 12:30 Решения для эффективной и «зеленой» перевозке пассажировМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Georg Lewandowski, Area Sales Manager - Hoeft & WesselНиколай Драгу, Business Development Manager Romania - Alstom TransportАлин Гога, Генеральный директор - RAT г. Крайова12:30 – 14:00 Обед14:00 – 15:30 Проекты трамвая и метро – стимулятор для метрополитенного развитияМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Габриел Сбурлан, Генеральный директор - Метрорекс (приглашенный)Ион Деду, Исполнительный директор Управления транспорта – Бухарестская МэрияМирча Мариан, Country Manager - Bombardier TransportationДориан Александреску, Директор по качеству - voestalpine VAE APCAROM15:30 – 16:00 Перерыв на кофе16:00 – 17:30 Высокоскоростные проекты в Расширенном пространстве Черного Моря (совместная сессия с сессиейинфраструктуры)Модератор: Штефан Рошяну, Главный менеджер – Пассажирские румынские железнодорожные путиВыступающие: Vincze Árpád, Юридический директор - MÁV-TRAKCIÓАдриан Драгомиреску, Начальник Службы Планирования и Программирования POS-T и TEN-T – Румынскиежелезнодорожные пути АОЛауренциу Иринчук, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Метеорологические системы оповещения дляинфраструктурыPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, Высокоскоростные поезда – колонна интегрированнойжелезнодорожной системы17.30 - 17.45 Заключительная часть

День 2 (среда, 10 октября <strong>2012</strong> года)СЕССИЯ ПЕРЕВОЗКА ПАССАЖИРОВ08:00 – 09:00 Регистрация участников. Welcome coffee09:00 – 10:30 Вызовы организации пассажирских перевозок – законодательные, финансовые и операционныерешенияМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Меленте Хороба, Исполнительный директор - URTPFrank Jost, Директор по стратегии - DG MOVE, Европейская Комиссия, Какую разницу смогло бы сделатьсоревнование по перевозке пассажиров? Планы законодательных предложенийGyörgy Zaránd, Deputy CEO, Развитие бизнеса - MÁV-STARTШтефан Рошяну, Генеральный директор – Пассажирские румынские железнодорожные путиВиорел Попеску, Генеральный директор – Бухарестское автономное управление транспорта (РАТБ)10:30 – 11:00 Перерыв на кофе11:00 – 12:30 Решения для эффективной и «зеленой» перевозке пассажировМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Georg Lewandowski, Area Sales Manager - Hoeft & WesselНиколай Драгу, Business Development Manager Romania - Alstom TransportАлин Гога, Генеральный директор - RAT г. Крайова12:30 – 14:00 Обед14:00 – 15:30 Проекты трамвая и метро – стимулятор для метрополитенного развитияМодератор: Октавиан Удриште, Почетный президент - Железнодорожный клубВыступающие: Габриел Сбурлан, Генеральный директор - Метрорекс (приглашенный)Ион Деду, Исполнительный директор Управления транспорта – Бухарестская МэрияМирча Мариан, Country Manager - Bombardier TransportationДориан Александреску, Директор по качеству - voestalpine VAE APCAROM15:30 – 16:00 Перерыв на кофе16:00 – 17:30 Высокоскоростные проекты в Расширенном пространстве Черного Моря (совместная сессия с сессиейинфраструктуры)Модератор: Штефан Рошяну, Главный менеджер – Пассажирские румынские железнодорожные путиВыступающие: Vincze Árpád, Юридический директор - MÁV-TRAKCIÓАдриан Драгомиреску, Начальник Службы Планирования и Программирования POS-T и TEN-T – Румынскиежелезнодорожные пути АОЛауренциу Иринчук, Country Manager Romania - UBIMET, Метеорологические системы оповещения дляинфраструктурыPeter Schneyder, Executive Manager - PAN PLAN, Высокоскоростные поезда – колонна интегрированнойжелезнодорожной системы17.30 - 17.45 Заключительная часть

DAY 109:00 - 10:00 Opening speeches – Building the Wider Black Sea Areapolitical and financial framework to 202011:00 - 13:00 Iron Silk Road14:00 - 16:30 Iron Danube16:30 - 17:00 Departure for Technical Visit17:00 - 19:00 Technical visit

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTUREThe Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the State authority in the field of transportand infrastructure, which carries out directly or through specialized technical bodies, publicinstitutions, units that activate under its authority and coordination or authorized commercialcompanies. As the State authority, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure approves mandatoryinstructions and regulations for the railway, auto, naval and air transport activities, in accordancewith the law.Ovidiu SilaghiMinister of Transport and Infrastructure,Romanian Ministry of Transport and InfrastructureBIOGRAPHYOvidiu Silaghi was born on 12 December 1962. He graduated from“Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Precision Mechanics.He specialized at Roman Diplomatic Institute, the Council ofNational Defence (Romanian Ministry of National Defence), theAcademy of Economic Studies and has an MA from “Vasile Goldis”University of Arad.He followed an internship in IPSUIC and then, from 1990 to 2004,he run several small and medium enterprises.He also was county councillor, president of the Trade, Industryand Agriculture Chamber in Satu Mare, member of the Board ofthe Romanian Chamber of Trade and Industry, member of theRomanian Parliament – budget commission, finances, banksand the under-commission of capital markets, member of theCommission for Information and Communications Technology ofthe Chamber of Deputies, member of the European Parliament,Vice President of the Commission for Budget Control of theRomanian Parliament, Minister of SMEs, Trade, Industry and FreeProfessions. Currently, he is the Romanian Minister of Transportand Infrastructure.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RAILWAYS (UIC)UIC is the worldwide international organisation of the railway sector, including 199 membersacross all 5 continents.UIC has the goal to promote technical co-operation between its members in order to achieveand maintain a coherent railway transport system. Its main responsibilities imply the definitionof common goals, the achievement of specifications, standards, as well as their fulfilment, as theconclusion of agreements with international organisations.UIC has 82 active members, 82 associatemembers and 35 affiliate members (related or ancillary rail transport businesses or services).Jean-Pierre LoubinouxDirector General,International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC)BIOGRAPHYJean-Pierre Loubinoux was born in 1956. A graduate of the EcoleCentrale Paris, he worked at the French Foreign Trade Delegationto Hong Kong (1977-1978) before joining French railways SNCFin 1978, where he held various responsibilities including Directorof the SNCF General Delegation in North-America and ChiefExecutive of French <strong>Railway</strong>s UK Ltd in Britain. He then joinedthe SNCF Freight Department where he successively managedthe Coal-Steel Business Unit and the Human Resources, DataProcessing and Finance Department before being appointed ChiefExecutive of SNCF Freight International (2001) and from 2001 to2009 Chairman and CEO of SNCF International and SNCF Directorof International Development.In March 2009, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux was appointed Director-General of the International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC), the worldwideassociation representing the rail sector and encompassing 200railways across all the continents. His mandate was renewed atthe June 2010 UIC General Assembly in Tokyo and is set to rununtil March <strong>2013</strong>.Jean-Pierre Loubinoux has been awarded the Legion of Honourand is a holder of the Silver Medal of the French Ministry ofEquipment, Transport and Tourism.In September 2011, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux received his insignia asCommander of the French National Order of Merit – one of thehighest decorations in France along with the Legion of Honour.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CLUB FEROVIARCLUB FEROVIAR is a non-governmental, private law organisation, operating as an integratedcommunication platform for railway companies, multimodal and public transport and with theset purpose of achieving an integrated, competitive and customer-oriented transport in theWider Black Sea Area (WBSA). The foundation of the platform sets on efficient cross-media, directcommunication and consultancy instruments. These have the twofold objective of supportingcompanies in gaining in-depth understanding of the railway environment and assist them inreaching their marketing objectives.Octavian UdrişteHonorary Chairman,<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>BIOGRAPHYOctavian Udrişte has an impressive career in the Romanian railwaysector. He was involved in major projects, such as the introductionof the diesel and electric traction, the Sifa and Indusi installationsand the operation of the Bucharest underground system. In 1958,he graduated from the Institute of <strong>Railway</strong>s (Polytechnics) - Facultyof Mechanics, Section Locomotives. He held various positionsat CFR SA until 1976, from engineer at Braşov locomotive depotto general inspector at CFR SA, in the field of traffic safety. In1968, he took a specialization course in the Federal Republic ofGermany, for rolling stock exploitation and maintenance. During1977-1984, he was head of the underground rolling stock servicein Bucharest, and then Technical Director. During 1994-1996,he was General Manager Metrorex. Later on, he was ExecutiveManager of INCERTRANS and during 1997-2005, he was head ofTransportation Systems at Siemens Romania. Starting 2006, hehas been administrator of «Sisteme Transport Consult».Octavian Udrişte has been a member of UEEIV since 1996, Presidentof Tren <strong>Club</strong> Român and Executive Director of CODATU.Curently, Mr. Udrişte is Honorary Chairman of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE ROMANIAN SENATEThe Romanian Senate is one of the two chambers of Romania’s bicameral Parliament. As the otherchamber of the Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate is elected through universal, free,secrete and direct vote by the rightful constituens of Romania.The Romanian Senate includes 137 senators, each representing around 160,000 citizens of the 42election districts.After the validation of the mandate and the oath, the senators are organized into parliamentarygroups which include at least seven senators from the same party, of the same organization ofcitizens pertaining to national minorities, political alliances and electoral alliances.The Senate is run by a collective body, the Permanent Office, which includes: the President, fourvice-presidents, four secretaries and four police officers.The Senate forms permanent committee and can call on investigation commissions, specialcommissions, including mediatory commissions or joint commissions with the Chamber ofDeputies.Sorin BotaVice-president of the Budget-Finances Commission,The Romanian SenateBIOGRAPHYSorin Bota was born on 9 August 1969 in Baia Mare, MaramuresCounty. In 1993, he graduated from Cluj-Napoca TechnicalUniversity, Machines-Tools Specialization and in 1998 from “BoganVoda” University in Cluj-Napoca, Management. Since 2003, heholds a PhD in Engineering. Specializations: Marketing and SalesManagement – Turin, Italy; International Finances Management,Harvard Business University, Boston, USA; National DefenceCollege. Member of PSD party, he has held several positionsamong which: national secretary for image and communicationproblems, Vice President of Cluj County Organisation, memberof the Central Executive Office. He also was Vice President ofthe Central Transport, Infrastructure and CommunicationsDepartment, Member of the National Council and coordinator ofBihor County Organisation.Currently, he is Senator of Maramures and President of PSDTransport and Infrastructure Department.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>WIEBE ROMÂNIAWiebe România SRL is registered as Romanian legal person since 2003 as subsidiary of the Germanholding H. F. Wiebe GmbH & Co. KG.Wiebe România has constantly consolidated its position in the market of railway and traminfrastructure constructions and civil engineering.The perseverance, professionalism and experience of the staff has encountered a fertile expressionenvironment in the technological environment promoted by the company’s managementpolicy. In the nearly 10 years that passed since its set up, Wiebe România has participated in thedevelopment of important projects in Romania and abroad.One way of another, the subsidiaries of Wiebe Group have been present in all railwayrehabilitation projects finalised so far in Romania.Daniel BirsanPresident – AIF / General Manager,Wiebe RomâniaBIOGRAPHYDaniel Birsan was born on 7 October 1963 in Veresti, SuceavaCounty. He graduated from the Technical University of Graz,Austria. From 1997 to 2000, he worked as Service Engineer atIBS, Austria. From 2000 to 2003, he was Technical Manager atSwietelsky. Since 2003 he is the General Manager of Wiebe andhe has recently been elected President of the Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>Industry Association (AIF).Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ALSTOM TRANSPORTA promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops and markets the most completerange of systems, equipment and services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entiretransport systems, taking in rolling stock, signalling and infrastructure, and offers “turnkey”solutions.Alstom offers a very wide range of rolling stock covering the entire rail transport market: from veryhigh speed to light urban transport, including metros, tramways, suburban and regional trains andlocomotives. Moreover, Alstom is at the leading edge of information and infrastructure systems. Itsservice offer also covers maintenance, renovation and logistics chain management for supplyingspare parts, leading turnkey projects, client training and technical advice.With its strong professional and geographical networks, Alstom Transport is organised to providethe best possible service for its customers.Gabriel StanciuCEO,Alstom Transport Romania & BulgariaBIOGRAPHYMr. Gabriel Stanciu is the CEO of Alstom Transport Romania &Bulgaria (97% owned by Alstom Holdings, France). He has fullresponsibility of the Romanian market: all customers – Romanian<strong>Railway</strong>s (Infra, Freight and Passengers), Bucharest Metro(Metrorex) and the 14 cities where there is a tramway network,reporting to the South-East Europe and North Africa - MiddleEast Region Vice-President. In addition, he has full responsibilityof the all product lines development – rolling stock, signaling,infrastructure, services and turnkey projects, reporting to therespective Operations Vice-Presidents. Among some of the mainachievments: saved the Bucharest Metro Maintenance Contractfrom termination; Successfully transferred and integrated 1200people from Metrorex to Alstom; Transformed the Romanian Unitfrom a state owned business set up to a regular Alstom BusinessUnit; Completely overhauled 4 depots and a components factory;Increased productivity from cca 35% up to 78%. Previously hewas the CEO of Magnetto Wheels Romania, General Manager ofSchlumberger / RMS* and Irritec s.a. Gabriel Stanciu has a M. Sc.in Electronics & Telecommunications, University Polytechnics ofBucharest and holds an Executive MBA from ASEBUSS-Universityof Washington Business School, Bucharest and Seattle.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>FERRMEDCreated in 2004 by the private sector, FERRMED is the first initiative in favour of a European railfreight network that is completely directed towards the needs of market and companies. Inparticular, we are promoting the implementation of common technical standards all over Europe(the so-called “FERRMED Standards”), the improvement of the connections between ports andhinterlands, through the rail freight network and inland terminals, and the conception of a highpriority rail freight network Scandinavia-Rhine-Rhone-Western Mediterranean.After 7 years, FERRMED already has 150 members from all over Europe and North Africa. Amongthose, all kind of manufacturing companies, Port Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, intermodalterminals, logistics operators and associations, rail and road freight operators, employerassociations, rail rolling stock industries, distribution and retailer companies, etc, can be found.FERRMED holds two General Assemblies and 6 Steering Committees every year, where themembers decide about the activity of the association. The General Secretariat has the support ofa Technical working group and an Administrative working group, in which interested memberscan participate. An Advisory Council, composed by experts in the sector, oversees the objectivesof FERRMED.Joan AmorósSecretary General,FerrmedBIOGRAPHYMr Joan Amorós holds a doctorate in Civil Engineering and hasauthored several books. Mr Amorós is the former President ofthe NISSAN Distribution Service in Barcelona. Beside his role asSecretary General at Ferrmed, Mr Amorós is also Adviser to theBoard of AutoTerminal, a member of the board of Logistica YTransporte Ferroviario and a member of the Executive Committeeof the Barcelona Logistics Center and the Promoter of the Project“R+D+4i”.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ”COORDINATING COUNCIL ONTRANSSIBERIAN TRANSPORTATION” (CCTT)The International Association ”Coordinating Council on Transsiberian Transportation” (CCTT) is anon-commercial transport association with an open-ended duration, registered in the Main traderegister of St. Gallen (Switzerland) on the 21st of February, 1997. The CCTT was founded by theMinistry of <strong>Railway</strong> Communication of the Russian Federation (since 2003 - after the restructuring- JSC “Russian <strong>Railway</strong>s”), DB AG (Deutsche Bahn), GETO (Association of European TranssiberianOperators), and KIFFA (Korean International Freight Forwarders Association).Presently the CCTT consists of 114 members from 22 countries, including major railways and shippingcompanies, operators and forwarders, ports and stevedoring companies, state organizations,administrations and municipalities, telecom and marketing companies, as well as security servicesand media. The main purposes of the Coordinating Council on Transsiberian Transportation are:attracting transit and foreign trade cargo to the Transsiberian route (TSR); coordinating activities ofcompanies that participate in international cargo transportation on the TSR - to ensure highqualitydelivery of goods and development of economic relations between countries of South-EastAsia, Far and Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe based on using the infrastructure of Russianrailways.Gennady BessonovSecretary General,Coordinating Council on Transsiberian TransportationBIOGRAPHYMr. Bessonov was born in 1950. In 1973, he graduated from thePolytechnic Institute in Fergana, in 1992, the Diplomatic Academyin Russia and in 2001, and diplomatic courses within the Ministryof Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He has worked at theMinistry of Foreign Affairs since 1987 where he has held severaldiplomatic positions. From 2001 to October 2005, he has beengeneral consul of the Russian Federation in Göteborg (Sweden).Since December 2005, he is Secretary General of the CoordinatingCouncil for Transsiberian Transport.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CJSC ”SCR”South Caucasus <strong>Railway</strong>s (SCR) has officially started business operations under a concessionagreement to manage Armenian <strong>Railway</strong>s. The concession agreement was concluded for 30years, with a right of extension for another 20 years after the first 20 years of operation. Under theagreement, Russian <strong>Railway</strong>s will invest USD400 million in infrastructure at Armenian <strong>Railway</strong>sand another USD170 million to upgrade its rolling stock. For Russian <strong>Railway</strong>s, the concessionarymanagement represents a solid cargo base consisting of building materials, cement, foodand mining raw materials, such as copper pyrites, while for Armenian <strong>Railway</strong>s, large-scalemodernisation can begin. In the first instance, routes will be upgraded which account for 80% ofall freight transport on SCR. Thus, SCR plans to build railway lines between Yerevan and Batumiand between Yerevan and Poti in the near future. According to preliminary data, freight traffic atSCR is expected to increase to up to 30 million tons per annum. The Company plans to promotecooperation with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries.Victor RebetsCEO,CJSC ”SCR“BIOGRAPHYVictor Rebets was born in 1957. In 1984 he graduated from MoscowInstitute of <strong>Railway</strong> Engineers as a specialist of ”Process control ofrailway transportation“, in 1998 he graduated from the Academyof National Economy under the Government of the RF and in 2007MBA Russian Economic Academy after Plekhanov.He started working in the railway system in 1984 as a duty of therailway park. Over the years V. Rebets also worked as a duty in thestation, the deputy chief and the chief of the station, the deputychief and the chief of the department of transportation, deputyhead of transportation, the head of Moscow-Kursk branch, thehead of Transportation Management of Moscow Regional Centerof Moscow <strong>Railway</strong>, deputy head of Moscow railway, deputy headof the Department for Cooperation with the Federal and RegionalAuthorities of JSC ”Russian <strong>Railway</strong>s“.Since January 2008 V. Rebets has been Head of the Departmentfor Cooperation with the Federal and Regional Authorities of JSC”Russian <strong>Railway</strong>s“.On February 15, <strong>2012</strong> V. Rebets was appointed as Chief ExecutiveOfficer of CJSC ”South Caucasian <strong>Railway</strong>s“.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLICThe Czech Ministry of Transport is the State authority in the field of transport and infrastructure,which carries out directly or through specialized technical bodies, public institutions, the unitsthat activate under its authority and coordination or authorized commercial companies. As theState authority, the Ministry of Transport approves mandatory instructions and regulations for therailway, road, water and air transport activities, in accordance with the law.Jan IlíkMinisterial Counsellor,Ministry of Transport of the Czech RepublicBIOGRAPHYJan Ilik works at the Czech Ministry of Transport in the Departmentof <strong>Railway</strong> and Combined Transport. He graduated from the Facultyof Science, Charles University Prague and University of Ostrava inHuman Geography and spent several years in research dealingwith spatial issues.Since 2010 Jan has been working at the Ministry where he isresponsible for a preparation of mid- and long-term developmentprojects including a high-speed railway implementation in theCzech Republic and its coordination with neighbouring countries.He also deals with other infrastructure and capacity orientedprojects e.g. the European Rail Freight Corridors initiative (accordingto the Regulation 913/2010) and speed improvements on currentconventional infrastructure up to 200 km/h. Also he is responsiblefor tasks related to master planning.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>WESTERN BALKANS INVESTMENT FRAMEWORKThe Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) supports socio-economic development andEU accession across the Western Balkans through the provision of finance and technical assistancefor strategic investments, particularly in infrastructure, energy efficiency and private sectordevelopment. It is a joint initiative of the EU, International Financial Institutions, bilateral donors andthe governments of the Western Balkans countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, theformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244).Much WBIF work helps deliver new modern infrastructure – clean water supply and safe sewagedisposal; roads and railways; energy generation, transport and distribution; schools and hospitalsetc. – and rehabilitate long neglected and too often out-dated existing infrastructure. WBIF achievesall this by applying a key principal of financial “blending” – combining grants and loans – wherebyrelatively small grants are provided that subsequently attract much larger amounts of loan finance.This loan money is used to pay for an infrastructure project’s development through to completion.The grants are used in two ways: first and predominantly for technical assistance (TA) and second,in particular cases, as a direct grant investment. Much of the TA is administered by one of the WBIF’sfacilities: the Infrastructure Projects’ Facility (IPF). The IPF, performed by contracted teams of consultingexperts, assists with the «preparation» of infrastructure projects. Preparation means all the reports,documents and studies that are essential to technically, economically and financially appraise theproject. At the moment, there are 130 projects that are, or have been, supported by WBIF.Yanni PapapanagiotouTransport Sector - Key Expert,WBIF / Infrastructure Projects FacilityBIOGRAPHYMr. Yanni Papapanagiotou is holding a BSc in Civil Engineering, andMaster’s Degrees in Transportation Engineering (Athens TechnicalUniversity) and in Logistics & Transportation (Cranfield University,UK). He has more than 18 years of professional experience, focusedin transport planning and engineering. In his career, Yanni hasworked in most European countries, as well as in Asia and theMiddle East. His expertise is mainly in the areas of transportstrategies and policies development at local, national and regionallevels, urban/public transport, freight transport and logistics,transport modelling, demand forecasting and feasibility / viabilitystudies in all transport modes, for both freight and passengers.Yanni is the Managing Director of SYSTEMA – Transport Planningand Engineering Consultants Ltd (Greece) and the TechnicalDirector-Transport for WYG International Ltd (UK). His currentproject work is taking place in the Western Balkans, in the positionof Transport Sector Key Expert for WBIF Technical Assistance (WBIFProjects/IPF), WYG International Consortium.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THALESWorldwide leader in rail signalling and security solutions, pioneer in introducing computersin vital railway applications, Thales is positioned as a high-technology signalling specialistand shapes the rail industry with worldwide leading positions in electronic interlocking andinteroperable communication-based train control solutions (ETCS and CBTC) Thales pioneeredERTMS-ETCS and CBTC solutions and we are now the world’s most trusted partner in both designand implementation, with a recognized expertise to manage large and complex projects.In our portfolio you can find 1st ETCS L1 in revenue operation for the Sofia-Plovdiv-Burgas linein Bulgaria from 2001, 1st ETCS L2 in revenue operation for the Jüterborg-Halle- Leipzig line inGermany from 2005, and many others. We are also presents on Urban Rail market. Thales is theworld’s number-one supplier of advanced CBTC signalling and train control solutions for urbanrail networks.We are leader in electronic interlocking with 28 electronic interlocking in commercial operation.For the future, Thales Romania wants to remain leader in electronic.Claudiu SeiceanSecretary General – AIF / Key Account Manager,ThalesBIOGRAPHYMr. Seicean was born on September 22, 1974 in Blaj. In 1998, hegraduated from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty ofTransports, Telematics and Electronics in Transports. He has anMA in Telematics and Electronics in Transports from the sameuniversity. From 1998 to 2004, he was Assistant Professor at theFaculty of Transports, from 2000 to 2004 he was the ExecutiveManager of S.C. SETTIMA IMPEX SRL. From 2004 to 2005, hewas Project Engineer in Tendering Transport Systems Divisionat AlCATEL ROMANIA, 2005 – October 2006 Tendering ProjectManager - ALCATEL ROMANIA, October 2006 – August 2010 –Tendering & Marketing Director in Thales Rail Signalling SolutionsRomania, August 2010 – Present, Bids & Proposals Director and KeyAccount Manager for Ground Transportations – Thales SystemsRomania, August <strong>2012</strong> – present - Secretary General - Romanian<strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE BLACK SEA TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION PROGRAMME (BSTIP)The Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme (BSTIP) is a project jointly financedby Turkey, Greece, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) organization and United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) aiming to promote trade and investment in the Black Sea region.Organized in 2007, this initiative implemented by UNDP is headquartered in Athens, Greece andis active in the twelve BSEC countries – Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece,Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.Our mission is to develop and promote intra-regional trade and investment among the countries inthe Black Sea region. BSTIP strives toward poverty reduction and increased economic opportunitythrough private sector development.Barry KolodkinRegional Programme Manager,The Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion ProgrammeBIOGRAPHYBarry Kolodkin is currently the Regional Programme Manager forthe United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Black SeaTrade and Investment Promotion Programme headquartered inAthens, Greece. The program strives to facilitate regional trade andinvestment among the countries in the Black Sea region. Prior toassuming this position, Mr. Kolodkin worked with UNDP in Albaniaand Romania. From 2003-2011, Barry was a successful consultantfor organizations such as Booz Allen, PricewaterhouseCoopers,IBM Consulting, World Bank, European Union, and US Agency forInternational Development.Some highlights of his work include serving as a special advisorto the Romanian Prime Minister for business and investmentissues, advisor to the investment promotion agencies of Albania,Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine and lead author of the Best-Practice Guide for a Positive Business and Investment Climatewhich is available in 5 languages. Previously, Barry Kolodkin heldinternational management positions at Prometric, the globalleader in computer-based testing. He closed a US$150 milliondeal to computerize the Certified Public Accountant exam in USand grew a global network of computer-based test centers from70 international locations to nearly 200 and from US$20 million insales to US$40 million. Earlier in his career with GRC International(now AT&T), Barry was leader of a project, with 400% revenuegrowth, to transform resource planning in Egypt and six CentralEuropean states. He speaks English and conversational Romanian,and reads French and Spanish. Barry has a Master of Arts degree inInternational Affairs from The George Washington University anda Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Brandeis University.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTUREThe Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the State authority in the field of transportand infrastructure, which carries out directly or through specialized technical bodies, publicinstitutions, units that activate under its authority and coordination or authorized commercialcompanies. As the State authority, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure approves mandatoryinstructions and regulations for the railway, auto, naval and air transport activities, in accordancewith the law.Septimiu BuzaşuSecretary of State,Romanian Ministry of Transport and InfrastructureBIOGRAPHYSeptimiu Buzaşu was born on 13 August 1955 in Hamleu, SatuMare County. He graduated in 1981 from the Technical Universityof Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering, <strong>Railway</strong>s, Roads andBridges.He specialized in public transport management and environmentprotection – Swedish International Development Agency andthe Swedish Road Research and National Roads, traffic safety –Specialization through the Pilot Project of “Partners for Roads”World Bank, constructions management – Cluj-Napoca TechnicalUniversity.He worked at Satu Mare County Directorate for Roads and Bridges.Mr. Buzaşu also was Vice Mayor of Satu Mare and then the Directorof the Investments, Expropriations and Environment Directorate ofthe National Roads Administration. He has also been the Directorof the Highway Maintenance and National Roads Directorate ofthe Romanian National Company of Motorways and NationalRoads.He was economic advisor for the Romanian Embassy in Dakarand he currently is Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry ofTransport and Infrastructure.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPATIAL PLANNING OF THEREPUBLIC OF SLOVENIAMinistry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible for theareas of railway, air, maritime, waterway and road transport with the exception of control overroad traffic safety, as well as for the areas of transport infrastructure and cableway installations,spatial planning, construction, housing policy, energy sector, mining and efficient use of renewableenergy sources.Franc ŽepičSecretary,Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning,Republic of SloveniaBIOGRAPHYMr. Žepič was entrusted coordination of the Priority area 1b: Toimprove mobility and multimodality – rail, road and air links ofthe EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) by the SlovenianMinistry of Infrastracture and Spatial Planning, after having spenteight years at the Permanent Representation of the Republic ofSlovenia to the European Union in Brussels as transport counsellor.During the first Slovenian presidency to the Council of the EUin the first half of 2008 he chaired Working party on aviation,Working party on land transport and Working party on intermodalquestions and networks. He was member of the Council Workingparties when second and third railway packeges were adopted,while package on »cross aceptance of locomotives« was agreedwith the European Parliament during the Slovenian presidency.He has previously worked as state undersecretary at the Ministryof transport responsible for transport policy.Mr. Žepič was born in 1957 in Novo mesto, Slovenia. He graduatedin 1983 from the University of Ljubljana as economic geologist andhe has been later duly awarded the degree of Master of Science ingeostatistics from the ITC Delft, the Netherlands.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE SOUTH EAST EUROPE TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMMEThe South East Europe transnational cooperation programme (SEE) is a financial instrumentwhich, in the framework of the Regional Policy’s Territorial Cooperation Objective, aims to improveintegration and competitiveness in a transnational area which is as complex as it is diverse, duringthe programming period 2007-<strong>2013</strong>. The SEE Programme allows cooperation among 16 countries,out of which 8 are EU member states, 6 are countries in the phase of accession or pre-accession, 2neighbouring countries. Partner states cooperate in the SEE programme and project on an equalfoot, by combination of three different funding instruments.The programme is supporting projects developed within four Priority Axes: Innovation,Environment, Accessibility, and Sustainable Growth Areas - in line with the Lisbon and Gothenburgpriorities, and is also contributing to the integration process of the non-EU member states.Roberta CalcinaProgramme Manager of the SEE Joint Technical Secretariat,The South East Europe transnational cooperation programmeBIOGRAPHYRoberta Calcina works as programme manager at the JointTechnical Secretariat of the Southeast Europe TransnationalCooperation Programme (SEE) since 2008.Responsible for the implementation of the SEE priority 3“Improvement of Accessibility”, the coordination of the assessmentof proposals submitted for funding under the specific priority, themonitoring of the results achieved and related adaptation of SEEprogramme objectives in relation to transport strategies for the SEEregion, the provision of technical support to ensure the concreteinvolvement of the key stakeholders.Prior to this position, Roberta Calcina has been in charge ofcooperation projects related to sustainable mobility since 2004,mainly in the Alpine region, including international consultancies,technical assistance to the public administration and other workingassignments in Italy, Austria, France, and Germany.Roberta Calcina graduated in Development Economics at theUniversity of Firenze (Italy).Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SIEMENS ROMANIAWith an activity of over 100 years in Romania, during which Siemens has stood for technicalachievements, innovation, quality and reliability, Siemens is Romania’s largest company to offercomplete solutions for the Energy, Industry and Healthcare sectors. The company’s headquartersare located in Bucharest, while Siemens also has a regional presence in Braşov, Cluj, Constanţa,Craiova, Galaţi, Iaşi, Oradea, Ploieşti, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş, Timişoara and currently employs morethan 2500 people.Vasile DiaconescuRolling Stock Manager - AIF / Head of Division IC MOL/RL,Siemens RomaniaBIOGRAPHYMr. Diaconescu was born on 29.05.1961. He graduated from thePolytechnics University in Bucharest, Car Construction TechnologyFaculty, Machines and Tools Section and from Bucharest Academyof Economic Studies, Marketing and International RelationsSection.After graduation, he worked in the oil industry and later in therolling stock construction industry, where he evolved fromengineer to manager which enriched his experience, boththeoretical and practical, on the operation and current problemsof economic agents in the railway sector.Currently, he is General Manager of the Mobility Division ofSiemens Romania.Day 1 Invest in Developing Europe. Invest in Developing Asia

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

DAY 2INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PANEL SESSION09:00 - 10:30 Economic, political, environmental and technicalchallenges for the development of the WBSA railway network11:00 - 12:30 Fully interoperable pan European corridors –myths or reality?14:00 - 15:30 Innovation & Research for railway infrastructure16:00 - 17:30 High speed projects for the WBSA (joint panel with MassTransportation session)17:30 - 17:45 Conclusions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROBSON’S INTERNATIONAL RAIL CONSULTANCYRobson’s International Rail Consultancy provides expertise across a wide range of topics tocompanies interested in rail. These activities include “peer review” of projects, advising investmentinstitutions on potential investments, lecturing on rail at Loughborough University, working withrailways in various ways to improve performance, restructure, develop funding ideas, redevelopstations, develop asset management strategies, etc.Michael RobsonManaging Director,Robson’s International Rail ConsultancyBIOGRAPHYMr. Robson is a time-served railwayman having worked in theindustry for 39 years. During this time he has held various seniorpositions both in the UK and in Europe including that of SecretaryGeneral of the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM). Inthe UK Michael Robson has experience of working at a seniorlevel in an integrated railway, British Rail, a private stock marketlisted infrastructure company, Railtrack, and a company limitedby guarantee and privately financed, Network Rail, where he wasresponsible for developing and implementing the Network Railpolicy on European issues.During his 7 years working in Europe, he gained an excellentknowledge of how the European institutions work along withdeveloping an excellent network of contacts. He was on the Boardof the European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency (ERA) where he was involved indeveloping the strategy of the ERA and in reviewing the progressof the development of TSIs.Working in different environments has given him a unique insightinto European and world railway structures their complexities andmcultures. During his career, he has been involved in Operations,Performance, Timetabling, and Contract Management, AssetManagement, Funding, Technical Specification of Interoperability(TSI), Passenger and Freight Marketing and other retail activitiesin addition to the usual General Management and Project work.Michael Robson is also a member of the Chartered Institute ofTransport & Logistics and the Institute of Management.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CENTRE “ECORESOURCE”Centre “EcoResource” (CER) operates since 1994 as non-profit State institution, developedaccording to Ukrainian Laws on “Cross-Border Co-operation” and “Waste”, number of CISInterstate Standards, first Ukrainian Concept of State Cross-Border Co-operation Program and EUNeighbourhood Programs aimed to provide Sustainable Socio-Economic & Spatial Developmentin border Regions, as well as Methodical Recommendations on Cross-Border Co-operation and onIT implementation for it (approved by the Ministry of Regional Development, Order of 27.01.2009Nr. 46). CER represents Ukraine in the Carpathian Convention Working Group on SustainableTransport, Energy, Industry and Infrastructure and appointed as CEI National Focal Point andResource Co-ordinated Centre of Euroregion “Upper Prut”.Zinoviy S.BroydeDirector of Centre “EcoResource“ & Adviser of the Head ofChernivtsi Regional State Administration,Centre “EcoResource“BIOGRAPHYBorn (1950) in Chernivtsi (Ukraine), former Land of Bukovina.He graduated from the Novosibirsk State University in NuclearPhysics & Applied Mathematics (1972). From 1973 to1994 he hasbeen engineer, chief scientist, and chair at the State University ofChernivtsi. Mr. Broyde has a PhD and a Chief Scientist Diplomain Material Science. In 1998, he was adviser of the Head ofChernivtsi Regional State Administration. Since 2000, he is Headof the Working Commission of the Euroregion “Upper Prut” forEnvironmental Safety & Sustainable Development. Since 2001, he isrepresentative of Ukraine in the CEI Working Group on Interregional& Cross-border co-operation and since 2008, he is National CEIFocal Point in Ukraine. 2007 - Delegate of Ukraine in the CarpathianConvention Working Group on sustainable transport, industry,energy and infrastructure in 2002-2004 – adviser of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, in 2005-2006 – adviser of the Ministerof Environment of Ukraine. Since 1996 – Ukrainian Team Leader ofCoordinator of more than 10 international projects (TACIS, UNIDO,UNEP, USAID, WBRD, British Council, GIZ, CEI, and UNECE).Mr. Broyde was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Prime-Minister of Ukraine and the Honorary Diploma of the Minister ofRegional Development and Construction of Ukraine, author ofmore than 300 publications and inventions.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UNIFEUNIFE - the Association of the European Rail Industry directly represents European companiesresponsible for the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transportsystems, subsystems and related equipment. Membership in addition extends to associatedmembers, mostly composed of national railway industry associations.UNIFE’s role is to represent its members’ interests at the level of both European andinternational institutions and the mission of the association is to pro-actively develop anenvironment in which UNIFE members can provide competitive railway systems for increased railtraffic.Nicolas FurioInfrastructure and Electrification Manager,UNIFEBIOGRAPHYMr. Furio is a civil engineer and is Infrastructure and ElectrificationManager at UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Industry,since 2010. He is responsible of UNIFE technical activities in thefield of rail infrastructure and energy. He is also in charge of currentand future infrastructure and energy research projects.Before joining UNIFE, Nicolas Furio was project manager in a Frenchengineering company, Egis Rail, which designs urban and railwaytransport projects. He holds a civil engineering degree from theengineering school INSA in Lyon and a Master’s degree in industrialMarketing and international Strategy from the EM Lyon BusinessSchool.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CFR SAEstablished in 1998, following the reorganisation of SNCFR, the former National <strong>Railway</strong> Company,CFR SA manages and maintains the public and private railway infrastructure. CFR SA gives thechance to all railway operators on the entire railway network to develop passenger and freighttransport services in environment protection and safety conditions. CFR SA is organised on threelevels: the company’s central level which ensures the synthesis central direction, the regional leveland the basic subunits.CFR SA direction is sustained by the General Assembly of Shareholders (AGA).The general assembly of the shareholders elects CFR Board of Directors. The president of the Boardof Directors is also the General Manager of the company.Cristian GhibuGeneral Manager,CFR SABIOGRAPHYCristian GHIBU was born on 10 May 1967. He graduated from“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University in Iasi, Faculty ofMechanics.He worked as engineer at BMW GROUP Munchen, sales managerat SC ASAM Iasi, general manager at SC Lemnis Company SRL andthen regional manager at SC Aviva SA.From 2008 to 2010, he was regional manager of CF Iasi RegionalSubsidiary, within CNCF CFR SA. From 2010 to May <strong>2012</strong>, he wasdeputy manager of the Public and Private Patrimony Administrationwithin Iasi Municipality.Currently, he is general manager of CNCF CFR SA.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>TRT TRASPORTI E TERRITORIOTRT Trasporti e Territorio Srl is an independent consultancy firm specialized in transport economics,transport planning and modelling. The Company’s headquarter is based in Milan and a branch hasalso been open in Brussels in 2010. Established in 1992, the Company has earned a solid reputationin supporting public and private actors thanks to its professional and R&D activities in the fields oftransport projects and policy assessment. TRT is, indeed, experienced in several and referencedprofessional services in the following main areas: strategic planning, planning and development oftransport policies, research projects, feasibility studies, project assessment, transport demand analysisand forecast, logistics and freight transport, planning and regulating of public transport, energyand environment. At Italian level, key clients of TRT are: the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure,the Treasury, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Bank of Italy, local and regional publicadministrations, private investors and transport operators as well. At European and international level,TRT has a twenty-year experience in consulting and research projects for the European Commission’sDirectorates (Environment, Transport, Research, Energy, Climate Change, Regional Policies, InternationalCo-operation), and other European Institutions, such as for instance the European Parliament, theEuropean Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Remarkably,TRT’s work has often been viewed as an element of reference by the EU institutions in designing anddeveloping their policies in the transport domain.Silvia MaffiiCEO,TRT Trasporti e TerritorioBIOGRAPHYSilvia Maffii is the CEO of TRT since the founding of the Company.Expert in transport economics and transport planning sheparticipated to a wide number of feasibility studies, cost-benefitanalysis of transport projects and urban transport planning, aswell as development and application of transport models andtools for cost benefit analysis of transport projects. She has a wideprofessional and research experience in modelling at urban andregional scale and in the assessment of land-use, socio-economicand environmental impacts of transport investment and policies.She has been scientific supervisor and since September 2011 TeamLeader of the IDEA (Transport Interoperability and Dialogue betweenthe EU, Caucasus and Asian) project within the framework of theTRACECA Programme (TRAnsport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia)funded by DG AIDCO. She has been involved in the prioritizationprocesses and was responsible for the preparation of the AppraisalGuide and for the training on project appraisal. She took part to theNORDIM project for the preparation of the Partnership on Transportand Logistics under the Northern Dimension (DG MOVE), whereshe has been responsible for the preparation of the Guidebook onthe Methodolgy of project Evaluation and Appraisal.She has been one of the authors, and the coordinator, for thepreparation of the New Guide to Cost benefit Analysis of Investmentprojects, project Coordinator, Evaluation Unit , DG Regional PolicyEC. Since 1999 she has been supervisor of the annual “Survey oninternational transport costs and market trends for the Bank of Italy.During 2007-2009 she has coordinated the preparation of severalBriefing papers for the Committee on Transport and Tourism,European Parliament DGIPOLDay 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>VOSSLOH COGIFERVossloh Cogifer, an industrial subsidiary of the Vossloh group, is one of the world wide leadersin the switch gear field for all types of networks, railways, metros, tramways, both in Europe andthroughout the world.Vossloh Cogifer makes all its know-how available for global solutions: turnkey gear, safetyproducts and signalling systems. The expertise in the railway environment acquired by VosslohCogifer enables it to interface its products perfectly with all existing equipment and incorporateits products in track efficiently.Vossloh Cogifer is a pioneer in numerous technologies. Its comprehensive research anddevelopment capacity, associated with a first class industrial and logistics structure, makes it amajor player. Today, Vossloh Cogifer offers less expensive development, thus ensuring bettercompetitiveness, while providing extremely reliable systems.Vossloh Cogifer calls upon its experience in more than 80 countries and has developed theindustrial power that today enables it to design and manufacture a range of products. These meetall the technical and financial requirements of the market. Vossloh Cogifer exports more than 80%of its turnover and can propose the best-adapted solution for each network.Mirko MaksimovicRegional Sales Manager,Vossloh CogiferBIOGRAPHYMirko Maksimovic was born on 16 January 1968 in Paris. Hehas a MBA from Paris II Sorbonne. Mr. Maksimovic has a 10-yearexperience in international banking and 10 years of experience inrailways. Mr. Maksimovic is a Director at Vossloh Cogifer in chargeof sales in South East Europe. He has been extensively coveringthe region in the past ten years, marketing turnout and rail guidedsystems of the Vossloh Cogifer group.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THALESWorldwide leader in rail signalling and security solutions, pioneer in introducing computersin vital railway applications, Thales is positioned as a high-technology signalling specialistand shapes the rail industry with worldwide leading positions in electronic interlocking andinteroperable communication-based train control solutions (ETCS and CBTC) Thales pioneeredERTMS-ETCS and CBTC solutions and we are now the world’s most trusted partner in both designand implementation, with a recognized expertise to manage large and complex projects.In our portfolio you can find 1st ETCS L1 in revenue operation for the Sofia-Plovdiv-Burgas linein Bulgaria from 2001, 1st ETCS L2 in revenue operation for the Jüterborg-Halle- Leipzig line inGermany from 2005, and many others. We are also presents on Urban Rail market. Thales is theworld’s number-one supplier of advanced CBTC signalling and train control solutions for urbanrail networks.We are leader in electronic interlocking with 28 electronic interlocking in commercial operation.For the future, Thales Romania wants to remain leader in electronic.Claudiu SeiceanSecretary General – AIF / Key Account Manager,ThalesBIOGRAPHYMr. Seicean was born on September 22, 1974 in Blaj. In 1998, hegraduated from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty ofTransports, Telematics and Electronics in Transports. He has anMA in Telematics and Electronics in Transports from the sameuniversity. From 1998 to 2004, he was Assistant Professor at theFaculty of Transports, from 2000 to 2004 he was the ExecutiveManager of S.C. SETTIMA IMPEX SRL. From 2004 to 2005, hewas Project Engineer in Tendering Transport Systems Divisionat AlCATEL ROMANIA, 2005 – October 2006 Tendering ProjectManager - ALCATEL ROMANIA, October 2006 – August 2010 –Tendering & Marketing Director in Thales Rail Signalling SolutionsRomania, August 2010 – Present, Bids & Proposals Director and KeyAccount Manager for Ground Transportations – Thales SystemsRomania, August <strong>2012</strong> – present - Secretary General - Romanian<strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MOLDOVAN STATE-OWNED RAILWAY COMPANYMoldovan <strong>Railway</strong>s began operation on 28 August 1871, when the traffic of trains on the sectionTiraspol-Chisinau was inaugurated. This railway line, which used to link Basarabia to the railwaynetworks in Ukraine and Russia, served as the foundation of the railway transport system in theRepublic of Moldova.Currently, the Moldovan State-Owned <strong>Railway</strong> Company fully meets the country’s needs forpassenger and freight local, interstate and international traffic.Apart from the main activity, related to the transport of freight and passengers, Moldovan <strong>Railway</strong>scan execute rolling stock construction and rehabilitation works that used to be carried out in theCIS. The railway sector Cuciurgan (Ukraine) – Bender – Chisinau – Ungheni – Iasi (Romania) is partof the railway Corridor IX (Krit) linking Helsinki (Finland) - Sankt Petersburg – Moscova – Kiev –Chisinau – Bucharest - Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria) – Alexandropolis (Greece).Moldovan <strong>Railway</strong>s reunites 51 structural subdivisions operating as subsidiaries of the State-Owned Company, among which: eight stations are self-managed, three main locomotive depots,three warehouses for wagons, five track maintenance sections, three sections for the maintenanceof civil buildings, three signalling and communications sections, three power supply sections etc.Vitalie StrunaGeneral Manager,Moldovan State-Owned <strong>Railway</strong> CompanyBIOGRAPHYBorn on 28 July 1971 in the city of Calarasi, the Republic of Moldova.In 1989, he graduated from the Technical Professional Schoolin Slobozia and in 2006, from the Law Faculty of the Republic ofMoldova State University. He specialized in trade managementand domestic and international railway transport logistics, riskmanagement, start-up investments, acquisitions and mergers.He has been Sales Manager of Ambasador Motors Company from1991 to 1996, head of department of the import-export of oilproducts/transport/logistics activities of Zeta mol Company from1996 to 1999 and advisor at Lukoil Romania from 1999 to 2002.He has also been sales manager and logistics manager at GFRRomania from 2002 to 2011 and Vice President of Grampet SA.He is General Manager of the Moldovan state-owned <strong>Railway</strong>Company since November 2011.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>RAILNETEUROPERailNetEurope (RNE) was created in January 2004. As a non-profit making association ofInfrastructure Managers and Allocation Bodies (Ims/ABs), it is dedicated to facilitating InternationalTraffic on the European Rail Infrastructure.RNE’s aims are to provide support to <strong>Railway</strong> Undertakings (RU) in their international activities(both for freight and passengers) and increase the efficiency of the Ims’ processes. Together, theMembers of RailNetEurope are harmonising international rail transport conditions and introducinga corporate approach to promote the European railway business for the benefit of the entire railindustry across Europe.RailNetEurope strives to simplify and optimise international rail processes such as: Europe-widetimetabling; common marketing & sales approaches; co-operation between Ims in the field ofoperations; train information exchange in real time across borders; after-sales services.Boris ŽivecDirector,Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for <strong>Railway</strong> TransportVice President,RailNetEuropeBIOGRAPHYMr. Zivec was appointed the Director of the Slovenian Agency for<strong>Railway</strong> Transport by the Slovenian Government. His priority atthat time was the institutional adaptation of the Agency withinthe role of the National Safety Authority as well as National trainpath allocation body which he programmed succsessfully.Based on his belief and experience that only with sharing the goodpractice with others their profesionalism will grow he startedintensively sharing experiences with the similar institutions inEurope. Based on all activities also within the European <strong>Railway</strong>Agency, Boris Zivec was elected member of the Audit Committeeto the activity on Cross Audit Programme.At the field of allocation body, Mr. Zivec was elected the memberof the RailNetEurope Management Board where he is a vicepresidentresponsible for the Corridor development.At the same time he is coordinating the activities on the Workingpackage 4 of the SEETA (South East European Transport AxisCooperation) Project titled the Variants on sustainable transportsystem of the region.He also was a member of the TEN-T experts group on the TEN-T andits extension to neighbouring countries based of which he wasone of the introductory speakers at the TEN-T days in Zaragoza,Spain on 8-9 July 2010.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE EUROPEAN RAILWAY AGENCY (ERA)The construction of a safe, modern integrated railway network is one of the EU’s major priorities.Economic integration and rapid growth in trade have transformed the European Union’s transportneeds. In order to service this integrated market, railways must become more competitive andoffer high-quality, end-to-end services without being restricted by national borders.The European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency was set up in 2005 (under EC Regulation No 881/2004) to helpcreate this integrated railway area by reinforcing safety and interoperability. Its main task is todevelop economically viable common technical standards and approaches to safety, workingclosely with railway sector stakeholders, national authorities and other concerned parties, as wellas with the European institutions.The Agency also acts as the system authority for the European Rail Traffic Management Systemproject, which has been set up to create unique signalling standards throughout Europe. A newactivity for the Agency that started in 2008 is that of Cross Acceptance. The Agency is based inthe French region of Nord-Pas de Calais, renowned as a centre of excellence and business in therailway industry. It employs more than 100 staff members of 20 nationalities.Torben HolvadEconomic Adviser,European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency (ERA)BIOGRAPHYDr. Torben Holvad is an Economic Adviser in the EconomicEvaluation Unit of the European <strong>Railway</strong> Agency (ERA) inValenciennes / Lille in France. His main responsibilities at ERAconcern impact assessments of the recommendations beingdeveloped by the Agency together with advisory tasks. Prior to thisposition Torben Holvad was a Research Associate at the TransportStudies Unit (TSU) at University of Oxford and is maintainingacademic links with Oxford University as senior research associateof the Oxford University Centre for the Environment (OUCE). Inaddition, he is an external associate professor at the Departmentof Transport at the Danish Technical University, Copenhagen.Torben Holvad has an MSc in Economics from CopenhagenUniversity and a PhD in Economics from the European UniversityInstitute in Florence, Italy.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>TotalSoftWith over 16 years of experience, TotalSoft is one of the leaders of the Romanian IT industry,involved in the development and supply of complex business solutions and services. With 1500clients in the private and public sector in 25 countries, such as USA, Germany, UK, Austria, Italy orFrance, TotalSoft has an undeniable expertise in industries such as engineering, utilities, building,financial/banking, distribution, retail, medical, production, services or public administration. Thecompany has its headquarters in Romania, with subsidiaries in Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Qatar.The company has its own software suite, namely Charisma Business Suite, including integratedsystems such as Charisma ERP, Charisma HCM or Charisma Medical Software. TotalSoft is OraclePlatinum Partner and a promoter of Project Management in the region. Up to date more than5000 specialists have been trained and internationally certified in Primavera Project Managementin TotalSoft centers.According to PAC in 2010, TotalSoft became the leading supplier of ERP solutions in Romania, interms of licences and associated services.Bogdănel BudeanuPrimavera Director,TotalSoftBIOGRAPHYMr. Budeanu was born in Tecuci, Galati County. Bogdanel Budeanugraduated from the Faculty of Energetics, member of the PolitechnicsUniversity of Bucharest in 1995.In the same year, although selected by both 2 leading companies inthe energy field, he chose Energomontaj, because he was offeredthe opportunity to gain experience in project management, a domainthat already represented a point of strong interest to him. Hehad the opportunity to work on multiple projects in the Oil & Gasand Energy fields, at the same time taking his MA in energetics.His first contact with Primavera Project Management system wasduring this first work experience. In 1997 he became member of theTotalSoft team, starting as Primavera Sales and Marketing Manager,becoming in 1998 the first authorized trainer for Primavera ProjectPlanner in Romania. At that time and even today, Primavera ProjectManagement System is leader in its field.In 2001 Bogdănel Budeanu took over the position of Primavera Director,a position he still holds. At that time the team was formed by3 members, generated a turnover of 350.000 USD and had a portfolioof 100 clients. Today he manages over 50 colleagues, the turnoverof over 2,000,000 Euros is generated by 600+ clients in variouscountries : Romania, Hungary and Saudi Arabia. In the past 16 yearsthe Primavera training program generated over 5000 Project ManagementSpecialists. During the 11 years that Bogdanel Budeanumanages this Division, TotalSoft has won 8 times the Primavera President<strong>Club</strong> Award for exceptional performances awarded by PrimaveraSystems , Inc. USA.Today the Project Management System Primavera supplied byTotalSoft is used by some of the largest projects and companies ofthe world.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN RAILWAY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (AIF)AIF is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation which aims at contributing to increasingthe notoriety of railway transport in Romania and to promoting it as main means of freight andpassenger transport. The objectives of the Association include: intensifying the dialogue betweenrepresentatives of railway industry and the beneficiary of their products, for identifying the besttechnical and financial solutions for railway projects in Romania and abroad.Corneliu LuscalovInfrastructure Manager,Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association (AIF)/Senior TechnicalExecutive - Vossloh Tehnica <strong>Feroviar</strong>ăBIOGRAPHYMr. Luscalov was born on June 6th 1968 in Bucharest. Hegraduated from the Technical University of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Rails, Roads and Bridges, series of graduates 1993. He iscandidate for a doctor’s degree on Static, Stability and Dynamicsof Constructions. He attended the following post-graduatecourses: The analysis of effort and deformation state of mechanicstructures through non-destructive methods, PolytechnicsUniversity of Bucharest– IPB, 1995; course for Manager andQuality Auditor, the Romanian Association of Quality – ARC, 1998.During 1993 - 1998, he worked for Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Register -REFER, the Research Department of <strong>Railway</strong>s and Art Works, beingFirst Degree Scientific Researcher. Since 1998 until 2002 he workedfor Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Authority – AFER, at the Laboratory of<strong>Railway</strong> Infrastructure, as First Degree Technical Expert, Assistantof Chief laboratory. Since 2002 he has been working as SeniorTechnical Executive of Romanian subsidiary of Vossloh FasteningSystems GmbH, Vossloh Tehnica <strong>Feroviar</strong>ă SRL.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ERESSEress is a partnership between Banedanmark (Danish National <strong>Railway</strong> Agency), Infrabel (Belgian<strong>Railway</strong> Infrastructure Manager), Jernbaneverket (Norwegian National Rail Administration) andTrafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration). Eress is a non-profit organisation, jointly ownedby its partners, committed to the development, implementation and supply of the energysettlement system Erex.Erex provides an efficient, reliable, accurate and flexible energy settlement process. This enablesour partners to fulfil requirements for a neutral and non-discriminatory operation, and railwayundertakings to understand their use of energy and thereby save energy and costs. More than 50European railway undertakings are using Erex.Eress is an open partnership for infrastructure managers. New partners join with the same rightsand obligations as the existing partners. Interested parties may test the Erex solution beforedeciding to join Eress.Dyre Martin GulbrandsenDirector,EressBIOGRAPHYDyre Martin Gulbrandsen holds the position as Director of Eress.He has been responsible for the development, implementationand daily operation of the railway energy settlement system Erexsince its very beginning.Mr. Gulbrandsen holds a Master of Science (MSc) in industrialeconomics and technology management degree and is certificatedin financial energy analysis. He has long experience working withinthe energy and railway market.Since 2003 Mr. Gulbrandsen has been working as Energy TradingManager at the Norwegian National Rail Administration. His areasof responsibility include energy procurement, settlement andbilling in the Norwegian railway network.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ProRailProRail is a non-profit, public owned company. It is responsible for railway construction, renewaland maintenance of the Dutch railway infrastructure, rail traffic planning and managementof passenger and freight rail transport on the Dutch network. The company acts as a neutralinfrastructure manager and divides space among train operating companies. The work of ProRailis carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, which bears ultimate responsibility.The Dutch railway infrastructure includes 385 stations over a network of 2,800 km with a total tracklength of 6,500 km. Over this network 5,000 passenger trains carry 1 million passengers each dayand 230 freight trains carry 80,000 tonnes of goods each day.Henri OlinkProject Manager,ProRailBIOGRAPHYHenri Olink is Project Manager at ProRails’ Innovation and Developmentdepartment. He has more than 30 years experience in railway.Before he became a project manager he was manager of CentralTraffic Control in the Netherlands. He was also the project managerresponsible for preparing the start of Thalys and high speed operations.There he was responsible for building up transport controland the logistic organization for NS International preparing highspeed operations for NS Hi-speed on the new high speed line inthe Netherlands. He was also responsible for two cross-border lighttrain and tram-train feasibility studies. Today, he is assigned toseveral innovation projects for ProRail. He is the coordinator of theAUTOMAIN project presented on this conference.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>VOESTALPINE VAE APCAROMWith more than 30 years of experience, voestalpine VAE APCAROM has strengthened its positionon the Romanian market, being the only Romanian company which manufactures and suppliesturnouts for rail lines and underground lines and a trustworthy partner for trams and companieswith individual industrial lines. Since the integration to VAE group Austria, in1998, our companyhas been delivering turnouts and spare parts for different external markets in Europe, as well asAfrica, Asia and America.The company’s main activity is the production of turnouts. For the second activity field, theproduction of sleeper screws and vertical screws, voestalpine VAE APCAROM has delivered theseproducts in Europe, Africa, as well as Asia.Sergiu Giorgian RadulescuHead of Research and Design,voestalpine VAE APCAROMBIOGRAPHYSergiu Giorgian Radulescu was born on 16 July 1958. Hegraduated from the University of Brasov, the Technological Facultyof Machine Construction. He has also graduated from a CODECScourse including the following: management of change, drivingart, mentoring, project management, negotiation techniques inacquisitions. Until 2007, he was section engineer, design engineerand head of designing.Mr. Radulescu now is Head of Research and Design of Vae ApcaromSA Buzau.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ECMECM SpA is celebrating more than 50 years of existence, feeling younger and more active thanever. Always seeking coherence and innovation, the company from the italian region of Tuscany isa landmark on the market of automation and safety control in the railway field, nowadays reachinga level of arts, both in Italy abroad.Specialised in the design of refined power supply systems for railway transport, ECM offersproducts carefully designed, which provide extreme flexibility, modularity and a higher life span,without losing sight of the essential guidelines in terms of safety, reliability and efficiency.ECM solutions can satisfy almost any type of demand – from the diagnosis of signalling installationsfor the vehicle control and guiding support systems, guaranteeing good operation even in criticalsituations, in accordance with the environmental protection norms, due to the use of renewableresources, such as photovoltaic energy; the personalized hardware and software control systemsprovide constant monitorization of the network in every point.Cristian PopaCountry Manager,ECM SpABIOGRAPHYCristian Popa was born on 2 May 1973 in Braila. He graduatedfrom the University of Bucharest and the Faculty of Sciences,Communication and Marketing at the University of Rome, Italy.After several years of activity in sales and marketing indifferent multi-national companies, he followed the processof technologisation, certification and sale of ECM products inRomania.ECM is specialised in the design of refined power supply systemsfor railway transport, as well as railway research and providesproducts manufactured with maximum of attention, ensuringflexibility, modularity and time efficiency, while considering theessential guidelines of safety, reliability and efficiency.Currently, he is Country Manager ECM Romania.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>”CFR-CĂLĂTORI” S.A.”CFR Calatori“, established in 1998 due to reorganization of the National Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>sCompany - SNCFR (the state-owned railway company) is the only Romanian railway company thatprovides passenger railway services on both domestic and international market. It is full memberof the International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC), International <strong>Railway</strong> Transport Committee (CIT), CER(Community of European <strong>Railway</strong> and Infrastructure Companies), etc.As passenger railway undertaking, ”CFR Calatori“ has a 4 year PSC (Public Service Contract)concluded with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Due to this contract, ”CFR Calatori“ isoperating a number and categories of trains required in order to provide social passenger servicesaccording to the quality and safety standards and obligations stipulated in the contract. To fulfillPSO the company should receive from the State budget an yearly compensation. The companyoperates around 1500 trains per day running on 10 100 km of track, through approximate 1000stations.CFR Calatori main objectives are the modernization of the rolling stock fleet, ticketing andinformation systems, in order to improve the quality of services and to maintain its passengerrailway market share.Ştefan RoşeanuCEO,CFR CălătoriBIOGRAPHYStarting with June <strong>2012</strong>, Ştefan Roşeanu is the CEO of CFRCălători. Previously, he was Senior Partner of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>, abusiness cosultancy company established in 2005 acting as acommunication platform for organisations involved in the railwaysector. In this position, in 2011, he was invited to be a member ofEuropean Commission’s Rail Strategy Platform.After graduating the University of Bucharest, with a degreein history (BA & MA), he held the position of CommunicationManager at CFR SA (the Romanian Infrastructure Manager). From2007 to <strong>2012</strong> he was the Secretary General of the Romanian<strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association (AIF), being a member of UNIFENational Association Committee. As well, he was a member ofthe Private Government, a project initiated in September 2008,which aimed at debating the main topics related to the Romanianeconomy together with the business elite in the country. Hisactivity includes publishing numerous articles related to therailway realities in Romania. He is actively involved in railwayfocused debates in the mass media and railway specialised media,outlining the challenges and expectations of railways and as welladvocates on behaf of the railway sector.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UBIMETUBIMET is one of the largest private weather services with highly qualified international experts inthe areas of meteorology, geography, biology, physics, mathematics and information technology.UBIMET provides specialized forecast and warning systems for railway operators and otherinfrastructure businesses, as well as for government agencies, insurance companies and businessesin the energy sector.UBIMET uses the most prominent global numerical weather models and has also developed itsown numerical models. These models take the characteristics of different regions and climatezones into consideration.The UBIMET headquarters is located in Vienna, Austria. For forecasts for tropical and subtropicalregions, UBIMET has established a Tropical Forecast Center in Melbourne, Australia.UBIMET stands for precise severe weather warning systems and local, reliable forecasts.Laurenţiu IrinciucCountry Manager Romania,UBIMETBIOGRAPHYBorn on 7 July 1967, Mr. Irinciuc graduated from the Technical University“Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi. His professional experience includes:Sales Representative for DHL International Romania from1994 to 1995, Key Account Manager for R.J. Reynolds Romania fromAugust 1995 to February 1997 and Sales Manager for Alex & Comp.from March 1997 to March 1998. He currently represents UBIMETGmbH, as Country Manager Romania.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CFR SAEstablished in 1998, following the reorganisation of SNCFR, the former National <strong>Railway</strong> Company,CFR SA manages and maintains the public and private railway infrastructure. CFR SA gives thechance to all railway operators on the entire railway network to develop passenger and freighttransport services in environment protection and safety conditions. CFR SA is organised on threelevels: the company’s central level which ensures the synthesis central direction, the regional leveland the basic subunits.CFR SA direction is sustained by the General Assembly of Shareholders (AGA). The general assemblyof the shareholders elects CFR Board of Directors. The president of the Board of Directors is alsothe General Manager of the company.Adrian DragomirescuHead of High Speed Program,CFR SABIOGRAPHYBorn on 13 April 1964. Mr. Dragomirescu’s professional experienceincludes: Head of welding workshop for SUDAREC CF Bucharestfrom 1995 to 1999, Engineer in the Overhauling Departmentof the Romanian National Infrastructure Manager CFR SA from1999 to 2004, Head of Investments for the Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2004 to 2007, Head ofPHARE and ERDF funds organization for the Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2007 to 2009, Head ofTechnical Specifications and Quality Control for the RomanianNational Infrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2009 to 2010, Headof Planning and Monitoring Programmes for Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2010 to September <strong>2012</strong>.He is now Head of Project Implementation for High-SpeedInfrastructure and Intermodal/Multimodal Transport for theRomanian National Infrastructure Manager CFR SA.Day 2 Infrastructure Development panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

DAY 2FREIGHT & LOGISTICS PANEL SESSION09:00 – 10:30 Europe - Asia railway links. Challenges and opportunities11:00 – 12:30 Intermodal freight logistics – opportunities for railways14:00 – 15:30 Innovation for green railway freight transport16:00 - 16:30 Conclusions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SIEMENS ROMANIAWith an activity of over 100 years in Romania, during which Siemens has stood for technicalachievements, innovation, quality and reliability, Siemens is Romania’s largest company to offercomplete solutions for the Energy, Industry and Healthcare sectors. The company’s headquartersare located in Bucharest, while Siemens also has a regional presence in Braşov, Cluj, Constanţa,Craiova, Galaţi, Iaşi, Oradea, Ploieşti, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş, Timişoara and currently employs morethan 2500 people.Vasile DiaconescuRolling Stock Manager - AIF / Head of Division IC MOL/RL,Siemens RomaniaBIOGRAPHYMr. Diaconescu was born on 29.05.1961. He graduated from thePolytechnics University in Bucharest, Car Construction TechnologyFaculty, Machines and Tools Section and from Bucharest Academyof Economic Studies, Marketing and International RelationsSection.After graduation, he worked in the oil industry and later in therolling stock construction industry, where he evolved fromengineer to manager which enriched his experience, boththeoretical and practical, on the operation and current problemsof economic agents in the railway sector.Currently, he is General Manager of the Mobility Division ofSiemens Romania.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>TRAINOSE SATRAINOSE SA established in 2005, initially as a sibsidiary of OSE SA in order to provide services forpassenger’s transfers and freights transports.From 2010 it operates as an independent company, owned by Greek State, and currently is theonly company in Greece which provides railway transfers, operating suburban, regional, andnational routes.TRAINOSE SA has also buses to/ from Bulgaria and international agreements for travel by train to/from Europe.Athanasios K. ZiliaskopoulosPresident and CEO,TRAINOSE S.A.BIOGRAPHYDr. Ziliaskopoulos is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering atthe University of Thessaly since 2003. Also from April 2010 he isPresident and CEO of TPAINOSE S.A. Before then he was tenuredAssociate Professor at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL USA.He established the Systems Optimization Laboratory in 2004 andsince then he has managed to competitively secure numerousprojects from the European Union, the USA, the Greek Governmentand Industry. He is an Associate Editor in Transportation Science(an INFORMS Transport and Logistics Journal), Networks andSpatial Economics, Transportation Research Part B among otherjournals. He has published over 50 papers in refereed journalsand numerous reports and conference proceedings. He is activewith INFORMS and TRB’s transport security and logistics chapters.He is also active with various committees of the EuropeanCommission.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTUREThe Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the State authority in the field of transportand infrastructure, which carries out directly or through specialized technical bodies, publicinstitutions, units that activate under its authority and coordination or authorized commercialcompanies. As the State authority, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure approves mandatoryinstructions and regulations for the railway, auto, naval and air transport activities, in accordancewith the law.Horatiu BuzatuDeputy Secretary General,Romanian Ministry of Transport and InfrastructureBIOGRAPHYHoratiu Buzatu was born on October 30, 1961 in Craiova. Hegraduated from “Nicolae Titulescu” High School in Craiova and“Ion Mincu” Architecture Faculty in Bucharest.In 1990 he became member of the National Liberal Party andworked at Craiova Municipality. In 1992, he set up Arhi DesignCompany.Currently, he is Deputy Secretary General of the Romanian Ministryof Transport and Infrastructure.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>GRUP FEROVIAR ROMÂN (GFR)Grup <strong>Feroviar</strong> Român, Grampet Group’s most important project, is the biggest private rail transportoperator in Romania which has managed to expand its activity beyond the country’s borders, thusbecoming one of the most important regional players in the area.GFR provides national and international railway services and related services tailored to theneeds of its customers: railway freight transport, wagon shunting services on industrial platforms,periodical repairs and current maintenance of rail lines, freight wagon and locomotive leasing,railway logistics services.Sorin ChindeGeneral Director,Grup <strong>Feroviar</strong> Român (GFR)BIOGRAPHYSorin Chinde was born on September 11, 1964. In 1988, he graduatedfrom the Faculty of Transport Technology and <strong>Railway</strong>Automation within the Polytechnics Institute of Bucharest. During1988-1998, he held various managerial positions at CFR/SNCFR,in the field of Exploitation and Commercial. During 1998-2005,he was Commercial Manager at CFR Marfă, the national freightoperator.Starting with 2005, he has been General Manager of Grup <strong>Feroviar</strong>Roman SA (GFR), becoming involved in all the projects developedby the private operator, as well as those related to the activity ofGFR partners, part of Grampet.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UTIKAD - ASSOCATION OF INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING AND LOGISTICSSERVICE PROVIDERS TURKEYUTIKAD (Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers), established in1986, represents road, air, sea, rail, combined transport and logistics service providers companiesin Turkey and at international arena as the most important and active association in TurkishLogistics Industry.UTIKAD is the national representative of Turkey in FIATA (International Federation of FreightForwarders Association) which is the largest non-governmental organization in the field oftransportation and logistics in the world. Separately, UTİKAD is an observer member of EuropeanAssociation For Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services (CLECAT), and foundermember of ECO Logistics Providers Associations Federation (ECOLPAF).Cavit UğurGeneral Manager,UTIKADBIOGRAPHYCavit Uğur, who graduated from Naval War Academy in 1986,worked as a supply and logistics navy officer in Turkish Navy till1994. Then, he continued to his logistics career in the private sector.He worked as a professional at the freight forwarder, logisticsand warehousing companies in one of the biggest maritime andlogistics holding of Turkey till 2011.He was the board member and chairman of Sea Transport WorkingGroup of UTIKAD between 2006-2008. He is the general managerof UTIKAD - Association of International Forwarding and LogisticsService Providers since January 2011.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SC TRANSFEROVIAR GRUP SAEstablished in 2003, the main activities carried out by SC TRANSFEROVIAR GRUP SA is railwayfreight transport and railway shunting through its work points in Cluj-Napoca and Ploiesti. Thecompany also provides other services in close relationship with that of railway operator deliveringboth freight and passenger wagon repair and locomotive overhaul through its group membercompanies. As a shipping company and being capable to repair and provide maintenance forrailway lines, TFG plays an important role among the companies activating in this sector inRomania with an important statute at national level. TFG delivers railway shunting operationsbeing a licensed railway transport operator under OMT 343/2003 and holding the railway transportlicense LTF series no. 017-R/2005 and operation certificate for shunting operations. All servicesprovided by TFG are carried out by authorized and trained staff under the provisions of the OMTCT343/2003 and OMT 290/2000 while observing the instructions, orders and regulations in force inthe railway transport sector. The railway shunting activity is carried out on the platform of Remarul16 Februarie Cluj-Napoca and SC CUG SA Cluj-Napoca and the company’s contracts amount to avolume of around 2.500 shunted cars per month. The group delivers railway transport servicesas private operator and carries around 120,000 tonnes of freight per month, while around 5,000tonnes of freight passes through the shipping company every month.Kinga MădărăşanGeneral Manager,SC TRANSFEROVIAR GRUP SABIOGRAPHYMrs. Mădărăşan was born on October 20, 1965 in Cluj-Napoca,where she graduated from the Technical University, Faculty of TechnologicalEquipment, in 1989. She gained experience at UNIO Satu-Mare, and from 1990 to 2002, she worked as designing engineer inthe technical department of SC Remarul 16 Februarie.Since 2003, she is the executive director of SC Transferoviar GrupSA, where she had many professional achievements such as: developmentand implementation of projects in collaboration with privateand state-owned operators in Europe, especially with Hungary,Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany; implication in the organisationand implementation of the quality management systems,certified by TUV Nord-Germany; 3rd rank for Transferoviar Grup outof 27 companies with similar activity.Specialization courses: Continuous improvement of quality managementsystems - CALITOP 2007-2008; IRCA auditor course London;Controlling Courses and Currency Risk Management – Horvath &Partners; Internal Auditor Course – TUV Germany.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ATFERRomanian <strong>Railway</strong> Operators Association – ATFER – is a professional, non-governmental,autonomous organisations set up in 2001 through the freely expressed will of five railwayoperators based on the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000. ATFER’s main activity is representingand promoting the joint interests of its members, as well as counteracting the disloyal competitionphenomena and monopoly trends for creating and stimulating a competitive climate.George BuruianăPresident,ATFERBIOGRAPHYDuring 1979-1997, he held different managing positions at CFRSA, such as: station master and yard master. During 1997-1998, hewas head of the General Commercial Division at SNCFR. Later on,during 1998-2001, he was General Manager of CFR Marfa. During2000-2001, he worked within UIC Freight Commission – Chief ofthe working team regarding the «International Freight Trains». During2001-2002, he was Adviser at AFER and from 2002 to 2011, hewas General Manager of Servtrans Invest and since February 2011is President of ATFER.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>EUROPEAN COMMISSIONThe European Commission is the EU’s executive body and represents the interests of Europe as awhole – as opposed to the interests of individual countries.The Commission is one of four insitutions established under the Treaty on the Functioning of theEuropean Union. It develops policy strategies which are then translated into proposals for legislationto be adopted by Council and European Paliament. The Commission enforces the implementationof EU law jointly with the European Court of Justice through infringement procedures.European Union Member States and European industry can ensure the transport infrastructuremeet the needs of citizens and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment.Frank JostPolicy Officer Single European <strong>Railway</strong> Area,DG Move European CommissionBIOGRAPHYMr. Jost obtained a degree in business administration and mechanicalengineering at Darmstadt Technical University (Germany)in 1988. After three years as system developer in thelogistics department of a manufacturer of aluminium products,he worked for 4 years as policy officer for urban, freight and railresearch in a German ministry.Frank Jost joined the EU services in 1996, where he has been workingas policy officer for rail market opening since 2004, in particulareconomic aspects of rail transport. Infrastructure usagecharges, the accession of the West Balkan States, the economic readjustmentof debt distressed States belong to his most importantdossiers. As chairman of a working group of transport ministryofficials he seeks to support the accession process of these Statesin the rail sector. Previous stages at the Commission involved himin road safety and economics of road transport.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UNIVERSITY “POLITEHNICA” OF BUCHARESTUniversity POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has about 20,000 students yearly belonging to 15 faculties.Among them there is the Transport Faculty with about 2,400 students per year, for all three levels:Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs. University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has been classifiedin the first category of universities in the country as an Advanced Research and EducationalUniversity. University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has also a number of 40 research centres ondifferent fields of activity. Within the transportation domain there are three research centers underthe Transport Faculty administration. UPB is a full member in several academic organizations,the main ones being Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education andResearch (CESAER), International Association of Universities (IAU), European University Association(EUA), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) etc. However, UPB paid a special attentionto bilateral cooperation agreements (around 200 accords) with similar universities, mainly fromEurope, Japan, or the United States of America. Concerning the calls for project researches, UPBis active in all national programs (NURC and Romanian Academy Grants Program, ExcellencyResearch and National R&D Plan – Partnership, Capacities, Ideas, Human Resources, Innovation),international programs (Fp6, Fp7, CIP, NATO, PHARE, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, COST, EUREKA,bilateral agreements) and structural funds programs.Mihaela PopaProf. PhD.Eng.University “POLITEHNICA“ of BucharestBIOGRAPHYProf PhD.Eng. Mihaela Popa has almost 30 years of academic andresearch experience in the transport domain. She is Vice-Deanfor Research and International Relations at the Transport Faculty,University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and Deputy Director ofTransportation Research and Consulting Centre, UPB-CCPCT.Her main teaching lines are Transport Economics, Vehicle Timetableon Networks with Controlled Access, Strategic Management inTransport. She is author and co-author of ten books and about 50papers published in transport journals or conference proceedings,researcher or coordinator for almost 40 research/developmentprojects.In 2011, Prof. Popa contributed as independent expert to theStrategic Transport Technology Plan, EC, DG for Mobility andTransport. She was evaluator for FP7 proposal projects forTransportation in 2011 and <strong>2012</strong>.Currently, Prof. Popa coordinates the research activities ofUPB-CCPCT in FLAVIA project (www.flavia-online.de), fundedby European Regional Development Fund and leaded by theTechnical University of Wildau, Germany.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CFR MARFĂThe Romanian National <strong>Railway</strong> Freight Company, CFR Marfă S.A. was set up on 1 October 1998,after the restructuring of the Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> National Company and it has the status of acommercial company. CFR Marfă’s main activity is freight and other goods railway transport, bothin domestic and international traffic. It operates on the infrastructure of the Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>s asa national railway operator and it owns a private patrimony and obtains proceeds from its use. CFRMarfă is managed by 11 members who constitute the Board of Directors, of which one is a Ministryof Finance expert. Managers are elected by the General Assembly of the Shareholders for a periodof four years. The management of CFR Marfă is ensured by the General Manager who is also thePresident of the Board of Directors. CFR Marfă can be privatized and, in compliance with the law,the Romanian state may keep the majority of shares.Constantin ZahariaGeneral Manager,CFR MarfăBIOGRAPHYConstantin ZAHARIA has activated as chief engineer at RomanMaintenance Section of CFR Iasi Subsidiary and then as Head ofLines Department within CFR Galati Subsidiary.From 1990 to 1997 he was central reviser within SNCFR as partof the General Traffic Safety Revision and then infrastructuremanager within CFR Bucuresti Subsidiary.From 1998 to 2007, he has been Chief State Inspector of theRomanian <strong>Railway</strong> Authority (AFER). From 2007 to 2008, Mr.Zaharia was the General Manager of AFER. Currently he is theGeneral Manager of CFR Marfă.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATIONWith operations in more than 35 countries, Bombardier Transportation leads the world’s railequipment manufacturing and servicing industry. Worldwide, Bombardier has 50 productionand engineering sites as well as 21 service centres in 24 countries, with over 1,000,000 vehiclesin operation. Its broad product portofolio includes platform and modular technology designedfor urban and mainline operations combined with a comprehensive portofolio of rolling stock,propulsion and control systems, and services for vehicle modernization and maintenance.Mircea MarianCountry Manager,Bombardier TransportationBIOGRAPHYMircea Marian graduated from Bucharest Polytechnics Institute,Faculty of Transport. He received his Graduate Certificate in BusinessAdministration from Swinburne University of Technology, Facultyof Business, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. From 1995 to 1996 hewas Manager of the <strong>Railway</strong> division of ABB Romania SRL. Since1996 he was Country Manager at: ABB Daimler-Benz Transportation(Romania), Daimler-Chrysler Rail Systems (Romania), BombardierTransportation Austria GmbH – Representative Office in Romania.From 2009 he is Country Manager at Bombardier TransportationRomania SRL. Among his major achievements are the 44 MOVIAmetro trains and the signalling equipment delivered to METROREXfor the Lines 1, 2 and 3.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CFR SAEstablished in 1998, following the reorganisation of SNCFR, the former National <strong>Railway</strong> Company,CFR SA manages and maintains the public and private railway infrastructure. CFR SA gives thechance to all railway operators on the entire railway network to develop passenger and freighttransport services in environment protection and safety conditions. CFR SA is organised on threelevels: the company’s central level which ensures the synthesis central direction, the regional leveland the basic subunits.CFR SA direction is sustained by the General Assembly of Shareholders (AGA). The general assemblyof the shareholders elects CFR Board of Directors. The president of the Board of Directors is alsothe General Manager of the company.Jean NicolaosHead of Strategy and International Affairs,CFR SABIOGRAPHYJean Nicolaos was born on 1 July 1956 in Bucharest. He graduatedfrom the Faculty of Transports, the Technology of Transports and<strong>Railway</strong> Remote Controls of “Politehnica” University of Bucharest.Until 1990, he worked at ISAF as constructions engineer-assemblyof railway signalling installations.From 1991 to 1996 he was secretary of the Technical-EconomicCouncil and railway infrastructure development engineer for theInternational Affairs Directorate of the Romanian National <strong>Railway</strong>Company.From 1998 to 2007, he worked for CFR SA where he was head ofinternational economic cooperation of the International AffairsDirectorate, head of international affairs for the same department,head of the Technical Directorate, central reviser for railwaysignalling installations at the General Office for Traffic Safety etc.Currently, he is Head of Strategy and International Affairs at CFRSA.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN RAILWAY AUTHORITY - AFERRomanian <strong>Railway</strong> Authority - AFER is the specialized technical body of the Ministry of Transports,notified to ensure, mainly the state inspection and the safety control of the railway andunderground transport, the railway register specific activity, the licensing of railway undertakings,the authorization and the technical survey of domestic suppliers of products and services in therailway field, the examination and granting of certificates for the staff working in the field of trafficsurvey, the investigation of the railway events and accidents.AFER is a public office with legal structure, subordinated to the Ministry of Transport andInfrastructure, entirely financed by extra-budgetary funds, functioning according to the regulationsin force.Ioan BuciumanScientific Secretary,Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Authority - AFER - OIFRBIOGRAPHYMr. Buciuman has graduated from the Faculty of Transport andInfrastructure, section of <strong>Railway</strong> Remote Control, 1977, Universityof Polytechnics in Bucharest and from the Faculty of EconomicSciences, section of Finances-Accounting, 1997, “Babeş-Bolyai” Universityin Cluj-Napoca.He worked as Engineer in Signalling Centralisation Blocking, Headof Centralisation Remote Control Department, Installation ManagerCFR SA (1998-2000, 2003-2005), Service Manager AFER (2001-2003,2005-2009) and Executive Director of AFER (2009-<strong>2012</strong>). Currentlyhe is Scientific Secretary within Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> InvestigatingBody (OIFR).He represented CFR SA at UIC for the projects on interoperability.He was associated professor at the Technical University in Cluj-Napocain 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 and professor at the PolytechnicsUniversity in Bucharest since 1999, where he introduced the classesTrack control elements and the operation of railway remote controlequipments and transport management.Ioan Buciuman elaborated several technical and scientific works onrailway remote control and railway transport management and publishedspeciality books in 1983, 1988, 2002 and 2008.In 2006, he obtained his PhD from the Polytechnics University inBucharest, with the thesis “Contributions to the modernisation andmaintenance of the command-control-signalling installations inRomania in view of achieving the interoperability in the Trans-Europeanrailway transport”.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ÖBB-INFRASTRUKTUR AGWe are a modern company whose responsibility is to ensure that all requirements for safe,environmental-friendly, sustainable and affordable mobility on a state-of-the-art railway networkin Austria are met.Our core business comprises the provision of a reliable railway infrastructure in line with demandas well as the safe and punctual operation of railway services. We stand for an attractive andsustainable railway system. A decisive factor in this respect is an infrastructure suitable for themarket in the required quality and at reasonable costs.Our tasks include the provision of non-discriminating customer-oriented network access andassistance to our customers before, during and after their travel by train. We inspect and maintainÖBB infrastructure facilities and eliminate respective interferences and we provide professionalrailway-specific construction services on an internal as well as external basis. Another importantfield of activity is the planning and realisation of rail infrastructure projects.Harald JonyDirector of Sales of the Energy Department,ÖBB-Infrastruktur AGBIOGRAPHYSince 2009 Harald Jony is the Director of Sales of the energydepartment at the Austrian Federal <strong>Railway</strong>s (ÖBB) and has beenactive in the railway sector since 2003. He is responsible for thesales and metering part of energy in Austria and responsible formetering and energy services in an international context especiallyCEE.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMKATELRomkatel was set up in 1994 in Bucharest as single representative of the German antennaemanufacturer Kathrein Werke KG for Romania and Eastern Europe. Currently, Romkatel is oneof the leading companies in Romania being the main broadcast antennae and mobile marketcommunications supplier. In 1995, a subsidiary was opened in Timisoara to deal mainly withproduction. Due to the development of this activity, production was transferred to the newcompany, Kathrein Romania, starting with 2000. While supplying high-quality and reliableequipments and professional installation services, Romkatel involved in the modernisationof national TV and FM stations in Romanian and contributed to the construction of the latestcommunication technology 3G (UMTS). In addition to the commercial activity, Romkatel providesinstallation of antenna systems and equipments for mobile and broadcast communications.Romkatel benefits from specialized teams of installers, technologically trained and authorized.Therefore, the company is capable to provide its customers with complex installation servicesaccording to the most stringent international standards. The success of the company is ensuredby the affiliation with Kathrein Group and therefore, the company focuses on latest technologies,the training of staff, innovation and continuous improvement of products and services.Costel IordacheCommercial Director,RomkatelBIOGRAPHYBorn on 30 January 1962, he graduated from “Politehnica”University of Bucharest. He is member of Romkatel team since1997, at the beginning as Procurement Manager and since 2004,as Commercial Director.In December 2002, he was granted a Professional Certificate inmanagement from the Open UniversityIn June 2005, he completed the SPIN Selling Skills course, held byHutwaite International.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SIEMENS RomaniaWith an activity of over 100 years in Romania, during which Siemens has stood for technicalachievements, innovation, quality and reliability, Siemens is Romania’s largest company to offercomplete solutions for the Energy, Industry and Healthcare sectors. The company’s headquartersare located in Bucharest, while Siemens also has a regional presence in Braşov, Cluj, Constanţa,Craiova, Galaţi, Iaşi, Oradea, Ploieşti, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş, Timişoara and currently employs morethan 2,500 people.Gabriel StanciuBusiness Unit Manager,SIEMENS RomaniaBIOGRAPHYMr. Stanciu was born on December 5, 1970. He graduated fromthe University of Polytechnics in Bucharest, Faculty of Transport,<strong>Railway</strong> Rolling Stock Department and has a MA in Business, at theBucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Commerce.After graduating from the university, he worked in the railway industry,where he advanced from a simple engineer to head of locomotivedepot, which enabled him to accumulate a rich experience,both theoretical and especially in practice regarding the operationand the current problems of railway operators.Starting with 2002, he was project manager within SiemensRomania, for the already famous project “The Blue Arrow” (120Desiro units delivered by Siemens to SNTFC CFR Călători SA). Hisresponsabilities included the reception, delivery, management andguarantee service activities, the supervision of train assemblingprocess at the local partner, as spare parts delivery in the guaranteeperiod and afterwards.Presently, Mr. Stanciu is Rolling Stock Division Manager atSiemens Romania, being responsible for the business developmentin the field of locomotives, trams, trains and underground trainssales, as well as for all adjacent sectors related to these fields of activity.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>D’APPOLONIAD’Appolonia S.p.A. is a major Italian firm which provides integrated engineering services to clientsbelonging both to the public and the private sector in the environment, energy, oil and gas,infrastructures and transport, electronics and telecommunications domains. To offer high levelservices worldwide, D’Appolonia relies on a permanent staff of qualified engineers and scientists,mainly based in the headquarters in Genoa, Italy. Regional offices are located in major Italiancities, in Europe, in the Mediterranean Countries and Far East. Since its foundation D’Appoloniahas participated in more than 20,000 projects worldwide, including most of European countries,United States, Eastern Europe and CIS countries, Northern and West Africa and Sub-SaharanAfrica, the Middle East, Central and Southern America, and Asia. The firm offers a full rangeof integrated engineering services to support the Customers in the development of complexprojects, covering the early phases of conceptual design and definition of specifications up toimplementation, optimization and validation. D’Appolonia has a long history of developmentof research and innovation projects across all industry sectors with expertise in all aspects ofstrategic innovation, from the generation of disruptive ideas to the development of demonstrationprototypes and commercial exploitation by customers and partners.Donato ZanganiR&D Projects Coordinator,D’AppoloniaBIOGRAPHYDr. Donato Zangani holds a Laurea in Civil Engineering at theUniversity of Genova, Italy, and a PhD on Modelling of Compositesat the School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering of NewcastleUniversity, UK.Dr. Zangani is Business Line Manager and R&D Projects Coordinatorat D’Appolonia S.p.A and he is responsible for the participation ofD’Appolonia into R&D projects in the different topics and industrialsectors of interest to the company and to their clients.Dr. Zangani has over 15 years experience in numerical modelling ofstructures, novel materials and composites, and smart structures.He has substantial project management expertise and hasparticipated and managed several national and internationalcollaborative research projects.Dr. Zangani is coordinator of the FP7 EC Project “SUSTRAIL – Thesustainable freight railway: designing the freight vehicle-tracksystem for higher delivered tonnage with improved availability atreduced cost”.Notable achievements include the “2008 Safety Award inEngineering” by the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers forhis work on improving the crashworthiness of rail vehicles, theJEC Award 2010 in the Building & Construction category for theComposite Seismic Wallpaper concept, the Techtextil InnovationPrize 2011 in the Safety and Protection area and the NationalInnovation Award <strong>2012</strong> for the FLY-BAG concept of Blast ResistantContainer for the transportation sectors.Day 2 Freight & Logistics panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

DAY 2MASS TRANSPORTATION PANEL SESSION09:00 - 10:30 Challenges and opportunities for organising masstransportation – legislative, financial and operational solutions11:00 - 12:30 Technical solutions for greener and efficient railwaypassenger transport14:00 - 15:30 Tramway and underground projects – an impetus in urbandevelopment16:00 - 17:30 High speed projects for the WBSA (joint panel with theInfrastructure Development session)17:30 - 17:45 Conclusions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CLUB FEROVIARCLUB FEROVIAR is a non-governmental, private law organisation, operating as an integratedcommunication platform for railway companies, multimodal and public transport and with theset purpose of achieving an integrated, competitive and customer-oriented transport in theWider Black Sea Area (WBSA). The foundation of the platform sets on efficient cross-media, directcommunication and consultancy instruments. These have the twofold objective of supportingcompanies in gaining in-depth understanding of the railway environment and assist them inreaching their marketing objectives.Octavian UdrişteHonorary Chairman,<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>BIOGRAPHYOctavian Udrişte has an impressive career in the Romanian railwaysector. He was involved in major projects, such as the introductionof the diesel and electric traction, the Sifa and Indusi installationsand the operation of the Bucharest underground system. In 1958,he graduated from the Institute of <strong>Railway</strong>s (Polytechnics) - Facultyof Mechanics, Section Locomotives. He held various positionsat CFR SA until 1976, from engineer at Braşov locomotive depotto general inspector at CFR SA, in the field of traffic safety. In1968, he took a specialization course in the Federal Republic ofGermany, for rolling stock exploitation and maintenance. During1977-1984, he was head of the underground rolling stock servicein Bucharest, and then Technical Director. During 1994-1996,he was General Manager Metrorex. Later on, he was ExecutiveManager of INCERTRANS and during 1997-2005, he was head ofTransportation Systems at Siemens Romania. Starting 2006, hehas been administrator of «Sisteme Transport Consult».Octavian Udrişte has been a member of UEEIV since 1996, Presidentof Tren <strong>Club</strong> Român and Executive Director of CODATU.Curently, Mr. Udrişte is Honorary Chairman of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT (URTP)URTP is a non governmental, autonomous and apolitical professional association of most urbanPublic Transport operators from Romania. Established in March 1990, URTP develop’s nonprofitactivities. Since 2005 it was granted the statute of public utility, as governmental recognition,according to the Gov. Dec. 1139/2005. URTP mission is to achieve the unity of action for all nationaldecision makers in order to assure PT services meeting with both travelers demands and Europeanstandards & requirements of quality and efficiency.URTP’s main aim is to protect and support professional, economic and social interests of its members,both PT operators and national industry. The current tools in this direction are: dissemination ofevery national and European information, R&D projects or events on PT issues, both by organizingconferences, professional debates, workshops, training courses, and by editing technical articleswithin its own specialized publications; encouraging training courses participation of both itsmembers and local authorities specialists, in order to improve the administrative, technical andmanagerial skills of their staff etc.Melente HorobaExecutive Chairman,Romanian Association of Public Transport (URTP)BIOGRAPHYMelente Horoba was born on 15 July 1966 in Bistrita. He graduatedfrom “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology-Sociology. He has also completed a local public transport marketingcourse for URTP Bucharest and has attended a training programmeon managerial-financial assistance in public management. He wasmanager and general manager of SC TEHNOROM IMPEX SRL andSC TRANSMIXT SA in Bistrita.Currently, he is Executive Chairman of the Romanian Associationof Public Transport.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>EUROPEAN COMMISSIONThe European Commission is the EU’s executive body and represents the interests of Europe as awhole – as opposed to the interests of individual countries.The Commission is one of four insitutions established under the Treaty on the Functioning of theEuropean Union. It develops policy strategies which are then translated into proposals for legislationto be adopted by Council and European Paliament. The Commission enforces the implementationof EU law jointly with the European Court of Justice through infringement procedures.European Union Member States and European industry can ensure the transport infrastructuremeet the needs of citizens and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment.Frank JostPolicy Officer Single European <strong>Railway</strong> Area,DG Move European CommissionBIOGRAPHYMr. Jost obtained a degree in business administration and mechanicalengineering at Darmstadt Technical University (Germany)in 1988. After three years as system developer in thelogistics department of a manufacturer of aluminium products,he worked for 4 years as policy officer for urban, freight and railresearch in a German ministry.Frank Jost joined the EU services in 1996, where he has been workingas policy officer for rail market opening since 2004, in particulareconomic aspects of rail transport. Infrastructure usagecharges, the accession of the West Balkan States, the economic readjustmentof debt distressed States belong to his most importantdossiers. As chairman of a working group of transport ministryofficials he seeks to support the accession process of these Statesin the rail sector. Previous stages at the Commission involved himin road safety and economics of road transport.Day 2 - Mass Transportation Panel Session

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MÁV-START Co.Established on 1 July 2007, following the reorganisation of the former National <strong>Railway</strong> Company„MÁV” Co, as the independent railway passenger transport subsidiary of the MÁV.The main activity of MÁV-START Co. is railway passenger transportation, providing modern andcompetitive services in Hungary, and in the neighbour states, with our contractual partners.The mission of MÁV-START Co. is to operate efficiently, taking into consideration economic, socialand personal interests of customers, national and European economy and passengers with respectto the traditions, to assist the evolution of the single railway area, to support our neighboursoutside the Community to integrate into the single railway area through our crossborder services,to further the improvement of the competitiveness of railway passenger transport, to keep ourdominant position on the national market by introducing progressive solutions, to performreliable, correct services in order to improve the quality of public services.The Company is open to all players of the railway passenger market and would like to developgood relationships with every parties concerned.Zaránd GyörgyDeputy CEO, Business Affairs,MÁV-START Co.BIOGRAPHYBorn on February 02, 1952, he graduated from Transport andTelecommunication University, Faculty of Transport Constructionin 1973. In 2010 he finished the Master Business Academy.Zaránd György has 39 years of experiences in railway transportation,rolling stock maintenance, and business development area. Hestarted his career in 1973 as an engineer trainee. He held differentpositions, such as Head of Mechanical Engineering Department,Head of Rolling Stock Maintenance Department, CEO of MÁV-GÉPÉSZET Zrt. (entity of maintenance of railway vehicles andlocomotives). Since 2011 he has been the Deputy CEO, BusinessAffairs of the MÁV-START Co.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>”CFR-CĂLĂTORI” S.A.”CFR Calatori“, established in 1998 due to reorganization of the National Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>sCompany - SNCFR (the state-owned railway company) is the only Romanian railway company thatprovides passenger railway services on both domestic and international market. It is full memberof the International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC), International <strong>Railway</strong> Transport Committee (CIT), CER(Community of European <strong>Railway</strong> and Infrastructure Companies), etc.As passenger railway undertaking, ”CFR Calatori“ has a 4 year PSC (Public Service Contract)concluded with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Due to this contract, ”CFR Calatori“ isoperating a number and categories of trains required in order to provide social passenger servicesaccording to the quality and safety standards and obligations stipulated in the contract. To fulfillPSO the company should receive from the State budget an yearly compensation. The companyoperates around 1500 trains per day running on 10 100 km of track, through approximate 1000stations.CFR Calatori main objectives are the modernization of the rolling stock fleet, ticketing andinformation systems, in order to improve the quality of services and to maintain its passengerrailway market share.Ştefan RoşeanuCEO,CFR CălătoriBIOGRAPHYStarting with June <strong>2012</strong>, Ştefan Roşeanu is the CEO of CFRCălători. Previously, he was Senior Partner of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>, abusiness cosultancy company established in 2005 acting as acommunication platform for organisations involved in the railwaysector. In this position, in 2011, he was invited to be a member ofEuropean Commission’s Rail Strategy Platform.After graduating the University of Bucharest, with a degreein history (BA & MA), he held the position of CommunicationManager at CFR SA (the Romanian Infrastructure Manager). From2007 to <strong>2012</strong> he was the Secretary General of the Romanian<strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association (AIF), being a member of UNIFENational Association Committee. As well, he was a member ofthe Private Government, a project initiated in September 2008,which aimed at debating the main topics related to the Romanianeconomy together with the business elite in the country. Hisactivity includes publishing numerous articles related to therailway realities in Romania. He is actively involved in railwayfocused debates in the mass media and railway specialised media,outlining the challenges and expectations of railways and as welladvocates on behaf of the railway sector.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>RATBBucharest Surface Transport Operator is the largest public transport operator in the country,managing a complex transport network which includes 125 lines: 81 bus lines; 25 tramway lines;19 trolleybus lines, circulated by more than 1,500 vehicles. The number of daily journeys on RATB’snetwork amounts to around 2,700,000 journeys. On the request of passengers, RATB set up 23bus night routes this summer. Also, RATB has recently launched a special bus line for the visitors ofBucharest’s tourism objectives - “Bucharest City Tour”. This successful project was implemented byRATB together with the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. Over the pastyears, RATB has focused on increasing the attractiveness of the public transport service. This movewas necessary both for the city’s sustainable development, but also for changing the citizens’transport habits and increasing the number of public transport users.Viorel PopescuGeneral Manager,RATBBIOGRAPHYViorel Popescu was born on 22 June 1970. He graduated from“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mechanics.He coordinated the sales activities of companies such as COLGATEPALMOLIVE and SCHWEPPES Romania and then he was inspectorwithin the Inspection and General Control Directorate of BucharestMunicipality. He was head of traffic lights for the Administration ofStreets for Bucharest General Council and general manager of SCEuroland SRL. Currently, he is the general manager of RATB.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CLUB FEROVIARCLUB FEROVIAR is a non-governmental, private law organisation, operating as an integratedcommunication platform for railway companies, multimodal and public transport and with theset purpose of achieving an integrated, competitive and customer-oriented transport in theWider Black Sea Area (WBSA). The foundation of the platform sets on efficient cross-media, directcommunication and consultancy instruments. These have the twofold objective of supportingcompanies in gaining in-depth understanding of the railway environment and assist them inreaching their marketing objectives.Octavian UdrişteHonorary Chairman,<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>BIOGRAPHYOctavian Udrişte has an impressive career in the Romanian railwaysector. He was involved in major projects, such as the introductionof the diesel and electric traction, the Sifa and Indusi installationsand the operation of the Bucharest underground system. In 1958,he graduated from the Institute of <strong>Railway</strong>s (Polytechnics) - Facultyof Mechanics, Section Locomotives. He held various positionsat CFR SA until 1976, from engineer at Braşov locomotive depotto general inspector at CFR SA, in the field of traffic safety. In1968, he took a specialization course in the Federal Republic ofGermany, for rolling stock exploitation and maintenance. During1977-1984, he was head of the underground rolling stock servicein Bucharest, and then Technical Director. During 1994-1996,he was General Manager Metrorex. Later on, he was ExecutiveManager of INCERTRANS and during 1997-2005, he was head ofTransportation Systems at Siemens Romania. Starting 2006, hehas been administrator of «Sisteme Transport Consult».Octavian Udrişte has been a member of UEEIV since 1996, Presidentof Tren <strong>Club</strong> Român and Executive Director of CODATU.Curently, Mr. Udrişte is Honorary Chairman of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>HOEFT & WESSELThe Hoeft & Wessel Group is the leading IT and engineering technology Group for ticketing, parkingand mobile solutions in Germany and Great Britain. Established in 1978 by the two entrepreneurswho gave the company its name the enterprise has developed into a group of companies withsales revenues of nearly EUR 100 Million and a workforce of 500 employees. Its head quarters arein Hannover, Germany.Georg LewandowskiArea Sales Manager,Hoeft & WesselBIOGRAPHYMr. Lewandowski works as Area Sales Manager Eastern Europe atHoeft & Wessel AG, with its Almex brand a Europe-wide leading ITcompany for stationary and mobile ticketing systems, headquarteredin Hannover, Germany. Georg Lewandowski has acquired awealth of experience in the management of electrical engineeringprojects in Eastern Europe and beyond. He is a Dipl.-Ing. (graduateengineer) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Hanover/Germanyin electrical engineering.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ALSTOM TRANSPORTA promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops and markets the most completerange of systems, equipment and services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entiretransport systems, taking in rolling stock, signalling and infrastructure, and offers “turnkey”solutions. Alstom offers a very wide range of rolling stock covering the entire rail transport market:from very high speed to light urban transport, including metros, tramways, suburban and regionaltrains and locomotives. Moreover, Alstom is at the leading edge of information and infrastructuresystems. Its service offer also covers maintenance, renovation and logistics chain management forsupplying spare parts, leading turnkey projects, client training and technical advice.With its strong professional and geographical networks, Alstom Transport is organised to providethe best possible service for its customers.Nicolae DraguBusiness Development Manager,Alstom Transport RomâniaBIOGRAPHYIn 1989, Mr. Dragu graduated from the Polytechnics UniversityBucharest, TCM, section Machines-Tools. During 1990-1997, heworked at SC FAUR SA, in the field of locomotive manufacturing,modernisation of V3A trams and he was in charge of thetechnological locomotive design service.Since 1997, Nicolae Dragu has been working at Alstom SA,having various responsibilities and being involved in projectssuch as: modernisation DHL 1250 locomotives for CFR Călători,manufacture of subassemblies for new locomotives, modernisationof 100 passenger cars for CFR Călători, underground rollingstock maintenance for Metrorex, development of investmentprogrammes. Nicolae Dragu has been Business DevelopmentManager at Alstom SA since 2006.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>”CFR-CĂLĂTORI” S.A.”CFR Calatori“, established in 1998 due to reorganization of the National Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>sCompany - SNCFR (the state-owned railway company) is the only Romanian railway company thatprovides passenger railway services on both domestic and international market. It is full memberof the International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC), International <strong>Railway</strong> Transport Committee (CIT), CER(Community of European <strong>Railway</strong> and Infrastructure Companies), etc.As passenger railway undertaking, ”CFR Calatori“ has a 4 year PSC (Public Service Contract)concluded with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Due to this contract, ”CFR Calatori“ isoperating a number and categories of trains required in order to provide social passenger servicesaccording to the quality and safety standards and obligations stipulated in the contract. To fulfillPSO the company should receive from the State budget an yearly compensation. The companyoperates around 1500 trains per day running on 10 100 km of track, through approximate 1000stations.CFR Calatori main objectives are the modernization of the rolling stock fleet, ticketing andinformation systems, in order to improve the quality of services and to maintain its passengerrailway market share.Liviu BobarDeputy General Technical Manager,CFR CălătoriBIOGRAPHYLiviu Bobar was born on 20 January 1959 in Criscior, HunedoaraCounty. In 1984, he graduated from “Traian Vuia» PolytechnicsInstitute in Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanics. Mr. Bobar’s professionalexperience includes: 1984, engineer at Astra Vagoane Arad. Hewas then chief engineer, division manager and manager. From2005 to 2007 he was General Manager of CFR Marfă. Currently, heis Deputy Technical Manager at CFR Călători.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SIEMENS RomaniaWith an activity of over 100 years in Romania, during which Siemens has stood for technicalachievements, innovation, quality and reliability, Siemens is Romania’s largest company to offercomplete solutions for the Energy, Industry and Healthcare sectors. The company’s headquartersare located in Bucharest, while Siemens also has a regional presence in Braşov, Cluj, Constanţa,Craiova, Galaţi, Iaşi, Oradea, Ploieşti, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş, Timişoara and currently employs morethan 2,500 people.Gabriel StanciuBusiness Unit Manager,SIEMENS RomaniaBIOGRAPHYMr. Stanciu was born on December 5, 1970. He graduated fromthe University of Polytechnics in Bucharest, Faculty of Transport,<strong>Railway</strong> Rolling Stock Department and has a MA in Business, at theBucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Commerce.After graduating from the university, he worked in the railway industry,where he advanced from a simple engineer to head of locomotivedepot, which enabled him to accumulate a rich experience,both theoretical and especially in practice regarding the operationand the current problems of railway operators.Starting with 2002, he was project manager within SiemensRomania, for the already famous project “The Blue Arrow” (120Desiro units delivered by Siemens to SNTFC CFR Călători SA). Hisresponsabilities included the reception, delivery, management andguarantee service activities, the supervision of train assemblingprocess at the local partner, as spare parts delivery in the guaranteeperiod and afterwards.Presently, Mr. Stanciu is Rolling Stock Division Manager atSiemens Romania, being responsible for the business developmentin the field of locomotives, trams, trains and underground trainssales, as well as for all adjacent sectors related to these fields of activity.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CRAIOVA PUBLIC TRANSPORT OPERATOR (RAT CRAIOVA)Craiova public transport operator was set up in September 1948 with a fleet of only 2 buses fromBucharest. The buses run only on one route connecting Gara de Nord to Parcul Romanescu, themost important areas of the city at that moment.In 1967, a modern bus terminal for 200 buses is built and in 1978 a second bus terminal is built forthe same number of buses.In 1987, Craiova introduced public tram transport on a route of 18.4-km of double track connectingthe industrial east and west platforms of the city.Currently, Craiova Public Transport Operator owns a depot of trams and two bus terminals andhas an active fleet of 190 buses and 49 trams. The fleet includes buses type BMC, IVECO and Prestij(Mitsubishi) with transport capacities of 30 to 70 seats and buses type MAN, ROCAR de SIMON,UDM 112, IKARUS with more than 100 seats.Alin GogaGeneral Manager,Craiova Public Transport Operator (RAT Craiova)BIOGRAPHYAlin Goga was born on 21 September 1973 in Craiova. He graduatedfrom the University of Craiova, Law Faculty. He has post-universitystudies completed at the Superior School for Finances andCustoms and a MA in the Management of Classified Informationfrom “Valahia” University in Targoviste, MA gained together withthe National Register Office of Classified Information.He was a legal advisor for the Municipality of Bucharest Sector2, within the General Legal Directorate of the Office of StateParticipants and Industry Privatisation, part of the Ministry ofEconomy and Trade and within the General Legal Directorate ofthe Authority for State Assets Recovery.Mr. Goga was Director of the Legal Directorate of the RomanianNational Company of Motorways and National Roads, then Headof the Legal Department and currently, he is legal advisor ofthe Legislation, Contracts and Solicitor’s Office of the RomanianNational Company of Motorways and National Roads.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATIONWith operations in more than 35 countries, Bombardier Transportation leads the world’s railequipment manufacturing and servicing industry. Worldwide, Bombardier has 50 productionand engineering sites as well as 21 service centres in 24 countries, with over 1,000,000 vehiclesin operation. Its broad product portofolio includes platform and modular technology designedfor urban and mainline operations combined with a comprehensive portofolio of rolling stock,propulsion and control systems, and services for vehicle modernization and maintenance.Mircea MarianCountry Manager,Bombardier TransportationBIOGRAPHYMircea Marian graduated from Bucharest Polytechnics Institute,Faculty of Transport. He received his Graduate Certificate in BusinessAdministration from Swinburne University of Technology, Facultyof Business, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. From 1995 to 1996 hewas Manager of the <strong>Railway</strong> division of ABB Romania SRL. Since1996 he was Country Manager at: ABB Daimler-Benz Transportation(Romania), Daimler-Chrysler Rail Systems (Romania), BombardierTransportation Austria GmbH – Representative Office in Romania.From 2009 he is Country Manager at Bombardier TransportationRomania SRL. Among his major achievements are the 44 MOVIAmetro trains and the signalling equipment delivered to METROREXfor the Lines 1, 2 and 3.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CLUB FEROVIARCLUB FEROVIAR is a non-governmental, private law organisation, operating as an integratedcommunication platform for railway companies, multimodal and public transport and with theset purpose of achieving an integrated, competitive and customer-oriented transport in theWider Black Sea Area (WBSA). The foundation of the platform sets on efficient cross-media, directcommunication and consultancy instruments. These have the twofold objective of supportingcompanies in gaining in-depth understanding of the railway environment and assist them inreaching their marketing objectives.Octavian UdrişteHonorary Chairman,<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>BIOGRAPHYOctavian Udrişte has an impressive career in the Romanian railwaysector. He was involved in major projects, such as the introductionof the diesel and electric traction, the Sifa and Indusi installationsand the operation of the Bucharest underground system. In 1958,he graduated from the Institute of <strong>Railway</strong>s (Polytechnics) - Facultyof Mechanics, Section Locomotives. He held various positionsat CFR SA until 1976, from engineer at Braşov locomotive depotto general inspector at CFR SA, in the field of traffic safety. In1968, he took a specialization course in the Federal Republic ofGermany, for rolling stock exploitation and maintenance. During1977-1984, he was head of the underground rolling stock servicein Bucharest, and then Technical Director. During 1994-1996,he was General Manager Metrorex. Later on, he was ExecutiveManager of INCERTRANS and during 1997-2005, he was head ofTransportation Systems at Siemens Romania. Starting 2006, hehas been administrator of «Sisteme Transport Consult».Octavian Udrişte has been a member of UEEIV since 1996, Presidentof Tren <strong>Club</strong> Român and Executive Director of CODATU.Curently, Mr. Udrişte is Honorary Chairman of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>METROREX SAMETROREX SA provides passenger transport activities by underground and surface trains, in safeconditions in order to satisfy the public, social and protection interests.Aside from its main activity, METROREX also performs the following activities: the use maintenanceand repair of its own infrastructure and rolling stock, the elaboration of a global strategy forunderground development and modernization and investments in order to achieve strategicgoals. METROREX ensures the civil protection of the population in case of disasters.Gabriel SburlanGeneral Manager,METROREXBIOGRAPHYGabriel Sburlan was born on August 10, 1964. He graduated from“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Transports andRolling Stock Section. He had an internship in the training andauthorization of railway safety staff – Romanian <strong>Railway</strong> Authorityand in the Planning and management of urban public transport atCODATU Romania.He gained experience at Craiova <strong>Railway</strong> Regional Subsidiary– Piatra Olt locomotive depot. Since 1990, he was exploitationengineer, head of depot exploitation and exploitation managerat METROREX Bucharest. He currently is General Manager ofMETROREX.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATIONWith operations in more than 35 countries, Bombardier Transportation leads the world’s railequipment manufacturing and servicing industry. Worldwide, Bombardier has 50 productionand engineering sites as well as 21 service centres in 24 countries, with over 1,000,000 vehiclesin operation. Its broad product portofolio includes platform and modular technology designedfor urban and mainline operations combined with a comprehensive portofolio of rolling stock,propulsion and control systems, and services for vehicle modernization and maintenance.Sébastien RidremontMarketing & Sales Director,Bombardier TransportationBIOGRAPHYSébastien Ridremont graduated from Polytechnics Faculty of Monsas Civil Mechanical Engineer. In 1994 he started his career in BombardierTransportation as Carbody Design & Stress Analysis Engineerand he was gradually responsible of various stages of the vehiclemanufacturing process, as Vehicle Engineer, System Engineer, PhysicalInstallation & Carbody Manager and Advanced EngineeringDirector. Since 2010 he is Marketing & Sales Director of BombardierTransportation, based in Brusseles.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>DIRECTORATE FOR TRANSPORT, ROADS AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT -BUCHAREST MUNICIPALITYThe Directorate for Transport, Roads and Traffic Management is a special department, organised asa directorate, within Bucharest MunicipalityThis directorate monitors the activities related to the execution and implementation of the «Projectfor urban infrastructure, Bucharest», promotes the relations with the foreign partners concerningmetropolitan and regional development and integrated transport. The directorate also has specificattributions for public transport and ensures quality management, as well as other responsibilitiesand activities related to transport.Ion DeduExecutive Director,Directorate for Transport Roads and Traffic Management,Bucharest MunicipalityBIOGRAPHYBorn in 1967, Ion Dedu graduated from the Polytechnics UniversityBucharest, with a degree in electro-mechanics.Along the 14 years of experience gathered at RATB Bucharest,Ion Dedu held various positions, such as: Exploitation ManagerPower Supply Installations and Buildings, Infrastructure Manager.Since June 2008, he has been Executive Director of the Directoratefor Transport, Roads and Traffic Management., BucharestMunicipality.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>VOESTALPINE VAE APCAROMWith more than 30 years of experience, voestalpine VAE APCAROM has strengthened its positionon the Romanian market, being the only Romanian company which manufactures and suppliesturnouts for rail lines and underground lines and a trustworthy partner for trams and companieswith individual industrial lines. Since the integration to VAE group Austria, in1998, our companyhas been delivering turnouts and spare parts for different external markets in Europe, as well asAfrica, Asia and America.The company’s main activity is the production of turnouts. For the second activity field, theproduction of sleeper screws and vertical screws, voestalpine VAE APCAROM has delivered theseproducts in Europe, Africa, as well as Asia.Dorian AlexandrescuQuality Manager,voestalpine VAE APCAROMBIOGRAPHYBorn on 10 October 1966 in Sinaia, Romania. In 1991, Mr.Alexandrescu graduated from “Politehnica” University ofBucharest, Faculty of Transports – Rolling Stock. Mr. Alexandrescu’sprofessional experience includes: Engineer in the ProductionDepartment for VAE APCAROM from 1991 to 1992, Engineer inthe Production of Turnouts for VAE APCAROM from 1992 to 1996,Engineer in the Maintenance Department from 1996 to 1997,Engineer in Work Protection for VAE APCAROM from 1997 to 1998,Engineer in the Design Department for VAE APCAROM from 1998to 1999, Engineer in the Quality Management Department forVAE APCAROM and Head of Quality Management for the samecompany from 1999 to 2006. He currently is Quality Manager forVAE APCAROM.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>VOSSLOH COGIFERVossloh Cogifer, an industrial subsidiary of the Vossloh group, is one of the world wide leadersin the switch gear field for all types of networks, railways, metros, tramways, both in Europe andthroughout the world.Vossloh Cogifer makes all its know-how available for global solutions: turnkey gear, safetyproducts and signalling systems. The expertise in the railway environment acquired by VosslohCogifer enables it to interface its products perfectly with all existing equipment and incorporateits products in track efficiently.Vossloh Cogifer is a pioneer in numerous technologies. Its comprehensive research anddevelopment capacity, associated with a first class industrial and logistics structure, makes it amajor player. Today, Vossloh Cogifer offers less expensive development, thus ensuring bettercompetitiveness, while providing extremely reliable systems.Vossloh Cogifer calls upon its experience in more than 80 countries and has developed theindustrial power that today enables it to design and manufacture a range of products. These meetall the technical and financial requirements of the market. Vossloh Cogifer exports more than 80%of its turnover and can propose the best-adapted solution for each network.Laurent LetzelterSales Director - Tramway Program,Vossloh CogiferBIOGRAPHYLaurent Letzelter is engineer in the railways transports and hasmore than 25 years experience in the field of railway guidingsystems and particularly of the Point &Crossings technology’s forall type of transports.He started working for Vossloh Cogifer Company in 1984. Aftermanaging an engineering team, he joined the sales department10 years ago as Sales Area Manager and particularly in the EastArea.He’s in charge of the International sales for Tramway and railwaysin Europe.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>”CFR-CĂLĂTORI” S.A.”CFR Calatori“, established in 1998 due to reorganization of the National Romanian <strong>Railway</strong>sCompany - SNCFR (the state-owned railway company) is the only Romanian railway company thatprovides passenger railway services on both domestic and international market. It is full memberof the International Union of <strong>Railway</strong>s (UIC), International <strong>Railway</strong> Transport Committee (CIT), CER(Community of European <strong>Railway</strong> and Infrastructure Companies), etc.As passenger railway undertaking, ”CFR Calatori“ has a 4 year PSC (Public Service Contract)concluded with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Due to this contract, ”CFR Calatori“ isoperating a number and categories of trains required in order to provide social passenger servicesaccording to the quality and safety standards and obligations stipulated in the contract. To fulfillPSO the company should receive from the State budget an yearly compensation. The companyoperates around 1500 trains per day running on 10 100 km of track, through approximate 1000stations.CFR Calatori main objectives are the modernization of the rolling stock fleet, ticketing andinformation systems, in order to improve the quality of services and to maintain its passengerrailway market share.Ştefan RoşeanuCEO,CFR CălătoriBIOGRAPHYStarting with June <strong>2012</strong>, Ştefan Roşeanu is the CEO of CFRCălători. Previously, he was Senior Partner of <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Feroviar</strong>, abusiness cosultancy company established in 2005 acting as acommunication platform for organisations involved in the railwaysector. In this position, in 2011, he was invited to be a member ofEuropean Commission’s Rail Strategy Platform.After graduating the University of Bucharest, with a degreein history (BA & MA), he held the position of CommunicationManager at CFR SA (the Romanian Infrastructure Manager). From2007 to <strong>2012</strong> he was the Secretary General of the Romanian<strong>Railway</strong> Industry Association (AIF), being a member of UNIFENational Association Committee. As well, he was a member ofthe Private Government, a project initiated in September 2008,which aimed at debating the main topics related to the Romanianeconomy together with the business elite in the country. Hisactivity includes publishing numerous articles related to therailway realities in Romania. He is actively involved in railwayfocused debates in the mass media and railway specialised media,outlining the challenges and expectations of railways and as welladvocates on behaf of the railway sector.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UBIMETUBIMET is one of the largest private weather services with highly qualified international experts inthe areas of meteorology, geography, biology, physics, mathematics and information technology.UBIMET provides specialized forecast and warning systems for railway operators and otherinfrastructure businesses, as well as for government agencies, insurance companies and businessesin the energy sector.UBIMET uses the most prominent global numerical weather models and has also developed itsown numerical models. These models take the characteristics of different regions and climatezones into consideration.The UBIMET headquarters is located in Vienna, Austria. For forecasts for tropical and subtropicalregions, UBIMET has established a Tropical Forecast Center in Melbourne, Australia.UBIMET stands for precise severe weather warning systems and local, reliable forecasts.Laurenţiu IrinciucCountry Manager Romania,UBIMETBIOGRAPHYBorn on 7 July 1967, Mr. Irinciuc graduated from the Technical University“Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi. His professional experience includes:Sales Representative for DHL International Romania from1994 to 1995, Key Account Manager for R.J. Reynolds Romania fromAugust 1995 to February 1997 and Sales Manager for Alex & Comp.from March 1997 to March 1998. He currently represents UBIMETGmbH, as Country Manager Romania.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CFR SAEstablished in 1998, following the reorganisation of SNCFR, the former National <strong>Railway</strong> Company,CFR SA manages and maintains the public and private railway infrastructure. CFR SA gives thechance to all railway operators on the entire railway network to develop passenger and freighttransport services in environment protection and safety conditions. CFR SA is organised on threelevels: the company’s central level which ensures the synthesis central direction, the regional leveland the basic subunits.CFR SA direction is sustained by the General Assembly of Shareholders (AGA). The general assemblyof the shareholders elects CFR Board of Directors. The president of the Board of Directors is alsothe General Manager of the company.Adrian DragomirescuHead of High Speed Program,CFR SABIOGRAPHYBorn on 13 April 1964. Mr. Dragomirescu’s professional experienceincludes: Head of welding workshop for SUDAREC CF Bucharestfrom 1995 to 1999, Engineer in the Overhauling Departmentof the Romanian National Infrastructure Manager CFR SA from1999 to 2004, Head of Investments for the Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2004 to 2007, Head ofPHARE and ERDF funds organization for the Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2007 to 2009, Head ofTechnical Specifications and Quality Control for the RomanianNational Infrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2009 to 2010, Headof Planning and Monitoring Programmes for Romanian NationalInfrastructure Manager CFR SA from 2010 to September <strong>2012</strong>.He is now Head of Project Implementation for High-SpeedInfrastructure and Intermodal/Multimodal Transport for theRomanian National Infrastructure Manager CFR SA.Day 2 Mass Transportation panel sessions

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

C 47C 61CC 45/1C 12ÅngePetrozavodskF I N L A N DN O R W A YRLANDSBERLINZoblinHannoverRzepinPoznanGriazyAmsterdam OsnabrückFrankfurtWARSZAWASuzemkaam OderTerespolNowasolBrestZernovoUtrecht MünsterLowiceArnhemLukowEmmerichG E R M A N YDuisburgHalleDortmundLeipzigHorkaBerezhestWegliniecntwerpenGörlitzWroclawJzov KovelSarnyRUXELLESDüsseldorfErfurtDresdenZgorzelecKölnBadLublinDecinKorostenSchandauMAachenKozleLiègePlauenOpoleKoblenz FrankfurtamMiedzylesieKIEVSoloveiarleroi GouvyMainSchirnding ChebKolínChalupkiKatowiceniesC-E 30FastovValuikiTrois-viergesHanauPRAHALichkovTarnovKharkovLUX.MainzGemündenBohumínÚstí n. O.KrakówLUXEMBOURGWürzburgPrzemysl MostiskaPetroviceArlonTopoliCeskaBeredichevPlzenMedykaLvovKazatinTrebováKupyanskMannheimSaarbrückenNürnbergPrerovThionvilleHeidelbergC Z E C H Rep.MetzKarlsruhePropad TatryBrnoOnvilleRémillyZilinaRedingHorníLozovayaBreclavKosice CiernaStuttgartStrasbourgIngoldstadtDvoristeVolgogradBernhardsthal Kutynadrouville S L O V A K I AToulNancy Ke hlPassauTisouAppenweierSummerauDebaltsevoLeopoldovZahony CopUlm MünchenWelsDnepropetrovskLinzBRATISLAVALikhayaVadul SiretKrasnayaAugsburgWIENGalantaU K R A I N EKrasnoarmeiskGuk ovoMiskolcMogilaChalindreyFreilassingNové ZámkyNyiregyházaMulhouseRosenheimSzobDonetsk/YasinovatayaSalzburgSemmeringSelzthalDebrecenSatu MareVicsani MOLDOVAKvashinoBesançonKufsteinE 502Bruck a.d.MurUspenskayaDijonBaselZürichBUDAPESTUjszaszUngenyOltenBuchsBischofshofen St MichaelInnsbruckDejSchwarzach St V.NagyatádSzolnokPascaniCHISINAURostov-ná-DonuSWITZERLANDWörglNagykanizsaBrennerCeglédOradeaBERNA U S T R I AIasiMariupolGrazRazdelnayaSanH U N G A R YBenderyVallorbeBrenneroSpielfeld StrassGottardoKuchurganLausanneVillachDombóvárKlagenfurt MariborCimisliaTarvisioMurakeresztúrAstrakhanPragerskoLökösháza CurticiBasarabeascaOdessaBrigJeseniceCakovecZidaniAradmbérieuGenèveGyékényesKelebiaLJUBLJANAKoprívnicaTeiusIlyichevskSuboticaSimplonChiassoUdineMagyarbolyTaracliaSea of AzovCulozSLOVENIAR O M A N I ADomodossolaBeli-TimisoaraDevaBolgradZAGREB ManastirSibiuRhoModaneC-E 70 PadovaTriesteBrasov Galati ReniC R O A T I A Osijek Bogojevo StaraVerona Mestre/ KoperSunjaMilanoRijekaStr. 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OriahovitzaMONTENEGROZim nitsaKarnobatKOSOVOSOFIJABlack SeaB U L G A R I A BurgasG E O R G I AD.Jankovic PresevoSenakiI T A L YVolkovo TabanovceDimitrovgradSamtrediaPlovdivPotiBarSKOPJESvilengrad KapikuleTBILISIROMAAkhalkalakiF.Y.R.ofBatumiGardabaniKulataMACEDONIASamsunBeyuk-KyasikFoggiaSadkhloGevgeliaPromachonHaydarpasaAyrum BarkhudarliNapoliBariIdomeniIstanbulDogukapiDilijan GhazakhSalernoALBANIAStrymonas AlexandroúpolisGyumri IjevanKarsBrindisiThessalonikiT U R K E YARMENIA A Z E R B A I J A NBandirmaHrazdanTyrrhenian SeaANKARAErzurumYEREVANEskisehirArtashatBalikesirKalin SivasLárissaAegeanAlayuntIgoumenitsaVolosKütahyaCetinkayaNakhichevkanT U N I S I AS W E D E NMALTAP O L A N DL I T H U A N I AKaunasKybartaiKaisiadorysRussian Fed.VILNIUSKaliningrad Cherniakhovsk SestokaiG R E E C EE S T O N I AL A T V I AB E L A R U SCYPRUSR U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O NS Y R I A NArab RepublicI R A QI R A NK A Z A K H S T A NT U R K M E N I S T A NU Z B E K I S T A NA F G H A N I S T A NT A J I 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74MessinaHallsbergSTOCKHOLMKlapeidaLiepajaPatrasVentspilsTurkuHankoRiihimäkiJelgavaC-E 70ATHINAIKouvolaTapaTartuVainikkalaKrustpilsDaugavpilsMaladzecnaIzmirManisaBuslovskayaGatcinaVicebskUsak AfyonNovosokol’nikiKonyaBogazköprüC 85/3C-E 74C-E 695C-E 70C-E 97C-E 70C-E 70FevzipasaUlukislaToprakkaleAdanaYeniceMersinC-E 97IskenderunIslahiyeMeydanEkbezNarliMalatyaVologdaRyazanKochetovkaNusaybinTatvanKamishliNizhniy NovgorodVan RaziKapiköyRuzaevkaDzhulfaTabrizMeghriAksaraiskaya IIAstaraKotelnich10SamaraBAKUTEHRANKazan12ShetpeAqtauPermKrasnoyarskIrkutskVladivostokEkaterinburgKrasnoyarskIrkutskVladivostokAtyraú11MakatTurkmenbashiOrenburgBeyneuPermAGC and AGTC networksIletsk IKandagachKungradDashhowuzASHGABATMashhadNukusEkaterinburgChelyabinskPort of BakuSarakhsUrganchTecenSerakhsChardzhevAlatTyumenRomaniaBukharaZauralieKurganKarshiPrenogorkovskayaKyzylordaTermisArysChengeldyMamlyutka Kara-GugaPetropavlovskTASHKENTDUSHANBEAndizhanOshBISHKEKSary-OzekAlmatyAqtogaiNovosibirskDruzhbaAlashankou52321498576C-E 20C -E2 4ChelyabinskKrasnoyarskIrkutskVladivostokAlbaniaArmeniaAustriaAzerbaijanBelarusBosnia & HerzegovinaBulgariaCzech RepublicCroatiaGeorgiaNewly proposed AGTC lines (under consideration)Rail ferryPort of ConstantaPort of VarnaPort of BurgasPort of IstanbulPort of SamsunUfaPort of Batumi101112Port of OdessaPort of IlyichevskPort of TurkmenbashiPort of AqtauGreeceHungaryIranKazakhstanKosovo under UNSCR 1244/99FYR MacedoniaRepublic of MoldovaMontenegroPolandKökshetaúRussiaSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaTurkeyTurkmenistanUkraineUzbekistanAQMOLA123456789C-E 79

COUNTRY BRIEFINGSIn elaborating the country profiles, we have usedinformation from the websites of the following institutions:World Bankwww.worldbank.orgEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Developmentwww.ebrd.comEuropean Investment Bankwww.eib.orgAsian Development Bankwww.adb.orgEuropean Commission - Enlargementec.europa.eu/enlargementEuropean Union – External Actioneeas.europa.euEuropean Commission - Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairsec.europa.eu/dgs/economy_financeCIA - World Factbookwww.cia.govBackground figures in railways source: UIC StatisticsEconomics source: World Bank - World Development Indicators DatabaseEase of Doing Business Rank source: www.doingbusiness.org

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ALBANIAAlbania was recognised as a potential candidatecountry for EU accession in 2003 and officiallysubmitted a membership application in April 2009.Several agreements ensure close collaborationbetween the EU and Albania. A Europeanpartnership with Albania provides support tothe Albanian authorities in their quest for EUmembership by identifying areas in which furthereffort and reforms are required.A Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA)entered into force on 1 April 2009, laying out theconditions for membership. Overall, Albania hascontinued to smoothly implement its obligationsunder the Stabilisation and Association Agreement(SAA). Visa liberalisation for Albanian citizens wasgranted by the European Parliament and theCouncil as of 15 December 2010.The economy of Albania has managed to coperelatively successfully with the global crisis.However, the main short-term challenge is tosurvive possible contagion effects from economicweaknesses in the eurozone, especially inneighbouring Greece. Albania remains one of thefew transition economies that have weatheredthe global crisis reasonably well until now, partlybecause the economy is less integrated withglobal markets than others.Although the economy is mostly in private hands,the state retains control over key enterprisesin the oil, energy and insurance sectors. Oncemarket conditions improve, a major challengeis to complete long-anticipated privatisationsin these areas. The authorities have shown astrong commitment to upgrading mainly theroad infrastructure, but the general quality andstandards of maintenance still lag behind the levelattained in the rest of south-eastern Europe.connection with Macedonia, part of Rail CorridorVIII. Linking Durres - main Albanian port, a gatewayto Corridor VIII - to Skopje and Sofia (Bulgaria) willboost regional trade.A feasibility study prepared in 2009 withinEuropean Union’s CARDS Programme for theWestern Balkans has estimates costs up to Euro237.9 million required to upgrade infrastructure inthe core rail network.Background figures in railways (2009)423 km length of lines0 km electrified lines1 x 1 000 000 passenger carried32 x 1 000 000 passenger-kilometres0.3 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried46 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 11.85 12.95GDP growth (annual %) 3.5 3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 29.6 30Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 51.4 51Industry, value added (% of GDP) 19.3 19.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World: 77 82Eastern Europe & Central Asia 16 17Economic activity posted strong growth ofsome 3.5% in 2010, according to provisionaldata. GDP growth in 2010 was mainly driven byforeign demand as exports of goods roseby 63%, spurred mostly by exportsof electricity due to a reboundin energy prices combined withfull-capacity production from localhydropower generation, whiledomestic demand remained weak.Albanian <strong>Railway</strong>s (HSH) is the monopolystate-owned rail company and a stockholding company since 2000, with the Ministryof Economy as its owner.The main line that crosses Albania is the

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ARMENIAThroughout the second half of 2010 and into2011, Armenian authorities have undertakenvarious measures to improve the businessenvironment. The government continues tomake progress in reforming tax administration.Tax reporting procedures have been made lessonerous and payments less frequent.The global financial crisis had a major impacton Armenia. Before the crisis, the growth rateneared 14%. Now, economic growth is graduallypicking up from 2.1% in 2010 to 4.6% in 2011,driven mainly by the mining sector and, to alesser extent, agro-industries.EU relations with Armenia are governed bythe EU-Armenia Partnership and CooperationAgreement signed in 1996 and entered into forcein 1999. Armenia became part of the EuropeanNeighbourhood Policy (ENP) in 2004.South Caucasian <strong>Railway</strong> Company (SCR),subsidiary owned by RZD, administrates,according to a cession agreement, the railwaynetwork of Armenian <strong>Railway</strong> Company (AR).The cession agreement lasts 30 years, but after20 years of operating the Armenian <strong>Railway</strong>s, itcan be extended up to another 20 years. Duringthe past three years of its activities, the companymade an investment of nearly 72.1 billiondrams (about $180 million) that was aimed atupgrading Armenia’s rail infrastructure.Recent plans aime to connect Armenia’sinternational Zvartnots airport and the Yerevanunderground with a commuter train service.Cargo transportation volume of SCR in January-July <strong>2012</strong> amounted to 1886.3 thousand tonnes,which is 9.8% more than the same period of2011. In export traffic, for the same period oftime, SCR has transported 256.2 thousandtonness of cargo, 7.7% over the same periodin 2011.(EIB) and the EU’s Neighbourhood InvestmentFacility (NIF) to help the Yerevan metro with thissignificant rehabilitation and upgrade project.The EBRD is providing a sovereign loan of €5million to be co-financed by an EIB €5 millionloan tranche and an investment grant from theNIF of the same amount. This project is PhaseII of the Yerevan metro rehabilitation project.Phase I has also been financed by the EBRD, EIBand NIF, with a total of €15 million committed in2010 to improve safety, sustainability and energyefficiency of the metro.Background figures in railways (2010)826 km length of lines719 km electrified lines1 x 1 000 000 passenger carried50 x 1 000 000 passenger-kilometres2 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried346 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 9.37 10.24GDP growth (annual %) 2.1 4.6Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 20.6 23.5Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 44.8 48.1Industry, value added (% of GDP) 36.0 37.1Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 61 55Eastern Europe & Central Asia 8 7The metro is one of the main means oftransport in the capital, withservices at peak times every fiveminutes. In 2011, over 17 millionpassengers used it. Yerevan,with over a million inhabitants,needs to keep its metro in goodworking order. The metro systemupgrade will put a special emphasison dealing with the water ingress sproblem in the metro tunnel as well asimproving passenger safety. The EuropeanBank for Reconstruction and Development elopment hasteamed up with the European Investment Bank

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>AUSTRIAAustria, with its well-developed marketeconomy and high standard of living, isclosely tied to other EU economies, especiallyGermany’s. Its economy features a large servicesector, a sound industrial sector, and a small,but highly developed agricultural sector.The Austrian economy has weathered the crisiswell on the back of an export-led recovery.Since the end of 2009 the Austrian labourmarket has recovered relatively quickly.Austrian transport policy is shaped byEU-wide legislation and by international,national, regional and local rules. It is guidedpredominantly by the principle of «sustainablemobility». One of the most important aimsunderlying this principle is the desire tostrengthen Austria as a business centre. Themost pressing imperative is thus to create atransport infrastructure which meets Austria’srequirements and makes the country asaccessible as possible, so that its businesseshave easier access to markets and can be sureof being competitive. Targeted developmentof transport infrastructure – and of railwayinfrastructure in particular – is thus consideredespecially important.The ÖBB Group started to operate on 1 January2005, based on the Federal <strong>Railway</strong> StructureAct 2003 (Bundesbahnstrukturgesetz 2003).One of the greatest Change Managementprocesses ever in an Austrian business wassuccessfully put on track. By mid-2004,OBB companies had been established andincorporated, such as ÖBB-PersonenverkehrAG, Rail Cargo Austria AG and ÖBB-InfrastrukturBetrieb AG.ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is currently developingrailway infrastructure projects with atotal investment volume of more than €2bn a year. These investments are mainlyfocused on the four-track developmentof the Western line (Vienna –St. Pölten, Amstetten – Linz,Ybbs – Amstetten), the fourtrackdevelopment Kufstein –Baumkirchen (lower Inn valley),the railway line developmentVienna – Bratislava, thedevelopment of the Southern linewith the Koralm <strong>Railway</strong> Line and theSemmering Base Tunnel new the LainzerTunnel as connecting line between theWestern, Southern and Donaulände railway.Austria’s location favours East-Europeanconnections. It is the starting point of thePan-European Corridor 10, also connected toCorridor 4. These two corridors link South-Eastern Europe to the continent centre. Austriais also involved in the project for building thebroad gauge corridor that will cross Russia,Ukraine and Slovakia.Vienna has a well-developed rail publictransport network, including one of thelargest tramways systems in the world. Viennapublic transport Wiener Linien operates fiveunderground lines and 30 tramways lines.Background figures in railways (2011)5,021 km length of lines3,416 km electrified lines214,19 x 1 000 000 passengers carried10,421 x 1 000 000 passenger-km85,2 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried16,899 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 376.5 418.4GDP growth (annual %) 2.3 3.1Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 54.0 56.6Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 49.7 53.7Industry, value added (% of GDP) 29.1 ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 28 32OECD 21 21

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>AZERBAIJANIn recent years, Azerbaijan’s GDP has risensharply and poverty has fallen, led by increasingoil revenues. Oil sector growth was enabled bylarge off –shore investments that took place since1995, and the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and Trans Caucasus Gas Pipelinewhich both came on stream in 2006, supportedby growing oil prices.Azerbaijan’s challenge is now to maintain itsdevelopment momentum and to transformitself into a sustainable upper middle incomeeconomy. Also, the country needs to diversifyits economy as the recent oil productionboom is coming to a close. The economic crisisunderscored the vulnerability of the economyto fluctuations in commodity prices as the termsof trade deteriorated sharply. To increase nonoilexports, it will be necessary to improve thebusiness environment, encourage competitionand attract more foreign strategic investors.Although the financial sector has weatheredthe crisis well, it requires significant reforms.The banking sector is dominated by a largestate bank, but with many small privatebanks it remains fragmented and inefficient.Reforms should promote consolidation andmodernisation through increased competition.Over the medium term the authorities willneed to implement a programme of fiscalconsolidation to reduce the reliance on oilrevenues and to ensure that the accumulated oilwealth is used effectively.Azerbaijan State <strong>Railway</strong> (ADDY) is a state-ownedcompany which manages both infrastructure andtrain operation. In July 2009 the President issueda decree to transform the state-owned railwaymonopoly. The new wholly state-ownedjoint-stock company intends to commercialiseits activities and will prepare the futureprivatisation of a number of railway services.the regional oil industry, they provide Azerbaijanwith an opportunity to capitalize on its locationby offering value added services for oil and oilproducts from neighboring countries.Azerbaijan collaborates with Russia and Iran toform an integrated railway infrastructure on theNorth-South International Transport Corridor.This corridor will create a land bridge extendingalmost 4,500 km from the Baltic Sea to the portof Bandar-Abbas on the Persian Gulf.Background figures in railways (2011):2,079 km length of lines1,241 km electrified lines3 x 1 000 000 passengers carried660 x 1 000 000 passenger-km22 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried7,846 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 52.9 63.4GDP growth (annual %) 5.0 1.0Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 54.0 62.8Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 19.9 24.2Industry, value added (% of GDP) 64.7 66.8Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 69 66Eastern Europe & Central Asia 10 10In 2009, the World Bank and theGovernment of AzerbaijanRepublic signed the Loan andProject Agreements for the$450 million <strong>Railway</strong> Trade andTransport Facilitation Project. Theproject is expected to cut transittime on east-west corridor, improveoperational reliability, reduce energycosts, and support growth in profitablefreight traffic. The project is expected to enablethe railway to attract growing transit business toAzerbaijan. While such services remain related to

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BELARUSBelarus’s economic model is characterized bystate-led development and substantial incomeredistribution. The size of the public sectoris large compared to other middle-incometransition economies. Low energy prices fromRussia and a favorable external environmenthelped to maintain relative macroeconomic andfiscal stability until 2008 and allowed Belarus torecord notable social and economic progress.The highly centralised municipal utilitiesand infrastructure sectors need to undergocommercialisation and modernisation.The success of progress in the EU - Belarusrelationship is conditional upon steps by Belarustowards realization of democracy, human rightsand the rule of law. In August <strong>2012</strong>, the EuropeanCommission has adopted a programme forBelarus which will increase contact and mobilitybetween EU and Belarusian society, as well aspromote a green economy. In total, the AnnualAction Programme <strong>2012</strong> provides €17 millionof bilateral allocation to Belarus. The assistancecomes through the European Neighbourhoodand Partnership Instrument (ENPI). In additionto the ENPI funds, Belarus also receives fundingfrom the European Instrument for Democracyand Human Rights (EIDHR) and other thematicprogrammes. EU assistance to civil society inBelarus was significantly strengthened after thepost electoral crisis in 2010.In November 2009 Belarus, Kazakhstan andRussia signed documents establishing a CustomsUnion. After some uncertainty during the firsthalf of 2010 Belarus adopted the Union CustomsCode, which came into force in July 2010 andprovides for a common external tariff structure.Harmonised tariffs are now set by the CustomsUnion Commission, although temporaryexemptions have been agreed with respectto a number of sensitive items (such aspassenger cars). The next step, expected to becompleted by the end of 2011 at the latest,involves creation of a joint customsarea and the elimination of internalborder controls.to develop transit potential in the region. Thestrategy is expected to generate $2.4bn in cargoand passenger transit revenues in 2015, anincrease of 60% compared with 2010.Minsk is the only city in Belarus with anunderground metro system. Construction ofmetro began in 1977. It has two lines whichare 30.316 km long. 1.245 km is operated dailyby 49 electric trains (220 underground railwaycarriages). There are plans for a third line to beconstructed.Background figures in railways (2011)5,482 km length of lines899 km electrified lines89 x 1 000 000 passengers carried7,941 x 1 000 000 passenger-km153 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried49,406 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 55.22 55.13GDP growth (annual %) 7.7 5.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 54.1 67.8Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 67.7 75.5Industry, value added (% of GDP) 43.9 41.0Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 91 69Eastern Europe & Central Asia 15 11Belarusian <strong>Railway</strong>s is a stateassociation subordonated tothe Ministry of Transport andCommunications of Belarus, whichincludes 85 organizations with legalentity status. Belarusian <strong>Railway</strong>s alsohold seven plants for railway equipmentmanufacturing and overhaul. In August 2010,Belarus has approved a 2011-2015 strategy

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABosnia and Herzegovina is a potential candidatecountry for EU accession following theThessaloniki European Council of June 2003.Following the entry into force of the InterimAgreement on 1 July 2008, access of productsfrom Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EUexpanded, and EU exports to the country havebeen granted trade preferences.The economy has stabilised but businessenvironment conditions are still difficult.Economic growth was marginally positive in2011 but further stabilisation measures werehampered by slow progress in implementing theInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) programmeand the still burdensome administrativeprocedures for enterprises. The World TradeOrganization accession negotiations with Bosniaand Herzegovina and Serbia are on going.Following a sharp slowdown in 2009, the Bosniaand Herzegovina economy is estimated to havereturned to growth in 2010, with the recoverygaining momentum toward the end of theyear. The rebound was modest because growthin private consumption was constrained bythe legacy of the recession in 2009, includingincreased unemployment, and by the measurestaken to rein in the budget deficit, such ascuts in public-sector wages and social welfarebenefits. Private investment growth was alsoclose to zero. The contribution to growth wasdue, in part, to the recovery in external demand.Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal <strong>Railway</strong>s(ZFBH) are in charge with public transportof passangers and cargo and also withmaintenance, reconstruction, modernisation,construction of wagon stock and railwayinfrastructure. The two railway companies inBosnia and Herzegovina are ŽFBH (ŽeljezniceFederacije Bosne i Hercegovine) and ZRS(Željeznice Republike Srpske).In 2008, the rolling stock modernisation strategyfor 2007-2010 was launched. Following thisstrategy, ZFBH ordered, in 2010, nine Talgo trainsand Republika Srpska four. The contract has atotal value of EUR 67.6 Million, with financingfrom the Spanish government.Sarajevo was also the first city in Europe andthe second city in the world to have a full-timeoperational electric tram network runningthrough the city. It consists of one line, 10.7kilometres long, being an east-west link.Background figures in railways (2011)600 (ZBH) + 426 (ZRS) km length of lines440 (ZBH) + 330 (ZRS) km electrified lines0.5 (ZBH) + 0.3 (ZRS) x 1 000 000 passengers carried33 (ZBH) + 21 (ZRS) x 1 000 000 passenger-km9 (ZBH) + 5 (ZRS) x 1 000 000 tonnes carried873 (ZBH) + 421 (ZRS) x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 16.6 18.0GDP growth (annual %) 0.8 1.7Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 35.8 42.3Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 56.5 64.8Industry, value added (% of GDP) 28.0 26.2Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 127 125Eastern Europe & Central Asia 20 21In terms of adopting the Europeanlegislation, there has been limitedprogress in the area of rail transport.The financial performance of bothŽFBH and ŽRS remains poor, withfinancial losses incurred every year,even when entity contributions arefactored in. The condition of the rollingstock on both railways is generally poor.The locomotives, wagons, and passengerunits of both railways have a high average age,with many awaiting rehabilitation since the endof the war.

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>BULGARIAIn <strong>2012</strong>, the Government of Bulgaria and the WorldBank signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU), marking an important shift in their 20-yearpartnership toward a greater focus on knowledgeand advisory services to boost Bulgaria’sabsorption of EU funds and support the NationalReform Program.The agreements signed supports Bulgaria’s reformpriorities and aim to accelerate the absorptionof some €7 billion in EU grants that Bulgaria hasat its disposal in the current EU programmingcycle of 2007-<strong>2013</strong>. While Bulgaria has mademajor progress in utilizing these funds in the last12 months, the larger part remains undisbursed,and the Government has placed acceleratedabsorption at the top of its agenda. Theseagreements will also lay the ground for Bulgaria touse EU funds efficiently for the next programmingcycle of 2014-2020.Bulgaria’s transport network is undermodernisation with the main purpose of levellingup the gap between the Bulgarian networks andthe EU standards, integrating it into the TEN-Tnetwork and rehabilitating the pan-Europeancorridors that cross it. The railway market inBulgaria liberalised in 2002, while several normshave lately regulated an open and transparentmarket.Bulgarian <strong>Railway</strong>s, BDZ, has operated as a singleinstitution until 2002. Nowadays, BDZ is separatedby the infrastructure manager, NKZI, under the<strong>Railway</strong> Law passed by the Parliament in 2000and effective starting 2002. In turn, BDZ EADrestructured in 2007, separating activities intothree companies BDZ Passengers, BDZ Freightand BDZ Traction, each 100% owned by mothercompany, BDZ.the modernisation of the city’s public transportsystem. The financial package of four loans wortha total of €24.96 million will increase the quality,safety, accessibility and also the energy efficiencyof transportation in the city.The loans will support improvements to localtraffic intersections, trolleybus services and tramlines, and also introducing an e-ticketing systemacross all public transport modes. E-ticketingis now only available on trolley buses afterintroduction under a previous EBRD project in2009.Background figures in railways (2011)3,947 km length of lines2,862 km electrified lines29 x 1 000 000 passengers carried2,068 x 1 000 000 passenger-km14 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried3,247 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 47.7 53.5GDP growth (annual %) 0.4 1.7Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 57.8 63.4Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 59.7 65.0Industry, value added (% of GDP) 31.4 31.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 57 59Eastern Europe & Central Asia 9 9Bulgaria’s priorities in transport are included inthe Sectoral Operational Programme – Transport,approved by the European Commission. NKZIplans to implement major projects formodernisation of Pan EuropeansCorridors IV and X.Sofia metro is to be extended by a newline, 7.2 km long, to the internationalAirport and also to a second metro lineconnecting the railway station and the citycentre (4 km long). These projects are financedby EU Structural Funds and an EIB loan.The EBRD is planning to provide the Bulgariancapital of Sofia with a series of loans to support

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CZECH REPUBLICWhile the conservative, inward lookingCzech financial system has remained relativehealthy, the small, open, export-driven Czecheconomy remains very sensitive to changes inthe economic performance of its main exportmarkets, especially Germany. When WesternEurope and Germany fell into recession in late2008, demand for Czech goods plunged, leadingto double digit drops in industrial productionand exports. As a result, real GDP fell 4.1% in2009, with most of the decline occurring duringthe first quarter. Real GDP, however, has slowlyrecovered with positive quarter-on-quartergrowth starting in the second half of 2009 andcontinuing throughout 2011.The railway system in Czech Republic is EUlegislation compliant. The national railwaycompanies are: the infrastructure managerSŽDC, the passenger operator ČD and the freightoperator ČD Cargo. In 2011, the ČD Groupgenerated net profit from continuing operationsin the amount of CZK 95 million, which is asignificantly-better result than the net loss ofmore than CZK 1 billion reported in the previousyear. The 2011 net profit, including the economicresult from discontinued operations, amountedto CZK 491 million.Four <strong>Railway</strong> Transit Corridors were defined forthe Czech Republic, which are as a priority tobe modernised. First Czech Corridor and partof the Third Czech Corridor are integrated intothe Pan-European Corridor IV and the SecondCzech Corridor into the Pan-European CorridorVI. Up until 2002 the pre-accession funds Phareand Phare CBC were utilised for modernisationof the railway network. Czech <strong>Railway</strong>s,state organisation was the end recipient ofthis support. In the period from 2003-2004, SŽDC continued in carrying outlarge railway projects of internationalsignificance co-financed from the ISPA preaccessionfinancial instrument previouslycommenced by Czech <strong>Railway</strong>s,state organisation, and alsocommenced new projects.the project “Revitalisation of the Szklarska Poręba– Harrachov railway track” from the Operationprogramme for cross-border cooperation CzechRepublic - Poland 2007—<strong>2013</strong>.In 2011, Czech Republic’s Minister of Transportand Bavaria’s Minister of Transport agreed tobuild a new high-speed rail corridor Munich –Prague – Wroclaw – Warsaw. The meeting alsotargeted improvement of the rail connection ofthree international airports in Prague, Munichand Nurnberg, or rail electrification betweenNurnberg and Czech borders.Background figures in railways (2011)9,470 km length of lines3,208 km electrified lines166 x 1 000 000 passengers carried6,635 x 1 000 000 passenger-km79 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried13,872 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 197.6 215.2GDP growth (annual %) 2.7 1.7Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 67.9 74.9Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 64.7 70.7Industry, value added (% of GDP) .. ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 70 64OECD 27 29In the new programme period2007 - <strong>2013</strong> SŽDC plans onutilising the newly establishedOperation Programme Transportfor financing projects and willcontinue to use the TEN-T programme.SŽDC also plans during the period 2007– <strong>2013</strong> to use funds from ERDF. In 2009SŽDC, in cooperation with DSDiK (Poland), wassuccessful in obtaining funding for carrying out

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>CROATIAThe global financial crisis adversely impactedCroatia, and in 2009–2010, the economycontracted by 8.3 percent, which was followedby stagnation in 2011. The outlook for growth in<strong>2012</strong> remains weak, given Croatia’s dependenceon the economic cycles of the European Union.About half of Croatia’s trade is with the euro area,primarily Germany and Italy, and the euro areais the source of about three-fourths of foreigndirect investment (FDI) flows into the country.Croatia also has a high concentration of bankswhose ownership indirectly exposes them tothe euroarea crisis. Croatia’s recovery in the nearfuture will be largely driven by developments inthe external environment.Croatia has been a candidate country for EUmembership since June 2004. EU Member Statesdecide to close accession negotiations withCroatia. Following the ratification procedure in allMember States and Croatia, accession is foreseenfor 1 July <strong>2013</strong>. EU-Croatia trade has substantiallyincreased since the opening of the EU marketunder the Autonomous Trade Measures in 2000.In 2008 EU- Croatia trade was at €19.244 billion,which constitutes 65.5% of the total trade.A Separation Act in 2005 regulated the separationof the company Croatian <strong>Railway</strong>s - HŽ into fournew companies for the following business areas:management, maintenance and construction ofrailway infrastructure; transport of passengers;transport of cargo and train traction. HŽInfrastruktura manages the railway network of2.722 km. The Pan-European Corridors X and V–branches Vb and Vc, pass through the railwaynetwork managed by HŽ Infrastruktura.operational and financial performance neededto support Croatia’s economic development.It faces a large backlog of investments in railinfrastructure and inefficient operations in thenational carrier, Croatian <strong>Railway</strong>s (HZ).An integrated approach to transport developmentwould help Croatia to start collecting dividendsfrom its geographic position as a gateway toEurope from the south. Croatia has the potentialto become a regional logistics and distributionhub.Background figures in railways (2011)2,722 km length of lines984 km electrified lines50 x 1 000 000 passengers carried1,486 x 1 000 000 passenger-km12 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried2,438 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 60.85 63.85GDP growth (annual %) -1.2 0.0Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 38.3 38.3Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 38.8 38.4Industry, value added (% of GDP) 27.3 27.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 79 80Eastern Europe & Central Asia 17 15Croatian <strong>Railway</strong>s - HŽ remains dependent onhigh state subsidies (0.4 percent of GDP), posinga serious budget concern and compromisingits competitiveness in the European transportmarket. Croatian <strong>Railway</strong>, together with Serbianand Slovenian railway companies formed a jointtransport company to operate over Corridor 10.The founders of Cargo 10 also expect thecompany to attract business from thecompeting Corridor 4, and to lower theprices of transport services. Hrvatskezeljeznice (HZ) makes 70% of itsrevenue precisely on Corridor 10, andHZ Cargo will pay yearly membership feefor Cargo 10 in the amount of EUR 20,000. Itwill invest EUR 33,334 in capital stock.Croatia’s railway sector faces major challenges,as the rail transport system has not achieved the

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>GEORGIAThe Georgian economy grew strongly by 7 percentin 2011 in the face of a challenging and uncertainexternal environment. Strong exports and tourisminflows, as well as high levels of public investment,were the main contributors to the pace ofeconomic expansion. Domestic demand expandedas well, driven mainly by a recovery in credit by thebanking sector.The Georgian railways are managed by the statecompany Sakartvelo’s Rkinigza – SR (Georgian<strong>Railway</strong>, GR). The company manages bothinfrastructure and train operation. Georgian<strong>Railway</strong> LLC has started implementation of the<strong>Railway</strong> Modernization Project. This project impliescomplete modernization of the current railwayinfrastructure. The main railway line rails, electricpower systems, railway structures, bridges andtunnels will be reconstructed. New railway line willbe constructed at the pass section, including 10kilometers railway tunnel. The project also includesinstallation of new security and dispatch systems.The EBRD had agreed in 2011 to provide a €100million loan to help fund new track and developthe key east-west freight corridor, used for thetransportation of oil and other products fromAzerbaijan and central Asia to Georgia’s Black Seaports and will now consider supporting otherpriority projects with the railways.The urban transport network in the capital Tbilisicomprises a two-line metro system, 125 bus routes,and 188 microbus routes operated by publicand private companies. The two T-shaped metrolines were designed as the backbone of the citytransport system and carry 260,000 passengersdaily. Improvements to the rolling stock havebeen made since 2007. In July 2009, a significantmilestone was reached in network integrationthrough the merger of the metro and buscompanies.The authorities are working on furtherimprovement of the country’s infrastructure andidentifying mechanisms for addressing marketfailures.The purchase of the Poti Port by thesubsidiary of the Danish Maersk company fromRAKIA should further integrate Georgia into theglobal shipping networks over time.Background figures in railways (2011)1,566 km length of lines1,486 km electrified lines3 x 1 000 000 passengers carried641 x 1 000 000 passenger-kilometres20 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried6,055 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 11.6 14.3GDP growth (annual %) 6.3 7.0Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 34.9 35.7Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 52.4 52.4Industry, value added (% of GDP) 23.2 18.2Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 17 16Eastern Europe & Central Asia 1 1In July 2010, Asian Development Bank (ADB)has provided Georgia $300 millionin loans for an urban transportoverhaul. The ADB funds will bereleased in three tranches, with thefirst $85-million tranche earmarkedfor the extension of a metro rail inTbilisi, and for roads, pedestrian andcycle paths that could stimulate tourismin cities. Other urban centers that willbenefit from ADB assistance include Batumi,Kutaisi, Poti, and Rustavi as well as Anaklia,which along with Mestia, has significant tourismpotential.

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>GREECEThe Greek economy went into recession in 2009as a result of the world financial crisis, tighteningcredit conditions, and Athens’ failure to addressa growing budget deficit, which was triggeredby falling state revenues, and increasedgovernment expenditures.The government has adopted a mediumtermausterity program that includes cuttinggovernment spending, reducing the size ofthe public sector, decreasing tax evasion. InMay 2010, the International Monetary Fundand Eurozone governments provided Greeceemergency short- and medium-term loansworth $147 billion so that the country couldmake debt repayments to creditors. In exchangefor the largest bailout ever assembled, thegovernment announced combined spendingcuts and tax increases totaling $40 billionover three years, on top of the tough austeritymeasures already taken.A second bailout package of $169 billion wasagreed in October 2011 by European leadersand the IMF. The second deal however, calls forGreece’s creditors to write down a significantportion of their Greek government bondholdings. In exchange for the second loanGreece has promised to introduce an additional$7.8 billion in austerity measures during <strong>2013</strong>-15.At the beginning of 2007, Greece <strong>Railway</strong>s,OSE was transformed into a holding companywith the parent company and four subsidiariescovering the whole range of services which,up to the end of 2006, had been covered byOSE as the only company in the sector. The soleshareholder of the four companies is OSE, whosesole shareholder is the Greek state. OSE’s foursubsidiaries are the National Administratorof <strong>Railway</strong> Infrastructure (EDISY), ERGOSE,Passenger and Freight TransportationServices (TRENOSE) and GAIAOSE.(Helsinki to Alexandroupolis) and Corridor X(Salzburg to Thessaloniki).Extensions of Athens Metro network is financedby EIB, totals EUR 1.5 billion since 1994. Theproject consists of the design, construction andcommissioning of four extensions to lines 2and 3 of the Athens Metro, comprising 13 km ofunderground tracks, 11 stations and 2 depots.Background figures in railways (2009)2,552 km length of lines368 km electrified lines15.2 x 1 000 000 passengers carried1,414 x 1 000 000 passenger-km3.4 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried538 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 299.1 298.7GDP growth (annual %) -3.5 -6.9Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 21.5 24.0Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 30.4 31.5Industry, value added (% of GDP) .. ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 101 100OECD 30 31The Greek parliament passed theact restructuring the Hellenic<strong>Railway</strong>s Organisation (OSE)on March 23, 2011. This was inorder to comply with the EU/IMFMemorandum dictating the strictimplementation of the country’srecovery plan by March 2011.Three pan-European corridors cross Greece,namely: Corridor IV (Dresden/Nuremberg-Thessaloniki/Plovdiv-Istanbul), Corridor IX

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>HUNGARYHungary is among the most advanced transitioncountries in East Europe region in terms of marketreform. However, the Hungarian economy hasbeen severely hit by the global financial crisis andrecession in its main export markets, exposingvulnerabilities particularly in the financial sector.Post-crisis, Hungary continues to suffer froma number of macroeconomic and financialvulnerabilities. External debt remains high at over140 per cent of GDP at end-2010, following severalyears of substantial private and public sectorborrowing.Foreign direct investors, primarily from westernEurope, remain an important and stabilising factorin the Hungarian economy, generating about 6 percent of GDP in annual income over recent years,and showing sustained gross inflows over theduration of the crisis.In the railway sector important reforms hadalready been undertaken in 2007 when freight andpassenger functions were separated. However,the financial performance of MAV, the state-runcompany operating the rail network, remainspoor and it requires ongoing and substantialsupport from the budget. This has prompted thenew government to consider more wide-rangingrestructuring measures, including the sale of landand reductions in the workforce.The former Hungarian State <strong>Railway</strong>s transformedinto MÁV Group, and henceforth the followingbusiness branches continue their operationas separate companies: passenger transportis operated by MÁV-START <strong>Railway</strong> PassengerTransport Co., traction services are catered by MÁV-TRAKCIÓ <strong>Railway</strong> Traction Co., vehicle maintenanceand servicing is operated by MÁV-GÉPÉSZET<strong>Railway</strong> Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs Co.Rail Cargo Austria and GySEV won the tenderorganised in May 2007 for the acquisition ofMÁV Cargo.There are four cities in Hungary using tramways(Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc and Szeged).Budapest is the only one with an undergroundnetwork. Budapest Metro consists of three lines,a forth one beeing currently under construction,while a fifth line is in the early planning stages. Thecontractual framework for municipal transportservices are generally adequate with good publicservice contracts established for most of the publictransport companiesBackground figures in railways (2011)7,906 km length of lines2,992 km electrified lines115.63 x 1 000 000 passengers carried5,760 x 1 000 000 passenger-km5.3 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried733 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 128.6 140.0GDP growth (annual %) 1.3 1.7Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 86.5 92.3Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 80.0 84.9Industry, value added (% of GDP) 31.0 ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 46 51OECD 25 27The financial performance of MAV,the state-run company operatingthe rail network, remains poor andrequires ongoing and substantialsupport from the budget. Thegovernment seeks efficienciesthrough a substantial investmentprogramme. To date, substantial subsidieshave been provided by the state withoutsignificant restructuring efforts on the side ofthe state railway company (MAV) where financialperformance remains weak.

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>IRANThe Islamic Republic of Iran and the EuropeanUnion established a Comprehensive Dialoguein 1998 to discuss a wide range of issues andexplore possibilities for co-operation. In 2001,the Commission adopted a Communicationsetting out the perspectives and conditionsfor developing closer relations with Iran. Oneobjective was to conclude a Trade and CooperationAgreement and negotiations werelaunched in December 2002 . The EU is Iran’smain trading partner and such an agreementis the normal channel through which the EUdevelops its relations with other countriesand trading partners. In view of Iran’s aimof becoming a member of the World TradeOrganization (WTO), such an agreement wouldhelp Iran to adapt to WTO rules.Currently, both economic and political talksare on hold. Their resumption dependson progress in resolving the outstandingissues in connection with the Iranian nuclearprogramme.Large public enterprise sector dominatesIran’s economy, in addition to the quasi-publicbonyads which have a large presence in themanufacturing and commercial sectors. Over 60percent of the manufacturing sector’s outputis produced by the state-owned enterprises;the financial sector is also dominated by publicbanks despite the creation of four private banksin the early 2000s. Progress in privatization andthe creation of a level playing field for privatefirms has moved very slowly in the past years.A rise in world oil prices in 2011 increased Iran’soil export revenue by roughly $28 billion over2010, easing some of the financial impact ofinternational sanctions.entirely non electrified, and Iran has recentlystarted an electrification programme.The Russian and Iranian railway departmentswill soon sign an agreement within theconstruction of the Qazvin-Rasht-Astararailway line, as announced on September 24<strong>2012</strong>, which is being implemented jointly with“Azerbaijan <strong>Railway</strong>s” and “Iranian <strong>Railway</strong>s” aspart of the development of the internationaltransport corridor “North – South”. The Russian<strong>Railway</strong>s, RZD, is engaged in the constructionproject. The line comprises of approximately370 km in Iranian territory and 8.2 km inAzerbaijan. The first phase of the project, fromQazvin to Rasht, is nearing completion.Background figures in railways (2011)8,368 km length of lines148 km electrified lines29 x 1 000 000 passengers carried17,877 x 1 000 000 passenger-km33 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried21,008 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2008 2009GDP (current billions US$) 338.18 331.01GDP growth (annual %) 2.3 1.8Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 140 144Middle East & North Africa 15 15Iran has officially joined TransportCorridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia(TRACECA) in September 2009, inorder to improve its links withinternational transit markets.The Islamic Republic ofIran <strong>Railway</strong>s (abbreviatedIRIR or sometimes RAI) isthe national state-ownedrailway system of Iran. RajaPassenger Train Companyis an associate of the IR andmanages its passenger trainsincluding international trains. The<strong>Railway</strong> Transportation Company isan associate of the IR to manage its freighttransport. The railway network is almost

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>KAZAKHSTANKazakhstan is the ninth largest country in theworld, but with one of the lowest populationdensities in the world. Strategically, it links thehuge and fast growing markets of China andSouth Asia with Russia and Western Europeby road, rail and ports on an internal sea, theCaspian.Kazakhstan has rebounded well from theeconomic recession that affected the countryin the first half of 2009. During the crisis, GDPgrowth rate registered at just 1.2% and thecountry plunged into recession from the sharpfall of oil and commodity prices.A customs union between Kazakhstan, Russiaand Belarus was established in January 1,2010 and marked a major change in thepath of regional integration with importantimplications for Kazakhstan. The ultimate goalis the creation of a Common Economic Space(CES) for the market of 170 million people bythe end of <strong>2012</strong>. Kazakhstan is also pursuingaccession to the World Trade Organization(WTO) by end of <strong>2012</strong>. The ongoingnegotiations with EU focus on applicationof recently introduced customs duty on oilexports.Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) is the nationalrailway company of Kazakhstan. A <strong>Railway</strong> Lawwas enacted in 2001 and the Kazakhstan State<strong>Railway</strong>s (KTZ) was incorporated as a joint stockcompany in 2002. The core railway businesseshave been largely unbundled and ancillaryservices have been divested, but institutionalrestructuring is still ongoing. There is limitedprivate sector participation (e.g. provision ofwagons) from domestic operators, butthere is significant presence of foreign(mainly Russian) operators. A priceregulator (AREM) was established but isstill not fully independent.along the railway tracks and also a $50 millionloan to Kaztemirtrans, a subsidiary of the KTZ,to finance the renewal of the company’s rollingstock.China and Kazakhstan made plans to jointlybuild a high-speed railway connecting Astanaand Almaty. A memorandum of understandinghad been signed with China’s railwaysauthorities.Background figures in railways (2011)14,184 km length of lines4,054 km electrified lines21 x 1 000 000 passengers carried16,595 x 1 000 000 passenger-km280 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried223,584 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 148.04 186.19GDP growth (annual %) 7.3 7.5Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 44.0 41.9Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 29.2 24.9Industry, value added (% of GDP) 42.4 44.3Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 58 47Eastern Europe & Central Asia 12 6The Kazakh authorities signeda MoU with the EBRD tocollaborate on reform of therailways and the restructuringof the national railwaycompany Kazakhstan TemirZholy with a focus on therefurbishment of rolling stock,including acquisition of wagons andlocomotives, including through privatesector participation. EBRD providedrecently a $105 million loan to JSC Transtelecomfor the construction of a 4,664-km fibre cable

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>KOSOVO UNDER UNSCR 1244The overall impact of the crisis was smaller inKosovo than in neighboring countries, largelybecause of Kosovo’s limited integration into theglobal economy. Growth is estimated to havereached around 4 percent in 2010 and 5 percentin 2011.Kosovo is a potential candidate to EU accesionand receiving IPA financial aid since 2007.Allocation for <strong>2012</strong> was €68.8 Million. TheEU has reiterated that Kosovo has a clearEuropean perspective in line with the Europeanperspective of the Western Balkans region.The EU pre-accession assistance is focusing onsupport for the rule of law, the economy, tradeand industry, and for public administrationreform.The mining and energy sectors are potential keysources of future growth. Kosovo has abundantresources of lignite, lead, zinc, ferronickel,magnetite, and crushed stone, as well as dutyfreeaccess and relatively low transportationcosts to the EU and Central European markets.In particular, utilization of lignite resources byattracting strategic foreign investment couldturn the energy sector into an engine of growthrather than a drain on public resources andmajor constraint to doing business. Similarly,with fertile land and a temperate climate,agriculture is another potential source ofeconomic growth.regional core network, was completed, but noIFIs are interested.Limited resources have been allocated tothis sector. The condition of Kosovo’s railwayinfrastructure and rolling stock and the levelof railway services remain poor. By contrast,Kosovo’s Multi-Modal Transport Strategyidentifies investment needs over € 500 millionfor Kosovo’s railway infrastructure, and a further€230 million in rolling stock, for the next 20years.Background figures in railways (2009)430 km length of lines333 km electrified linesEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 5.5 6.4GDP growth (annual %) 3.9 5.0Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 19.2 20.1Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 61.8 65.6Industry, value added (% of GDP) 20.0 20.0Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 117 117Eastern Europe & Central Asia 21 19European Commision reportedin 2011 someprogress in rail transport. The unbundlingof Kosovo railway infrastructure (Infrakos)and the train operations is underway: the 2new companies (Trainkos and Infrakos) wereregistered in September 2011. Their operationaland financial unbundling still needs tohappen. The network statement was draftedby Kosovo <strong>Railway</strong>s, but has not beenpublished as track access charges are stillbeing discussed. The <strong>Railway</strong>s RegulatoryBody is operational, but it lacks bothstaff and capacity; its budget isinsufficient to carry out its taskseffectively.The <strong>Railway</strong> Safety and Accidentinvestigation functions need tobe separated. The Joint BorderCrossing Agreement with the formerYugoslav Republic of Macedonia wassigned. Kosovo <strong>Railway</strong>s continue to beaffected by serious lack of human resourcesand adequate financial allocation. A feasibilitystudy for rail route 10, which is part of the

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>FYR OF MACEDONIAThe former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniawas granted candidate country status for EUmembership in 2005. An Interim Agreement,covering trade and trade-related aspects,entered into force in June 2001.The EU is the main trading partner of thecountry, accounting for 60% of the country’sexports and 48% of imports. The Western Balkanregion (or the new CEFTA region) is the othermain trading partner, representing 35% of thecountry’s exports and 11% of its imports. Theexport structure remains highly concentrated ona few products, the most important being ferronickel,iron and steel, and textile products. Themain imports are crude oil, electricity, flat-rollediron and steel products and vehicles.The economy has been less affected by theglobal economic and financial crisis than someregional peers. Gross domestic product (GDP)has recovered from a modest downturn in 2009to an estimated 1.8 per cent growth in 2010,largely attributed to a substantial increase inexports and global demand for commodities.European Commision reported considerableprogress in the rail transport. A new law oninteroperability was enacted by the Parliament.The Safety Authority was established as entitywithin the transport ministry. Legislation onthe licensing of train drivers was adopted totranspose EU rules, but it will only be applicableafter accession of the country to the EU.The railway reform in 2007 devided Macedonian<strong>Railway</strong>s (Makedonski Zeleznici) in theinfrastructure manager “PE MR Infrastructure– Skopje” and the transport undertaking “MZTransport AD - Skopje”. Macedonia is crossedby pan –european corridors 10 and 8. <strong>Railway</strong>network is comprised of single track wherethe traffic is regulated in both directions.help upgrade a 30km stretch of rail line thatforms part of Pan-European Rail Corridor VIII,which links to Albania in the west and Bulgaria inthe east.A new EBRD loan up to €50 million to thenational rail operator, Macedonian <strong>Railway</strong>sTransport (MRT), was approved in <strong>2012</strong>. TheEBRD loan will pay for the purchase of six newpassenger trains and 150 rail wagons, plus therehabilitation of three electric locomotives. Itwill also finance energy efficiency improvementsto MRT’s maintenance workshop and theintroduction of a company-wide energymanagement system.Background figures in railways (2011)699 km length of lines234 km electrified lines1 x 1 000 000 passengers carried145 x 1 000 000 passenger-km3 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried479 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 9.13 10.16GDP growth (annual %) 1.8 3.0Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 47.6 49.4Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 66.3 71.9Industry, value added (% of GDP) 27.8 27.5Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 34 22Eastern Europe & Central Asia 6 3The EBRD is supportingmodernisation of Macedoniantransport infrastructure with a€17.6 million sovereign loan tofinance renewal of track along keysections of Corridor 10. This is theBank’s first project in the railwaysector in FYR Macedonia. The loanwill finance the upgrade of 53 kilometresof track along three sections of Corridor 10.In August <strong>2012</strong>, the EBRD extended a €46.4million loan to the same company, the PublicEnterprise for <strong>Railway</strong> Infrastructure (PERI), to

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MOLDOVAMoldova is approaching World Bank middleincomestatus, and based on its growth rate of6.4 percent in 2011, the economy has made afull recovery from the 2008-2009 global financialcrisis.By the end of 2010 output surpassed the precrisislevel, with growth being driven last yearby remittance-based consumption and creditexpansion, and underpinned by strong supportfrom the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forthe macroeconomic policy framework. Budgetsector consolidation remains on track, althoughrevenue performance lags behind the economicrecovery. The central bank is successfullyimplementing the transition to inflationtargeting and a flexible exchange rate regime.The authorities have worked to improve thebusiness environment and stabilise the financialand energy sectors. Important reforms includesimplification of business regulations andliberalisation of trade, including the reversal ofthe temporary wheat export ban, strengthenedsupervision of banks and a rise in heating tariffstowards cost recovery.Moldova’s dependence on energy importshighlights the need to focus on energy security.More investment in this sector is required tointegrate Moldova into the EU energy marketand reduce technical losses. The export ban onwheat, introduced in early 2011, was short-lived,and the authorities have committed to avoidingexport controls in the future. Meanwhile,the government is working on measures tostrengthen food safety standards to increaseagricultural exports to the European Union.whose railway infrastructure has a 1520 mmgauge, has plans to develop a 1435-mm railwayto link the capital, Chisinau, to the Romaniannetwork, via Ungheni. Other plans include themodernisation of Cahul – Giurgiulesti railwayand the development of an intermodal terminalin Chisinau.Background figures in railways (2011):1,157 km length of lines0 km electrified lines5 x 1 000 000 passengers carried363 x 1 000 000 passenger-km5 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried1,172 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 5.8 7.0GDP growth (annual %) 7.1 6.4Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 39.6 44.2Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 78.2 85.7Industry, value added (% of GDP) 13.2 12.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 99 81Eastern Europe & Central Asia 19 16Moldova <strong>Railway</strong>s (Calea Ferată dinMoldova - CFM) is the state ownedcompany responsible for passenger andcargo transportation, as well as railwayinfrastructure maintenance. It is thesuccessor of MZhD, a subdivisionof the USSR railway. The networkis not electrified and almost theentire network is single track.Moldovan <strong>Railway</strong>s plans toopen its market following the EUexample in the next five years. In2007, the company adopted a TransportStrategy and, as regards the rolling stockfleet modernization, the company has alreadysigned collaboration with Romanian companies,such as Remar Paşcani. The Republic of Moldova,

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>MONTENEGROMontenegro is a candidate country formembership to the European Union. Thedecision by the European Council was made inDecember 2010 and reflects the reform progressover recent years. In October 2011, the EuropeanCommission (EC) recommended that accessionnegotiations be opened.As from 1 January 2008, access of Montenegrinproducts to the EU was expanded and EUexports to Montenegro have been granted tradepreferences following the entry into force of theInterim Agreement. The main source of exportrevenues are tourism and metal industry. TheEU is the main trading partner of the country,and also with reference to foreign directinvestments.Montenegro’s infrastructure is graduallyimproving, but further development is neededto support the expanding tourism industry. Agreater private sector involvement in roads andmunicipal services could help to accelerate thisprocess.Former public company <strong>Railway</strong>s of Montenegro(ŽCG) was split up in 2008 into four separatecompanies, which independently handle railwayinfrastructure, passenger transport, cargotransport and maintenance of the rolling stock.The EBRD is supporting the modernisation ofrailway transport in Montenegro with a €13.55million sovereign guaranteed loan, launchedin 2010, to the <strong>Railway</strong> Passenger Company ofMontenegro (ZPCG), the country’s passengeroperator. The loan address the company’s urgentmodernisation and development needs. Thefunds will also help to support the overall reformof the country’s railway sector by undertakingfurther reform steps within the rail passengersegment. Specifically, this will include: thepreparation of a Public Service Obligationcontract and assistance with the adoption offormal Business Planning procedureswithin ZPCG to ensure transparentand affordable planning ofoperations and investments.Previously the EBRD has provided€30 million for the upgrade of therail infrastructure in Montenegro.gases (“GHG”) emission reduction opportunitiesassociated to dedicated investments andimproved management practices in MontenegroZCG Infrastruktura (ZCGI), as well as supportZeljeznicki Prevoz Crne Gore (ZPCG) to introducethe strategies previously identified into thebusiness plan. In particular, the consultant willcarry out a feasibility analysis to implementEnergy Management Systems in the rail sectorof Montenegro. The assignment started in June<strong>2012</strong> with a maximum budget available of EUR150,000.Background figures in railways (2010):249 km length of lines168 km electrified lines1.1 x 1 000 000 passengers carried101 x 1 000 000 passenger-km3 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried336 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 4.1 4.5GDP growth (annual %) 2.5 2.5Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 35.6 39.1Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 63.6 64.1Industry, value added (% of GDP) 19.5 20.0Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 56 56Eastern Europe & Central Asia 14 8European Bank for Reconstructionand Development (EBRD) also wishes tocarry out a detailed assessment of energyuse within rail operations in Montenegro andreview of energy efficiency and greenhouse

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>POLANDPoland’s economy rebounded in 2010 and2011. Real GDP growth accelerated to close to 4percent in 2010 on the back of strong domesticdemand, improved labor market conditions,and credit growth. In 2011, despite a worseningexternal environment, GDP growth remainedstrong at 4.3 percent. Good performance inindustry and construction, the absorption of EUfunds and spending for the Euro <strong>2012</strong> soccerchampionships contributed to this outcome.State involvement in the Polish economyremains extensive. This is especially the casein the power, natural resources and bankingsectors. A deregulation package which aims toease business activity and lower administrativecosts of doing business was submitted toparliament in July 2011.Poland has nevertheless remained attractiveto foreign direct and portfolio investors.Notwithstanding the continued barriers inthe investment environment, foreign directinvestment (FDI) inflows have risen in the firsthalf of 2011 relative to a year earlier.Polskie Koleje Państwowe SA Holding (PolishState-Owned <strong>Railway</strong>s) includes 17 independentcompanies, the most important of which are PKPPolskie Linie Kolejowe SA (PKP PLK), the nationalrailway infrastructure manager, PKP PrzewozyRegionalne Sp. z o.o, responsible for railwaypassenger services, PKP Cargo SA, the nationalrailway freight transport operator and PKPInterCity Sp. z o.o., company dealing with theoperation of fast trains, EuroCity, InterCity, TanieLinie Kolejowe, as well as express trains.government seeks to sell 50%+ one share in PKPCargo to a strategic investor. The privatisation ofPKP Cargo could take place in <strong>2013</strong>, and that ofPKP Intercity two years later.Background figures in railways (2011):19,725 km length of lines11,817 km electrified lines184 x 1 000 000 passengers carried15,724 x 1 000 000 passenger-km141 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried37,189 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 469.7 514.4GDP growth (annual %) 3.9 4.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 42.2 ..Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 43.5Industry, value added (% of GDP) 31.6Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 59 62OECD 28 28A programme of construction and launchingthe traffic by high speed railways in Poland wasrevelead in 2008. The programme assumes,above all, the construction of a new railway highspeed line connecting Warsaw, Lodz, Poznan andWroclaw (so-called line „Y”’). The modernisationof conventional lines is also planned to enablethe connection of “Y” line with the mainagglomerations in Poland. Thanks tothis proceeding the “Y” line will becomethe “backbone” of the in-betweenagglomerations passenger traffic inPoland.In the international context the extensionof the “Y” line is planned from Poznan toBerlin and from Wroclaw to Prague. A Spanishcompany is now preparing the Feasibility Study.PKP Group plans to privatise PKP Cargo. The

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>ROMANIAFor Romania, the deep recession is consideredto be ended and modest growth has returned.The economy is expected to remain stable butgrow slowly. Full commitment by the governmentto the IMF/EU programmes will help maintainmacroeconomic stabilityAbsorption of EU funds remains inadequate.Only a small percentage of available structuraland cohesion funds have been used so far. Theauthorities have recently stepped up efforts toimprove the utilisation rate.In 1998, SNCFR was divided into 5 independentcompanies, including CFR SA (infrastructuremanager), CFR Călători (passenger operator) andCFR Marfă (freight operator). The segment offreight operators has known a rapid developmentand today there are more than 20 licensedfreight operators on the Romanian railway freighttransport market. Related to passenger transport,the national operator CFR Călători still owns thethe largest market share, but private operators arepresent and successfully operate on regional lines.The privatisation of CFR Marfă is announced forlater this year.Romania is crossed by pan-European corridors9, 4 (corresponding to the TEN-T Priority Axis 22)and 7. Once the Pan-European Corridors weredefined, in Romania the main priority in terms ofinfrastructure has become the reconstruction ofthe domestic sections of Corridors IV.Romania benefits of EUR 5.7 bn under theStructural and Cohesion Funds until <strong>2013</strong>,allocated for the transport sector as specified inthe Sectoral Operational Programme - Transport2007 – <strong>2013</strong>. The modernisation works have beenlaunched on the northern branch, which is stilla priority compared to the southern one. Themodernised sections are Bucharest – Predealand Bucharest - Constanţa (2005-<strong>2012</strong>). Thefollowing sections to be rehabilitated arethose between Braşov (in the centreof Romania) and Curtici (borderwith Hungary).A project for the construction ofa high-speed rail link Budapest-Bucharest- Constanţa is underdiscussion. The exact route ofthis line is to be finalized after theelaboration of the prefeasibility study in<strong>2012</strong>.state-owned in 13 Romanian cities. Bucharest isthe only city in Romania with an undergroundtransport system. Most of these cities haveinitiated tram infrastructure rehabilitation works,many of them based on non-reimbursableeuropean funds. The only underground transportoperator, Metrorex, has short and medium termplans totalling around EUR 6.5 Billion. Mainly,these projects are related to construction of threenew lines (5,6 and 7) and the extension of Line 3and Line 4.Background figures in railways (2011)10,777 km length of lines4,032 km electrified lines61,001 x 1 000 passengers carried5,072,806 x 1 000 passenger-km60,723 x 1 000 tonnes carried13,597,846 x 1 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 161.6 179.7GDP growth (annual %) 0.9 -0.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 23.5 22.3Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 29.8 29.1Industry, value added (% of GDP) 26.2 25.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 65 72Eastern Europe & Central Asia 11 14Tram urban transport is provided by independentoperators or companies with private capital or

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>RUSSIAThe Russian Federation weathered the globalcrisis of 2008-2009 well, in part due to a largefiscal stimulus. The Government took decisiveaction to provide emergency support to banksand enterprises bringing returned growth, andimplemented social protection measures toprevent a collapse in consumption.In 2010, Russia’s economy returned to moderategrowth, on the heels of domestic demand andhigher oil prices, with lower than expectedunemployment and poverty. The countryrecovered its pre-crisis output level and returnedto a fiscal surplus. Russia is the top producer andnumber two exporter of oil, so when oil pricesplummeted during the crisis it served as a starkreminder of the Government’s over-dependenceon oil and gas and the need to diversify.RZD has been a joint stock company since2003 – OAO. The railway reform has beenelaborated since 2001. The first phase includedthe transformation of the former Ministry of<strong>Railway</strong>s into the Federal Agency of <strong>Railway</strong>s andthe establishment of RZD. The second phase,initially scheduled to be finalized in 2005, butstill underway, aims to separate several branchesin charge with passenger transport, goodstransport or non-core activities, as well as giveup crossed subsidies.In 2007, RZD’s strategy by 2030 planned theinvestment of up to RUB 13 Trillion and theintensification of public-private partnerships.Ratified by the government in June 2008, theinfrastructure development strategy includes afirst phase, 2008-2015, focused on developingcurrent capacities, renewal, modernisation andcreation of freight-dedicated corridors, while thesecond phase includes a massive programmefor the extension of the current network. By2030, RZD plan to build more than 20,000km of new rail track and to renew 20,000locomotives, around 1 million goods wagons,and 30,000 passenger carriages.One of the development priorities is theintroduction of high-speed railway services. Thehigh-speed Sapsan electric train, created jointlywith Siemens, has already been successfullyoperating on the Moscow - St Petersburg routesince 2009.Russia will host its first ever Winter Olympics in2014 at Sochi. Main project is the constructionof a rail route linking Adler and Krasnaya Polyana- 48-km electrified single-track rail line withdual-track sections, and two new stations andpassenger terminals.Background figures in railways (2011)85,167 km length of lines43,198 km electrified lines993 x 1 000 000 passengers carried139,842 x 1 000 000 passenger-km1,396 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried2,127,212 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 1,487.5 1,857.7GDP growth (annual %) 4.3 4.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 29.9 27.7Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 21.6 21.3Industry, value added (% of GDP) 36.7 ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 124 120Eastern Europe & Central Asia 22 20Russia has a major interess in thedevelopment of the internationalNorth-South transport corridoras an alternative to sea transport,linking Europe to countries of thePersian Gulf and on the Indian Ocean.In conjunction with the railway networksof Azerbaijan and Iran, RZD have stepped upwork on the project to build the new Qazvin– Rasht – Astara line in Iran, part of this Corridor.The construction is to be finished by 2014.

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SERBIASerbia, along with five other Western Balkanscountries, was identified as a potential candidatefor EU membership during the ThessalonikiEuropean Council summit in 2003. In 2010, theprocess to ratify the Stabilisation and AssociationAgreement began, and in March <strong>2012</strong> Serbia wasgranted EU candidate status.Under IPA 2011, EU pre-accession funds worth€178.5 million will be allocated to 23 projects inSerbia (plus an additional roughly €25 millionfor Cross Border Programs). Rail modernizationis amoung key sectors. <strong>Railway</strong> infrastructureis aging and in poor condition. Insufficientinvestments in maintenance have reducedthe operational effectiveness of much of thenetwork.Serbian <strong>Railway</strong>s (Zeleznice Srbije) is a stateowned company, in charge with carriage ofpassengers and goods, hauling the trains andmaintenance of traction units, trains and rollingstock, track maintenance and inspection,maintenance and assembling of devices, plantsand installations, etc. The conditions for fullmarket opening are not yet in place to allowgradual market opening. No Network Statementhas yet been published. The separation ofaccounts between infrastructure and serviceswithin the infrastructure manager has not yettaken place. The Directorate for <strong>Railway</strong>s is stillnot exercising its role as regulatory body.The EBRD is supporting modernisation ofrail operations in Serbia with a €100 millionsovereign guaranteed loan to Zeleznice Srbijeto finance the upgrade of Corridor X rail andthe purchase of locomotives. The EBRD loanwill be used to renew over 111 km of track onCorridor X, to purchase track maintenancemachinery and to acquire 15 new electriclocomotives, which will replace outdated carsfor freight services. This project, supportedby €650,000 in technical assistance grantsfrom the Central European Initiative,German government and theBank’s Shareholder Special Fund,will also support Zeleznice Srbijein its restructuring process,implementation of this project andthe development of various energyefficiency initiatives.for the project will be disclosed after the studyfor the project is concluded and the works will belaunched either in <strong>2012</strong> or in <strong>2013</strong>.A loan of the Government of the RussianFederation is under discussion. The amount of$800 million will be exclusively used for railways,including €50 million in construction of thesecond track of railway line Beograd-Pancevo,€55 million in reconstruction of 6 sections ofCorridor 10, €100 million in purchase of DMUs,€275 million for the construction of railway lineValjevo-Loznica and for railway line Beograd-Barapprox. €200 million.Background figures in railways (2011):3,809 km length of lines1,279 km electrified lines9 x 1 000 000 passengers carried590 x 1 000 000 passenger-km13 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried3,611 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 38.4 45.0GDP growth (annual %) 1.0 1.8Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 34.9 36.7Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 51.4 52.1Industry, value added (% of GDP) 26.6 26.6Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 88 92Eastern Europe & Central Asia 18 18In terms of urban transport, Belgrade expectsan agreement with the French Government onthe donation worth around EUR 50 Million forthe project of Belgrade Metro. The financial plan

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SLOVAKIASlovak Republic has shown one of the mostdynamic recoveries of any EU country andcontinues to show a strong recovery from thesevere recession of 2009. Growth in 2010 of 4per cent was primarily driven by net exports(which grew at 39.4 per cent over the previousyear), and which are in turn closely tied toexport-oriented production in Germany andother eurozone economies.Manufacturing accounts for about 35 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), andthis sector is concentrated in a few importantproduct groups, namely vehicles, machineryand electrical equipment. With these productsthe Slovak Republic has continued to gainexport market share, although a slow-downin the second quarter of 2011 underlined therisks from the highly concentrated productionstructure.In railways, operating and policy settingfunctions have been separated and corerailway businesses (infrastructure, passenger,freight, etc.) have been unbundled, whileancillary services have been divested. ŽSRwas left with infrastructure maintenance andpassenger and cargo transport was movedinto company «Železničná spoločnosť, a. s.»(ZSSK). In 2005 this new company was furthersplit into «Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko,a. s.» (ZSSK) providing passenger transportservices and «Železničná spoločnosť CargoSlovakia, a. s.» (ZSSK Cargo) providing cargoservices and was planning the privatisationof the freight company. On March 2011, theSlovak Government approved a plan to revampand partially sell state railways as it seeks toraise revenues and cut subsidies to the ailingindustry. The government intention is to sell66% of the cargo unit, ZSSK Cargo.such as Žilina – Košice and Trnava -Nové Mestonad Váhom. In 2010, 29 companies providedtransport services on ŽSR network underconcluded Contract on the access to railwayinfrastructure, while 25 railway undertakingsactually provided transport services on railinfrastructure. Two railway undertakingsdelivered passenger services and 23 railwayundertakings operated freight transportservices.Background figures in railways (2011):3,624 km length of lines1,578 km electrified lines46 x 1 000 000 passengers carried2,413 x 1 000 000 passenger-km37 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried7,290 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 87.0 95.9GDP growth (annual %) 4.2 3.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 81.2 89.1Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 82.6 86.4Industry, value added (% of GDP) 34.9 ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2010 Rank 2011World 43 48OECD 22 25A tripartite memorandum of understandingwas signed between Russia, Ukraine andSlovakia On 25 November 2008,on the construction of a broadgauge line to the Austrian border,and the Austrian governmentpolitically supports theconstruction of a broad gaugeline from the Austro-Slovak borderto Vienna. According to preliminaryestimates, the cost of the project couldexceed EUR 4.7 Billion.European funds are beeing used for thereconstruction of the railway infrastructure,

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>SLOVENIAIn July 2010 Slovenia became a member of theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD). As part of the accessionprocess, Slovenia adopted legislation to improvethe corporate governance framework forstate-owned enterprises, minority shareholderprotection and securities regulation.Slovenia’s tradition of consensus-based policymakinghas meant that progress with structuralreforms has been slower than in other centralEurope and the Baltic states (CEB) countries.The enterprise sector continues to suffer from arelatively high level of government involvementand many enterprises require far-reachingrestructuring to make them internationallycompetitive.The economy is slowly recovering from thedeep recession of 2009. The recovery is beingdriven by exports but domestic demand remainsexceptionally weak. The country has close linksto other eurozone economies with an exportshare of about 64 per cent of gross domesticproduct (GDP), and about 56 per cent of totalexports directed to other eurozone members.Slovenia was therefore severely affected by therecession of 2009, when GDP experienced one ofthe sharpest contractions (a drop of 8 per cent)within the European Union.Slovenske železnice (SŽ), Slovenian <strong>Railway</strong>s,is the national company in charge withinfrastructure, passenger and freight transportand services. Slovenia is crossed by Pan EuropeanCorridors 5 and 10, intersecting in Ljubljana.Slovenia to Ukrainian and Russian markets. Aftersuccessful tests in 2011, the cargo company ofSlovenian <strong>Railway</strong>s SZ-Tovorni promet and RailCargo Hungaria decided to establish a regularweekly train service. In Slovenia, all shipmentsarriving from abroad and from Slovenian stationsare collected at the terminal in Ljubljana Zalog.Background figures in railways (2011):1,209 km length of lines500 km electrified lines16 x 1 000 000 passengers carried773 x 1 000 000 passenger-km16 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried3,584 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 46.9 49.5GDP growth (annual %) 1.4 -0.2Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 65.4 72.3Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 64.9 71.3Industry, value added (% of GDP) 31.6 ..Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 37 37OECD 23 23The first confirmed railway project in theprogramming period 2007-<strong>2013</strong>, as part of whichSlovenia is eligible for EUR 4.2bn of EU funds,is the reconstruction and modernisation ofthe 26.4 km railway link between the port ofKoper and the railway hub Divaca. The projectworth around EUR 130m will receive EUR68m from the cohesion funds. Therailway section is part of the sixthpriority project of the TEN-T - therailway axis Lyons-Trieste-Divaca/Koper-Divaca-Ljubljana-Budapest-Ukrainian border.Starting this year, a regular freighttrain is connecting Ljubljana to Ukraine.The train is part of a comprehensivelogistics service, combining rail, road andwater transport and is a reliable, efficientand competitive link from northern Italy and

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>TURKEYTurkey is a candidate country for EUmembership following the Helsinki EuropeanCouncil of December 1999. Accessionnegotiations started in 2005, but until Turkeyagrees to apply the Additional Protocol of theAnkara Association Agreement to Cyprus, eightnegotiation chapters will not be opened and nochapter will be provisionally closed.Economic growth has been rapid, butvulnerabilities are increasing. High growth ratesin 2010 and the first half of 2011 have beenfuelled by strong capital inflows, while measuresto tighten macroeconomic policy have so farbeen limited. Structural reforms in 2010-2011have been concentrated in the energy sector.Recent reforms include the introduction of anew renewable energy law and preparations tosell a number of power distribution companies,with two deals already finalised.In terms of restructuring, European Commissionreported little progress in rail transport. Primaryresponsibility for EU alignment – which requiressubstantial reforms in all aspects of railways - isleft to the incumbent operator, Turkish State<strong>Railway</strong>s (TCDD). Turkish <strong>Railway</strong>s, TCDD, isa state-owned company and controls theentire Turkish railway system, infrastructuremanagement and train operation. TCDD alsoholds companies specialized in different railindustry branches. TCDD has taken over theports built by the companies that had also builtthe first railways and continued establishingother ports as well. Discussions on railwayreforms began in 2001 with the World Bankwhich provided consultancy and financialsupport.built between Ankara and Izmir, Ankara andKonya or between Ankara and Sivas. Works onthe latter have already been initiated.Urban railway infrastructure also benefits fromimportant foreign investments, such as the EIBloans for the tram lines in Antalya, Samsun andBursa or the 2007 EUR 150 Million loan allocatedfor the rehabilitation of the suburban network inIzmir. Following an agreement in 2008, IstanbulMetro will also benefit from a EUR 700 Millionloan.Background figures in railways (2011):9,642 km length of lines2,789 km electrified lines86 x 1 000 000 passengers carried5,882 x 1 000 000 passenger-km24 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried10,735 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 731.1 773.0GDP growth (annual %) 9.2 8.5Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 21.2 21.1Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 26.8 29.3Industry, value added (% of GDP) 26.7 27.1Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 73 71Eastern Europe & Central Asia 13 13TCDD is carrying out a major infrastructureinvestment programme in high speed railwaylines. Further to Ankara-Eskişehir, placedinto service in March 2009, the Ankara-Konyahigh speed train service is now operational.However, increased operating costsplace an additional financial burdenon the public budget, whichrequires cost based accountingand the introduction of a publicservice obligation system. Theintensification of rail traffic calls forimprovements in the safety of the railoperations. The establishment of a safetyauthority, accident investigation body aswell as safety management systems for railwayoperators are requirements under EU legislation.Other similar connections are expected to be

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>TURKMENISTANThe Turkmen economy is continuing to growrobustly. The country’s gross domestic product(GDP) grew by over 9 per cent in 2010, mainlydriven by the growing production and export ofgas, following the construction of new pipelinesto China and Iran.The authorities have announced plans to reducethe dominance of the state and speed up thetransition to a market economy. They havealready announced the list of companies forpotential privatisation and have made progresswith drafting a privatisation law.Recent years have shown a significantstrengthening of the EU–Turkmenistanrelations. The European Commission, via theoverall policy dialogue and the DevelopmentCooperation Instrument, has reinforced itsbilateral cooperation with Turkmenistanand is supporting the economic, social andinstitutional sector reforms announced by thenew Turkmen leadership. The first Central AsiaMulti-annual Indicative Programme (2007-2010) under the Development and CooperationInstrument allocated € 22 million for bilateralassistance programmes in Turkmenistan. Thesecond Multi-annual Indicative Programmecovering the period 2011-<strong>2013</strong> allocated € 31million.The economy remains undiversified and highlydependent on its hydrocarbon wealth. Theeconomy is largely dependent on hydrocarbonexports: oil and gas accounted for nearly 94 percent of total goods exported in 2009.the railways, cut costs, and improve quality ofservice.The main rail route in Turkmenistan is the westeastline from Turkmenbashi to the Uzbekistanborder near Turkmenabat (1,141 km) viacapital Ashgabat, a branch line from Mary toGushgy on the Afghan border, and another oneconnecting this line to the Iranian network atSarakhs, where there is a gauge change. A 540km long north-south line from Dashoguz toAshgabat was completed in 2006, and the newnorth-south line, along the Caspian coast fromKazakhstan to Turkmenbashi, and eventuallyto Iran, construction of which is under way,could help diversification of the economy byfacilitating transport flows between the PersianGulf, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.Background figures in railways (2011):3,115 km length of lines0 km electrified lines6 x 1 000 000 passengers carried1,811 x 1 000 000 passenger-km27 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried11,992 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 20.0 24.1GDP growth (annual %) 9.2 9.9Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 51.7 61.8Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 54.6 56.1Industry, value added (% of GDP) 54.0 54.0Transport infrastructure remains largelyunreformed. The investment neededin the country to modernise transportinfrastructure is enormous. Most transportinfrastructure in Turkmenistan is ownedand operated by the state. There hasbeen slow progress with reformsto improve commercialorientation, increase theefficiency of services andcreate space for the privatesector.The Turkmenistan’s railwaynetwork is single track, nonelectrified.The Government’s prioritiesin the railway sector are reflected in theNational Development Plan which alsoneeds to be supported by a well-formulatedsector reform plan to increase the efficiency of

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UKRAINEUkraine’s economy continued to recover from thedeep crisis. Output growth, expected to recoverto the pre-crisis level by the end of <strong>2012</strong>, hasbenefited from rising external demand, improvedreal incomes and tentative recovery of bank credit.Although Ukraine’s exports are less energy andresource-dependent than those of neighbouringcountries, the share of low value-added steel andchemicals remains very high. External privateand public debt is also high, most of it withrelatively short maturities and denominated inforeign currencies, and gross external financingrequirements remain large. Public debt hasincreased rapidly during the crisis. The authorities’International Monetary Fund (IMF)-supportedprogramme has been delayed since February2011, pending completion of difficult energysector reforms and other measures.The Ukrainian economy generates far moretransport volumes relative to its GDP thanany other country in Europe due to the role ofagriculture and heavy industry. Ukraine‘s railwaytransport system needs large investments in trackrenewal, track capacity increases, electrification,rolling stock replacement and terminals. Theseinvestments would contribute to increasedcompetitiveness of Ukraine‘s heavy industries andagricultural exports, and limit a shift of rail cargoand passenger transport to road transport withbenefits of lower carbon emissions.The World Bank project - <strong>Railway</strong> ModernizationReform, was dropped due to the lack of agreementon governance reforms.14 billion of capital investment in <strong>2012</strong>. Toppriority of investment operation is the upgrade ofrolling stock (the purchase of new and upgradeof existing rolling stock) worth UAH 6 billion(42.8% of total capital investment). In addition,the financial plan for <strong>2012</strong> foresees spendingUAH 8.4 billion in borrowed funds on introducinghigh-speed services on the Hrebinka-Poltava-Krasnograd-Khakiv-Lozova section, the buildingof the Beskydsky tunnel, building an interregionalcenter for technical servicing of interregional trains(Darnytsia station), etc.Background figures in railways (2011):21,665 km length of lines10,089 km electrified lines496 x 1 000 000 passengers carried50,569 x 1 000 000 passenger-km469 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried243,866 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 136.4 165.2GDP growth (annual %) 4.1 5.2Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 50.7 52.6Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 53.6 57.0Industry, value added (% of GDP) 30.9 31.4Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 149 152Eastern Europe & Central Asia 24 23Ukrainian <strong>Railway</strong>s Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) is an100% state-owned company which managesboth infrastructure and train operation. It is acentralised company established in 1991, afterUkraine proclaimed its independence from theUSSR. The company also holds several facilitiesfor railway equipment manufacturing andoverhaul.Ukraine’s plans in passengertransport aim at building highspeedlines having as grounds thelong distances between importantcities. Ukraine made significant railinfrastructure improvements for the<strong>2012</strong> Football Championship, hosted incollaboration with Poland.According to the consolidated financial plan ofUkrainian railways, the railways will spend UAH

Invest in developing Europe.Invest in developing AsiaInvestiţii în dezvoltarea Europei.Investiţii în dezvoltarea AsieiTHE WBSA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT<strong>Railway</strong> <strong>Days</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Zilele</strong> <strong><strong>Feroviar</strong>e</strong> <strong>2012</strong>UZBEKISTANUzbekistan’s economy appears to have beenrelatively unaffected by the crisis and theauthorities reported strong growth of over8 per cent in both 2009 and 2010. Last year,Uzbekistan’s GDP growth was fueled by risingcommodity prices and by robust demand fromRussia. The fastest growing sectors were trade andcatering, transport, communications and otherservices, construction and agriculture.Uzbekistan’s strategic location between Asia andEurope makes it a key transit point for CentralAsia. The transport sector’s performance andcontribution to the government’s efficiency,competitiveness and diversification agendais therefore an important component of itsmedium-term development strategy.State Joint-Stock <strong>Railway</strong> Company “Temir Yollari”-UTY was founded November 7, 1994 on the basisof the former Central Asian <strong>Railway</strong>, located onthe territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Atpresent the structure of the company reformedradically. The company employs more than 54.7thousand people. The annual turnover of about90% of the total turnover of all transport modes.Uzbekistan carries on intensive construction ofnew railway lines, such the direct railway linefrom Karshi to Termez via Guzar, Baysun, andKumkurgan. Tashkent - Samarkand railway linehas been fully reconstructed and electrified too.The authorities present the line as a high-speedrailway. Rail distance of 600 km was rehabilitated,and 68 km of new railways were laid. A newdouble-track section with length of over 35.3 kmwas built between Yangiyer and Dashtobod, aswell as a 142-meter-long tunnel and four bridgeswith a total length of 400 meters. In January2010, President Islam Karimov signed aresolution on purchase of two high-speedpassenger trains Talgo-250. The Afrosiyobelectric train was designed by Patentes Talgoand made its first trip from Tashkentto Samarkand on 26 August 2011.serving the city of Tashkent, the capital ofUzbekistan. It is the only currently operatingsubway system in Central Asia. The Tashkentmetro has two lines, the Uzbekistan and theChilanzar, with a third under constructionscheduled to open in next years.Background figures in railways (2011)4,258 km length of lines735 km electrified lines16 x 1 000 000 passengers carried3,025 x 1 000 000 passenger-km81 x 1 000 000 tonnes carried22,482 x 1 000 000 tonne-kilometresEconomics 2010 2011GDP (current billions US$) 39.3 45.3GDP growth (annual %) 8.5 8.3Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) 31.2 31.7Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) 30.7 27.5Industry, value added (% of GDP) 35.4 36.1Ease of Doing Business RankRankings by region Rank 2011 Rank <strong>2012</strong>World 164 166Eastern Europe & Central Asia 25 24Two EBRD loans, in 1991 and2001, helped Temir Yollari tomodernise its rolling stock(EUR 36.7 million for thepurchase of new 8-10 electricfreight locomotives and EUR 77million for upgrading its diesel-electricfreight locomotives, as well as the locallocomotive workshop).The Tashkent Metro is the rapid transit system

Join the summit for railway business championsTHE WIDER BLACK SEA AREA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT8 th edition8-9 October <strong>2013</strong>Bucharest, RomaniaThe Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area ofthe Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asiato Central Europe and from Northern to SouthernEurope and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature,developing and ascending markets, that bringabout a spectrum of opportunities across therailway sector.Organisers:INNOVATIVE RAILWAYS. COMPETITIVE BUSINESSMedia Partners:<strong>Club</strong>MetropolitanCITY ONTHE MOVEthe railwaybusinessmagazine<strong>Railway</strong> PROFor further details please contact us:Tel.: +40(21) 224 43 85 / Fax: +40(21) 224 43 86 / E-mail: contact@railwaysummit.comwww.railwaysummit.com

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