New Drugs Antiplatelets-Antithrombotics - John Fanikos, RPh, MBA ...

New Drugs Antiplatelets-Antithrombotics - John Fanikos, RPh, MBA ...

New Drugs Antiplatelets-Antithrombotics - John Fanikos, RPh, MBA ...

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E5555: Phase II Trial: LANCELOTCoronary Artery Disease600 Patients1:1:1:1R40-80 yearsPost ACS DiabetesPost PCI + ↑hsCRPPAD, TIAStrokeE5555 50 mgDailyE5555 100mg DailyE5555 200mg DailyPlaceboevery day24 weeksSafety, Tolerability, Major Cardiovascular EventsSummary• Novel anticoagulants agents are under FDA review.• Novel antiplatelet agents are under investigation.• Each offers pharmacodynamic advantages overexisting agents.• Clinical trial results show comparable performance toLMWH and Warfarin.• Underlying disease still remains• More molecules are in early “discovery”.• The $ impact to patients, insurers, providers remainsa question.• Don’t “fall asleep at the whale”, follow trial resultsand identify your patients who may benefit from theseagents.

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