CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo

CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo


Zjednodušenie prepráv High CubeSimplification of High Cube containers transportationsNedávne Povolenie typovej prepravy (PTP 310) vzťahujúce sa naprepravu veľkých kontajnerov High Cube (HC) prinieslo zjednodušenievo vnútroštátnej preprave týchto zásielok ako aj v ich prepravemedzi ČR a SR. Nahradilo Povolenie na prepravu mimoriadnychzásielok High Cube kontajnerov vo vnútroštátnej preprave medzistanicami ŽSR a pre vývoz do staníc na ČD a takisto nahradiloSúhlas na prijatie mimoriadnej zásielky z ČD. Tieto prepravy sa takuskutočňujú na základe PTP 310 a nie je potrebné už žiadať inépovolenie.Vzhľadom na rozmery sú niektoré rady kontajnerov (kontajnery HighCube s výškou 9‘ 6“, resp. 2 896 mm) zaraďované medzi mimoriadnezásielky, a preto si vyžadujú osobitný prístup pri zabezpečovaní prepravy.Povolenie typovej prepravy (PTP 310) vzťahujúce sa na prepravuveľkých kontajnerov High Cube (HC) nadobudlo účinnosť 1. júla 2008.PTP 310 vydalo Ústredné riadenie mimoriadnych zásielok (URMIZAŽSR) a bolo spracované v spolupráci so Sekciou intermodálnej prepravy(ZSSK CARGO). Povolenie PTP 310 je vydávané na určené prepravyhromadného rozsahu a v čase platnosti PTP 310 je dovolené prepravovaťneobmedzený počet zásielok.Vylúčené úseky a stanicePTP 310 platí ako povolenie pre prepravu kontajnerov High Cube nasieti ŽSR s vylúčením nasledovných úsekov tratí a staníc, cez ktorénesmú byť takéto zásielky prepravované:Horná Štubňa – Hronská Dúbrava (stanice: Kremnické Bane, Kremnica),Horná Štubňa – Prievidza (stanice: Sklené pri Handlovej, Handlová),Hronská Dúbrava – Banská Štiavnica (stanice: Banská Belá, BanskáŠtiavnica),Lučenec – Malé Straciny (stanice: Malé Straciny, Veľký Krtíš, Bušince),Žilina – Rajec.Platnosť PTP 310Platnosť PTP 310 sa vzťahuje na:1. vnútroštátnu prepravu medzi stanicami ŽSR,2. prepravu medzi stanicami ŽSR a stanicami ČD cez PPS Kúty, HorníLideč, Čadca okrem vybraných tratí a staníc na ČD,3. medzinárodnú prepravu len pre zásielky smerované cez nasledujúcepohraničné priechody:UZ – Čierna nad Tisou/ Čop, Maťovce/ Užhorod,PKP – Plaveč/ Muszyna, Skalité/ Zwardoň,ČD – Čadca/ Mosty u Jablunkova, Lúky pod Makytou/ Horní Lideč,Kúty/ Lanžhot,ÖBB – Devínska Nová Ves/ Marchegg, Bratislava-Petržalka/ Kittsee,MÁV – Rusovce/ Rajka, Komárno/ Komárom, Štúrovo/ Szob, Čaňa/Hidasnémeti, Fiľakovo/ Somosköújfalu, Lenartovce/ Bánréve, SlovenskéNové Mesto/ Sátoraljaújhely.V rámci PTP 310 je možný:a) dovoz* – pre dovozové zásielky z vyššie uvedených priechodov dostaníc ŽSR,b) tranzit* – len pre tranzitné zásielky medzi uvedenými priechodmi,c) vývoz – (okrem ČD) bude povolený len na samostatne vydané povoleniena základe zákazníkovej žiadosti o súhlas k preprave mimoriadnejzásielky pre konkrétnu prepravu z určitej stanice s obmedzenoudobou platnosti.* Zásielky kontajnerov High Cube v režime dovoz a tranzit budú prevzatév PPS zamestnancami len na základe súhlasu na prijatie mimoriadnejzásielky, ktorý je vydaný samostatne (okrem dovozu z ČD).Použiť možno len vozne určené na prepravu kontajnerov, na ktorýchsú kontajnery zaistené zaisťovacími tŕňmi. Vozne musia byť označenénálepkou na vozne a nákladné listy pre mimoriadne zásielky (Modránálepka vzoru U – 0 735 1 4709 00 Nálepka pre mimoriadne zásielky).Technické parametre povolených vozňov / Technical parameters of approved wagonsRad vozňa / Wagon set K...., L.... R...., S.... S....Rázvor, vzdialenosť otočných čapov / Axle base, pivot pins distance max. 10 000 mm max. 15 800 mm max. 2x14 200 mmRázvor podvozku / Bogie wheelbase 2 000 mm 2 000 mmPočet osí / Number of axles 2 4 6Dĺžka vozňa cez nárazníky / Wagon length over the buffers max. 17 100 mm max. 21 840 mm max. 33 940 mmVlastná hmotnosť vozňa / Wagon tare 12,175 t 25,50 t 34,5 tNakladacia dĺžka vozňa / Loading length of the wagon max. 14 600 mm max. 18 800 mm max.2x16 350 mmMedzinárodné súhlasyPovolenie typovej prepravy PTP 310 platí len pre vývoz/dovoz zásielokdo/z Českej republiky. Povolenia na prepravu na ostatné železnicetreba vybavovať osobitne na základe zákazníkovej Žiadosti o súhlask preprave mimoriadnej zásielky pre konkrétnu prepravu a bude vždyvydaný samostatne telegramom.Žiadosť o súhlas na prepravu mimoriadnej zásielky v prípade preprávHigh Cube kontajnerov musí obsahovať základné údaje: názov tovarua jeho množstvo, vhodný rad železničného vozňa predpokladaný na prepravu,hmotnosť nákladu, obrysové rozmery, údaje o odosielateľovi, atď.Rozmery zásielokMaximálne rozmery kontajneru:šírka = 2 440 mmvýška = 2 900 mmdĺžka ≥ 12 192 mm (závisí od nakladacej dĺžky vozňa),hmotnosť zásielky: do únosnosti vozňa,dĺžka zásielky: do nakladacej dĺžky vozňa.Vonkajšie rozmery veľkých kontajnerov (High Cube) / External dimensions of large High Cube containersOznač. kont. / Marking Názov / Name Dĺžka / Length Šírka/ Width Výška / Height(mm) stôp /foot (mm) stôp /foot (mm) stôp /foot40‘ Box regular 12 192 40 2 438 8 2591 8‘ 6“40‘ HC high cube 12 192 40 2 438 8 2 603 - 2 896 8‘ 6,5“-9‘ 6“40‘ HC high cube 45 13 750 45 2 438 8 2 603 - 2 896 8‘ 6,5“-9‘ 6“

kontajnerovRecent Approval of type transportations (PTP 310) related totransportation of large High Cube (HC) containers resulted insimplification of these consignments in domestic transportationas well as their transportation between the Slovak and CzechRepublic. It replaced the Approval for transportation of specialconsignments of High Cube containers in domestic transportationbetween the ŽSR stations (Railways of the Slovak Republic) andtheir export to the ČD stations (Czech Railways) and it also replacedthe Permission for acceptance of exceptional load from the CzechRailways. These transportations are executed on the basis of PTP310 and it is not necessary to ask for any other approvals.Due to dimensions, some sets of containers (High Cube containerswith height 9‘ 6“, or 2 896 mm) are considered exceptional load andtherefore, they require a distinctive approach when providing thetransportation. Approval of type transportation (PTP 310) related totransportation of High Cube (HC) large containers came into forceon 1. July 2008. PTP 310 was issued by Central administration ofexceptional loads (URMIZA ŽSR) and was prepared in cooperationwith Intermodal Transport Section (ZSSK CARGO). Approval PTP 310is issued for exceptional transportations of mass volumes. Within theperiod of validity of PTP 310, it is permitted to transport an unlimitednumber of consignments.Excluded sections and stationsPTP 310 is valid as an approval for transportation of High Cubecontainers within ŽSR network, excluding the following track sectionsand stations, via which these consignments cannot be transported:Horná Štubňa – Hronská Dúbrava (stations: Kremnické Bane,Kremnica),Horná Štubňa – Prievidza (stations: Sklené pri Handlovej, Handlová),Hronská Dúbrava – Banská Štiavnica (stations: Banská Belá, BanskáŠtiavnica),Lučenec – Malé Straciny (stations: Malé Straciny, Veľký Krtíš,Bušince),Žilina – Rajec.Validity of PTP 310Validity of PTP 310 approval is related to:1. domestic transportation between ŽSR stations,2. transportation between ŽSR stations and the Czech Railwaysstations via border crossing stations Kúty, Horní Lideč, Čadca, exceptfor selected track sections and stations of the Czech Railways,3. international transportation only for consignments directed viafollowing border crossings:UZ – Čierna nad Tisou/ Chop, Maťovce/ Uzzhorod,PKP – Plaveč/ Muszyna, Skalité/ Zwardoň,ČD – Čadca/ Mosty u Jablunkova, Lúky pod Makytou/ Horní Lideč,Kúty/ Lanžhot,ÖBB – Devínska Nová Ves/ Marchegg, Bratislava-Petržalka/ Kittsee,MÁV – Rusovce/ Rajka, Komárno/ Komárom, Štúrovo/ Szob, Čaňa/Hidasnémeti, Fiľakovo/ Somosköújfalu, Lenartovce/ Bánréve,Slovenské Nové Mesto/ Sátoraljaújhely.Within PTP 310 approval, the following is possible:a) import* – for import consignments from the above-mentionedcrossings to ŽSR stations,b) transit* – only for transit consignments between these crossings,c) export – (except for the Czech Railways) will only be permittedon the basis of separately issued permission and on the basisof customer´s applicationt for the approval of transportation ofexceptional load related to particular transportation from thestated station with limited period of validity.*Consignments of High Cube containers in import and transit modewill be taken over by employees of the border crossing station onlyon the basis of an approval of exceptional load acceptance, which isissued separately (except for import from the Czech Railways).Only wagons for transportation of containers can be used, on whichthe containers are provided by safety pins. Wagons must be labelledand consignment notes marked as exceptional load (Blue label ofpattern U – 0 735 1 4709 00 Label for exceptional load).International approvalsApproval of type transportation PTP 310 is only valid for export/import of consignments to/from the Czech Republic. Approvals oftransportation to other railways must be dealt with separately onthe basis of customer´s Application for approval of transportationof exceptional load for a particular transportation and will always beissued separately by a telegram.Application for approval of transportation of exceptional load for HighCube containers must, in any case, contain the following basic data:a) name of the goods and quantity, b) number of consignments of thesame kind and of the same dimensions, c) wagon series suitable forrequired transportation, d) load weight, e) configuration dimensionsof the consignment (length, width, height), g) name and address ofthe consignor, telephone number, telex or fax number, h) departurestation, i) destination station, j) name of the consignee, k) foreseendate of handing-in of consignment for transportation.Dimensions of consignmentsMaximum dimensions of a container:width = 2 440 mmheight = 2 900 mmlength ≥ 12 192 mm (depends on loading length of the wagon),weight of the consignment: up to the loading capacity of the wagon,length of the consignment: up to the loading length of the wagon.Ing. Peter HOMOLASekcia intermodálnej prepravy / Intermodal Transport Section38/39

kontajnerovRecent Approval of type transportations (PTP 310) related totransportation of large High Cube (HC) containers resulted insimplification of these consignments in domestic transportationas well as their transportation between the Slovak and CzechRepublic. It replaced the Approval for transportation of specialconsignments of High Cube containers in domestic transportationbetween the ŽSR stations (Railways of the Slovak Republic) andtheir export to the ČD stations (Czech Railways) and it also replacedthe Permission for acceptance of exceptional load from the CzechRailways. These transportations are executed on the basis of PTP310 and it is not necessary to ask for any other approvals.Due to dimensions, some sets of containers (High Cube containerswith height 9‘ 6“, or 2 896 mm) are considered exceptional load andtherefore, they require a distinctive approach when providing thetransportation. Approval of type transportation (PTP 310) related totransportation of High Cube (HC) large containers came into forceon 1. July 2008. PTP 310 was issued by Central administration ofexceptional loads (URMIZA ŽSR) and was prepared in cooperationwith Intermodal Transport Section (<strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong>). Approval PTP 310is issued for exceptional transportations of mass volumes. Within theperiod of validity of PTP 310, it is permitted to transport an unlimitednumber of consignments.Excluded sections and stationsPTP 310 is valid as an approval for transportation of High Cubecontainers within ŽSR network, excluding the following track sectionsand stations, via which these consignments cannot be transported:Horná Štubňa – Hronská Dúbrava (stations: Kremnické Bane,Kremnica),Horná Štubňa – Prievidza (stations: Sklené pri Handlovej, Handlová),Hronská Dúbrava – Banská Štiavnica (stations: Banská Belá, BanskáŠtiavnica),Lučenec – Malé Straciny (stations: Malé Straciny, Veľký Krtíš,Bušince),Žilina – Rajec.Validity of PTP 310Validity of PTP 310 approval is related to:1. domestic transportation between ŽSR stations,2. transportation between ŽSR stations and the Czech Railwaysstations via border crossing stations Kúty, Horní Lideč, Čadca, exceptfor selected track sections and stations of the Czech Railways,3. international transportation only for consignments directed viafollowing border crossings:UZ – Čierna nad Tisou/ Chop, Maťovce/ Uzzhorod,PKP – Plaveč/ Muszyna, Skalité/ Zwardoň,ČD – Čadca/ Mosty u Jablunkova, Lúky pod Makytou/ Horní Lideč,Kúty/ Lanžhot,ÖBB – Devínska Nová Ves/ Marchegg, Bratislava-Petržalka/ Kittsee,MÁV – Rusovce/ Rajka, Komárno/ Komárom, Štúrovo/ Szob, Čaňa/Hidasnémeti, Fiľakovo/ Somosköújfalu, Lenartovce/ Bánréve,Slovenské Nové Mesto/ Sátoraljaújhely.Within PTP 310 approval, the following is possible:a) import* – for import consignments from the above-mentionedcrossings to ŽSR stations,b) transit* – only for transit consignments between these crossings,c) export – (except for the Czech Railways) will only be permittedon the basis of separately issued permission and on the basisof customer´s applicationt for the approval of transportation ofexceptional load related to particular transportation from thestated station with limited period of validity.*Consignments of High Cube containers in import and transit modewill be taken over by employees of the border crossing station onlyon the basis of an approval of exceptional load acceptance, which isissued separately (except for import from the Czech Railways).Only wagons for transportation of containers can be used, on whichthe containers are provided by safety pins. Wagons must be labelledand consignment notes marked as exceptional load (Blue label ofpattern U – 0 735 1 4709 00 Label for exceptional load).International approvalsApproval of type transportation PTP 310 is only valid for export/import of consignments to/from the Czech Republic. Approvals oftransportation to other railways must be dealt with separately onthe basis of customer´s Application for approval of transportationof exceptional load for a particular transportation and will always beissued separately by a telegram.Application for approval of transportation of exceptional load for HighCube containers must, in any case, contain the following basic data:a) name of the goods and quantity, b) number of consignments of thesame kind and of the same dimensions, c) wagon series suitable forrequired transportation, d) load weight, e) configuration dimensionsof the consignment (length, width, height), g) name and address ofthe consignor, telephone number, telex or fax number, h) departurestation, i) destination station, j) name of the consignee, k) foreseendate of handing-in of consignment for transportation.Dimensions of consignmentsMaximum dimensions of a container:width = 2 440 mmheight = 2 900 mmlength ≥ 12 192 mm (depends on loading length of the wagon),weight of the consignment: up to the loading capacity of the wagon,length of the consignment: up to the loading length of the wagon.Ing. Peter HOMOLASekcia intermodálnej prepravy / Intermodal Transport Section38/39

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