CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo

CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo


When reconstructing, modernizing and purchasing, the interest ofcustomers is taken into account, in particularAccording to approved concept of investments into ZSSK CARGOrolling stock, a gradual reconstruction, modernization and purchase ofnew rail freight wagons for the company´s needs, has been realized.Also, the business partners of our company have been informed onthe updated conditions of rolling stock. According to the informationprovided by Marketing Section, the customers´ response towards theoffer of wagons was positive and wagons shall be used effectively, asneeded, for business transportations.ReconstructionIn the third quarter of 2007, supply of the first group of Kbkkswagons (digit interval 3414) commenced. This series resulted fromoperational adjustments of two-axled low-sided freight wagon of theKbkks series of construction group 10. An intention of Kbkks wagonadjustment was to remove the sidewalls, stanchions and adjust thefloor. The wagon user will also notice a new structure element, situatedin the floor corners – four pins, which serve for transport of 40-feetcontainers. Maximum loading capacity of the wagon is 25,00 tons,loading length 14,90 m and loading width 2,83 m.In the second quarter of 2008, a gradual supply of the first Lgs wagonseries (digit interval 4425) commenced, which shall have beencompleted by the end of 2009. Loading capacity per axle is 20 tons.The wagon is fitted with four welded steel plates with fixed containerelements (pins). Wagon is intended for transportation of 40-feetcontainers exclusively. Bottom part of the wagon is without a floor(grid). Loading and unloading of goods can be done by special high-lifttrucks, specified for container handling. Maximum loading capacity is29,200 tons, loading length 12,780 m, loading width 2,820 m.ModernizationIn the first half of 2007, the first Hadgs wagon series (digit interval2601) were supplied. This series was a result of modernization ofcovered wagons. It concerns 4-axled covered bogie wagon withthree roof loading apertures and floor unloading traps. By metalplating of wagons of the Hadgs series, we get the wagons suitable fortransportation of bulk grain, requiring weather protection. Maximumloading capacity of the wagon is 55 tons, loading length 15,28 m,loading width 2,60 m, loading surface 40,00 m2, loading volume95,00 m3.During the third quarter of 2007, ZSSK CARGO also received the firstGags wagon series (digit interval 1950). This series was a result ofmodernization of covered wagons. The objective of modernization ofGags series was to acquire the wagons suitable for transportation ofaggressive bulk substrates (salts and fertilizers). In these wagons,adjustments of side doors and wagon interior were made. Wagon withthree roof loading apertures is intended to carry goods on pallets,lump commodities and aggressive bulk substrates, requiring weatherprotection. Maximum loading capacity of the wagon is 57 tons,loading length 15,28 m, loading width 2,50 m, loading surface 40,00m2, loading volume 100,00 m3.Wagon is fitted with couple of diagonally located sliding doors, whichenable the access for cleaning of the interior. The upper frame of thewagon enables fixing of the sheet for protection of goods againstnegative weather conditions. It concerns the Y25 Lsd (1) bogiewagons with loading capacity of 57,6 tons (or 65,6 tons), loadinglength 14,49 m, loading width 2,72 m, loading surface 39,40 m2,loading volume 82,50 m3. Wagon can be operated on tracks of 1 435mm gauge, within international transportations, without any limits.In the first half of 2008, the ZSSK CARGO rolling stock companywas completed by wagons of line Eamos (digit interval 5941) ofconstruction group 56. It concerns four-axled high-sided openbogie wagon with stable front and stable side walls. The wagon isintended to carry bulk and unit loads, not requiring covered space andprotection against weather. It is capable of operating in S mode atloading capacity of 22,5 t per axle. Its structure is reinforced and moreresistant. The wagon body is completely made of metal. Loading andunloading of goods can be performed by mechanical grab and rotationdumpers. Wagon is fitted with a couple of diagonally located slidingdoors, which enable the access for cleaning of the interior. It concernsthe wagons on Y25 Ls(s)d (1) bogies with loading capacity of thewagon 61,00 tons (or 69,00 tons), loading length 11,29 m, loadingwidth 2,72 m, loading surface 30,70 m2, loading volume 64,50m3. Wagon can be operated on tracks of 1 435 mm gauge, withininternational transportations, without any limits.In the third quarter of 2007, supply of first wagons of Shimmns series(digit interval 4668) of construction group 55, commenced. Thiswagon is intended to carry thin steel tin coils.Five beddings for tin coils of different sizes were created. They provideprotection of transported coils by means of variable tipping andwidth-adjustable stanchions. At the same time, variable loading ofcoils of different sizes and diameters (maximum 2,48 m) is enabled,with taking advantage of maximum wagon loading capacity (maximum68,4 tons).Four-axled wagon with a tarpoline cradle is constructed for operationin S mode, i.e. for the speed of 100 km/h. Wagon length over thebuffers is 12,04 m, wagon tare is 21,5 tons. Wagon can be operatedon tracks of 1 435 mm gauge, within international transportations,without any limits.In the third quarter of 2007, supply of the first Habbillns wagons (digitinterval 2780) of construction group 50, commenced. In particular,it concerns the covered four-axled wagons with sliding walls and twosliding dividing walls. It is intended to carry loads sensitive to weatherconditions, large volume goods and loads on pallets. This wagon,with its optimum system of sliding walls, enables the use of variablemechanization during loading and unloading. Loading capacity of thewagon is 53,20 tons (or 61,20 tons at loading capacity per axle 22,50tons), loading length 21,20 m, loading width 2,84 m, loading surface60,30 m2, loading volume 161,40 m3. Wagon can be operated ontracks of 1 435 mm gauge, within international transportations,without any limits.Peter KARASMarketing SectionPurchase of new wagonsIn the first half of 2007, the first wagons of Eanos series (digit interval5375) of construction group 56 were supplied. Four-axled high-sidedopen bogie wagon with high side walls and front flap valves is intendedto carry bulk and lump commodities, not requiring covered space andprotection against weather. It is constructed for maximum loading peraxle 22,5 t. Its structure is reinforced and more resistant, while in thelower part of the body, it is fitted with binding devices to fix the load.

Označovanie a polepovanie vozňov prepravujúcichnebezpečné látky a predmetyMarking and labelling of wagons transporting dangerous substances and itemsV minulom čísle ZSSK CARGO Business sme stručne informovalio jednotlivých triedach nebezpečných látok. V tomto vydaní sa budemevenovať použitiu nálepiek na označenie nebezpečenstva a oranžovéhooznačenia. Na úvod si pripomeňme, aké druhy nálepiek môžu byťv súlade s RID použité:nálepky na označenie nebezpečenstva,nálepky pre posun,doplňujúce nálepkya v neposlednom rade oranžové označenie.Nálepky na označenie nebezpečenstva (pozn.: bez vzorov pre tr. 7)Labels for hazard identification (note: without patterns for class 7)Doplňujúce nálepkyAdditional labelsOstatné nálepky podľa RID:pri preprave látok v zohriatom stave (dopravné/ prepravné prostriedky),rozmer 250 x 250 mm. Platí pri osobitnej podmienke 580 v tab.3.2-A (stl. 6) RID napr. UN 3257, 3256, 3258 (5.3.3. RID)smerovacie šípky – na odosielacích kusoch obsahujúcich kvapaliny,v samostatných obaloch s vetracími otvormi a pod. ( RID)Other labels according to RIDWhen transporting the substances in heated state (means oftransport/transportation), size 250 x 250 mm. Valid under specialcondition 580 in the table 3.2-A (column 6) RID – for example UN3257, 3256, 3258 (5.3.3.RID)Direction arrows – on items to be transported containing liquids, inseparate packages with vent holes, etc. ( RID)Vzor 5.2 platí aj v starom prevedení do 31.12.2010 - LEN žltá podkladová farbaPattern 5.2 is also valid in the original version until December 31, 2010 – ONLYyellow base colourNálepky pre posunLabels for shunting1 05 mmVzor č. 15 / Pattern No. 1574 mmOranžové označeniePríklad oranžového označenia:Oranžové označenie je vyobrazené v tvare zlomku, kde v hornej polovicisa uvádza číslo na označenie nebezpečenstva a v dolnej polovici sauvádza UN číslo prepravovanej nebezpečnej látky.Orange markingExample of orange markingOrange marking is displayed in the form of fraction, where in the upperpart, the hazard identification number is stated and in the lower part,the UN number of transported dangerous substance is stated.Nebezpečná reakcia s vodouSilne zápalná kvapalná látka(bod vzplanutia pod 23 °C)ŽieraváČíslo na označenienebezpečenstvaUN číslo (podľa zoznamu NT ideo acetylchlorid)1 05 mmVzor č. 13 / Pattern No. 1374 mmDangerous reaction with waterStrong inflammable liquid substance(flammability point below23 °C)CausticalHazard identification numberUN number (according to list ofdangerous goods, it concernsacetyl chloride)34/35

When reconstructing, modernizing and purchasing, the interest ofcustomers is taken into account, in particularAccording to approved concept of investments into <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong>rolling stock, a gradual reconstruction, modernization and purchase ofnew rail freight wagons for the company´s needs, has been realized.Also, the business partners of our company have been informed onthe updated conditions of rolling stock. According to the informationprovided by Marketing Section, the customers´ response towards theoffer of wagons was positive and wagons shall be used effectively, asneeded, for business transportations.ReconstructionIn the third quarter of 2007, supply of the first group of Kbkkswagons (digit interval 3414) commenced. This series resulted fromoperational adjustments of two-axled low-sided freight wagon of theKbkks series of construction group 10. An intention of Kbkks wagonadjustment was to remove the sidewalls, stanchions and adjust thefloor. The wagon user will also notice a new structure element, situatedin the floor corners – four pins, which serve for transport of 40-feetcontainers. Maximum loading capacity of the wagon is 25,00 tons,loading length 14,90 m and loading width 2,83 m.In the second quarter of 2008, a gradual supply of the first Lgs wagonseries (digit interval 4425) commenced, which shall have beencompleted by the end of 2009. Loading capacity per axle is 20 tons.The wagon is fitted with four welded steel plates with fixed containerelements (pins). Wagon is intended for transportation of 40-feetcontainers exclusively. Bottom part of the wagon is without a floor(grid). Loading and unloading of goods can be done by special high-lifttrucks, specified for container handling. Maximum loading capacity is29,200 tons, loading length 12,780 m, loading width 2,820 m.ModernizationIn the first half of 2007, the first Hadgs wagon series (digit interval2601) were supplied. This series was a result of modernization ofcovered wagons. It concerns 4-axled covered bogie wagon withthree roof loading apertures and floor unloading traps. By metalplating of wagons of the Hadgs series, we get the wagons suitable fortransportation of bulk grain, requiring weather protection. Maximumloading capacity of the wagon is 55 tons, loading length 15,28 m,loading width 2,60 m, loading surface 40,00 m2, loading volume95,00 m3.During the third quarter of 2007, <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> also received the firstGags wagon series (digit interval 1950). This series was a result ofmodernization of covered wagons. The objective of modernization ofGags series was to acquire the wagons suitable for transportation ofaggressive bulk substrates (salts and fertilizers). In these wagons,adjustments of side doors and wagon interior were made. Wagon withthree roof loading apertures is intended to carry goods on pallets,lump commodities and aggressive bulk substrates, requiring weatherprotection. Maximum loading capacity of the wagon is 57 tons,loading length 15,28 m, loading width 2,50 m, loading surface 40,00m2, loading volume 100,00 m3.Wagon is fitted with couple of diagonally located sliding doors, whichenable the access for cleaning of the interior. The upper frame of thewagon enables fixing of the sheet for protection of goods againstnegative weather conditions. It concerns the Y25 Lsd (1) bogiewagons with loading capacity of 57,6 tons (or 65,6 tons), loadinglength 14,49 m, loading width 2,72 m, loading surface 39,40 m2,loading volume 82,50 m3. Wagon can be operated on tracks of 1 435mm gauge, within international transportations, without any limits.In the first half of 2008, the <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> rolling stock companywas completed by wagons of line Eamos (digit interval 5941) ofconstruction group 56. It concerns four-axled high-sided openbogie wagon with stable front and stable side walls. The wagon isintended to carry bulk and unit loads, not requiring covered space andprotection against weather. It is capable of operating in S mode atloading capacity of 22,5 t per axle. Its structure is reinforced and moreresistant. The wagon body is completely made of metal. Loading andunloading of goods can be performed by mechanical grab and rotationdumpers. Wagon is fitted with a couple of diagonally located slidingdoors, which enable the access for cleaning of the interior. It concernsthe wagons on Y25 Ls(s)d (1) bogies with loading capacity of thewagon 61,00 tons (or 69,00 tons), loading length 11,29 m, loadingwidth 2,72 m, loading surface 30,70 m2, loading volume 64,50m3. Wagon can be operated on tracks of 1 435 mm gauge, withininternational transportations, without any limits.In the third quarter of 2007, supply of first wagons of Shimmns series(digit interval 4668) of construction group 55, commenced. Thiswagon is intended to carry thin steel tin coils.Five beddings for tin coils of different sizes were created. They provideprotection of transported coils by means of variable tipping andwidth-adjustable stanchions. At the same time, variable loading ofcoils of different sizes and diameters (maximum 2,48 m) is enabled,with taking advantage of maximum wagon loading capacity (maximum68,4 tons).Four-axled wagon with a tarpoline cradle is constructed for operationin S mode, i.e. for the speed of 100 km/h. Wagon length over thebuffers is 12,04 m, wagon tare is 21,5 tons. Wagon can be operatedon tracks of 1 435 mm gauge, within international transportations,without any limits.In the third quarter of 2007, supply of the first Habbillns wagons (digitinterval 2780) of construction group 50, commenced. In particular,it concerns the covered four-axled wagons with sliding walls and twosliding dividing walls. It is intended to carry loads sensitive to weatherconditions, large volume goods and loads on pallets. This wagon,with its optimum system of sliding walls, enables the use of variablemechanization during loading and unloading. Loading capacity of thewagon is 53,20 tons (or 61,20 tons at loading capacity per axle 22,50tons), loading length 21,20 m, loading width 2,84 m, loading surface60,30 m2, loading volume 161,40 m3. Wagon can be operated ontracks of 1 435 mm gauge, within international transportations,without any limits.Peter KARASMarketing SectionPurchase of new wagonsIn the first half of 2007, the first wagons of Eanos series (digit interval5375) of construction group 56 were supplied. Four-axled high-sidedopen bogie wagon with high side walls and front flap valves is intendedto carry bulk and lump commodities, not requiring covered space andprotection against weather. It is constructed for maximum loading peraxle 22,5 t. Its structure is reinforced and more resistant, while in thelower part of the body, it is fitted with binding devices to fix the load.

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