CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo

CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo CARGO BUSINESS 3-08.indd - ZSSK Cargo


Transportation of goods between ÖBB and ZSSK CARGO is stable,even though a more important cooperation only started after 1989Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) are a holding company, while thedirect partner of company ZSSK CARGO is one of five subsidiaries– company Rail Cargo Austria, AG (RCA).RCA business is based on three pillars: BEX Logistics (express raillogistics), Cargo & Logistics (transportation of wagon consignments)and Intermodal (combined transportation). This structure providestransportation of all kinds of goods. It is interesting that the forwardingholding has been included in the structures of RCA. This one is able toprovide transportation of goods by all traffic modes.Cooperation also in rolling stock repairsCooperation of ZSSK CARGO and RCA consists in the meetings withinthe Offering Union. These meetings are held two times a year andbusiness and operational issues are resolved here.A last year´smeeting of Rail Cargo Club representatives (Union of forwarders forsupport of transportations of wagon consignments by rail) with ZSSKCARGO Trade Division managers is also worth mentioning.Another example of cooperation between the two railway companiesis the certification of Bratislava Východ wagon repairs workplace.Initially, the Austrian partner expressed the interest only in turning ofwheelsets. After examination of relevant documentation, the Austrianpartner decided to certify the entire workplace. The certificate is validfor four years for all works related to repairs of rolling stock with codeof registration country 81, i.e. Austria.Stable transportationsComparison of periods January – July 2007 and January - July2008 shows a trend of keeping transportation volumes in mutualtransportation of goods between ÖBB and ZSSK CARGO via BCSBratislava Východ. For the monitored period in 2007 and 2008,import and transit to Slovakia reached the level of 460 thousand tonsof goods. As far as imported commodities, chemical products andcomponents for automotive industry are the dominant ones.In export and transit to Austria, there was a slight decrease oftransportation volumes from 1.62 million tons for the first sevenmonths in 2007 to almost 1.55 million tons in 2008. Most transportedcommodity to Austria in transit across the Slovak territory is iron ore;In export, oil products, metals and wood are dominant.Touareg-ExpressOne example of mutual cooperation in the field of automotive is thetrain Touareg-Express. This product is a typical example of just-intimetransportations and at the same time, a railway alternativefor transportations of components to manufacturing plants andfinal products (automobiles) from factories. The increase in ÖBBtransportations was also influenced by effective measures within thestate transport policy, aiming at protection of environment. Accordingto available information provided by ÖBB, each Touareg-Express savesthe environment by almost 3 tons of CO2 and by 50 lorries.ZSSK CARGO TOP customers include the following companies:Express-Interfracht, Internationale Spedition GmbH Wien; SchenkerRailog GmbH Wien; Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo GmbH Wien;Chemfreight, Transport, Logistik & Waggonvermietung GmbH Wienand Stora Enso Timber Logistics Brand.Monika SCHMIDTOVÁCommunication Team

Míľniky železničnej spolupráce medziRakúskom a SlovenskomMilestones of rail cooperation between Austria and SlovakiaRok 2008 sa nesie v znamení mnohých významných udalostí, ktoré satýkajú histórie železničnej dopravy na Slovensku. Najstaršia udalosť sadatuje z 20. augusta 1848. V tento významný deň prišiel po novovybudovanejtrati Uhorskej centrálnej železnice do Bratislavy, a tým naúzemie dnešného Slovenska, prvý parný vlak. Natrvalo tak koľajnicespojili Bratislavu s Viedňou, Slovensko s Európou.Na druhom konci pomyselného dejinného oblúka bol pád železnej oponyv roku 1989, odkedy sa vzájomná výmena tovaru po železnici začalavýznamne rozvíjať a na sklonku roku 2000 dosiahla viac ako4 milióny ton.Tento vývoj si vyžiadal vybudovať ďalšie moderné koľajové spojeniemedzi Rakúskom a Slovenskom cez Parndorf – Kittsee z bratislavskejPetržalky. Prvý vlak po tejto trati prešiel 1. júna 1998. Keďže paralelnes novým prechodom funguje aj pôvodný prechod Devínska Nová Ves– Marchegg, bolo potrebné vybudovať spoločnú pohraničnú priechodovústanicu, ktorá sa nachádza na stanici Bratislava východ. V jednejadministratívnej budove tak sídli medzinárodná osádka: zamestnanciZSSK CARGO i rakúski zamestnanci z ÖBB. Tí zabezpečujú vzájomnéodovzdávanie i preberanie zásielok.(ms)The year 2008 is a year of distinctive features, concerning a number ofsignificant events which are related to history of rail traffic in Slovakia.The oldest event dates back to August 20, 1848. On this importantday, the first steam train arrived in Bratislava, and so in the territoryof present Slovakia on the newly-constructed track of Central railwayof Hungary. This track has permanently connected Bratislava withVienna, Slovakia with Europe.On the other end of this historic path, we observed the iron curtainfall in 1989. From this moment on, the mutual exchange of goods byrail started to develop significantly and at the end of 2000, it reachedmore than 4 millions of tons.This development required a construction of further modern trackconnections between Austria and Slovakia via Parndorf – Kittseefrom Petržalka (part of Bratislava). The first train, on this rail track,passed on June 1, 1998. Whereas this new border crossing is inoperations along with the old Devínska Nová Ves – Marchegg crossing,it was necessary to build a common border crossing station, whichis located in the Bratislava východ station. In one administrativebuilding, the international team has its base: ZSSK CARGO employeestogether with ÖBB Austrian employees. They provide mutual handoverand takeover of consignments.(ms)20/21

Transportation of goods between ÖBB and <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> is stable,even though a more important cooperation only started after 1989Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) are a holding company, while thedirect partner of company <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> is one of five subsidiaries– company Rail <strong>Cargo</strong> Austria, AG (RCA).RCA business is based on three pillars: BEX Logistics (express raillogistics), <strong>Cargo</strong> & Logistics (transportation of wagon consignments)and Intermodal (combined transportation). This structure providestransportation of all kinds of goods. It is interesting that the forwardingholding has been included in the structures of RCA. This one is able toprovide transportation of goods by all traffic modes.Cooperation also in rolling stock repairsCooperation of <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> and RCA consists in the meetings withinthe Offering Union. These meetings are held two times a year andbusiness and operational issues are resolved here.A last year´smeeting of Rail <strong>Cargo</strong> Club representatives (Union of forwarders forsupport of transportations of wagon consignments by rail) with <strong>ZSSK</strong><strong>CARGO</strong> Trade Division managers is also worth mentioning.Another example of cooperation between the two railway companiesis the certification of Bratislava Východ wagon repairs workplace.Initially, the Austrian partner expressed the interest only in turning ofwheelsets. After examination of relevant documentation, the Austrianpartner decided to certify the entire workplace. The certificate is validfor four years for all works related to repairs of rolling stock with codeof registration country 81, i.e. Austria.Stable transportationsComparison of periods January – July 2007 and January - July2008 shows a trend of keeping transportation volumes in mutualtransportation of goods between ÖBB and <strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> via BCSBratislava Východ. For the monitored period in 2007 and 2008,import and transit to Slovakia reached the level of 460 thousand tonsof goods. As far as imported commodities, chemical products andcomponents for automotive industry are the dominant ones.In export and transit to Austria, there was a slight decrease oftransportation volumes from 1.62 million tons for the first sevenmonths in 2007 to almost 1.55 million tons in 2008. Most transportedcommodity to Austria in transit across the Slovak territory is iron ore;In export, oil products, metals and wood are dominant.Touareg-ExpressOne example of mutual cooperation in the field of automotive is thetrain Touareg-Express. This product is a typical example of just-intimetransportations and at the same time, a railway alternativefor transportations of components to manufacturing plants andfinal products (automobiles) from factories. The increase in ÖBBtransportations was also influenced by effective measures within thestate transport policy, aiming at protection of environment. Accordingto available information provided by ÖBB, each Touareg-Express savesthe environment by almost 3 tons of CO2 and by 50 lorries.<strong>ZSSK</strong> <strong>CARGO</strong> TOP customers include the following companies:Express-Interfracht, Internationale Spedition GmbH Wien; SchenkerRailog GmbH Wien; Gebrüder Weiss Rail <strong>Cargo</strong> GmbH Wien;Chemfreight, Transport, Logistik & Waggonvermietung GmbH Wienand Stora Enso Timber Logistics Brand.Monika SCHMIDTOVÁCommunication Team

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