N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!


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-,""";Scholastic Checkupwith Dr. LeoI like stopping by my school chess club some afternoons when I'm not a volunteerbut I don't know what to do or what role I should take when I'm there.How can I best support my child during the free chess play time?Dr. Leostrongly believesthat scholastic chess clubsshould be open and welcoming to all students. parents.and teachers in the greater school community.<strong>Chess</strong> is a game which embodies human heritage inan algorithmic system that showcases human ingenuity.learning and mental discipline. <strong>Chess</strong> play andpractice are pro-social. pro-educational and pro-family.(USCF)and the Federation Internationale des Echecs(FIDE). For reference. edification. and to provide anorientation to standard chess principles and practices.I quote from some of the relevant rules concerningspectators. parents and audience involvement."Spectators and participants in other games arenot to speak or otherwise interfere in a game." [FIDERules: Approved Manila 1992. FIDEGeneral Assem-Dr. Leo is always happy to see parents engaged bly] "Spectators not playing in the tournament haveand participating in the mental lives of their children. no special privileges." [USCFRules: 20M 1. USCFOf-I am particularly gratified and optimistic when I see ficial Rules of <strong>Chess</strong>. 5th Edition. 2003] "It is highlyparents taking the time and making the effort to at- improper. and warrants ejection from the premises.tend chess club. In so doing. parents signal to their for any spectator to discuss a player's position or timechildren that chess is important. that thinking and management with that player. to point out that it islearning are important. and that they value and con- the player's move. or to talk in a loud enough voice tosider important their child's mental development apart be heard by a player with a game in progress. Spectafrom.and in addition to. a formal education acquired tors. including parents and coaches. may point out irinthe schoolroom. This parental support of a broad regularities to the director in a manner neither heardand ubiquitous life of the mind and heart. indepen- nor noticed by the players. but have no right to makedent of coursework tests and grades. conveys a pow- claims of any kind on behalf of players. If a problemerful message to children that mental exertion and arises during play. a player of any age should undersustainedattention have immediate value and can stand that he or she should promptly stop both clocksbring immediate reward. and see a director. A spectator who makes a claimThe quiet support that parents provide by attend- may be ejected." [USCFRules: 20M4 and 20M5]ing chess club is the greatest gift available to a child at <strong>Chess</strong> is played using the most powerful knownthat moment. <strong>Chess</strong> is sport and sport mandates spe~- forces in the universe: the power of a child's imaginatators.fans. and fan support. However chess. by Its tion and the power of an idea whose time has come.nature. prohibits the possibility of cheering or vocal <strong>Chess</strong>. as you can see. has powerful rules to governsupport (i.e.. kibitzing) during play. In chess. infor- and constrain these forces. As a result. chess procemationis King and imagination and creativity are dures have become a model for regulating human con-Queens. During play. students concentrate deeply and flict and cooperation. <strong>Chess</strong> is recognized worldwideengage in flights of fancy as they imagine their game as the sine qua non of both intellectual achievementin~obeing. Paren~sdo .wellby allo,,":,ingtheir children and a dignified civility in human interaction. ThepretoIndependently ImagIne. create. thInk and solve dur- eminent chess principle is perhaps the recognition ofing play.the individual player as the sole responsible agent and<strong>Chess</strong> play and practice in chess club serve.in part. actor in the conduct of their game. <strong>Chess</strong>. therefore.to simulate and prepare the student for tournament has the potential of teaching. and demonstrating inplay. Tournament play is governed by the Official practice. civil discourse. grace under pressure. andRules of <strong>Chess</strong> of the United States Ch~ss Federation accepting responsibility for one's own actions.20 ' October 2004 <strong>Northwest</strong> <strong>Chess</strong>

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