N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!


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1'1"If'.~,'IjjIi!\I!i''j1IAproposInvitationalfrompage 1325...liJg4 26.lIf4 fl)xe3 27.g3 liJd52s.lIf3 fl)xc31.. ..R~.i.-.i_i. . -" mil16i~ R.5~. .8..48.i~........ ~3.i.D..:D. .- U - ii(;~.R~"" ~1~a bed e f 9 h24.fl)d6 AfS 25.Ab4 hd6 26.Axd6f3 27.g4 lIf6 2S.Axe5 fl)f4 29.q;h1tDh3 30.'iVb4 lIf4 31.Axf4 gxf432.'iVd2'iVxg4 1-0Queen SoGambit DeclinedPeter June (1666)Randy Walther (1800)Lynnwood, Apropos Invitational (3) 20041.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.liJf3 fl)f6 4.Ag5Ae7 5.liJc3 0-0 6.e3 h6 7.Ah4liJbd7S.Ad3 c5 9.cxd5 tDxd5 10.fl)xd5Axh4 11.liJf4 Af6 12.'iVd2 cxd4 13.exd4 liJb6 14.0-0-0 fl)d5 15.Q;b1The second sac in this unclear position,and the one that swayed the judges!Ad716.h4 'iVb617.g4 lIfcS1S.liJxd5exd5 19.95 Ag4 20.Ae2 Af5+ 21.White can't touch the knight, but, amazingly,hedosn't have to.Ad3 Ag4 22.lIdg1 Axf3 23.lIh3Ae4 24.gxf6 'iVxf6 25. lIhg3 '8'xd429.bxc3?26.Q;a1 lIc6 27.a3 lIacS 2s.lIxg7+The right move is 29.fxe6!, which Q;fS 29.'8'f4 lIf6 30.'iVg4 lIc7 31.FRITZevaluates as advantageous for lIgs+ Q;e7 32.Ab5 !fxf2 33. lIeS+White,e.g., 29...liJe2+30.Q;f2lL\xd431. Q;d6 34.'iVgS Q;c5 35.!ffS+ Q;b6 36.'iVxd4.lIf1 flxh4 37.'8'b4 a5 3S.'iVd4+Q;xb529...'8'c6 30.Ae4 '8'xe4 31.lIaf1 b2 39.a4+ Q;a6 40. lIaS mate32.'iVb6 b1='iV 33.lIxb1 'iVxf3 34. -'iVxb7'iVxg3+35.'iVg2 'iVxc3 36.lId1Reti'iVb3 37.lIf1 exf5 3s.lIxf5 'iVd3 39. Michael Lee (1895)flf2 c3 40. lIc5 lIeS 41.lIc7 f6 42. Chris Kalina (1951)'iVa2+Q;hS 43. 'iVf7 lIe1+ 0-1 Lynnwood, Apropos Invitational (4) 2004Afineeffortby both sides, congratulations1.c4 c6 2.liJf3 liJf6 3.g3 d5 4.b3 e6to Geoff for best game! 5.Ag2 Ae7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Ab2 b6 S.d3Ab79.'iVc2tDbd710.liJc3e511.e4d412.fl)e2c513.liJd2Q;hS14.h3liJgS15.f4 f5 16.lIf2 '8'c7 17.lIaf1 fxe4 1S.lL\xe4tDgf6 19.f5liJxe4 20.dxe4 Ag521.Ac1 Axc1 22.EnglishMichael Lee (1895)Randy Walther (1800)Lynnwood, Apropos Invitational (2) 20041.c4 e5 2.tDc3 g6 3.g3 Ag7 4.Ag2 d65.liJf3liJc6 6.0-0 f5 7.d3liJge7 S.Ad20-0 9.lIb1 Ae610.b4 'iVd711.liJg5tDdS12.liJxe6'iVxe613.a4 lIbS14.b51fd715.a5 fl)e616.1fc1 f417.Ah3 g51S.liJe4 h6 19.c5 fl)f5 20.cxd6 cxd621.e3 lIbcS 22..a3 d5 23.Axf5 lIxf5lL\xc1liJf623.'8'e2 a524.g4 a4 25.g5 liJd726.'8'h5'8'd627. 'ifh4axb3 2S.axb3 Ac629.f6 gxf6 30. gxf6lIf7 31.liJe2 lIa232.'lVh5 !fe6 33.tDf4The Italian Gambit & A GuidingRepertoire For White - E4!by Jude Acers and George Lavenis now available through -TRAFFORDPublishingPhone 250-383-6864Toll-free 1-888-232-4444 (Canada & USA only)Order online at www.tra1Tord.com/robotsIO2-0417.hbnlAlso at www.ltallangambilcom<strong>Northwest</strong><strong>Chess</strong>October 2004exf4 34. lIxa2 fl)xf6 35. !lf5 !lxf536.exf5 Axg2 37.I!xg2 fl)h5 3s.lIg5fl)g3 39. lIe 1 h6 40. lIg6 fl)xf541. I!xb6 fl)e3 42. I!xh6+ q;g7 43. lIb6lId7 44. lIe2 d3 45. lId2 fl)c2 46.q;f2fl)a3 47.q;f3 fl)b1 4s.lId1 fl)c3 49.lId2 tl)b1 50.lIg2+ q;h7 51.lIgg6 d252. lIh6+ q;g7 53. lIbg6+ q;f7 54.lIh7+ q;xg6 55.I!xd7 q;g5 56.lId5+q;h4 57.q;xf4 q;xh3 5S.q;e3 q;g4 59.lIdS q;f5 60.q;e2 q;e4 61.q;d1 q;e362.q;c2 q;e2 63.q;xb1 d1=lI+ 64.I!xd1 q;xd1 65.b4 1-0PhilidorEduard Shamilov (2145)Matt Fleury (2102)Lynnwood, Apropos Invitational (4) 20041.e4 d6 2.d4 liJf6 3.tDc3 e5 4.liJf3tDbd7 5.Ac4 Ae7 6.0-0 c6 7.a4 flc7S.'iVe2h6 9.h3 fl)f810.Ae3 g511.dxe5dxe5 12.tDe1liJg6 13.liJd3 11gS 14.f3liJf4 15.'iVd2liJ6h5 16.Q;f2lL\xd3+17.cxd3 tDf4 1S.d4 exd4 19.'iVxd4Axh320.gxh3 lIdS 21.'iVxa7 lL\xh3+22.Q;e1 Draw -Best GameWinnerGeoffGalePhoto by Kent McNallSTATEMENT OF OWNERSHIp, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION1, Publication Titie: NORTH<strong>WEST</strong> CHESS. 2. Pub/. No.: 0146-6941, 3, Filing Date: 9120104. 4, Issue Frequency. Monthly. 5. No. of issues Published Annually. 12. 6. AnnualSubscription Price: $25.00. 7, Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication:Fred Kleist, 2420 S 137th St, SeatUe, WA 98168. Contact Person: Fred Kleist, Telephone206-242-7076. 8. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters or General BusinessOffice of the Publisher: PO Box 84746, SeaUle WA 98124-6046. 9. Full Names andComplete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publishe~ Washington<strong>Chess</strong> Federation, PO Box 84746, SeatUe WA 98124-6046; Edito~ Fred Kleist,2420 S 137th St, SeatUe, WA 98168; Managing Edito~ Eric Holcomb. PMB 342,12932SE Kent-Kangley Rd, Kent, WA 98030-7940. 10. Owne~ Washington <strong>Chess</strong> Federation,PO Box 84746, SeatUe WA 98124-6O46. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and otherSecurity Holders owning of holding 1 percent or more of total Amount of Bonds, Mortgagesor Other Securities: None. 12. Tax Status: NlA. 13. Publication Title: NORTH-<strong>WEST</strong> CHESS. 14. 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