N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess!


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Improving your <strong>Chess</strong>Deja Vu Your Way to Better Tactical PlayI11IIIIII('I11Iby NM Tom RowanNevertheless,mytacticsneededwork(as my games in the recent Oregon StateChampionshippointedoutto me) so I decidedtogive the well known tactics programCT-Art 3.0 a try.After solvinga healthyportion of the1200+exercises, I started noticing a pattern.I'd easily solvea bunch of supposedlydifficult exercises and start feelingcocky. Then I'd run into a supposedlyeasy exercise and I'd stare at it blanklylike a deer caught in headlights.I quickly diagnosed the reason forthose occasional blank stares. Tacticalpatterns I'd never seen before were almostimpossibleto spot.The flip side to that observation waseven more humbling. All those difficultexercises I'd solved so brilliantly - I'dseenthose tactical patterns before. Notthe exact same positions, but I'd seenthegeneralfeatures of the positions before.<strong>Northwest</strong> <strong>Chess</strong>One of the supposedly difficult exerciseswas similar to the diagram below.[This is the latest in a series of articleson improving your chess by NM TomRowan. Earlier articles in this seriesRuy Lopez Birdare available for viewing at Tom s chess Adolf Anderssenwebsite, http://www.tomrowan.com. Max LangeSendyour questions, comments, and suggestionsfor future articles to Tom at 1.e4 e5 2.liJf3 liJc6 3.lLb5 liJd4 4.Bres/au 1859chess@tomrowan.com.]liJxd4 exd4 5.Ac4liJf6 6.e5 d5 7.Ab3If you improve your tactics, you im lLg48.f3liJe49.0-0d310.fxg4lLc5+prove your chess. It's commonto try 11.h1. ...to improve your tactics by solving alotof exercises,but I've always had some7"......86...~objectionsto this approach.For one thing, tactical exercises5B..0.aren't realistic. In a real chess game,there's no "moveandwin" captionto alert~. ...~~you to a tactical opportunity. If therewere, we'd play much stronger chess.Also, I don't think a diagram and2 ~~~~ U u m.~~V4: ~ lft;,solution sticks in your memory as well 1 . .lDm".:.as the experience of playing through aa bed e f 9 hcomplete annotated game. You rememberand learnmore whenthe diagram and 14.gxh5"xf5 15.g41Ixh5+ 16.gxh511...liJg3+ 12.hxg3 "g5 13.lIf5 h5solutionare presentedas part of a larger "e4 17."f3 "h4+ 18."h3 "e1+picture that includes what came before 19.

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