N WEST - Northwest Chess!

N WEST - Northwest Chess! N WEST - Northwest Chess!


ISlava Mikbailuk (WA) scored five points,and defeated Ginsburg in the final roundof the blitz event. The preliminary sectionswere held on the weekend of September18-19.Zaikov lost the first game and drew thesecond. Burnett defeated NM EdwardMcHugh (CT) 1.5-0.5 on Sunday to takethe title of Champion of State Championsand advance to the U.S. Champion-Slav Geller GambitNM Oleg Zaikov (2316)ship (La Jolla, CA;November24 throughDecember 5). McHugh had defeatedGinsburg 2-0 in the semifinals.1M John Donaldson (2417, N. CA)Championship of State Champions (1.7) 2004Bogo-Indian1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tiJf3 tiJf6 4.tiJc3 NM Oleg Zaikov (2316)dxc4 5.e4 b5 6.e5 tiJd5 7.a4 e6 8.axb5 1M Ron Burnett (2431, TN)t2Jxc39.bxc3 cxb5 10.tiJd2 Ab711.h4Ad5 12.h5 h6 13.!fg4 tiJc6 14.tiJe4Championship of State Champions (2.2) 20041.d4 tiJ162.c4 e6 3.tiJf3 Ab4+ 4.Ad2Axe4 15.!fxe4 !ld5 16.!fg4 b4 17. !fe7 5.tiJc3 0-0 6.e3 Axc3 7.Axc3Ae2 bxc3 18.Af3 'ffd7 19.0-0 Ilc8 tiJe4 8.'ffc2 t2Jxc39.!fxc3 b6 10.Ae220.Ae3 tiJe7 21.Ila5 tiJd5 22.Ilfa1 Ab711.0-od612.Ilad1 tiJd713.d5e5Ilc7 23.Ilc1 tiJxe3 24.fxe3 Ab4 25. 14.tiJd2a515.b3f516.a3tiJ1617.!fc2"xg7 Ilf8 26.Ila2 a5 27.Ad1 !fe7 g6 18.tiJb1 Ac8 19.tiJc3 !ff7 20.b428.Aa4+ d829.!lxh6 Ilg830.Ilf1 axb4 21.axb4 iLd7 22.Ila1 g723."g5 31.!ff6+ !fxf6 32. Ilxf6 e7 Ila2 I!xa2 24.'ffxa2 f4 25.'ffa7 tiJe833.Ilaf2 f834. Ilxe6 JAa3 35.h6 26.c5 bxc5 27.bxc5 !fe7 28.c6 Ac8Ac136.Ile8 mate29.exf4 exf4 30.Af3 g5 31.!fa1 g4The following Saturday, Zaikov 32.Ile1 !f16 33..1\d1 g3 34.fxg3 fxg3squaredoffagainst1MRonBurnett (IN), 35..1\13 gxh2+ 36.h1g837.!fa5the first place finisher(8/9) fromthe East!fh4 38. Ile4 !f12 39.xh2tiJ16 40.ina two-gamematchplayedat atime controlofG/60 plus three secondsper move. !fh4+ 43.g1 !ld4+ 44.Ile2 !fh4+ 41.g1!fd4+ 42.h1h1DrawBellingham,W AThe WA vs. BC Match will be playedon Saturday, October 23, at high noon inBellingham at the Pacific Meridian Building,4164 Meridian. The site is graciouslyprovided by Nick Paleveda. The time controlfor the one-round match will be 40/2and SD/l. Below are the teams (as of9/22).WABe1. EricTangbom2. WilliamSchill2472 OliverSchulte2264 Dan Scoones243522913. ElliottNeff4. Nat Koons2263 BobbyMeng2230 BrianMclaren226422465. DavidBragg 2229 Paul Brown 22466. BillMcGeary 2219 AlfredPechisker21927. Robert Ferguson 2197 Joe Oszvald 21728. Bruce Kovalsk 2166 NigelFullbrook 21479. Curt Collyer 2162 Jim Ferguson 212510. Ch. Airapetian 2149 LaszloTegzesor NickPavelda 21302051Lynden,W ANM Elliott Neff played 80 gamesofblindfold chess at the Chess Slam boothat the Northwest Washington Fair, heldAugust 16-21.Nefflosttwoanddrewtwo.On the 21st, he gave a 46-board simut,losingfour and drawingtwo in 2.5 hours.Hefeltthat.he'dplayedtoofast. .2004 FALLCLASSICscholastic~rtwhen:November 20th Where: South Eugene High School, 19thand Patterson, Eugene, OR.What: A USCFrated scholastic tournament infour sections:Premier (Open) Section: Grades K-12,USCFrated over 1200.Four rounds,G/60..:. Registrationfrom 8:00 to 8:45 am. First Roundat 9:00 Sharp..:. Awardsfor 1st,2nd,3rdplace. Best team trophy. Outstanding performance awards.Six- Twelve: Opento grades 6-12 USCFrated under 1200. Fiverounds. Gamein 30 minutes..:. Registrationfrom 8:00 to 9:00 am. First roundat 9:30. Awardsat (approx)5:30 pm.:. Fiveplacetrophies. Best team trophy. Outstanding performance awards.K-Five: Opento grades K-5USCFrated under 1200. Fiverounds. Gamein 30 minutes..:. Registration from 8:00 to 9:00 am. First roundat 9:30. Awardsat (approx)5:30 pm.:. Fiveplacetrophies. Bestteam trophy. Outstandingperformanceawards.USCFmembershipsare required in Premier, Six-Twelveand K-fivesectionsNovicesection: Opento unrated beginners through grade 12.:. Unrated 4-gametournament. No membershiprequired.:. Willbe dividedinto three sections prior to start..:. Registration from 8:00 to 9:30am. Gamesbeginat 10:00am. Awards(approx)4:30pm..:. Prizes: USCFmembershipfor earning 3.5 points or more, plustrophies.Entry Fees: Premiersection $15 by Nov17,$20 at site. Six-Twelvesection $13 by Nov17,$18 at site. K-Fivesection $11by Nov17,$16 at site. Novicesection $10 by Nov17,$14 at site.Bring:Chess board and set (clockif you haveone) and USCFmembershipcard.Latecomersmayenter 30 min.before round 2 with i- pointbyefor round1.Additionalinfo: Jerry Ramey,541-232-0328, j-adoube@efn.orgNorthwest Chess October 200411

ISlava Mikbailuk (WA) scored five points,and defeated Ginsburg in the final roundof the blitz event. The preliminary sectionswere held on the weekend of September18-19.Zaikov lost the first game and drew thesecond. Burnett defeated NM EdwardMcHugh (CT) 1.5-0.5 on Sunday to takethe title of Champion of State Championsand advance to the U.S. Champion-Slav Geller GambitNM Oleg Zaikov (2316)ship (La Jolla, CA;November24 throughDecember 5). McHugh had defeatedGinsburg 2-0 in the semifinals.1M John Donaldson (2417, N. CA)Championship of State Champions (1.7) 2004Bogo-Indian1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tiJf3 tiJf6 4.tiJc3 NM Oleg Zaikov (2316)dxc4 5.e4 b5 6.e5 tiJd5 7.a4 e6 8.axb5 1M Ron Burnett (2431, TN)t2Jxc39.bxc3 cxb5 10.tiJd2 Ab711.h4Ad5 12.h5 h6 13.!fg4 tiJc6 14.tiJe4Championship of State Champions (2.2) 20041.d4 tiJ162.c4 e6 3.tiJf3 Ab4+ 4.Ad2Axe4 15.!fxe4 !ld5 16.!fg4 b4 17. !fe7 5.tiJc3 0-0 6.e3 Axc3 7.Axc3Ae2 bxc3 18.Af3 'ffd7 19.0-0 Ilc8 tiJe4 8.'ffc2 t2Jxc39.!fxc3 b6 10.Ae220.Ae3 tiJe7 21.Ila5 tiJd5 22.Ilfa1 Ab711.0-od612.Ilad1 tiJd713.d5e5Ilc7 23.Ilc1 tiJxe3 24.fxe3 Ab4 25. 14.tiJd2a515.b3f516.a3tiJ1617.!fc2"xg7 Ilf8 26.Ila2 a5 27.Ad1 !fe7 g6 18.tiJb1 Ac8 19.tiJc3 !ff7 20.b428.Aa4+ d829.!lxh6 Ilg830.Ilf1 axb4 21.axb4 iLd7 22.Ila1 g723."g5 31.!ff6+ !fxf6 32. Ilxf6 e7 Ila2 I!xa2 24.'ffxa2 f4 25.'ffa7 tiJe833.Ilaf2 f834. Ilxe6 JAa3 35.h6 26.c5 bxc5 27.bxc5 !fe7 28.c6 Ac8Ac136.Ile8 mate29.exf4 exf4 30.Af3 g5 31.!fa1 g4The following Saturday, Zaikov 32.Ile1 !f16 33..1\d1 g3 34.fxg3 fxg3squaredoffagainst1MRonBurnett (IN), 35..1\13 gxh2+ 36.h1g837.!fa5the first place finisher(8/9) fromthe East!fh4 38. Ile4 !f12 39.xh2tiJ16 40.ina two-gamematchplayedat atime controlofG/60 plus three secondsper move. !fh4+ 43.g1 !ld4+ 44.Ile2 !fh4+ 41.g1!fd4+ 42.h1h1DrawBellingham,W AThe WA vs. BC Match will be playedon Saturday, October 23, at high noon inBellingham at the Pacific Meridian Building,4164 Meridian. The site is graciouslyprovided by Nick Paleveda. The time controlfor the one-round match will be 40/2and SD/l. Below are the teams (as of9/22).WABe1. EricTangbom2. WilliamSchill2472 OliverSchulte2264 Dan Scoones243522913. ElliottNeff4. Nat Koons2263 BobbyMeng2230 BrianMclaren226422465. DavidBragg 2229 Paul Brown 22466. BillMcGeary 2219 AlfredPechisker21927. Robert Ferguson 2197 Joe Oszvald 21728. Bruce Kovalsk 2166 NigelFullbrook 21479. Curt Collyer 2162 Jim Ferguson 212510. Ch. Airapetian 2149 LaszloTegzesor NickPavelda 21302051Lynden,W ANM Elliott Neff played 80 gamesofblindfold chess at the <strong>Chess</strong> Slam boothat the <strong>Northwest</strong> Washington Fair, heldAugust 16-21.Nefflosttwoanddrewtwo.On the 21st, he gave a 46-board simut,losingfour and drawingtwo in 2.5 hours.Hefeltthat.he'dplayedtoofast. .2004 FALLCLASSICscholastic~rtwhen:November 20th Where: South Eugene High School, 19thand Patterson, Eugene, OR.What: A USCFrated scholastic tournament infour sections:Premier (Open) Section: Grades K-12,USCFrated over 1200.Four rounds,G/60..:. Registrationfrom 8:00 to 8:45 am. First Roundat 9:00 Sharp..:. Awardsfor 1st,2nd,3rdplace. Best team trophy. Outstanding performance awards.Six- Twelve: Opento grades 6-12 USCFrated under 1200. Fiverounds. Gamein 30 minutes..:. Registrationfrom 8:00 to 9:00 am. First roundat 9:30. Awardsat (approx)5:30 pm.:. Fiveplacetrophies. Best team trophy. Outstanding performance awards.K-Five: Opento grades K-5USCFrated under 1200. Fiverounds. Gamein 30 minutes..:. Registration from 8:00 to 9:00 am. First roundat 9:30. Awardsat (approx)5:30 pm.:. Fiveplacetrophies. Bestteam trophy. Outstandingperformanceawards.USCFmembershipsare required in Premier, Six-Twelveand K-fivesectionsNovicesection: Opento unrated beginners through grade 12.:. Unrated 4-gametournament. No membershiprequired.:. Willbe dividedinto three sections prior to start..:. Registration from 8:00 to 9:30am. Gamesbeginat 10:00am. Awards(approx)4:30pm..:. Prizes: USCFmembershipfor earning 3.5 points or more, plustrophies.Entry Fees: Premiersection $15 by Nov17,$20 at site. Six-Twelvesection $13 by Nov17,$18 at site. K-Fivesection $11by Nov17,$16 at site. Novicesection $10 by Nov17,$14 at site.Bring:<strong>Chess</strong> board and set (clockif you haveone) and USCFmembershipcard.Latecomersmayenter 30 min.before round 2 with i- pointbyefor round1.Additionalinfo: Jerry Ramey,541-232-0328, j-adoube@efn.org<strong>Northwest</strong> <strong>Chess</strong> October 200411

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