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ReferencesCHAPTER 11United Nations, Department of Economic andSocial Affairs, Population Division, World PopulationProspects: The 2008 revision, , accessed October 2010; andUNICEF global databases, accessed October 2010.2United Nations Children’s Fund, Progress for Children:Achieving the MDGs with equity, no. 9, UNICEF,New York, 2010; and Statistical Tables 1–10,pp. 88–129.3Figures provided by UNICEF Brazil, October 2010.4Statistical Table 5, p. 1045Derived from United Nations Children’s Fund, Childrenand AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report, 2010, UNICEF,New York, December 2010, p. 17; and Joint UnitedNations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Global Report:UNAIDS report on the Global AIDS epidemic, 2010,UNAIDS, Geneva, p. 184.6Statistical Table 9, p. 120.7Statistical Table 5, p. 104.8International Labour Office, Global Employment Trendsfor Youth August 2010: Special issue on the impactof the global economic crisis on youth, InternationalLabour Organization, Geneva, 2010, pp. 3–6.9Ibid.10World Bank, World Development Report 2006: Equityand development, World Bank, Washington, D.C. 2005.11United Nations Children’s Fund, Progress for Children:A report card on child protection, no. 8, UNICEF, NewYork, 2009, pp. 46–47; and Statistical Table 9, p. 120.12United Nations Children’s Fund, Tracking Progress onChild and Maternal Nutrition: A survival and developmentpriority, UNICEF, New York, November 2009, pp. 12–14.13World Health Organization, Joint United NationsProgram on HIV/AIDS and United Nations PopulationFund, Seen but Not Heard: Very young adolescentsaged 10–14 years, UNAIDS, Geneva, 2004, pp. 5–7.14Ibid., p. 7.15The Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran, p. 118;Ministry of Gender Equality and Child, Draft ChildCare and Protection Bill, Summary, Ministry of GenderEquality and Child, Government of the Republic ofNamibia, Windhoek, 2009.16Johnson, Carolyn C., et al., ‘Co–Use of Alcoholand Tobacco Among Ninth Graders in Louisiana’,Preventing Chronic Diseases, Practice and Policy,vol. 6, no.3, July 2009.17Pakpahan Medina Yus, Daniel Suryadarma and AsepSuryahadi, ‘Destined for Destitution: intergenerationalpoverty persistence in Indonesia’, Working Paperno. 134, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, SMERUResearch Institute, Jakarta, January 2009.18Diallo, Yacouba, et al., Global Child LabourDevelopments: Measuring trends from 2004 to 2008,International Labour Organization, Geneva, 2010.19Statistical Table 9, p. 120.20UNICEF’s mandate, based on the Convention on theRights of the Child, defines ‘children’ as personsbetween 0 and 18 years of age. ‘Adolescents’ aredefined by UNICEF and partners (UNFPA, WHO,UNAIDS) as persons between 10 and 19 years.The United Nations General Assembly defines ‘youth’as persons between 15 and 24 years of age, and‘young people’ as those between 10 and 24 yearsof age. These definitions were adopted during theInternational Year of Youth in 1985 and have beengenerally used by United Nations agencies and otherpartners. In general, the overlapping use of these definitionsis recognized, with ‘adolescents’ and ’youth’often used interchangeably with ’young people’.In addition to these agreed definitions by the UnitedNations and its agencies, each national governmenthas its own definition and age threshold for children,adolescents, young people and youth.CHAPTER 1 PANELSHaiti: Building back better together with youngpeopleUnited Nations Children’s Fund, ‘Children of Haiti:Milestones and looking forward to six months’, UNICEF,New York, July 2010, pp. 2, 4–5; United Nations Children’sFund, The State of the World’s Children Special Edition:Celebrating 20 Years of the Convention on the Rightsof the Child, UNICEF, New York, 2009, p. 25; UnitedNations Children’s Fund, The State of Latin Americanand Caribbean Children 2008, UNICEF, New York, 2008,pp. 4, 16; Hudson, Lynne, et al., ‘Picking Up the Pieces:Women’s health needs assessment, Fond Parisien Region,Haiti, January–February 2010’, Circle of Health Initiative,Bolton, Mass., 2010, pp. 9–11; Pan American HealthOrganization, ‘Earthquake in Haiti: PAHO/WHO situationreport on health activities post earthquake’, PAHO,Washington, D.C., May 2010, pp. 2, 7; Government of theRepublic of Haiti, ‘Action Plan for National Recovery andDevelopment of Haiti: Immediate key initiatives for thefuture’, Port-au-Prince, March 2010, pp. 36–38; Iezzoni,Lisa I., and Laurence J. Ronan, ‘Disability Legacy of theHaitian Earthquake’, Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 152,no. 12, 15 June 2010, pp. 812–814; UNICEF global databases,, accessed September 2010.Early and late adolescenceJohnson, Sara B., et al., ‘Adolescent Maturity and theBrain: The promise and pitfalls of neuroscience researchin adolescent health policy’, Journal of AdolescentHealth, vol. 45, no. 3, September 2009, pp. 216–221;United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS, SeenBut Not Heard: Very young adolescents aged 10–14years, UNAIDS, Geneva, 2004, pp. 7, 24; United NationsChildren’s Fund, <strong>Adolescence</strong>: A time that matters,UNICEF, New York, 2002, p. 7; United Nations Children’sFund, ‘Adolescent Development: Perspectives andframeworks – A summary of adolescent needs, an analysisof the various programme approaches and generalrecommendations for adolescent programming’, LearningSeries No. 1, UNICEF, New York, May 2006, p. 3.Jordan: Ensuring productive work for youthUnited Nations Children’s Fund, The State of the World’sChildren Special Edition: Celebrating 20 years of theConvention on the Rights of the Child – Statisticaltables, UNICEF, New York, 2009, p. 33; United NationsChildren’s Fund, UNICEF Jordan Annual Report 2009,p. 5; UNICEF global databases, , accessed September 2010; European TrainingFoundation, Unemployment in Jordan, ETF, Torino, 2005,p. 9; The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The NationalSocial and Economic Development Plan (2004–2006),Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, p. 7.CHAPTER 21Peden, Margie, et al., eds., World Report on ChildInjury Prevention, World Health Organization andUnited Nations Children’s Fund, Geneva, 2008, p. 2.2Ibid., p. 5.3Sleet, David A., et al., ‘A review of unintentional injuriesin adolescents’, Annual Review of Public Health,vol. 31, 2010, p. 195.4World Health Organization, Adolescent Friendly HealthServices, WHO, Geneva, 2001, p. 15.Ibid., p .13.5Ibid., p. 14.6UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Child Poverty inPerspective: An overview of child well-being in richcountries, Report Card 7, UNICEF IRC, Florence, 2007,p. 31.7United Nations Children’s Fund, Progress for Children:Achieving the MDGs with equity, no. 9, UNICEF, NewYork, 2010.8UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .9UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at ; andStatistical Table 9.10UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at ; andStatistical Table 9.11UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .12Child poverty in perspective, p. 28.13UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .14UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .15UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .16Conde-Agudelo, A., J. M. Belizán and C. Lammers,‘Maternal-Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Associatedwith Adolescent Pregnancy in Latin America: Crosssectionalstudy’, American Journal of Obstetricsand Gynecology, vol. 192, no. 2, February 2005,pp. 342–349.17Goicolea, Isabel, et al., ‘Risk Factors for Pregnancyamong Adolescent Girls in Ecuador’s Amazon Basin:A case-control study’, Revista Panamericana de SaludPublic, vol. 26, no. 3, September 2009, pp. 221–228.18World Health Organization, Unsafe Abortion: Globaland regional estimates of the incidence of unsafeabortions and associated mortality, 5th ed., WHO,Geneva, 2003.19Grimes, David A., et al., ‘Unsafe Abortion: Thepreventable epidemic’, Journal paper, Sexual andReproductive Health no. 4, World Health Organization,Geneva, 2005.20World Health Organization, Adolescent Friendly HealthServices: An agenda for change, WHO, Geneva, 2002,p. 13.21United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations JointProgramme on HIV/AIDS, World Health Organizationand United Nations Population Fund, Children andAIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report, UNICEF, New York,December 2010, p. 41.22Ibid., p. 45.23Ibid., pp. 43–45.24UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .25UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .26United Nations, Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities and Optional Protocol, ,accessed 22 November 2010.27Statistical Table 6, p. 108.28United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization Institute of Statistics, Out-of-SchoolAdolescents, UIS, Montreal, 2010, p. 10.29Ibid.30United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization, Education for All Global MonitoringReport 2010: Reaching the marginalized, UNESCO,Paris, 2010, p. 74.31Ibid.32Ibid.33Ibid., p. 75.34UNICEF global databases, accessed September 2010.More detailed information on methodology and datasources is available at .35United Nations Children’s Fund, Beijing+15: Bringinggirls into focus, UNICEF, New York, 2010.78THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2011

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