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…TABLE 7Uzbekistan 1100 – 1.9 90 46 – – – 187 1 – –Vanuatu 2620 1.1 x 6.7 -3 – – – – 92 17 2 1xVenezuela(Bolivarian Republic of) 10200 -1.6 0.2 33 4 8 21 5 59 0 22 5Viet Nam 1010 – 6 10 22 4 14 – 2552 3 – 2Yemen 1060 – 1.5 17 18 4 22 19 305 1 4 2Zambia 970 -2.3 0.3 30 64 13 14 4 1086 9 13 3Zimbabwe a -0.4 -1.9 x 62 x – 8 x 24 x 7 x 611 – 19 –SUMMARY INDICATORSGNI percapita(US$)2009GDP per capitaaverage annualgrowth rate (%)1970–1990 1990–2009Averageannualrate ofinflation(%)1990–2009% ofpopulationbelowinternationalpoverty lineof US$1.25per day1994–2008*% of central governmentexpenditure (1998–2008*)allocated to:health education defenceODA inflowin millionsUS$2008Africa # 1500 0.9 2.0 24 44 – – – 39109 3 24 4Sub-Saharan Africa # 1147 0 1.8 33 53 – – – 35689 4 17 3Eastern and Southern Africa 1496 – 1.8 40 51 – – – 19247 4 14 3West and Central Africa 841 -0.5 1.6 23 55 – – – 13937 4 19 2Middle East and North Africa 3029 -0.2 2.4 14 4 5 13 13 20778 3 21 –Asia # 2550 4.2 6.6 6 28 1 5 9 20559 0 17 4South Asia 1092 2.1 4.4 6 40 2 5 12 12161 1 21 8East Asia and Pacific 3748 5.4 7.2 5 18 1 5 8 8398 0 16 4Latin America and Caribbean 7195 1.4 1.6 32 7 7 14 4 7240 0 20 14CEE/CIS 6854 – 2.2 59 6 5 5 7 8303 0 – 17Industrialized countries § 40463 2.3 1.7 2 – 18 4 12 – – – –Developing countries § 2988 2.1 4.6 17 28 3 8 8 86398 1 19 8Least developed countries § 638 -0.2 3.0 53 54 5 13 15 38427 9 12 3World 8686 2.3 2.5 8 26 13 5 11 90064 0 18 9# For a complete list of countries and territories in the regions and subregions, see page 124.§ Includes territories within each country category or regional group. Countries and territories in each country category or regional group are listed on page 124.ODA inflowas a % ofrecipientGNI2008Debt serviceas a % ofexports ofgoods and services1990 2008DEFINITIONS OF THE INDICATORSGNI per capita – Gross national income (GNI) is the sum of value added by all resident producersplus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts ofprimary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. GNI per capitais gross national income divided by midyear population. GNI per capita in US dollars is convertedusing the World Bank Atlas method.GDP per capita – Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum of value added by all resident producersplus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output. GDP per capita isgross domestic product divided by midyear population. Growth is calculated from constant priceGDP data in local currency.% of population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day – Percentage ofpopulation living on less than US$1.25 per day at 2005 prices, adjusted for purchasing powerparity. The new poverty threshold reflects revisions to purchasing power parity exchange ratesbased on the results of the 2005 International Comparison Program. The revisions reveal that thecost of living is higher across the developing world than previously estimated. As a result of theserevisions, poverty rates for individual countries cannot be compared with poverty rates reported inprevious editions. More detailed information on the definition, methodology and sources of thedata presented is available at .ODA – Net official development assistance.Debt service – Sum of interest payments and repayments of principal on external public andpublicly guaranteed long-term debts.MAIN DATA SOURCESGNI per capita – World Bank.GDP per capita – World Bank.Rate of inflation – World Bank.% of population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day – World Bank.Expenditure on health, education and defence – International Monetary Fund (IMF).ODA – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).Debt service – World Bank.NOTES a: low income ($995 or less). – Data not available.b: lower-middle income ($996 to $3,945). x Data refer to years or periods other than those specified in the column heading, differ from the standard definitionc: upper-middle income ($3,946 to $12,195). or refer to only part of a country. Such data are not included in the calculation of regional and global averages.d: high income ($12,196 or more). y Data refer to years or periods other than those specified in the column heading, differ from the standard definition orrefer to only part of a country. Such data are included in the calculation of regional and global averages.* Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified in the column heading.STATISTICAL TABLES 115

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