
Adolescence Adolescence


TABLE 4. HIV/AIDSCountries and territoriesEstimatedadult HIVprevalencerate (aged15–49),2009Estimated number of people(all ages) living with HIV,2009 (thousands)estimatelowestimatehighestimateMother-to-childtransmissionEstimated number ofwomen (aged 15+)living with HIV, 2009(thousands)PaediatricinfectionsEstimatednumber ofchildren(aged 0–14)living withHIV, 2009(thousands)Prevention among young peopleHIV prevalence amongyoung people(aged 15–24),2009orphaneddue to allcauses,2009Afghanistan – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Albania – – – – – – – – – 22 36 55 25 – – –Algeria 0.1 18 13 24 5.2 –

…TABLE 4Estimatedadult HIVprevalencerate (aged15–49),2009Estimated number of people(all ages) living with HIV,2009 (thousands)estimatelowestimatehighestimateMother-to-childtransmissionEstimated number ofwomen (aged 15+)living with HIV, 2009(thousands)PaediatricinfectionsEstimatednumber ofchildren(aged 0–14)living withHIV, 2009(thousands)Prevention among young peopleHIV prevalence amongyoung people(aged 15–24),2009orphaneddue to allcauses,2009France 0.4 150 120 190 48 – 0.2 0.2 0.1 – – – – –

TABLE 4. HIV/AIDSCountries and territoriesEstimatedadult HIVprevalencerate (aged15–49),2009Estimated number of people(all ages) living with HIV,2009 (thousands)estimatelowestimatehighestimateMother-to-childtransmissionEstimated number ofwomen (aged 15+)living with HIV, 2009(thousands)PaediatricinfectionsEstimatednumber ofchildren(aged 0–14)living withHIV, 2009(thousands)Prevention among young peopleHIV prevalence amongyoung people(aged 15–24),2009orphaneddue to allcauses,2009Afghanistan – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Albania – – – – – – – – – 22 36 55 25 – – –Algeria 0.1 18 13 24 5.2 –

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